(JEt3!) J3!z∀JℲ 3p3∀6 J3t3d 0202 (ɔ)

WAR - Yes as W or WS?


"Being defended by an enemy is an attack."

freedom + plausibly_deniable_tyranny != freedom

ares = iss  = yy = ys = yes = ws (not us or w) = opposite of hh = 44 = iveive  (Ares is yes and also the opposite of disease)... the origin of war is the conflict between groups who interpret "yes" as "us" (w) and "yes" as "ws" (ww).  "ww" is the opposite, or one of the opposites of "w" thus you begin to see how polarizing and contradictory those two interpretations actually are, AND how they apply when interpreting the word, "war."  WWII (world war II) means "yes is" but the Jew interprets "WWII" as "no is"  and thus there is a basis for war, or "w is" (which then means "no is" but the jew interpret war as meaning "yes is."  ...this then leads to extreme rape culture which inevitably leads to actually fighting war.  Four to them (jew) is fou (insane), but four is actually ive (an anagram of life "vie").  Disease is IVE (4) and IVE (4) blocked (if a-1), thus vie or IVE or IV is requisite for the opposite of disease.  This highly reinforces the interpretation that ares is yes, that no disease is yes, and that 44  and yy is yes.

Has norway caused the problem over the last 14 years (as of 2021)?  Norway means "no" is "yes." They also have a clothing company that is called Helly Hanson with a logo of "HH," from their perspective this would indicate "no."  But probably the TLD of norway, ".no."  ...maybe.

The origin of war is particially reinforced by the male female genetic terminology of XY as male and XX as female when it is actually Xy as male and Xh as female (see "liveodead.png at www.icier.io).  This has to do with 44 or yy as being the opposite of disease, and how this then proves that Ares is yes, yy is yes, and 44 is yes, and the opposite of disease is yes, and that life and life together is yes.

If you exist with the US meaning yes, then you are subhuman.


"da" does not necessarily mean "yes" in english!

How to end a war:

If you think that Ares is life, that "yes" means "ws", then always say "yes yes" rather than "yes" when you mean "ws" (life and life together; yy; 44)... subhuman will tend to interpret "yes yes" as "no" (specific not sensitive)

Is there anything wrong with peace?

...the mitigation of war only exists with the preservation of seperate perspective.

Achtung Jeuden!

A compliment in English is an insult in French... unless you are subhuman.

A compliment in English [insult: -- insusot -- suispno -- amPD -- PPG -- GG (or... suispno --> or wi-pons...  the origin of the word 'weapon' and a reference to 'us as a person' which is both Jew and War), thus a compliment is 'G' (or... ponis... which is funny because of the merian concept of 'impress', which implies 'impersonate' outside of Er [in Er... individuality is extreme, and there is often no internal impressions and no impersonate... I AM WHO I AM!]... where 'impersonate' references 'the perpetual (ate as 8 as infinity) virtue of the pons' which is sort of what happens after someone is impressed by a compliment... except a compliment generates an 'impression' and 'impersonate' in the person complimenting and creates an 'I' in the pons of the person being complimented... this indicates that observed and appreciated achievement is requisite to inspire change endogeonously WHILE also reinforcing the continuity of the person, and associated feature, impressing) (or... Peter --- PT --- PP -- G)] is an insult in French [insult -- insusot -- suisonp -- vuilnp -- ilvunp -- which means 'I see the opposite of money'... unless seeing is killing... like sumer [vumer] yielding gmer, which appears to be the case with subhuman, wherein an English compliment then equates to French money... maybe my name is Pierre, and there will always be fighting between the French and the English: I may have impressed myself.

Interesting that the attack on the DOOOOD [DOD] on 2001-09-11 was actually an insult... as it broke one of the Os, yielding even Os.... DOOOOD [DD]... an insult.  Also interesting that Pittsburg Plate Glass, PPG, is an insult.

Insults in English may generate Jew...

tu-est merde tout-les-temps, Jew! NOUS! NOUS! NOUS! oui! oui! oui!

The New 6-day war... won in less than a week or perhaps comprised of days evermore... thousands of milenia asleep in disease, recovery, defense... the study of behavoiral infectious disease.







Will you think about your contributions to the enemies story?  Will you live life for yourself?  Will you accept the solitude and excruciating lonliness that is individual human continuity?  Will you live and die alone, or will you be a bedfellow as and of disease?

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