(JEt3!) J3!z∀JℲ 3p3∀6 J3t3d 0202 (ɔ)


(E.D.; E.d.; Ed; ed)

"Erectile Dysfunction"

(Non-physiological, rather Social, Cultural, Political, Spiritual, Intellectual, character attributes, form of physiology induced ED)

ED, when applied to me, is a disease, il n'est pas bon.

I do not like ED.


You become what you don't defeat.  Sex is the opposite of defeat (usually).  Choose your partners carefully.  You too could become ED.  Never underestimate the virulence of modern ED; Edward Cella Jis... dangerous.  The terror: seeing the influence in portions of someone, something... ED, interemixed throughout the hosts form, their physical presentation, their non-verbal communication, turned into ED, glimmering tremors of displeasure and torture... an influence, a way, predictable and bland.  ED... it/he can take you out of the game.  In my world, a women tends to be the gate keeper (unless Athenian whoredom is the impinging infraction); imagine the loss of trust when those gate keepers show signs of being contaminated with ED... it's like with their bad decisions, ED is also collaterally imposed upon myself (the only trespass usually not being in the right spot at the right time, that's how bad the women are), for who is there left to motivate toward a higher form... towards being... towards pleasure.  The sad song of a bird without a flock, divorced by apathy and disease... by ED... not that the others were more attractive, but rather that they were willing to do what a real man would not (unwanted sexual trespass, coertion, etc... they mastered art of ED)... sitting back and watching the desecration that is the imposition of their jis (jr/cum) in my world... like a horror show, a world commandeered by subhuman precepts of continuity, subhuman sensibility... the whole thing has fallen into a realm of ED.  I ask for the maidens of Monaco, and in their place I receive the tailings of the torture that is Athenian social imposition.  My form fit and functional, an aBil king without a kingdom.  A maiden, a maiden... my kingdom is a maiden.

A list of human-like things, entities, belief structures, diseases, character attributes, and aspects of cultural influence that are ED (yields an unattractive uninspiring social scene):

(there is a lot of ED... that's what disease is, ED)

Edward Cella, Jr. (Syphillis and Trypanosoma combined) (E.D.) (ED war G Cell I... radical communist disease, probably involved in the destruction of I on 2001-09-11).

Jew NE.

Police (subhuman Kikes)

Counterfeiters (when being money counterfeipers are  idtentity thieves, rapists, police, frauds, etc.)

Oil w, Coil w, Disease, Fire

Dry, cold vagina, coupled with a dry, cold social demeanor.

Meghan Lewis (Average Ares Hydra-Head-Whore Landing Zones)

Marney Dietterich

Kerry Dietterich

Amy Dietterich

Dietterich Family


Corrupted courtship paradigm (one that reinforces the culture of disease rather than the culture of sustainable human-being).

A person who is not focusing on being attractive (mind, body, etc.).

The refuse of rapist America dumped into my world; faggit cunt shit dumped into my world as false compensation for their rape of my kind.

Females who do not feel sexy.

Lack of physical fitness.

Maidens who do not give me, Peter Gaede Frazier, a loud forceful order of, "Stop, get over here" when I cycle around them... if they want to talk to me, ride bikes with me,  go on a picnic with me, etc.

Lack of extreme exercise intensity.  Exercise intensity is an indicator of sexual intensity, which often correlates positively with increased pleasure.  Extreme exercise intensity is OK so long as the intensity does not seriously harm the exerciser.  Endurance exercise can seriously harm if electrolytes are not carefully replenished (particularly in hot weather).  Always get a cardiac ultrasound ($35), to rule out primary cardiac defects, if you are new to exercise, particularly endurance exercise.

A lack of extremely high form females in my, Peter Gaede Frazier's, everyday life... if they want to be here.


Theatrics or acting when having sex; "truth beauty, beauty truth..." (John Keats).  Theatrics obfuscate intimacy and connection when implemented socially/sexually; never act, never fake pleasure.

Fat people (females > 17% body fat, Tanita scale, dual testing: hand and foot sensors)


The sand-boxing and/or blocking of my communication to maintain the false narrative of rapist America (disease, thieves, con-artists, rapists, communists, subhumans, Jew, nigger, wop, faggits, whores).

Poor muscularly-toned people

Sick people

Mediocre people

Andrew Cino

Me, Peter Gaede Frazier, not having sex all the time.

Me, Peter Gaede Frazier, not being good enough... such that females, really maidens, aren't naturally motivated to be extremely salacious, sexy and seductive towards me.

A lack of skirts, g-strings, and/or other forms of sexy clothing worn by females to attract me, Peter Gaede Frazier, but only if she wants to... never out of obligation or to comply.  Real world, not media. 


Lack of seductive female nudity to attract me, Peter Gaede Frazier: real world, not media.  Only if she wants to, ... never out of obligation or to comply.

Smash-and-grab style social and sex cultures.  Similar to social and sexual jihadiism.  Similar to suicidal social and sexual cultures.

Girls and women who do not want to have children with me, Peter Gaede Frazier.  Only if she wants to... never out of obligation or to comply.


Scott Klein

All New Hope area Mestizos

Roman Catholics

Kate Kerr

Nicholas Kerr

Alexander Ryan

Jody Lee Lipes

Obese people having sex


The United States Government

Betsy Ceparulo
Lack of intelligence


Athens (and Athenian style cultures)

Temple whores


Racial Defiling Sex


Vagina fucking faggits (most American men)

Pity sex.


Municipal Government

State Government

Federal Government

Netherlanders (all of them, besides Voss, Schippers, and Broerson).

Force (as in forced actions)

Non-consensual culture.

Male-Male competition for a girl or women (homo)



Modern American Culture (last 14 years)


Life controlled (sin rapist Machiavellian faggits winning)

A government that kills women (most governments)

Breaking of women


Masochism, Torture

Domination (From anyone but virgin girls)

Commercial, Industrial, and Civil pollution

Excessive automobile exhaust

Those with HIV driving (all US).

The sick driving (all US).

The insane driving (all US).


Rapists (most of those in the modern US government) using groups, fake social norms, psychological, psychiatric apparatus to brake, rape and ultimately menialize people, usually women.

Slander, defamation, and other aspects of Jew song and dance culture.

Girls, maidens and women with under-optimized nutritional status

Me, Peter Gaede Frazier,  not being addicted to sexual pleasure, or those interested in me, not being addicted to mutual sexual pleasure.

Almost all groups of people (nearly all groups are faggit)

Male involvement in my social/sexual life

Psychological projection; false blame.

Rape victims (rape is disease); I do not want to fuel the beast (I do not want girls, maidens and women to be sexually abused).



Females as a social/sexual metaphor of a flower (sexually passive, inactive in the pursuit of love, sex, relationships).  This is disease, and an aspect of rapist culture... women are like she-wolves.

E-bikes (theft of reputation, identity, parasitic culture, non-Olympic culture, MIT/Athenian style bullshit interfering with the culture of human being (Sparta, Meria))  I wish women would not have sex with e-bike users or cheaters.  I wish women wouldn't have sex with misogynists.


Compromise of the Olympic ideal; compromise of the spirit of Olympia.

My, Peter Gaede Frazier's, life turning into a temple whore, which is a kill attempt (rape as a weapon).

Less than perfect vision. Eve is god.  20/20 tout l'heur.

Having sex when sick.

Males as gatekeepers of women (misogynist culture, disease culture, rapist culture)

Any type of power orientation introduced in the courtship paradigm (by men or by compromised/raped/subhuman females).


HiVis (Fluoro clothing) [HIVIS = Hiver]; an aspect of HIV culture, but also an aspect of sociopathic social culture, and an aspect of the culture of the disabled.

People who like sin.

A culture where sustainable pleasure is not an important point in people's lives.

Netizens (as vigilantes) (Machiavellian defect, similar to the police)


All forms of disease based manipulation of reality.  Jew convolution of reality.

Bastardize bird songs (homo birds, rapist birds); this means bastardized human courtship, usually via the rape of females.


Police (ppice) not being decapitated (yielding ppoice); police are the antithesis of "peter" otherwise known as "pp."

Rapists not being decapitated.

Frauds not being decapitated.

Machiavellians not being decapitated.

Andrew Rothstein

Michael Reich

Ryan Yokel

Frank-John Kunzier

Seth Barmash

Taking pleasure away from my, Peter Gaede Frazier's, life (via trespass, rape and torture).




The Crown

Jessie Morrell (kike)

British Intelligence

North Korea

Melanie Lewis

Over-exposure of others sexually.



Collective signaling (car horns, train horns, EMS sirens, police sirens, fire sirens) all used to trivialize being (a communist attack on being, on freedom, on Meria).  This is popular amongst the subhumans in the Lehigh Valley (PA) as they are mostly rapists and communist shit heads that have created an entire facade based culture of parasitic imposition, theft, fraud and rape.  This is a form of stalking, that is likely associated with the communal use and normalization of both HIV and Trypanosoma neuro-infections.



Margurite Hachey


Courtship frameworks that pigeon-hole females (temple whore frameworks, prostitution, rapist courtship paradigms of male imposition).


Betsy Ceparulo

Betsy Ceparulo

Betsy Ceparulo

The held belief that the deprivation of pleasure is normal and not torture.

All social workers (MG employed or contracted); part of the subhuman Athenian government apparatus.

The held belief that the de-sexualization of females is normal and not torture/misogyny.



NSI, SIN and INS as INN as IM ("Je sIIs" es bon, bon n'est pas fois; comprende-tu?  ...dangerous to understand.  J'adore adorer, mademoiselle... Je t'am, Seielle à une I... Je t'adore, Merelle, avec zi eye, es belle [diseise es une maladie, comprende?  ...it is hard to understand Seielle].  Je ne vous-adorez pas "mares" ou "nais" parceque ils somm ou sonnn fois, nais tu conais.  Je voudrais a etre dans l'ete perpetuel et je'adore la souleIle.  Je'adore la piscine et la mer avec ma seielle.  .............OU EST MA PETITE-FILLE AVEC ME?i)  Car ou Mer et Sea et sEe, ou "C..". another strange Hiverc + Americi confluency... Il n'es pas "huil," 'il' es "oil w" à ils, c'est la raison leurs yeux ne font pas 5Ee.   Je pense, "nous," quand Je sIIs dans Les Etats-Unis... 

"This is what the preacher said to watch out for..."  -Une Fille avec me.  ...Je n'aim pas disease.

"Peter I love u."  I am Peter not

Jesus  ...I am not HIV. 


The Irish.  If they are truely attractive then they aren't Irish.

Car (non-metabolically-powered and non-muscle-powered automobiles; the word "car" is an attempt by subhuman to equate virtue [Meris] with an apparatus of subhuman transport, a car).

All those who were part of a fraternity in college (usually cunt fucking subhuman faggits).

The purposeful corruption and devaluation of my sense of self and my sense of being (most of Modern America: America actually has entire branches of the government that focus on this... ICE, NSA, CIA, etc.. It is easy to mess things up, it is hard to create, thus cultures of destruction are pretty easy, whereas cultures of human being are hard.

The entire Lewis family.

Attempting to induce ED, coupled with the capacity to induce ED.  This is highly associated with the male homosexual movement, subhumans, the insane, and ICE.


Email fraud.  Communications fraud.  These are important aspects of FOP, male-homosexual and other portions of subhuman culture.  This is disease, as it tends to break contact between human beings.

Thomas Frazier



Vicarious living

Anna Hahner (and Lisa)

Jill Frazier

Christopher Peters


The Police (even off duty)


Alec Gross

David Gross

David East



Jen  Stone (INS Pony)

Rape (and rapist culture)

Stalking (and all stalkers)

Men (sin)

Liars (lyers), Dishonesty (to me, not to faggits)


Having other men define my world; all other men are a disease.  The disease tends to impose a contradictory influence [their chunk of shit faggit cum in the girls head] that mocks (in a homosexually competitive way) all of my efforts and achievements, and tends to reaffirm their subhuman menial culture (rape hell).

Sexual Grooming (male imposition in a female in a way that ostentatiously claims that she is better compromised by men)

Lee Gould

David Berger

Lociis of men (faggit cunt)

The sick.

Cancer Culture.



Abused women or girls (I do not want women or girls abused).

Physiological Under-actualization

Complacency in disease

Using disease to attract a sexual partner.


Nearly everyone with HIV and/or Trypanosoma infections.

Hatred of self.

Nathan Peasley.

Evan Goldstein.

Frank Hamilton McNutt IV

Michael Files

All MaBabas (communists)

All Quakers (communists)

Hell on earth.

Scott Klein


All Jew graduates of George School.

David Shensky

Ian Sandberg


Predatory male-homosexual (including cunt fucking faggit) culture that attempts to wedge into interpersonal relationships as a third party (to be relevant).  Betsy Ceparulo shit heads.


Psychological dissociation.


Multi-personality disorder (Behavioral, late stage AIDS), dissociative disorder.


Cold, unresponsive, shell-shocked, sexually groomed, fake, raped, sin, controlled, internally conflicted females.


Necrophilia, in the context of Americi... largely defined by, "I think therefore I am." (Descartes)


Substantially communally-reliant people.

The use of a psychologist or psychiatrist (these are resources that undermine a person's sense of ownership over his or her being, over his or her mind... the effect is something like brainwashing, and in this culture these kinds of resources are used to brake a female into a menial form so that she can be raped more easily.... they instantiate a standard that is a false, Athenian standard, rather than say the standard of Eve.).

Life as a movie.

A wife without extreme allegiance to truth.


Edward Cella, Jr.

Humor used to prop-up low confidence; theatrical aspects used to try to advance social aspects (little red riding hood, etc.), radical insincerity.  SEX IS NOT A FUCKING JOKE!

Sexual courtship paradigm that is based on anything other than sincere adoration, sincere attraction; convolution of the courtship paradigm with things like prostitution and other forms of obligation.

The insane having sex.

The perception that sex has little to no implications (an alibi of subhuman rape imposition).


Me, Peter Gaede Frazier, not having an extreme desire to have sex.  My female kind not having an extreme desire to have sex with me.


Radical variations of day feel and characteristic (such that debasement occurs); this is an aspect of male controlled sex culture (rapist culture) as what is included in her is not of her choice, but rather the choice of FOP rapist faggits and other rapists.  Sometimes the variation is euro, which I like, but often it is bad (menial, disease, subhuman, Athenian American).

Use of the word, "our."

Use of the word, "we."


Box-cutters (referencing the breakers of hymen to advance power and control); this is Athenian rapist temple whore cultural/practice (radical misogyny) applied to girls.  These references and culture are commonplace in post 2008 US.  This is highly associated with Muslim Jihadi culture of depriving people of free will and using them as weapons (vassals of disease).  Classically depicted in the 2001-09-11 terrorist attacks, where the P La Nes were hijacked by subhumans with box-cutters.


Stealing my estates.  (FOP, Jew, communist, Bush, Subhuman, Nigger, Jill, Quaker, Ex-friends)

Trespassing on my, Peter Gaede Fraziers', estates: all of you subhuman scum.

Taking pleasure from my life via the defilement of my kind (largely by subhuman, FOP, Jew).

The racially defiled.

Formal public education (it does not yield a GED, it is ED).

German communists


Stalkers that have furthered their defect by working in government (all FOP, all executive branch intel).


Fire (ignition based combustion, not including fuel-cell O + H2 recombination, not including endogenous energy generation in the mitochondria, endogenous citic acid cycle or glucose utilization endogenously).  Not including fission or fusion.  There is an entire culture of the insane that worship fire (Zoroastrianism, Azerbaijanis, Thomas Frazier [subhuman shit head]).

Fat black women.

The entire Lewis family.

Electronic television.

News and media (used by collectivists to block individualist departure from Athenian style rapist culture; to meanliaze the population [to create a false concept of normal], as a means to attack those who attempt to depart from that concept of normal [the "American Beauty" threat]).

Margurite Hachey

Barrack Obama

Lizzie Dunlap

Defamatory, Machiavellian, rapist product marketing (amazon, Aliexpress, brick and motor retail outlet products, etc.).  The use of product codes, MPNs and other forms of alpha-numeric etymology to defame or harm the purchaser.

Jimmy Drobnik

Josh Drobnik

non-aggressive females (courtship sense).

Unauthorized trespass to engage socially [failing to use physical world communication (ie authenticated spoken word, authenticated writing, etc) to provide authorization to enter a premises].  This is important because in a social sense, unauthorized trespass in the pursuit of social contact is a metaphor of unauthorized sexual trespass. 


The held belief that girls aren't allowed to be sensual or allowed to experience pleasure... this is reinforced by actual structures of faggit, like government, fop, ICE, sin shit heads, etc..  They attempt to make the claim that de-sexualization is normal and not torture (ie that torture is normal)... This is a form of misogyny and male-homosexual rapist cultural imposition.

A lack of Sparta.

A lack of Merian.

A lack of cat-birds.


A lack of my kind.

Unsustainable human speciation.


Contractual misrepresentation and fraudulent consent (associated with the use of disease, dissociative disorder, to rape via the creation of false consent).


Movies (partaking in movie culture is sometimes used by subhuman to justify the theft of your life [via the creation of a false precedent of a love for vicarious living, and vicarious pleasure].  This includes the use, heavy use, of Youtube.

Disproportional weighting of occurrence or aspects of perspective to aid and abed the creation of a false narrative (usually to advance disease, theft, fraud, or other aspects of male-homosexual culture).

A lack of Norwegian maidens being around me and interacting with me, Peter Gaede Frazier,.. if they want to.

A social scene that does not do things in the context of reality.


Irish, Amish and all other subhuman

Dead cunt (police/Athenian jis)

Oil w, Coil w, Disease, Fire








Nicholas Kerr, Andrew Cino, Evan Goldstein, Jody Lee Lipes (Kike)


Slowness (reduced neuro-muscular quickness and acuity, reduced ability to engage in quick locomotion [athletic movement]).

Roman Catholics.  For many reasons, one of which is that they revel in virtue seperated from virtue, which is a form of disease.  This indicates that they like the decline that is the advance of PRN culture (virtue contaminated with sin).  Either way, they are disease.

A lack of killing.  Virge [virgin]: "Vie [life] is maintained by killing."  Life is the opposite of ED.

Poor hygiene


Renny & Jack (Male-homosexuals in contempt of heterosexuality).

Mick Buyers (associated with the ryans, Jew; in contempt of virtuous heterosexual relationships [PP]).

Communist French (Jew French, theatrical French, 3rd Estate French)

A lack of deep, carnal hunger feeling when in need of food.

A lack of feeling.  A lack of lust.

People adhering to a paradigm of past attraction, in a vain sense, rather than adapting to the current condition by being attractive in the current social paradigm.  Courtship is always towards the restoration of the Garden of Eden.

Birth control (other than the discrimination/choice of the female and male [as distinct and separate biological entities]).

Rapist pedophiles & rapist pedophiles using sex to steal and advance control (phishing for power, fraud, Athenian sex culture, sin as government, rape as government, nigger culture).

Food poisoning.

Edward Cella, Jr.

Being virtuous in devil hell.  When the world is less innocent than me.  Not being the devil in an innocent world.

Poisoning (a weak form of attack that is commonplace in subhuman cultures; this started heavily towards the end of the Bush administration, 2007)

Being exposed to subhuman, even plutonically.

Lack of defense of me.


Females who do not discriminate.

Females who are not "racist."

Females who think racial defilement is a bon idea.


Psychotics d'egalite (the insane, those who force parity, and/or communalize vagina), Athenian style forced equality: a culture that uses its hordes of subhuman to create an anti-human precedent where disease and disability are advanced as being normal... modern subhuman rapist America.


Being surrounded by a population that has failed to live life well.


Sin controlled people.  RC'd people. The insane. 


Andrew Cino

Lizzie Dunlap

Meredith Batcha

Male homosexual sex


Andrew Cino

All governments

Firemen (even off duty)


The Insane


IgG (HIV rapist culture)

Newtown Friends School graduates

Theodore Ryan

The entire Ryan family

Active repulsion in the form of self-defamation

Lack of male and female self-control

Lack of dedication to the continuity of civilization, thus deemphasizing the pleasure of sex.


Pickup Trucks

2008-onwards (really 2001-09-11 onwards)


People as proxies.

Rapist trickery (pen as a metaphor of a penis, and a contract as a metaphor of a female... "do you want to use my pen" advances the rapist shit head culture, etc.).


The entire Lewis family.

Edward Cella, Jr.

Identity theft.

Belief that neutral or normal exists.

Incoherent social culture (no framework in which to succeed).  The vagina is a framework in which to succeed.

Passive women and girls. 

Females socially orienting themselves in a Machiavellian way so as to aid and abed theatrical, insincere victimization for the purposes of attack and/or power gain (Jew Machiavellian entrapment).

Imposition and/or unauthorized-trespass by anyone.

Relevant faggits (those who have raped into my world, stolen my future reward [women, girls, etc.] via contractual misrepresentation and other forms of rape... thus becoming relevant to me because they have stolen my identity.


Female non-recognition of their position as divine authenticators of people (in the context of courtship and sexual interaction)... sexual interaction is endorsement, endorsement of identity... reckless sex (mark of the beast, kind of) almost always leads to the destruction of the self, the soul, someone's "I."


The Irish.

Charles Rumble

Jew E.D.

Me having a husband or husbands (FOP pedophile rapists that rape to be something like my husband); I am not a male homosexual.  The Patriot Act was created to support the imposition of rapist American government faggits for the purposes of preemption (an alibi for the natural consequences of rape culture, of stealing my world, life, women, girls).


Psychotropic pharma (debasement of the mind).


HIV and male homosexuals in government


Not attempting to be attractive.

Not attempting to have sex.

Me, Peter Gaede Frazier, not having a girlfriend (petite fille).

Reduced infatuation with people because the scene is so disease.

Non-athletic cultures

Social & sexual obligation (antithesis of the culture of attraction).


PRN (virtue contaminated with sin; popular in rapist America and every other subhuman realm)

Child PRN (Child virtue contaminated with sin; popular in rapist America and with the FOP)

Scott Klein

Severe doubt of self.

Males as a sexual predators, rather than like flowers (in feminist culture non-disease, non-rape culture] men are socially and sexually passive and are like flowers... meaning women make the approach every time).  This is heavily gamed by subhuman male rapists, to the detriment of feminist men and feminist culture (the culture of God).

Females with minimal ability (not including those who are young, who are developing ability)

Non-solo video sex.  Theatrical masturbation is easy to detect, and the transfer potential of solo pleasure is nearly nil... although it still may be disease (blocks ise with ise).

Those of physical flaccidity.  When muscular tone looks like they do not exercise with extreme intensity.  Those without fight, without intensity, those that have a mind filled with disease (shit heads).  Those who have a compromised life-force; as though a parasitic force/disease is drawing away his or her being, his or her life.


A reality constructed and controlled by rapist men, wherein lineage-similar-females (???) show up in my world like a late stage aberrant effect of both HIV and cancer combined.  When those present are like a lineage similar versions of a real person, but they are not actually that person.  This is ED because I do not want to put my cock in HIV or cancer.  I do not want to put my cock in disease, and lineage similars are viewed to be cancer or HIV.


Lazy people.

Jew song and dance (normalization of mediocrity).

Girls, women and whores considered to be "health resources."  Immunosubversion of HIV: temple whores as "health resources."  This is an aspect of parasitic rapist culture, wherein the disease (other men) are leeching life from the realm of Eve/God.  This is partially emanate from the word root, "itis" to describe a problem; communists use this to implicate privacy as the cause of infection (like Lynn in Waco).


Dismorphic disorder (secondary to sin/rapist imposition) and as an aspect of fraud (an attempt to use sin to block the presentation of one's physical form (mirror, digital content, etc.) [via the nurturing of a deprecated self concept] so as to aid and abed fraud (usually in the form of sexual contractual misrepresentation, a form of rape; as far as I can tell this is what PA police do as a job)... all thieves.


False or theatrical consent.

Manufactured consent.

Implied consent.

Passive consent.

Coerced consent.


Domesticated animals as companions (animals are affectionate and pleasant to have around: that is the problem... they act as a sink for affection, and reduce the need for human contact, thus they tend to demotivate people socially... they block people from being exposed to the harsh realities of loneliness; loneliness being a bad feeling that causes people to fight for their life and their happiness, to fight for being with other people).

Lizzie Dunlap

Animal abusers.

A lack of druid, witch-like, Luciferian maidens being around me and interacting with me, Peter Gaede Frazier,.. if they want to.

A lack of extreme feminists (females who extremely love truth, their health and the continuity of human being) being around me and interacting with me, Peter Gaede Frazier,.. if they want to.

A lack of spontaneity, secondary to a lack of imagination and dreaming.  A lack of light mares being around me, Peter Gaede Frazier, if they want to.  A lack of pony-fish.

Virtue disdained.  Tantric orgasm is not ED.

Dislike of female virgins or female virginity.

Dirty energy (oil w, coal w, diesel w, natural w gas, etc.)

A lack of viqueens being around me, Peter Gaede Frazier... if they want to.

Winter, except when being snowed-in with a maiden.

People having sex on my behalf.  Rapist police, subhuman scum.

Insane Homo sapiens.

Those who destroy the value of money.

All Firemen.  All Local Government.  All Muslims.  All male-homosexuals.

ED inducing product marketing (all US non-food retail products).

Drivers (the operators of non-metabolically-powered and non-muscle-powered automobiles).  Getting someone of virtue to be a driver is a form of PRN [it's a form of brainwashing]... this is why the subhuman have car-like grocery carts in the grocery store.  Same culture that attacked the Trade Centers in 2001.  Subhumans rape condition those of virtue, they are offended by virtue seperate from sin.

Oil w, Coil w, Disease


Stalking.  Particularly stalking by faggit cunt of the FOP and by male-homosexuals.


Anna Hahner linneage similars (presented by rapist American subhuman faggits).

Communists, social workers, shit-heads

Signaling: a manifestation of collective stalking and other forms of torture, dehumanization and harassment.  Notifications of arrival and departure by: MG raped faggit cunt, police, FD, EMS, male-homosexual groups, and other stalkers.  This is also extremely illegal.  Highly prominent in the Lehigh Valley, largely due to FOP disease interspersed within the population (rapist FOP).  Revelry in diseased based collective culture, rather than being in contempt of it: these are the betrayers, the traitors of being... behavioral topographic feature of the subhuman (remember Auschwitz Jew, it can happen again).


The entire Lewis family (including extended family); Melanie Lewis, Meghan Lewis (not referring to "mean Ares the wise," but rather some subhuman milado cunt whore from GS).

Females sexually rewarding/endorsing:  con-artists, frauds, cheaters, subhumans, non-physically fit people, Machiavellians, faggit cocks, scum, disease, rapists, johns, police/fop, firemen, EMS, government workers, male-homosexuals, stalkers, fat people, VDs (drivers, venereal diseases), alcohol users, narcotic users, communists, Jew, Niggers, liars, shit heads, cancer, sociopaths, swindlers, identity thieves, coppers-of-style, the unsustainable, the sick, smokers, fire users, drug addicts, misogynists, and other degenerates.  Application of sexual endorsement to subhuman (partially listed above) extremely demotivates those attempting to live life well, those attempting to advance feminist ideals and culture.


Carol Frazier (not referring to "car separated from sew" which is extremely anti-disease in the subhuman realm of rapist America). Carol Frazier, post 2007, is extremely anti-human, anti-social, anti-love, anti-pleasure, faggit cunted whore.  Cold, ICE, torturous soulless bitch.

Mick Buyers

Leslie Guli

Dirk Dunlap, Sr.

Jane Dunlap

Margurite Hachey

The disabled

Chad Brophy

Lindsey Eudy

George Hawes

The entire Cino family.

The entire Cella family.

The entire Batcha family.

Disease (all diseases)


Male Homosexuals



Compromised endocrinology

Dry skin

Brittle hair

Andrew Cino

Venezuela (all Venezuelans)

All HIVE-like social scenes



ICE (their ICE)



The Suicidal

Social and sexual Jihadiis

Non-socially/sexually oriented culture


Theatrics of sin/disease


Lack of intensity

Dead walking the earth.



Contractual misrepresentation (makeup, perfume, WADA banned performance enhancing drug use, concealing clothing, etc.)


Subhuman subversion of my world.


The insane becoming the prominent government/social influence (largely via rape).


Rape as government (USA, late 2007 onwards).


Defiled Europe

Chemical Warfare

Biological Warfare

Olfactory Warfare

Violators of the Geneva Convention

Untrusted medical resources (controlled by faggit/sin/neuro-infection or collaborating with faggit/sin/neuro-infection)

Sexual treason and betrayal (when the expectation of allegiance exists).

Lack of social/sexual allegiance.

Lack of character.

Lack of spine.

Lack of integrity.

Lack of privacy.

Lack of freedom.

Framework that does not defend choice

Various forms of preemption (all aspects of rape/disease based culture).

Not being addicted to bringing her pleasure.


shit heads

shit eaters

Anal sex



Homo/earthly compensation for the destruction of divine order (Eve's order, God's order).

Lack of the ability to defend oneself with his or her own resources (strength, sharpness, intelligence, firepower, etc.).

KASS (Kappa Alpha Secret Society)

Phi Gamma Delta


Lack of maternal social traits in females.

Lack of empathy.

Those who do not take sex extremely seriously.  Subhumans downplay the importance of sex to wedge into my world.

Gamma Phi Beta (HIV chaos)

Pop (virtue separated from virtue)

A lack of pony-fish doing things with me, Peter Gaede Frazier,.. if desired.

A lack of PETA

Sex between people who are under-actualized; failed courtship paradigm that encourages the continuity of those in under-actualized form, subhuman culture, disease, social jihadiism.


Smoking cigarettes.

Lack of stability, consistency, focus, desire, dedication... lack of pursuit.

Contractors & landscapers.

Women who have sex with men who come to them.  Women who try to facilitate sexual interaction via sin.


Danger, in a socio-biological sense (legal danger, but really biological danger, such as disease).

Narcotic use.

Having foreigners (of culture, not of country) around me (cultural diffusion usually harms me and usually leads to their rape of my kind).  My ICE kills disease.


Me, Peter Gaede Frazier, having no girls to ride bikes with, and having no girls who want to ride bikes with me... or having girls who want to ride bikes with me but are blocked from riding bikes with me (blocked by disease).

The British, particularly British Government (rapists, pedophile rapists, con-artists, frauds, Machiavellian shit heads).

Margurite Hachey

Scott Klein

Con-artists, frauds.  People who try to be like other people.  People who try to indicate that they are me so as to plunder, steal, and take my world.  Similar to Christians as that culture attempts to be like Jesus, rather than attempting to live truly... they are frauds.

Lizzie Dunlap

Disease/stalking based route preparation (a form of stalking); destination preparation: yields a sense of a controlled/sin based reality that is meant to emasculate, and to compromise the feeling of freedom.  Existential attack on being (by subhuman stalkers and other forms of disease).


Sin/disease/neuro-infection based manipulation of people as theatrical impositions in my life; this is radically dehumanizing and is part of extreme rapist, misogynist culture.


ASD style music.

Most music.

Ghetto kazoo mufflers.

Females with the expectation of male approach.  Females that fail to approach due to under-actualization, poor-fitness, etc., not referring to a failure to approach due to dislike/choice/discrimination.

The use of cars to facilitate social/sexual contact.  Using cars to facilitate contact raises K, and is a form of disability/dependency.

Wanting without ever getting.

My life blocked from me (rape, theft, communism, torture).

Limiting female costume/semi-couture days to Halloween.

A lack of me, Peter Gaede Frazier, having picnics with girls... if they want to.

A lack of romance.

Those of ED culture (Jew, communist, nigger, Italian (south), car people, rapists, diseased people, male homosexuals, etc.) that have gotten into my world.

Over-emphasizing a given action or statement in a way that aids the imposition of a torturous reality and/or aids the destruction of my life.  Groups do this frequently (they think that they are more important than they are) and male homosexuals and other degenerates do this so as to aid the continuity of their degeneracy.  Example, they will insincerely interpret a piece of media as being pro-male-homosexual and then use that as an alibi to turn my life into a male-homosexual HIV shit hell, or to rape my females.

The notion that there are secret code gestures that are used by or around road pedal cyclists to facilitate social interaction.

All religious groups.

All male-homosexual groups.  All fraternal societies and groups.  All misogynist groups.

Inability to live life well (in terms of domestic skill).  The use of fast food, preprepared meals, not knowing about food hygiene, not knowing about aspects of nutrition, not knowing how to cook, not having a clean residence.

A lack of me, Peter Gaede Frazier, camping with females... if they want to.


Excessive queerness.  Usually audio based queerness used to break ISE with ISE (introduction of sound based oddity to advance an anti-human ambiance, as part of disease).  This includes odd/queer church bell notes and whatnot.  Similar etyology to the bastardization of bird songs... rape culture.

A list of human-like things, entities, belief structures, diseases, character attributes, aspects of cultural influence, and people that are sometimes ED (sometimes yields unattractiveness):

Emma Coburn

Sarah Silverman

Car culture


Linnea Wilson




Irish (as BUSH, as part of the Being-you-be-quiet death cult; HIV IE, GG IE [dead], HIV Irish, Communist Irish, sin Irish)


Mob, M est bon (sin is cold, M is ete, ete n'est pas fois)

Iranians (I dislike the cold, I dislike Emma)

Rebecca Ruth Collins


Italians (except for Longo-Borgini and Wierer)


Females of other races

AOP (compromise of "I", similar to the Pope)

Lack of physical prettiness (should not be confused with a lack of beauty); conditionally unnattractive because being pretty or handsome in this world is a lot like a death sentence as male and female rapists (FOP and others) tend to destroy those who are physically pretty).

Sandy Morris

Jenny Simpson

Katherine Mitchelle

Lauren Rybas

Lauren Weber

Video sex


Casual sex (high-risk, suicidal sex culture); in the distant past, 15 years ago, casual sex was not a problem, but in a rapist culture casual sex is extremely dangerous.

The queen of england; stems from the framing of feminism, and power in relation to femininity.  Does parity with males always mean feminism?

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