(JEt3!) J3!z∀JℲ 3p3∀6 J3t3d 0202 (ɔ)



(disease is part of dying)

I do not like disease.

I do not like dying.

Jews, Niggers, Faggits (including faggit cunted whores) and Machiavellians (fop, Athenians) Cause Physiological Unsustainability (death).  They trade future pleasure for immediate pleasure.

The contradiction of true life by the culture of the dead (disease, the use of disease as a tool [niggers, fop, commi-MDs, etc.], HIV ie, those of Hades, Jew, etc.) disrupts divine order yielding a contradiction of sustainable existence.  The solution to dying is not coexistence in simmering imposed peace (a huis clos hell) as that is the actual etiology of the problem, the solution is virge ("life is maintained by killing"): the solution is increased discrimination (the expulsion of the dead from the land of the living back into the realm of Hades).  In an effort to advance fairness (via the mitigation of the parasitic life-sucking effect that the semi-dead have on the living/those-of-being), elitist stratifications of culture, if implemented correctly, helps to protect those of being from contaminated being (contaminated by those of lesser being and/or non-being [W, Jew]): the ultimate separation is death, then hell.  Stratification is not required because discretion of the human being is compromised or because of exposure to want/lust, but rather it is required because the vassalization of a host by an infection tends to create an infrastructure that is prone to support and encourage the interests of the infection, that of non-being, that of bush... over and above the interests of the host (human being)(inversion).  Those that (not "who") create the circumstance for the invocation of kying/dying (dying in the etymological sense) are the progenitors of corruption (punks of self-destruction, the punks of non-being [ex: Bush, Jr]), they corrupt divine order (sometimes via earthly order): the faggits of sin (those who attempt to control being with disease) rather than those that respond to the offense via the implementation of discrimination... it's a catch-22.  "You become what you do not defeat" is true, thus the virtuous are required to eradicate disease/misogyny; in-so-doing a contradiction of continuity ensues as they are then dying (dying as described in a standard dictionary)... this is how the Jew dead of the Styx contaminate the land of the living and draw the living onto the Styx and ultimately into Hades.

The behavioral manifestations of infection (Bush), the interplay between culture/etymology, disease and human being, contribute to the lethality of disease: the eradication of the origins of misogyny (Athenian style culture, most US males) to maintain life is the eradication of "y" yet this is then considered to be "dying..." kind of.  This means that the maintenance of life (person-without-end, rather than bureaucratic- order-of-disease-without-end) is the mitigation of misogynist infraction; those infractions are largely caused by the ingress of disease and the contamination of the mind by virulent non-self.

There is no pleasure from any faggit cunted whore (any female who has had more than one sexual partner) that is worth the torment and torture of being bound to her for eternity (Meredith Batcha, Meghan Lewis, Lizzie Dunlap, Heather King, Linnea Wilson, Rebecca Collins, etc.); they are always aggregations of disease and they turn Eden into die-love hell... they are like spiritual/biological LSD; they are collective aggregations of men (disease), they are subhuman, they are infection.  The only influence that supersedes the chaos destruction of the faggit cunt are Thomas Frazier and Jill Frazier; cut from the same fabric as the maggot-filled shit heads that are faggit cunted whores.

Faggits (male homosexuals), Thomas Frazier aside, are probably worse, but I do not know about that and I do not want to know.

Da-is (AIDS) is associated with HIV-win (dying).

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