(JEt3!) J3!z∀JℲ 3p3∀6 J3t3d 0202 (ɔ)

I love Eve

(if she asks

me to love...).

Being is a aspect of life.

Meria is a aspect of life.  Sumeria is an aspect of disease. 

I like health.  I want health.  I dislike disease.  I dislike oil u.  I like pleasure. 

Insane is disease.

INE is an aspect of health.

Persistent orgasm is an aspect of health.

Fat black women are disease.

Lying is disease.

Being Jew is disease.  Jew should attempt to apologize for being Jew.

non-consensual sex is disease.

Being is a aspect of life.

Intellectual rape is disease.
Having sex when sick is disease.

Virtue is a aspect of life.

Prostitution is disease.

Telling a potential sexual partner about your sexual history is probably a bon idea.

Empathy is a aspect of life.

Sociopathy is disease.

Sexual coercion is disease.

Deprivation of pleasure is torture (disease).

Deprivation of life is viol(e) [disease].

Sexual motivation is a aspect of life (so long as it does  not become transactional or manipulative).

Male homosexuality is disease.

Living is part of life.

Virgins est une aspect of life.

Vicarious living is disease; having others covet your life from you is disease. 

Leishmaniasis is disease.

Abuse is disease.

Hades is disease.

Sparta is a aspect of life.

Whore is disease.

Jesus is disease.

Jesis (I Ares) is a aspect of life.

Machiavellians are disease.

HIV Whoreman is disease.

Anal sex is disease.

Bush is disease.     Intensity and passion are aspects of life.     Vagin is a aspect of life.     Penis is disease.     Free is a aspect of life.

This is a picture of an extremely attractive Nazi women.  This picture was taken when the National

Socialists controled Germany (the Third Reich).  I am attracted to this women (as she was then).


Pleasure is a aspect of life.     Transient pleasure (pleasure at the cost of future pleasure) is disease.

Narcotics are disease.      Stalking is disease.     Collective existence is disease.    

Communism is disease.  The W of Jew is disease.  Muslim is disease.  Anointed Jew President-like people (Christians) are disease.  Free speech is a aspect of life.  Access to self-defense is a aspect of life.  Curtailing the impositions of faggits (government) is a aspect of life.  Privacy (IP) is a aspect of life.  Destroying self is a aspect of disease (smoking, HIV, over-exposure, etc.).   Birth control (as upholding a feminist courtship framework and upholding a framework of high form consent) is a aspect of life.  Birth control as medication or condom is a aspect of disease (mitigates immediate implications of sex and tends to reduce the emphasis on medium and long terms implications of sex (biological, spiritual, etc.) in a way that harms female actualization).  Contractual misrepresentation in relationships is disease (makeup, perfume, over-reliance on jew song and dance... falsely presenting yourself is disease.  Bondage, Domination and Torture (as a social and/pr sexual pursuit) is used to introduce rapist culture, and thus Bondage, Domination and Torture (as a social and/pr sexual pursuit) is disease.  Using sex to govern or to manipulate/regulate is disease.  Having sex when HIV positive is disease.  Having sex when insane is disease.  Having sex with the insane is disease.  Having sex when HCV positive is disease.  Having sex when HBV positive is disease.  Hiding medical signs (via makeup and clothing) is disease.

A2M is disease.  A2M is torture.

I am bon (I am being separated from male homosexual rapist controllers).

Poison is disease.

Misogyny is disease.

Being insane is a disease.  Insane should attempt to apologize for being insane.

Sex as a job is disease.

Solo porn is a way to avoid some aspects of sin and disease.

Fat is disease.

Virtue (p) separated from (o) sin (rn) is a aspect of life. (virtue is life).

Virtue (p) with virtue (p) may be a aspect of life.

Sin drawn to ash is a aspect of life.

Carefully selecting and considering the health and wellbeing of your sexual partner is a aspect of life.

Sexual allegiance is a aspect of life.  Sexual betrayal is disease.

Life is about sex and love.

Sexual discrimination is a aspect of life. (sexual slum: the fat, the diseased, faggits, those of controlled being).

Men competing for women is disease.

Virge & maidens competing for me is good for me.

Long-term relationships are a aspect of life.

Virgins are a aspect of life.

Being human is a aspect of life.

Feeling is a aspect of life.

Strength is a aspect of life.

Disease is disease.

The self is good.  "I" is a aspect of life.

Health is a aspect of life.

Sickness is disease.

Cancer is disease. IP is a aspect of life.

Trypanosoma brunii is disease.

HIV is disease.

Masterbation is disease (this is a problem in subhuman, male-homosexual, Muslim, communist shit-hell America... as actual sexual contact is extremely dangerous).

Misogyny is disease.  Every person inherently owns his or her body and mind.  The requisite condition for sex is non-coerced and true (total) consent by all those involved: this is a human right.  Acquisition of superficial consent via sin is no consent at all.  Rape (ra of ip) is disease.  Being controlled is disease.  Virge, Virgins, Maidens & Women are freedom.

Faggit cunted whores are disease.  Most men are rapists.  Most governments are faggit.  Niggers & faggits are HIV (IgG).  Male homosexuality is misogyny.  The restoration of God and the actualization of the IgM (the maiden, the virgin girl) correlate positively.

Seise [the correct form of the word "sense"] is the core of being.  A seise causes feel.  The more prominent the self (the "I") the more feel.  The self is strengthened via borders (skin, the blood-brain barrier, the hymen, sexual choice, a consensual courtship paradigm, etc.) and via the refinement and development of your most valuable property: your body and ultimately, your mind.  I see, ergo I am (Inspired by Descartes)... "I" is requisite for seeing (to view visually, to sense, and to contemplate), and thus Eve is requisite for being.  Seeing is seise, thus the self is requisite for feeling.  Discriminate in a way that advances the development of your self and you will experience greater seise and greater being... in disease, greater seise may mean greater pain, but greater seise is requisite to navigate subhumans out of disease (the culture of misogyny).  Fight for feel.

Seise (similar to sense) is the opposite of leave.  Leave is disease, is nonsense (or nonseise).  Light is the opposite of sight, and sight is a seise... left (a tense of "to leave") is the opposite of right, is the opposite of sight, maybe left and light are the same.  "Mind the light" may actually mean "mind nonsense (or disease)," something that the Quakers do proficiently. The interesting thing is that light is required for sight... maybe because a border requires two states in order to exist, and thus there is a need for Ares... maybe because the eradication of nonsense (light) occurs with seise (the destructive transduction of light into seise).  Does the measuring of something make it real?

Il requires he is.  He is is p ne is.

To hear requires ear, thus sanity (p[virtue]ine[self and mind]), pine, requires ЯR. 

To balance requires ЯR.

Rapists (most police, all firemen, communists, misogynists, subhumans, etc.) attempt to destabilize as a means of advancing rape (force, control), they attack the concept of self ownership (via the mental health apparatus [advancing via the concept that you need their shit-heads to help you manage your most sacred property, your mind], male-homosexual culture, narcotics, rape, chemical warfare, biological warfare, sin, brainwashing, communal-emphasis [including communal notification culture, similar to "calls to prayer"], numbness/deseisitization)... if this develops into an advanced form then they mainly attack via communal audio (communal collective broadcast audio notifications [hence the sirens] coupled with stalking): ultimately, they are working to attack your seise of individuality, your existence, your "I AM" (this means that they attack via the EAR: ER="To be", A="1" (if A-1, extreme human physiological ability)) so as to break the self and mind (the clean mind, which is described as virtuous being or P [virtue] INE [self and mind]... PINE) with their shit-head sin culture based on disease/collectivism/stalking/unauthorized-tresspass/rape, yielding insane (insane = "sin contaminating I NE").  Sin is the opposite of feel.  Faggits are numb, and all subhumans are insane.  Communists are numb.  They are animate dead carcasses that litter the world and always work to shift hot to warm.  They are the kike.  They are the nigger.  They are the faggit.  They are the disease.  They are the dead.  Kill the dead to feel. 

Free expression is right... using that expression to engage in collective stalking and unconstitional tresspass is disease.

Interestingly enough the subhuman are constantly working to implement a "Hear Attack" because they are really trying to advance a "Heart Attack..." my name is Peter (PPis) [in the context of PPis heart then becomes PNEisP or PIP or PP thinking, thus a they appear to hope that a "hear attack" to me, will advance a "hear p attack," a "PNEisP attack" or a "heart attack..."  they are like suicide bombers (mostly Jew, Muslims and male-homosexuals).  They are a disease that is trying to bring down the host; thus all those who are suicidal are the primary suspects (thus primarily male-homosexuals and Muslim jihadiis).  So this is why (in the realm of Hiverc) my enemies are attacking via sound (disease, the suicidal, male-homosexuals, racially defiled, niggers, Jews, Police, EMS, Firemen, Rapists, Misogynists, Muslims, Christians, etc.) and why they are stalking via disease (attacking the concept of "I" via communist culture, collective stalking and other forms of dehumanization).  Suicide via the attack of Peter and/or of Sickelist [cyclist] is illegal... if you attack me you will be brought to ash, but you are not allowed to attack me simply for the purposes of advancing your own death.  If you are a male-homosexual, a communist, or a Muslim jihadi you are restrained from being around me (50 miles)... if you violate this restraining order, you and your families will be fired.

Attackers of seise (feeling):

(A real terrorist cell attacking Meria [being] [they are disease])

Ana Hahner (In G He-is [hear, IAM])  (likely associated with Israel, and likely associated with Alexander Ryan).  Possible that con-artists are corrupting her image.

Edward Cella, Jr.  (ED war G Cell I; extreme communist name)  (likely associated with Alexander Ryan, and may actually be BUSH [Jr].)

Alexander Ryan (Perfect Anger Is Jew a N)  (likely associated with Anna Hahner)

Christopher Peters (likely the grandson of Joe Stalin, an extreme communist... G St I lin) (Stalin was created to kill "I Peter Lin" --> Hitler)  (Christopher [concept] attacks LINNEA [concept] and Peter [me, concept] as his grandfather [concept] did)

Mick Buyers (Associated with the Ryan family, likely a male-homosexual activist, highly involved in NJ State government)

Emma Coburn (Hiver Fucking Separated from Sin, Sin c separated from sin, nc separated from n, ncon, no fucking)

Jose (G SE; numbing agent; associated with the numbing of the senses, senses are required to be; Likely associated with KASS and Meredith Batcha [MB])

Betsy Cepparulo (subhuman/sumer, BFS, GS, ICE, Pig, likely a male-homosexual activist, likely AIDS, likely a stalker who is highly associated with the MG, Evans, Emma Coburn and Islam)

Brenbenner (Subhuman/Sumer, Bethlehem FOP, pig, Linneage: a fireman masquarading as FOP [Charles Rumble]; likely a male-homosexual acitivist and likely associated with Islam)

Evans (Subhuman/sumer, Bethlehem Fire Chief, Likely a communist and likely a male-homosexual activist [seems to be associated with French 3rd Estate culture communist culture], likely ICE/sin, likely associated with Edward Cella Jr., Betsy Cepparulo and Islam).

Charles Rumble (Subhuman/Sumer, Communist Terrorist, Associated with Penner, Northern Bucks County Fire Chief, Likely a male-homosexual, Likely a Free-mason, I think that he is highly Associated with Bethlehem area FD and FOP Stalking, I think that he is highly Associated with ICE, he appears to be associated with Brenbenner, Edward Cella Jr., Evans and Islam).

Zachary Riddle (Past Groundskeeper, Likely associated with BUSH, Likely highly Associated with Charles Rumble, Brenbenner, and Islam).

David East (VD ESP, I think that he is highly associated with all forms of stalking in the Saucon Valley and the Lehigh Valley, I think that he is a male-homosexual activist).

Carol Frazier (Subhuman/sumer subverted proxy of nigger, fop, faggit and other; she appears to be associated with stalking and negative-eugenics)

Jill Frazier (Jail I Frazier, Jail Peter Frazier) (Associated with Jody Lee Lipes)

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