(JEt3!) J3!z∀JℲ 3p3∀6 J3t3d 0202 (ɔ)

I like athleticism and females who are athletic.


I dislike poiso[п].

I dislike poison.

"being n separated from pp [peter]"

"men seperated from pp [peter]"

Anal sex is disease.

A2M is disease.

Disease in head is insane.

The sustainable pursuit of cпорт is the pursuit of sex; it is to be more sexually viable, to have more sex; to display physiological status as an indicator of sexual performance (and as an indicator of health status); to be more attractive to humans of the complementary sex (opposite sex); to indicate energy availability for sexual activity; to display intensity as an indicator of sexual climax characteristics; to indicate reduced negative implications with sexual interaction; to indicate liveliness; to indicate good racial/genetic characteristics; to indicate individuality (improvement of your most valuable, inherently owned property: your body (and your mind).

The pursuit of athleticism is to be more attractive, and to pursue more and better sex.

Cпорт and athletic status indicates health status: greater athletic ability is a potential indicator of having less disease (disease is disability [present and future]; the word "disease" means "something that eradicates human being being with human being  (blocking human from being with human; which was pretty much the entire agenda of the Being-You-Be-Quiet [Bush] death cult, either on purpose or as a derivative byproduct of their subhuman imposition: this is the natural result of an undefended space, a communist framework, a rapist culture, a misogynist culture, a Hadean culture [plasmid-like fog cloud of sublimated Jew carcasses known as the afterworld... again a lot like modern rapist Hiverc (post freedom dystopia) social culture metaphorically.  Modern American culture, actually Hiverc culture [what was once America], a subhuman Athenian-style communist shit-tarn of subhuman scum, is a disease... think of it as a communal illness that is a cross between cancer, HIV and syphilis (all in their tertiary or latent stages... almost no humans present)].

One purpose of cnopt is to drop ("kill") frauds from stealing identity; somewhat works as most con-artists are lazy (hence then reason why they steal).  Exercise helps to kill disease/cons/frauds/etc; it puts Athenian Jew-song and dance shit heads in quarantine (...if a human courtship paradigm is intact, that a framework of sexual choice is upheld amongst other aspects).  Another name for fraudsters are those who "cop-style" indicating the regional etiology of fraud.  The more a fraud engages in the fraudulent theft of a target's life, the more they become like the target... to continue the fraud the con-artists have to be near to the target and they have to do similar things as the target (this is why collective stalking is always associated with fraud) so as to achieve some degree of superficial validation (so as to maintain the fraud).  By increasing the difficulty of acquiring the characteristics that comprise the target's identity (say by being amazingly good at something), the fraudsters then has to work harder to implement successful fraud: they often fail as they lack the ability (given their parasitic form) and because they are, well lazy.  This is particularly true in cycling because of how lethal the road environment is to subhumans (police, frauds, sin, the insane, faggits, etc.), how important the seises of balance, hearing and seeing are in successful navigation of that environment (safety is ability).  The seises (senses) are largely derived from the concept of a self, fraudsters do not have a strong concept of self, as they are sin frauds, so their seises tend to be numb.  The seises are also associated with feminism, and those who engage in fraud (sin fraud, stalking, theft, etc.), are misogynists.  This means that the road environment is much more dangerous to them; they often adapt the wrong way... they use of Hivis jackets (Hivis means HIVis or Hiver), etc..  They are the disease and they become ash as disease becomes ash.  Another way in which they adapt is by using their communist fraud cells (in Pennsylvania the subhuman police faggits ARE communist fraud cells (mob) so they actually use government resource to steal a citizens life) to attempt to harm the target, via stalking/shadowing, assault, and assault via a motor vehicle, so that the disabled target is easier to fraud (this actually occurred to a ex-wrestler in Easton in the late 90s and he successfully sued the police for many millions of dollars and won).  Always fire communists, fauds are always communists as they steal identity.

The presence of fraud culture negatively correlates with increased sexual discrimination, strong and true courtship frameworks, an upheld framework of sexual choice, and the upheld human right of a person inherently owning his or her own body and mind.  The presence of fraud culture positively correlates with reduced sexual discrimination by females: this is because frauds (subhumans, etc.) are sexually endorsed and thus rewarded for existing in a unattractive total form (frauds, scum, sociopaths, cheaters, banned-performance-enhancer users, etc.).  I hate whores and male-homosexuals and misogynists.

When road cycling, riding the line is taking selective pressure to the next level: it is a great way for Americi to kill those who cop-style (fraudulently steal someone's identity/style) as they, the coppers-of-style, tend not to be able to ride the line as well as both their seises (Hearing [He-is ing], EAR [IAM], seeing [EVE]) and physical condition are compromised by their misogyny... they are usually disliked by those of being, as they are rapist Machiavellian misogynist frauds, and thus they tend to experience substantial selective pressure in the culture of chaos created by their fraud and misogyny, particularly when trying to fraud an athlete.  Sometimes rapist groups, such as road crews, will actually try to paint lines fully across a road to try to block traversal of the road without crossing the line: this represents the basis of their collective culture (collective suicide: they want everyone to die together and to die the same way): subhuman, I would love you give you what you want.

It is also intersting that the line in the USA is wide (indicating that most drivers have a problem seeing... etiology? they rape Eve [sEe] frequently and thus theiir minds decline via the obfuscation that they contribute to Eve's and God's divine order, then their actual sight declines.  Also of note: wide borders indicatie ambuity and poor defense.  Infinitely high contrast borders have an infinitely small line beetween the two sides: both sides have infinitly proficent defense.  If you don't want me to tread on the line/paint, then perhaps you should improve your vision (stop raping women, stop living in sin, stop dumping your corruption [your subhuman cum and cunt smears] intot he realm of God/Eve, stop using government (the subhuiman faggits of force known as the police), etc...  Sense the hatred Jew.  Sense the rage. It is the same rage that drew your kind into the concentration camps: it is the rage of those of life, the living, being persistently offended by Jew parasites corrupting and stealing life, thereby making life harder to live for those who attempt to work towards meeting the expecations of Eve and God.

In rapist culture, cпорт/athleticism is less emphasized in the courtship framework because, well, there is no courtship framework in rapist culture (as a courtship framework is based upon sexual choice, sexual and social discrimination and the requisite aspect of  non-coerced, non-manipulated consent by all parties involved).  In a human courtship framework, where a framework of sexual choice and discrimination are maintained, attractiveness matters because achieving sincere consent matters... a person's opinion matters.

...obvious to human, but not to disease (hence this site)... psst, Jew this is why you are going to be fired.

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