"The [enemy] is coming!  The [enemy] is coming!"

-Paul Revere


Being-You-Be-Quiet (Bush) Death Colt

(Jew cunt Meredith Batcha)

...Like an Athenian "cult."

(is harm and is a disease)

I do not like BUSH. 



Bush don't die slowly, die fast.

The paradigm of retard & rapist (government):

GOVERNMENT: [attempts to attack/govern/rape bird]

BIRD: [flies away]

GOVERNMENT: "Coward bird (if you weren't so quick then I wouldn't be considered a retard)"

...government always attacks capacity and function, as government is homosexual and they measure themselves against others... thus a mitigation of higher reference makes the faggits (government) appear [to their kind] as being more valid... as rapists, narcisism and vanity... self-validation is really all that is important, as they rape... they disrecognize the relevance of rejection in regards to the achievement of their ambition.  Police are shit... they are the definition of retard.

"If they, the being-you-be-quiet-death-colt, accept discrimination in any form then they cannot continue raping as the disrecognition of rape as a violation relies upon a culture of indescretion, this is part of the reason why Jew/nigger/faggit/subhuman are often extremely offended by and attack 'racists' so much: such is the nature of equality in the realms of subhumanity."

Does a reaper kill grass or does it cultivate it?

Do you teach of the human condition to transcend it or to perpetuate it?

Do you have a love affair with disease?  How does a loper lop a bush?  To come into contact with something without intimate exposure... a seeming contradiction.  To authenticate without intrusion, to quantify without coalescence... the philosophical quandries of anything but defense.  The mysteries of the vulture, how does it maintain its identity?  ...the transmogrification of radical death into life, a form of value addition.

The weakness of the being-you-be-quiet-death-colt [roughly something including most Jew] is that they do not attempt to live life, thus they do not really care about threats to their continuity... although the underlying disease that is Jew appears to care about the continuity of that disease overall.  Often when the being-you-be-quiet-death-colt is exposed to an extreme threat [to the being-you-be-quiet-death-colt] those of the being-you-be-quiet-death-colt will simply laugh... they do not seriously attempt to preserve the continuity of any host incorporated into the being-you-be-quiet-death-colt... this will always be part of their nature (they are suicidal and their corrupted risk profile destroys the lives of many human beings [via things like sexual-jew-jihadism, etc.]) and one characteristic that encourages the use of general detainment and extermination to beat back their offenses against man [human], in the past a manifest form of that kind of addressal being the Holocaust in Deutschland.

I do not like death cults.  Koresh did not burn his own building... it was firebombed by freemasons vigilantes who were the police [FOP attackers of the foot, VC users of the shit covered punji], as was the residence of mumia in Philly...  the core organizer of the vigilante attacks: He-who-Burns-Money, otherwise known as Charles Fucking Rumble [CFR, Code of Federal Regulations... again note the loss of the 'O'  from of]... in allegiance with the rapist branch of the KGB, known as CG (the opposite of cog, dumb is not the opposite of smart, and she is retarded)...  the same group that went back to Afghanistan to achieve a mitigation of bolshivick transcendental recovery (GB Jis was part of the rapist branch of the KGB)... Virtue Song (Geranamo otherwise known as Osama Bin Laden) had a beautfiul argument, so beautiful it caused mother Russian to augement her telemety... perhaps he was associated with the French Foreign Legion en route to a corsican victory... hints (back then) of the creation of the FS and the FSB... love, otherwise known as a french victory.  Anyway, Koresh was defending the land of the free, there were no federal agents against him, the entire thing was a free-mason (subhuman) conspiracy... like HC's use of UNC rugby to create a mercenary paramilitary (ultimately reinforcing Bush's ideology), the cum lodged in her retarded brain engaged in previous trickery... the rangers rading Mogadishu... rangers, perhaps, but not of any military rather police rangers reinforcing a vietcong conspirarcy (the FOP destroying a human modernity).  There are many stars on the wall of the pentagon and one reflects Koresh's allegiance to me, a Silver Star awarded to him, posthumously (not a reference to miserei me).

Silent Spring... the quieting of courtship (silencing the bird).  The blocking of life (en englais) is maximal being en francais... mais life en englais is viole en francias... ffoie is life where ffie est ma vie, 4x4 = rapport... vie being the opposite of disease.

Highly associated with Vatican's invasion of the USOA via anti-constitutional theocratic vigilante government... particularly to advance papal directives (such as ex-communication) via us government and military infrastructure (vigilante hijacking of US government resources to advance a religious objective).  Stanford and other attributes of Silicon Valley culture (twitter, ie an attribute of "sing GG") are actually highly associated with neo-feudal roman catholic socialist subversion of the USOA (towards something best described as an anti-merit rape state).  An agenda of the GG (HIV, ie Pope)... the 2001-09-11 terrorist attacks, the attack of the dod (the doooood) was to yield the destruction of God via the destruction of odd (Kike, Christian, Communist, Faggit psychologists and psychiatrists are always part of that attack)... knocking out the outer ring of the pentagon yielding an even (rape) number of rings (dooood) which then yields dd or Pope... the desctruction of God... dd means Harm/adam/HIV.  When kike are present (ie Jew) then Pope is the opposite of the dod, and the Pope becomes a personal enemy of mine, GO6DD [en Frazier, gn est ma vie... Je suis ie (en Francais... avec un peu du Frazier et quand tu vue adore (adore, en englais)), et il est хорошо en Russia ici today), mais, gn is life (en Englais).   Think of 666 as the restoration of immunology such that it destroys the beach head of Haedes in the realm of life... it restores a paradigm such that a person recieves the life that they earn, to the peril of the fraud thieving raping scum: the kike, Christian, commi, Macharvellian & mysoginist (all of whome require the debasement of God to continue on... they require immunosupression to continue on as they are a disease... they like GG).

  • consumption of defecation (shit) - flora movement - hygiene hypothesis - highly associated with trypanosoma - highly associated with Cape Cod Potato Chips - highly associated with male-homosexuals - highly associated with trypanosoma - highly associated with Jew medicine [psychologists and psychiatrists] - highly associated with bastardized bird song and avian neuralgia - highly associated with grocery stores in the Lehigh Valley, particularly Wegmans [weird play on the name 'Meghans'] - highly associated with Meghan Lewis - highly associated with Jill Frazier and Edward Cella Jr. - highly associated with Jody Lee Lipes - highly associated with Andrew Cino - Highly associated with Linnea Wilson - highly associated with Betsy Cepparulo (and the entire Cepparulo family) - highly associated with Nick Kerr - Highly, highly associated with Chad Brophy [chem-biological] - highly associated with the NYPD - highly associated with South Bethlehem scum (including but not limited to: Marsha, Checko, Nehara [really, Nyhara... as she is kike])- highly associated with totalitarian government - highly associated with police - highly associated with phi gamma delta - highly associated with food poisoning - highly associated with Lesli Gueli - highly associated with Maria-Diaz Joves [MDJ, cuban/venezualan/Israeli whore] - highly associated with David East [kike] - highly associated with New Hope [New shit], PA - 'mediterranian' as 'cmode' opposite of 'commode'... Rome hated carthage ('because they had a sewer system that emptied into the 'cmode'?'  ...turning the 'cmode' into the 'commode' ...or 'cmmde' or 'cmcu' or 'c is cu', thus the romans hated carthage because their shit created copper/police... this indicates that police are shit.  Thus the flora movement [shit eating] was an attempt by faggits/Jew to create a police state, AND that food poisoning with shit is actually the means by which police presence is generated in an area.  It is extremely likely that there are Jew who are contaminating food with shit.  Given that there is an ICU [I copper] in the ER rather than an IET, it is likely that subhuman/shit/police/government have substantial influence in the ER which is not supposed to occur... this could be why antibiotics are so difficult to acquire [as they kill shit] (and it is possible that attacks on the 2nd Ammendment by shit [Police] are actually an effort by shit to mitigate things that kill police/shit... freedom-fighters, heroes, liberators, antibiotics, guns, guillotines, etc.)... and why the Lehigh Valley is such a fucking police Jew hole and that most doctors in the LV are actually fake as they are mostly shit/police... this Lehigh Valley Physicians Group's acronym is 'LVPG' or 'LVPD', which equates to '77shit' or 'Jew love shit' ...and they constantly try to get patients to take flora supplements.  The CDC needs to monitor the LV [fake doctors, gorcery-stores, police, etc.] for implementations of food contamination and cultures that are encouraging and advancing a police state by lacing food or drink with shit.  The Lehigh Valley is using biological weapons.  DO NOT CONSUME SHIT IF YOU ARE A NON-GOVERNMENT US CITIZEN - IF YOU WORK FOR THE GOVERNMENT DECAPITATE YOUR PHYSICAL CARCASS, AND I AM NOT YOU.

  • Male-homosexuals & Jew - aka 'faggits' - highly associated with nigger - highly associated with Jew - highly associated with police - highly associated with mysogyny - highly associated with Roman Catholics - highly associated with MITMA and other forms of communications fraud - highly associated with disease - highly associated with the corruption of the medical system - highly associated with whore [faggit cunt] - highly associated with democrats - highly associated with Meredith Hope Batcha - highly associated with Jill Frazier - Highly associated with Alex Ryan - highly associated with Hillary Clinton - Highly associated with Nancy Pelosi - Highly associated with code base attacks [corruption of useful information] - highly associated with torture - highly associated with Betsy Cepparulo - highly associated with the destruction of human continuity - highly associated with the consumption of defection [flora] - highly associated with Athenian Communist Democracy - highly associated with the USN - highly associated with B&H Photo Video - highly associated with DHS - fire to ash.

  • Attacking 15: (1) destroying flight 11 by flying it into a collective entity known as the north tower.  Josh Carrick (so much different from his brother, 'the paradise of cars sick,' Gardener Carrick) was one of the victims... it is not acceptable to destroy being in an effort to transiently revive a Jew into being... it is not ever worth it.  (2) The mirada rights... "you have the right to remain silent: anything that you say or do can be used against you in a court of law."  ...wrong.  The miranda rights were an ABM attack on russian Mirvs... meaning "death to I in peace" (mir means peace in russian, and where peace is defined as the preservation of a perspective) and the destruction of Multiple Independent Reentry Vehicles [an attack on MAD... Mutually Assured Destruction, also known as Virge... Vie is G... virgin].  The miranda rights were created by the FOP to pit the Bill of Rights 5th ammendment against the 1st ammendment... they were a vietcong attack on the USoA... the invocation of one right cannot destroy the recognition of another.  The Vietcong use of disease to interrogate, is a cruel and unusual methodology of information acquisition and creates ambiguity regarding the initiation and survivability of the actual interrogation: innoculation with bioligical compounds of espionage (ie the use of biological weapons to advance politically) such as the use of engineered CPN or trypanosoma, creates many problems: one problem being delineation of the start of interrogation and the subjects ability to perminently nullify the interrogation via the invocation of the 5th amendment (meaning full recovery from the infection).  The preservation of a free US citizen superceeds the interests of tyranny, thus the innovaction of the 5th is automatically initiated to preseve the sanctity and privacy of the self from assymetric [usually mossad/vietcong] based interrogation methodologies.  For example, foreign trained Israeli IDF/MOSSAD agent Matthew Steidel using human-rights violating advanced intorrogation methodologies from foreign military training generates a consititutional and human-rights violation when those methologies/his-efforts are implemented in the USoA (or really anywhere for that matter) (as a side note, those infractions will always be accompied by charges of high treason [carrying the death penalty]).  Furthermore, the use of pathogen to advance persistent interrogation also compliments the tyranny that are the Miranda Rights (likely an indication that the Miranda Rights were knowingly created to aid and abet vietcong interrogation methodologies... if the framing of the 1st and 5th amendments by the Miranda Rights set a legitimate precident, then the exposure to radically assymetric forms of interrogation [including the use of biological agents] would cause the immediate automatic silent invocation of the fifth, which would result in the persistent loss of 1st amendment rights... ie the being-you-be-quiet-death-colt would achieve a freedom [and life] destroying victory... an impossibility in Les Estates Unis, the USoA)... thus the Miranda Rights are wrong, the invocation of the 5th amendment is now persistently invoked for all USoA citizens and their 1st amendment rights are not curtailed... yielding a result wherein evidence eminent from the citizens communication cannot be used by government prosecutors to aid attempts in incarceration.  (3) The 2001-09-11 USN pacific command's attack on the pentagon via flight 177 that originally disembarked from the Bermuda US Naval Air Base which is also partly a civilian airport.  The five rings of the pentagon are not always ordered in the same way, sometimes the inner-most ring is the 1st ring, and sometimes it is the 5th ring... same with the outer ring... dependent upon the orientation of the military to the USoA militias (all USoA citizens).  A self-inflicated attack sometimes occurs in militiary operations and is usually considered to be high-treason, a lesser charge of fratercide, or if the commander is a total shit head, like JFK, then a false-flag (ie the USN's attack on the US military starting the vietnam war, passed off as a false flag, when it was actually the USN Pacific Command engaging in overt high treason).  Self-inflicted attacks are indicative of immuno-subversion, often GG (the killing of killing or otherwise known as HIV, immuno-supression via immuno-subversion... such is the chaos of LD/ED/Mossad).  On the morning of 2001-09-11, at the point of impact into the CIA (The section containing Rumsfeld's CIA auditing accounts who were attempting to determine how much money Alexander Ryan, Benita Ryan and the Pacific Command stole from the DOD), the outer ring was in a strange state... a superposition, wherein it was both the 1st AND the 5th ring... internal war [within the US military].  Thus it was a 15 attack, and the result was turning both rings 1 & 5 into the letter C [a broken ring]... sound familiar? ahhh, yes, the rape of Eve in the garden of Eden by Adam, wherein upon rape she lost her eyes (II) [O, Eve, then became the armian ayb character... in uppercase, the symbol of sodomy... really maximal misogyny... with the syringe removed from her, the creation of U, N, & C... and the backward facing C... the latter quickly mitigated to advance amnesia to hide the subhuman conspiracy... at that point 'reall' meaning God, the opposite of disease, was then redefined as 'real' to confound recovery, thus the love of real is a declaration of the love of Adam/harm/phalacy/GG]... and then saw only disease (ie she saw with the letter C).  Attacking 15 generates exreme harm to vie, but is a good day message for disease.  Still like those UNC niggers, Jew cunt whores? (4) The World Trade Center Attack on 2001-09-11: attempts to knock out the two Is of Americi, explained in other sections of this site.

  • War on Fear [War on a-fraid] (a war on an emotion [a strange concept that indicates Jew or nigger 'reasoning'], similar to that of 'terror') - 'fear' means 'strong being' or 'strong seeing' so a war on fear is a war on strong being or a war on strong seeing - Highly associated with MITMA [man in the middle attacks] fraud - Highly associated with fake towers - Highly associated with MIT - TORTURE AND EXTERMINATE JODY LEE LIPES AND ALL OF HIS COWORKERS, FRIENDS AND FAMILY - EXTERMINATE ANDREW ROTHESTEIN - EXTERMINATE MICHAEL REICH - EXTERMINATE FRANK HAMILTON MCNUT IV - EXTERMINATE ALL GRADUATES OF UNC, PARTICULARLY THOSE INVOLVED IN UNC RUGBY -EXTERMINATE BETSY CEPPARULO - highly associated with Alexander Ryan - highly associated with all cons and frauds.  In topical definition, 'fear' is similar to 'afraid', so the war on fear may actually be a war on afraid, and this may have connotations with fraud and con - Similarities between the word 'afraid' and 'a fraud' [only difference is the 'i' and 'u' ] coupled with the 3rd estate french ['those with defectation in their heads'] concept/word known as 'fou' (roughly it means 'gu' or 'kill sodomy' as 'kill u' as 'kill you' as 'kill jew': the creation of the word 'fou' was a communist attempt to attack the opposite of disease or, 'vie vie', 'ive ive' or '44' [similar to life]... as 'fou' is the result of 'four' or fou-is, thus fou [4] +fou [4] = life; the french word 'fou' is not actually part of the French language but  rather an addition by communist Jew scum, like vietcong [there was a reason why the French colonize the country of Vietnam and attempted to fight rapists there], who use psychological war to rape targets)... thus con-artists use allegations of insanity 'fou' to mitigate hatred of 'a fraud' [as they nigger jew police VC scum call you 'insane' if you dislike 'u' (which is highly associated with 'Iuu' or 'Jew') thus it tends towards the general acceptance of fraud if you are in a context of 'afraid', as the subjects 'you' and 'I' or 'u' and 'I' are sometimes considered to be relatavistic references between two people, BUT 'u' is also highly associated with rape/sodomy/disease as it is the majority component of 'iuu' otherwise known as 'Jew' ...and 'Jew' are sodomy/disease, and as such it is reasonable to reject, or be against, the use of the character 'u' (when possible)] so as to mitigate 'fear' otherwise known as 'afraid' [put differently, the forced acceptance of 'u' [the the socio-politcal effect of 'fou' as a language component... 'the bastardized languange compoenent that is 'fou' implies that if you reject 'u' then you are insane, as communists tend to define 'fou' as insane], in the context of 'a fraud' versus 'a fraid', generates an outcome where there is a rejection of the word concept of 'a fraid' and the acceptance of 'a fraud'... which is highly associated with a flaccid paralysis in response to con and fraud attacks... similar ot the kind of paralysis on the USS Cole after the bow bombing when the ship was ankored in the straight of hormuz... given that the name 'Gary Deleo' (Lehigh University) is associated with flaccid paralysis and the New Six Day War [viol or 00000 varient] attacks, 2001-09-11 being one of them [0009 311], and 2019-11-09 being another [0099 311, which means 'Deleo 311'], then it is extremely likely that Gary Deleo developed the aforementioned attack outlay, and is part of Vatican/Italien/Cepparulo/Cella organized fraud... RICO RICO RICO]... this then generates an apathy rather than an aggressive response to theft, con and the like - highly associated with psychological war [psy-ops] and the Vietcong: Jew notoriously use the weaponization of the medical system to attack targets and steal: the use psychiatrists and psychologists to attack, and they use biological agents to attack.  This is in conjunction with lengthy efforts to homogenize culture so that there is a perception of a false baseline as 'normal': the jew then use that baseline to then leverage attacks via psychiatry and psychology [baseline creation via things like sitcoms and whatnot from the 80s and 90s] - Highly associated with the communist scum that is Christopher Peters - Highly associated with Jill Frazier  [communist scum, similar to that of a meddlingbird in regards to ber parasitism] - psychiatrists and psychologists are always the enemry and are to be killed whenever and where ever possible - highly associated with Vichey France - highly associated with Evan Goldstein, the Goldstein family, b&H Photovideo sunagogue, Jody Lipes and the Lipes family - highly associated with Frank Hamilton McNutt IV - highly associated with Andrew Rothstein - Highly associated with Michael Reich - Highly associated with Betsy Cepparulo - highly associated with Marsha and Checko - Highly associated with Pennsylvania government (rapist cons) - highly associated with the Jew and soviet debasements of the Judicial branch of US government [via Mark Parish, David Shenski, Maria-Diaz Joves, David East, Ryan Murray, Mike Lynn, David Meschov, many Quakers, Christinia Wiskowski, Hillary Clinton, the NYPD, etc.] -  highly associated with Quakers [theiving scum]:  George School, Newtown Friends School, Buckingham Friends School - highly associated with Israel - highly associated with Jonathan Levine (Jonathan, you and your family are going into the ground like Wheeler) - Highly associated with the scum cunt that is Katherine Mitchelle - Highly associated with AleC Gross - Highly associated with Jew -  highly associated with niggers, parcticularly Phillip Crocket and the Crocket family - highly associated with the Johovas Witnesses [JW or Jus]

  • RAPE [that is not an order] - the being-you-be-quiet-death-colt uses rape to govern - the relevance of government correlates positively with the degree to which a population is violated/raped [by that government]: thus the expansion of executive office relevance, and police relevance in the life of US citizens is both correlated and causaully related to the degree to which those government scum have raped the population.  The government IS the terrorist organization destroying the free United States... like mob bosses requesting security payments... left unpaid, their disease then attacks.  There is a solution to that form of extortion: brutally exterminating the extorter via a neo-holocaust.

  • INTERSTATE-COMMERCE-CLAUS VIOLATIONS - Highly associated with shit in human form known as 'FOP' and/or 'police' - interstate commerce claus violations are used to corrupt the deterrant capabilities of US citizens / US militias, they are also used to force US citizens into certain positions so as to exploit/attack and harm them more... these methods are exclusively applied by the US government, particularly the police, and are acts of war when applied - all US government and particularly police who are engaging in market manipulation, communications manipulation, and interstate-commerce claus violations are to have a live round from a baretta discharged through their heads (ie they are to be killed)

  • 'Real-ID' - a form of identification that is meant to create an unncessary burden to interstate commerce [interstate movement via plane], and as such is an interstate commerce claus violation [the ID does not do anything different than a traditional ID or a passport, and is simply a means of introducing a burden to block movement of US citizens... almost exactly like some of the Intolerable Acts that lead to the Declaration of Independence... PA POLICE AND DHS... YOU ARE GOING TO BE EXECUTED FOR HIGH-TREASON] - highly associated with the kike known as 'David East' or 'the Spar of David' and Jew MDJ, Maria Diaz Joves [Israeli Mossad as 77ig] - the name of the ID 'Real-ID' was actually chosen to bias against religions that are antithetical to judeo-christian religion and to bias against those who are deffending the US from Iraeli ingress, where Israel is a Theocratic Jew state [a state that cannot be reconciled with the United States]... this is an indication that those who generated and attempted to implement the 'Real-ID' (where the word 'real' is associated with 'Is-RAEL' which is an enemy of the United States of America.  The term 'real' is also of extreme conflict in a religious sense [Jew interpreation of the Old Testament versus a Luciferian/Feminist Interpreation of the Old Testament], because one of the first things that Adam, from the Garden of Eden, changed after he raped Eve, was the word 'reall' [a reference to both Eve and God, meaning something like 'true perception'], which was changed to 'real' so that every time Eve claimed a desire to be in a 'real world' [free from Adam's phalacy/disease that was raped into her] she was actually making the claim that she wanted to be in an 'a world of phalacy' and thus was raped again by Adam thereby extending the mysogeny) are likely involved in the implementation of a Jew Theocracy in the US and are also involved in high-treason, as they are directly backing the interests of a foreign state in a way that violates elemental law [constitutional law] in the United States of America [the word play advanced in the name 'Real-ID' is consistent with the etymology pertaining to the local government of North Bethlehem, PA (particuarly that pertaining to the 'Parking Authority' which attempts to import the Israeli-Palestinian conflct into the state of PA)] - Exterminate all those that were involved with the creation and implementation of the 'Real-ID' program and ID in the US - Interestingly, the Real-ID is also an attempt to control K-ONE [NE] culture via a license, as the word plane etymologically means 'NE'.  It is extremely likely that One fulton Ave., DHS and police scum, all pedophile rapists, are behind the creation of 'Real-ID'.  Brutally kill DHS.  Highly associated with ABM psychotics.  Highly associated with the faggits of Raytheon. - Fire to ash

  • KIA, FDODNA - Killed In Action, Formal Declaration of Death Not Articulated - The being-you-be-quiet-death-colt uses fraud and con to advance: if someone dies, they, including subserviant governments, tend not to report the death.  The failures in cerminonial burial, formal recognition of death, indicates that Jew, Roman-Catholic, faggit, police, FOP, government, DHS, communists, rapists and the US military in their attempts to define death as life and life as death, have set a human-progressive culture (progression towards the recovery of a human identity [ie the recovery of true life]) back about 50,000 years [roughly to a previous time that did not generally implement cerimonial burial, although then, it was because it was not discovered, wherein now, the lack of implementation is because of rape/con/fraud which is always assocaited with the diffussion of the border between life and death... ie the culture of the Jew, Roman-catholic, nigger, faggit, rapists, etc.] from about 2007, which was the beginning of the current general rejection of cerimonial burial - the niggers use the non-description of death to then create fraud and con serogates so as to manipulate and steal from a target... this is one attribute of the 2001-09-11 terrrorists attacks (even though at the time, it was not a generalized attribute throughout US culture), wherein many agents of the enemy made the claim to many family, friends and associates who knew a person in the towers [above the impact lines] that that person was not actually in their office that day, when in fact they were and they were burnt alive.  They did this because they had agents (body doubles, similar to spies) that assumed the identity of the target, and attempted to continue-on as the target: using that con-artistry to further infiltrate and destroy the highest realms of Americi culture (bizarrely similar to the parasitic relationship between the the Woodthrush and the Meddligbird; and indeed some of those assoociated with the World Trade Center attacks were children that genetically could not have eminated from those who purported to be their parents, yet those families never claimed that those bastardized children were adopted: for example there were no claims (at least to me) that, Jill Frazier, Chad Brophy [possibly], Linnea Wilson [possibly], Rebecca Ruth Collins [possibly], Elizabeth Dunlap [possibly], Christinia Wiscowski [possibly], Alec Gross, Alexander Ryan, were not linneage of their parents, but rather were actually adopted, even though they shared almost no attributes in common with the supposid parents (it is interesting to think about this as something like maternity-ward child-randomization, where that extremely illegal practice may have been a tactic employed in hospitals as an attempt to forcefully racially decentralize / racially-disorient families and the US in general... resulting in the trivialization of ancestry... in a modern context, that, I assume was not a cryptic attempt to corrupt ancestry, but rather a purposeful one: Mitt Romney and his adopted nigger-son [possibly providing insight into a culture/ideology/approach (MIT? Athenian Communist Democrats?) that was behind baby-swapping implementations so as to harm racial-elitism and orientation to ancestry.  It is important to note that the SSSR (CCCP, Soviet Socialist Republic) also engaged in similar implementations of racial decentralization, particularly in the Kalingrad area, by moving entire families from that region to other areas in Russia, so that Prussian nationalist pursuits would be less likely to develop (the Kaligrad region was about as far East as the previous Prussian states reached)... this indicates that the scum fuck known as, Mitt Romney, may actually be a modern ideologue of Soviet Russia])... it is also interesting that several of those bastardized children, synonmous with meddlingbirds, were involved in the destruction of the World Trade Centers AND have been involved in substantial financial fraud in ways that are metaphorically synonomous with the parasitic theft of woodthrush resource by meddlingbirds) [meaning that social organizations, accounts, legal documents (like wills), and other things assoociated with the people above the impact lines (who were supposidly not in their office that day) were hijacked via fraud (things like will re-writing, financial augmentation and other forms of financial fraud)]... the primary purpose was not financial theft, but rather biological intrusion and contamination into extremely elite social circles, wherein the corruption of those organizations aided and abeited the agenda of the disease [synonomous with corruptions of Meria via Sumer infilitration; human-beings via subhuman infilitration; Deutschland via Jew infilitration; Nazi Deutschland via rape of europe infilitration; US militias/citizens via US government infilitration, etc], roughly described as rapist Jew/Vietcong/Roman-Catholics/Police/FOP/government/nigger - DHS has been highly involved in the fraudulent presentation of any form of relevant social influence around one of their targets, so as to block funding, socially manipulate and kill the target; by doing this DHS has achieved the status of 'enemy of the United States of America' as well as other supposidly US government attributes that have engaged in similar forms of attack - YOU WILL ALL BE FIRED TO ASH, NO APOLOGIES WILL BE ACCEPTED

As a side note, KIA, FDODNA is likely part of the reason why reall US marines [from long ago] never left a marine's body behind on a battle-field: that the enemy, subhuman, use ambiguities regarding death to continually attack US marines, US defense and US marine families... those attacks, that ambiguity, helping the enemy take a gigantic leap towards Haedes, wherein many things are askew, including core aspects of US culture such as the equal-application-of-law misconstrued as generalized forced equality (it made the dead shit niggers happier that way)... everybody as fucking insane as Jew, Christian, communists and police... wut an amazing city-on-a-shinning-hill that is.  DIE FAGGIT SCUM.  BURN IN THE CREMATORIUM NIGGER.

Do people like it when nigger culture suplants the culture of America?  Affirmative action... rape: all the magical weirdness of rapist subhuman in the highest of realms, like another hit of mind augmenting and numbing marijuana directly to the head...

  • Attackers of K-ONE - THE DEFINITION OF 'KIKE' - Attackers of [non-rapist] Kinsey-1 - as 'ONE' ['Ne', 'the mind', blocked]- the insane [those who attack the mind] - Highly associated with male-homosexuals - highly associated with ICE - highly associated with whore - highly associated with Jew - Highly associated with One Fulton Ave, NYC (AKA 'One' Tower ...a reference to Machiavellians using the raping of virtue to acquire power) - Primary target of the being-you-be-quiet-death-colt - Highly assoociated with overt male-homosexuals - Highly associated with cunt fucking faggits - Highly associated with whore (those who have had more than a sole sexual partner) - Highly associated with pseudo medicine [pseudo scientific alchemy], particularly psychiatrists and psychologists (research platforms of those endeavors are not scientific as they have too much bias to be considered science), rather than BIDR [behavoiral infectious disease research]), false forms of medical pursuit that are actually destroyers of the mind as those endeavors do not appreciate, nor consider, the pre-conditions of human thought, yet they claim that they are specialists in just that - Highly associated with groups and the notion that a higher truth can be achieved in the averaging of perspectives [cultures of direct democracy, cultures of tradition, etc.] - attackers of hell [hell as 'pneLL' as 'the virtuous love of the mind'] - Highly associated with subhuman - highly associated with Lockian philosophy [all that there is to know is the cum of Adam... that the disease, ie 'condition', affecting human, ie 'the human condition', is all that there is to know], and thus highly associated with aspects of education [usually education as a form of social manipulation... ie 'no child left behind']. - attackers of k1 are engage in modifications of life that actually lead to disease: for example, they work to reduce the presence of phylloquinolone [Vitamin K1] as a dietary supplement and as a nutritional component in food, possibly because it references 'k1' or 'k-one' or 'ne', yet k1 is a necessary human nutrient.  For example disease [MIT. government, faggits and whores (overall, homosexuals)] have compromised the food supply to compliment their rapist, homosexual agenda:  (1) food stores have started providing rotten greens, wherein rotton greens have higher k2 concentrations than non-rotten greens, (2) various stores have actually removed vitamin k1 supplements from vitamin shelves and replaced those supplements with vitamin k2,  It is important to note that the increased half-life of k2 in circulation is actually because it is less physiologically useful than k1... meaning that the body does not need k2, but rather requires k1... k2 and k3 are actually poisons.  The loss of Vitamin k1 leads to many negative health outcomes including, but not limited to, cardiovascular problems [due to compromised GLA matrix synthesis in arteries and veins... causing a lack of slipperiness of vascular structure].  Attackers of K1 also tend towards the mitigation of iodine availability, which like vitamin k1, is a necessary nutrient... this is because 'iodine' means 'iine' which is a reference to 'ne' or 'k-one' - terrorists also block access to planes because planes mean 'ne' or 'k-one' (the 'real-id' identification card generated by the terrorrist group masqarading as US government is an example of the government attempting to formally regulate social lives and relationships by attempting to license people for human, 'k-one', activity, yet the government is 'k-two' and 'k-three', meaning that they are cunt fucking faggits and male-homosexuals, and they are never to be involved in the regulation of 'k-one' culture). Fire attackers of k-one to ash.

  • Infectious Disease Specialists having less relevance in the modern medical framework - Infectious disease doctors contradict the continuity of a Jew culture by effectively treating infectious disease, whereas a Jew culture is the after-effect of a rapist hijacking a human culture, thus infectious disease doctors are similar to opthalmologists in their allegiance to the doctor's creed of doing no harm... that they tend to be feminists.  If Jew recognized that Jew were actually a disease, then there would be no more Jew [which generates human life: a more pleasurable form of continuity than the state of Israel]; put differently, if rapists and mysoginists realized that rape and mysoginy were the origin of all malady then rape and mysoginy would be treated as a malady and there would be fewer mysoginists and rapists... and indeed less malady... this indicates that degenerates have a vested interest in the corruption of infectious disease treatment (over the past 16 years I have had 4-5 infectious disease doctors all of whome were either faggits or Jew [there were no other options], and despite overt evidence of infection, blatent affirmation via diagnostics, they refused to acknowledge the possbility of the presence of infection (one them actually wrote a journal article in Helio Infectious Disease [Cuban Communist Medical Journal] arguing for medical genocide against white nationalists [ie 'racists']... actually... and it was published... that's going to be a dousy for the Jew when they are forced to report to the ICC at the Hague) - Possibly associated with antibiotic stewardship - Highly associated with the 'flora' movement [ie shit eating movement] -  Highly associated with ANC niggers - Highly associated with Jan Lipes - Highly associated with Jew - Highly, highly associated with Roman-Catholic culture - Highly associated with rape culture -

The degree to which infectious disease doctors are DISPLACED BY PSUEDO-SCIENCE positively correlates with the emphasis placed on pseudo-scientific/alchemist pursuits masquarading as medicine, particularly, psychiatry and psychology [as that which often underpins the corruption of the medical system is rape, wherein that form of violation is usually motivated by the vasselship of a host by disease... thus the bastardaization of the medical system is almost always because of infectious disease, particularly behavoiral infectious diseases (that are possibly not even recognized as being present in a given host or hosts: like 'Eyes Wide Shut')]: forms of fake medicine that never actually resolve any problems of human beings, although they frequently resolve problems for disease [ie they reinforce Jew/rapists/mysoginists/government/and-possibly-sumer-(although developing perspectives/recovering-human-beings may not always be harm)].  They, the pseudo-scientific fake doctors, weaken a person's defense: that defense comprimised, in part, by the recognition of the individuality (uniqueness) of the self, that a perspective is distinct and diffferent from another perspective.  There are entire civilizations that revel in the uniqueness of the self, that if present would extremely clash with the modern Jew, Faggit, Roman Catholic, whore, government, communist rape state status quo that the Jew have encouraged worldwide.  A single such culture that worshiped the uniqueness of self, being that of Meria [sometimes erroneously known as 'Sumer']; one aspect of Merian defense of human continuity being the cultural-lingual framing of a 'higher person' [ubermensch, etc.], as 'a person with a name' [roughly, 'a person with a non-homogenized/unique brain' (character diversity) a name, that when active, generates unique thought and inference, while often having similar physiological attributes to other names (ie sort of like brains), but never sharing the same physical region, obviously... (Jew sometimes claim that they known their spouse... they only know the disease that has displaced their higher mind and likely the higher mind of their spouse)].  A name was actually used to reference what [not 'wut'], in lesser cultures, is often refered to with the word 'brain': this way, a single way in which Meria protected higher human being, is important because it tends to preclude the endeavor of knowing-another-person's-perspective-(actually quantifying another person's self)-so-as-to-manipulate-or-augement-that-perspective-towards-a-homogenized-form-of-being [wherein that form of advertently or inadvertently homogenized being generates death/subhuman (with actualization comes higher standards of life/being... so death the death of a higher being is not always associated with the termination of physical continuity... there were once more words to describe strata of life casually and easily without having to say lengthy things like 'the animate carcass that used to be Eve' when referring to Eve's animate body after she was raped by Adam)]: quantifying another is offensive to individual continuity [which is sort of a logical truth] and thus, even without an intent to manipulatively homogenize a perspective, simply knowing another may result in a continuum of harm that correlates positively with the compromise of intimacy achieved: put differently, exposure of self, either by force [interrogation, authentication, rape, etc.] or willingly [perhaps via non-coerced, willing publication, etc.] may correlate positively with homogenization [homosexuality, diffusion, normalization, lack of objective seperation, and ultimately numbness, depending upon the nature of dissemination]... indicating that constructs crafted to extremely exploit privacy, such as surveillance, psychiatry and psychology, as well as other forms of rape culture and methodologies, are tools to force a person or a population into homosexuality/diffusion/death, and thus are extremely punitive and generate extreme harm [male homosexuality is extreme harm... whores are extreme harm].  An attribute that likely generates and preserves Meria is the realization of a pre-condition: that a conscripted and unified perspective is contradictory to life via a resulting loss of objective seperation between perspectives [ie foggy Hadaen diffusion rather than rage at infraction (infraction means 'loss of borders'... 'in fraction' implies that someone thought that they were the line in the fraction... [not a joke: Linnea Wilson ('slash' or 'bar'...things associated with Jill), the definition of infraction])]... further exemplified by the Merian's creation and use of objectively seperate communication ----- [pressing replicant symbolic artwork (characters) into soft clay tablets and then passing them through a wall via a two-opening kiln to burn off disease from the articulation: (1) this was a means of maintaining objectivly seperate communications via the nullification of insidious forms of non-consensual endogenous augementation [put differently, the scorching of a tablet erradicated Jew/disease from communcation... ie it mitigated exposure to change without a choice... ie it killed police/government... all things that frame a contentious relationship between infectious disease doctors (who fight to preserve human IP) and psychiatrists (who destroy human IP) ], and (2) it turned art [articulation] into an art-i-fact [artwork that was deemed to be complete, and thus solidified/set].  It is likely that that which ideologically seperated Sumer from Mer was that those of Meria came to the realization that no person could actually know another person's perspective, as a perspective [always constructed from reporting senses, including memory] is actually assocaited with a distinct physical region in the head that no other person/perspective can occupy... but alas, there are other THINGS that can occupy that space, and if they do, then they are usually (and accurately) described as an infectious disease... thus the raging contention between infectious disease doctors and psychiatrists.   Those who attempt to quantify a given perspective (psychiatrists and psychologists) as if that's even a possibility, are very likely co-infected or actually ARE THE INFECTION that is parasitically occupying the same physical space that is a person's perspective (if true, then this means that psychiatry and psychology, are actually exogenous symptoms of a neurological infection, and are not associated with the resolution of that infection... meaning that there is a conflict of interest) [it may be, from a Behavoiral Infectious Disease Research perspective, that a diseased vassalized host, in the form of a psychiatrist or psychologist, have actually assumed a certain type of orientation to a subject as a macroscopic behavoiral manifestation of the underlying common infection [both the subject and the psychiatrist having the same pathogen in the brain region of each perspective], wherein the weaker host, more completely vasselized by the disease, then attempts to use the disease as a resource to quantify the subject's perspective [not referring to telepathy, but rather extremely insidious forms of non-verbal communcation and whatnot that are similar to things like subtle freudian-slips but rather than expressing sexual undertones and the like, expressing summaries of information harvested by the common infection]... erroneously classifying the pathogen as being of endo-symbiotic or endo-commensal characteristic by using the disease as a tool... obviously this extremely benefits the disease, AND benfits the rapist scum that introduced the pathogen [easier for said scum to make the claim that 'rape is useful'].  It is possible that psychiatrists and psychologists do this unknowingly, as they are idiots [meaning they do extreme harm].  Put differently, the disease vassalized psychiatrist or psychologist, have the same disease that is infracting upon the subject, but the subject actually does a better job at preserving their human continuity [at doing no harm] than the psychiatrist or psychologist attempting to address them (almost assuredly true): meaning that the disease that compromised the host, benonced or unbenonced to the host, has actually transcribed/imparted behavoiral tendencies to the host, perhaps the psychiatrist and/or psychologist, that may actually be synonomous with characteristics of, and are likely complimentry to the the actual infection (ex HHV-6A, etc.)]... in Merian culture, this would indicate that entities like psychiatrists and psychologists are actually Sumerian [subhuman] as their form of quantitation relies on harm, the loss of objectively seperate communication, used in a fraudelent attempt to do no harm... meaning that they are subhuman that erroneously got into ER as inhabitants but never actually should have been there (as if the insane [Edward Cella Jr., etc.] attempted to become a type of doctor, and heavily used his insanity to support that effort)... indicating that they are actually Jew/Sumer and their method of ingress likely rape.  Furthermore, psychiatry and psychology attempt to homogenize the human mind [normalization of thought is harm], ultimately mitigating protection/discrimination from realms of subhumanity: attempting to bind an extremely dynamic and plastic thing, the human-mind/perspective, to standards derrived from frequency quantitation of characteristics in a group/sample-study IS FRAUGHT WITH PERIL, IS ASSANIGN AND REDICULOUS [groups are always less than individuals and behavoir/cognition highly adapts to the assymetries of disease based paradigm, even via genetic phenotypical expression: KEEP IN MIND THAT MORE ADAPTATION OCCURS WITH INCREASED ASSYMETRIC THREATS LIKE ENEMY INVASIONS AND ESPIONAGE].  Behavoiral and cognitive standard derrived from sample studies is akin to using an Athenian communist direct democracy vote amongst some plebian public population as a means of achieving the aquisition of scientific truth: something that is fraught with bias and corruption, and is more likely associated with theocratic interests rather than scientific interests.  Given the nature of the pseudo-scientific analytical paradigm that is the basis of psychiatry and psychology (in relation to objectives of those prusuits), it is evident that those methods in that context could only ever superficially quantify symptoms in compliment to a generalized and subhuman [mysoginist] culture [roughly, they say that Jew are the norm, and that Jew is the true human form... that the endeavors of psychiatry and psychology are biased because they use sample studies to quantify extremely plastic/augmentable/individual charactertistics of cognition, which, by doing so, will always create plebian homogeny as the definition of 'normal'... rather than reaffirming the enemy of Jew/diffusion/death/homosexuals, the ubermensch, as being maximaly human (in a plebian world the ubermensch will always be without adequate representation in a psychiatric and/or psychological sample study, as those forms of fake medicine and science, think that behavoiral truth can be determined via something like a vote: a sample study with extreme selection bias: THIS IS THE INHERENT BIAS OF PSYCHIATRY AND PSYCHOLOGY.  It is also important to note that binding individuals to a plebian cognitive construct, is extremely damaging to defense structures in the context of assymetric/foreign invasion or ingress: part of the reason why, psychiatric and psychology based war is implemented... it nullifies extended and novel defensive response.  Example of an extremely common attack outlay [Vietcong]: outlying individuals are violated/raped by progrenitors of a traditional/group-based culture [Jew, Police-scum, Roman Catholics, faggits, etc.] (ie they are victimized), they experience radical non-consensual augmentations to their self (ie they get sick [virulent non-self in self with both behavoiral and physical augmentation]) (they are vicitimized), allegations are made regarding the initial offense (attempts of the victim to recover), psychiatrists, always part of subhuman culture [ie the culture of the rapists], are then referenced (as the second stage of the rapist culture's attack on the individual), then the subhuman resources of the rapist culture confirms the characterization of the rapists via eloquent articulations of something akin to, 'bitch was crazy' [ie the corruption of the victims credibility to support the framing by the rapists... usually a rapist police state], resulting in further vicitimization) - INFECTIOUS DISEASE DOCTORS HATE PSYCHIATRISTS AND PSYCHOLOGISTS AND THAT IS AN ASPECT OF 'TO DO NO HARM.'

  • The Destruction of the Press - mostly via attacks on women [rape generating the mitigation of objectively seperate communication, where objectively seperate communication is a pre-condition and also the purpose of the press] - Highly associated with 'The Morning Call' and other aspects of Pennsylvania's assymetric police state -  fascinatingly enough the destruction of the press may have actually been generated from the press... the press has an obligation to maintain the purpose and usefulness of language overall (corruption of knowledge/contextualization of human continuity [social structure] due to an attack on many things includng estate transfer [without an efficient transfer of wealth (including knowledge as wealth) from Father and Mother to child... there is then a decontextualization of strong efforts in defense of human continuity... although the perceptions of a single person with a name cannot be fully appreciated, nor are they always useful to another person with a name]) - the destruction of the press is also highly associated with the dilapidation of the ERs in the USOA [equating to the contaimination of Err. (where Err is the encampment of Eve, known as Meria, or simply Err, that is often besiged by, yet seperate from, subhuman [that subhuman realm known as the civilization of Sumer])], largely due to subhuman ingress in the form of the government [ICU in the ER rather than the IET, government reporting of health information, requirement for electronic medical records without adequate IP protection such that intrusions by government are not possible (example of a failure are privacy policies that stipulate compliance with local government law and whatnot)]: government is never supposed to regulate the ER as government is a construct of Sumer not Meria [the idiots of Sumer that thought interesting and useful artifacts were to be adhered to by force... the press as the generator of tickets and bills and whatnot... idiots completely missing the point... realize that many police think that tickets are part of the press].  Err matters in regard to the press because those that articulate via the press [create artifacts from articulation] are inhabitants of Err (each inhabitant is a 'person with a name': they are of higher being, moral and social characteristics than those of Sumer... ie it's a meritocracy, sort of, although extreme discrimination mitigates a culture of comparison that would be required to generate a heirarchical meritocracy).  When Jew/subhuman (often those impressed-upon [the impressionable] or that tend to impersonate) attempt to fulfil role in Err, they fail miserably as they do not have the same higher faculty of perception and cognition/inference requisite to strategically defend human existence, and they also do not have the integrity, knowledge of self, to defend adequately [such failures cause a vulnerability to threats [mostly disease] that attempt to skew the relatavistic fabric that is context [described as reallity] generated from best-ideally-true inferences that are part of an individual's dedication to the aquisition of accurate perception [the aggregattion of all inferences regarding the orientation of various two-element relationships: SEE RELATIVITY and RELATIVISTIC CONTEXTS]... ie disease tends to skew reallity and those who fight for life (those working to percieve and define reallity) must be able to percieve those augmentations and determine if they could exist, although there is always ambiguity because a individual's perspective can never be known by another].  Those of tradition have also corrupted the medical system in a similar manner, and arguably, the entire US medical system has been corrupted via a structure that cultivates too much subhuman participation in positions that require extreme contemplation and consideration to be useful.  Why would anyone read the press if it didn't help them live life?  Likewise, why would anyone work for money, if there were no products to buy that generated life.  Could it be that subhuman have hijacked/stolen most of civilization, particularly assets, people and positions within the USOA, and after doing so failed to continue towards value addition...  LARGELY BECAUSE THEY ARE SUBHUMAN AND THEY GENERALLY FAIL TO DO ANYTHING CORRECTLY.

  • NFS - Newtown Friends School - AKA NSS - rapist school - nigger nuke production facility: a platform that has systematically sexually groomed people as biological weapons to spread disease - "NFS" ([headmaster was a FAG] rappists of rival school BFS, Buckingham Friends School... AKA FSF) - the epicenter of sexual grooming of children that were used to attack and mostly destroy targeted aspects of the World Trade Centers & DOD before, on and after 2001-09-11 - most of their attacks are 77 ('Jew love' attacks; 'Jew love' == 'no love at all') - notable graduates [terrorists] include: Chad Brophy (Chem-Biological), Elizabeth 'Lizzie' Dunlap (Landing Zone Zion 4 hijacked planes for U... she was a realized metaphor of all four plan[e]s of the 2001-09-11 attacks), Meghan Lewis (torture artist and milado nigger scum) - Headmasters [primary rapists] include Dirk Dunlap Sr. (who may have actually been 'Steinbrenner' of the NY yankees) - Highly associated with Edward Cella Jr. ['Rape War Destroy the Cell of I'... architect of the 2001-09-11 terrorist attacks, a roman catholic and highly associated with Mossad (as 77Ig)] (who may have been the first rapist of Elizabeth Dunlap in the mid-to-late 1980s) - Highly associated with Roman Catholicism [as 'being-seperated-from-man-universal'] even though it is a Quaker School [Keep in mind that it's not actually 'Quaker' (and most 'Quaker' are not actually etymologically 'Quaker')... as they rape children, thus if etymoligcal accuracy is desired the 'Q' of 'Quaker' should actually be the uppercase 'Ayb' character in Armenian OR the 'Sha' character in Cyrillic [both are symbols of sodomy]... which is sort of ironic because there is a religious sect associated with Quakerism called 'Shakerism' (or used to be), wherein 'Shakers' never had sex... all 'Quakers' are to be referred to as 'Shakers' because they are rapists] - NFS is highly associated with VietCong (of the shooting war pertaining to the country of Vietnam) [VC, CNG, Gook, VCpen, Charlie, etc.] and their rapist attacks on the country of Vietnam [Country of Vietnam = 666niss = 'Kill the Rapist Controller of I Love'] and the currency of France [argent == 666np == 666nvirtue] to generate a culture of controlled and orchestrated rape known etymologically as 'CNG' where 'CG' means 'to covett/rape' - Highly associated with the rapist shit scum that is CWGFrazier [aka 'CUs Kill Frazier' or 'Coppers kill Americi' (that is not an order)] - thus Quakers/Shakers are highly associated with the creation of an Athenian rape state.  Dirk Dunlap Sr. was a headmaster of that school, during it's most treachorous and productive period... it's never a good thing when an abstract biological weapons factory is maximally productive.  Highly associated with George School, Saint Marys Medical Center & Italian organized crime.  Fire to ash.

  • United States National Defense Authorization Act - NDAA (and also possibly US NDAA... possibly as UV NDAA, Ultra-Violet NDAA or Ultra-Rapist NDAA) - Partially referencing 'Non-Disclosure Agreement' but the extra 'A' actually makes it the NDAA the opposite of an NDA - Also important to note that 'Defense' in the acronym NDAA is probably referencing 'destroying borders via raping' (rather than making a better argument and impressing the enemy such that they like and perhaps include or accept the argument)... as destroying a fence/border via rape - 'NDAA' as 'NIGG'er... as 'NDGI' or 'the controller of Disseminated Gonorrhea Infection']... indicating that niggers in government, the USA, and particularly the DD [destroyed DOD] are cryptically using biological and chemical war agents to kill people domestically and to regulate the USOA population [which is a violation of the US constitution and Bill of Rights, a violation of human rights, and is a violation of the Geneva Convention]... this indicates that the US government has weaponized the US medical system and is using that medical system to kill US citizens - NDAA as NIDD [alpha as delta & one A to I if A-one] - NIGG - 'NIGGER' - Rhodesian niggers made the claim that they were a black nationalist movement which helped them take over Rhodisia from the British, where Rhodesia was then renamed Zimbabwe - Then in about 2008 Zimbabwe niggers nationalized white farmers land and redistributed it to niggers [nigger communism] - moral of the story: there is no such thing as nigger nationalists, they are all commi scum (it is possible that the dessicrated DOD, 'DD', killed Maurice Eyeington [Buckmanville Road] as a reprisal killing for his killing of many nigger in Rhodesia during the Rhodesian war... because the NDAA empowers communist niggers, likely those who have ideological ties with Zimbabwe [as Barrack Obama did... through friends in nigger ANC South Africa]).  The NDAA as an attempt to declare nigger nationalism is obviously part of nigger/Jew trickery to steal.  The bullshit of the communist nigger in Rhodesia/Zimbabwe is nearly the same as the nigger bullshit associated with defense in the US [NDAA, National Defense Authorization Act, implying Nationalist Rapist NIGGer... when doubly considering the acronym]... one such example: niggers in the US have attempted to define themselves as 'negri bodies' in a generalized ra-of-being [fake rabies] infection (true negri bodies in a rabies infection are aggregations of neutrophils, a type of endogenous lymphocyte that partially addresses the rabies virus [important to note that, in a etymological sense, neutrophils are also a reference to fertile mares/phillies/horses... a seperate and additional metaphor line that is highly associated with 'horses blocked' (Matthew Steidel... Steids blocked... Israeli IDF/Mossad agent invading the US via the New 6-day War Invasion plan... aquiring WWII style Stalinistic commisarian influence within US bureaucratic offices of unilateral force [police departments, etc.] (in WWII communist commisars were requisite to avoid quick Bolshivik/soviet/slavic surrender to the SS/the-beautiful-children-of-the-sun so as to maintain soviet military company coherence... the rule of war eternal, "you are what you do not defeat", and the Nazis were of a more true and higher ideal, making it easy for slavic fighters to coalesce with supremacy) and DHS via Clapper (DXX [kill women] via clap [ghonerrea]... which induces infertility)... alas nigger communists, toll wut (deutsch for rabies) means 'UV People' or 'Ultra-Violet People', 'Ultra-Rapist People' or 'Communist People'... thus as the supposid nigger defense [NDAA] of the US ages it will likely mimick the nigger movement in Rhodesia/Zimbabwe (the destruction of the USOA to generate the USA)... yielding 'UV People' or a full-blown generalized rabies infection]... this is even more likely given the use of the actual rabies virus as a biological weapon by hissidic-Jew/temple-Jew in the US to augement/manipulate and then kill anti-Israeli fighters in the US [example: Buckingham Friends School [on a Williamsburg field trip] in roughly 1995 where/when Jacob Toll (son of a Toll Brother, and an overt Jew) and Sean Mount (associated with CN and Mount Sinai, also an overt Jew), peed [likely shed rabies virus] into a dark soda bottle and then eventually gave it to Ian Sandberg (INS [I national socialist] Dune... abstractly 'Rommel's North Africa Campaign' [also a cyclist]... realize how this plays into the Israeli attempts to falsely frame the 2001-09-11 attacks as a new-pearl-harbor wherein the 0s of the 2001-09-11 (0009 311) were attempted references to Japanese Zeros [a type of military plane] while the single '9' was a attempted reference to Adolph Hitler [AH, as IX, as 9]... obviously each number in '0009' were referencing attacking planes) to drink, wherein Sean and Jacob described the drink as soda, not diseased urine [Jew use of food as poison, also as a means of deploying biological weapons]... years later, in roughly 1999, Ian Sandberg then engaged in a totally unprovoked high-molar acid attack of me at George School [sprayed high-molar acid in my face, without warning or anger... like he was a zombie], which was a test bed implementation for a new Jew attack of white nationalists by spraying parisian french women in the face with high-molar acid about 3-4 years later... the Jew attack superficially masquarading as a muslim attack given that the vassalized caracasses of the attackers were of muslim lineage]... a Jew attack outlay that includes B&H PhotoVideo, the Toll Brothers home builders, and what would become an agency associated with that part of the new 6-day war invasion, the Department of Homeland Security (which is protecting the expansion of Israeli home developments as tools of conquest into enemy territory, like Jew use of housing developments as an attempt to take Palestenian land via an assymetric form of invasion). The 'National Defense Authorization Act' is to be nullified and replaced by the 'USOA Military Funding Payment Act' [exactly as that] otherwise known as USOA MFPA [resulting in 'USOA MFPI' or 'UVOI FSPI' (Rape seperated from I Love the virtuous Eye) or 'UVOI FPIS' (accurate target allocation of USOA enemies as rapists/vietcong/FOP/DHS/POPE/Gook/VC/and-obviously-Jew-[USA as WI as WJE as JEW])... if someone [fulton ave] likes brevity then they could refer to it as the 'MFPA'...

'USOA MFPA' - "keeping privacy private, pre-empting the Pope with pirates in public: recovering the senses of supremacy in the USOA, treading on the trail, transcending tripwire and traps (a pitfall is no love at all)... a declaration of empathy - America the liebensraum of the free, in allegiance with Les Etats-Unis, always in love with the I of the FSB"

  • Israel - extreme nigger nuke development facilities - Extreme, extreme enemy of the USOA.  Involved in a long form invasion of the USOA... the new 6-day war [2001-09-11, 2019-11-09, 2023-09-11?, etc.]. Fire to ash.

  • Vatican - country of and head of the  Roman-Catholic church - Place of residence of the 'Pope' (ie 'GG' or 'Gook') - 'VCgn' or 'SScpn' or 'VCPen' - extreme enemy of the USOA.  Fire to ash.

  • Vietcong - extreme enemy of the USOA.  Fire to ash.

  • US Navy Pacific Command [tendency towards vigilantism since WWII and often implements a contradictory agenda to core US interests and values].  Extreme nigger nuke development facilities and implementation platform, similar in capacity to the CNG [Vietcong].  Somewhat has and continues to implement something best described as a 'neo-feudal naval jeudeo-christian theocracic dark-age with strong soviet socialist undertones'.

  • MITMA - Man In The Middle Attacks - multi-medium communications fraud [fiber, broadband, cell, etc.], cyber-fraud, US Interstate Commerce Claus Violations - US 1st Ammendment Violations - sources: government, communist/Jew aspects of Silicon Valley [ex-soviets, like Brin] - nigger organized crime [probably trained via Nigerian fraud rings], Jew signal intelligence (B&H Photo Video, etc.) - The Department of Homeland Security - the State of Pennsylvania - it is extremely likely that Bush's conveyance of high-grade sig-int equipment to local Police Departments throughout the US were an attempt to circumvent stringent surveillance and communications augmentation regulations applied to federal intelligence agencies like the NSA (local PDs probably do not have significant safe-guards regarding the use of that type of technology, and given the prevelence of signal fraud in the US, it is extremely likely that the local governments are using sig-int equipment to engage in property theft, financial fraud, stalking, communication corruption, and other activities that would be described as both racketeering and vigilante use of government resource)... likely highly associated with Joe Biden, as '4gerUSA controlling' [forgery]... roughly meaning con and fraud controlling.  It is extremely likely that the State of Israel trained defecting US police to use fake-towers to advance Israeli intelligence objectives when those entities returned to the US [as part of Israeli's cryptic invasion of the US]... the effort overall described as something like, 'wealth redistribution via government theft of private sector resource' - the MITMA violations include impersonations of family members, companies and other entities so as to directly advance the interests of a communist police rape state.  There has also been efforts to technically jam or block communication which indicates a violation of the 1st ammendment - It is easy to see aspects of degraded morality in local, state and federal government wherein those entities have the degraded moral structure that is requisite to support those types of violations.  It also interesting that there are similar examples of degraded morality/integrity associated with certain, supposidly private, online resources, like Youtube.com, via augementation/corruption of uploaded video; google.com has engaged in many actions that are consistent with an ideological dislike of free culture that is earily similar to that seen from local enforcement [bottom of the barrel scum].  This is interesting because the name 'Joe Biden' and 'Google' are nearly the same in one form of interpretive etymology: '6666n' and '666O', respectively... interesting because the name 'Google' is also similar, in that etymological context, as 'Tel-aviv' ['O666'].

  • Fake Internet - NSA efforts exactly synonomous with Chinese Communist Party firewalling and sandboxing implementations (indicating extreme government corruption of networking), yet the US implementation is actually more complete than that in China - PRISM (a harvesting of internet data throughout the US) has been copying much of the domestic internet for many, many years, cleansing, illegally vetting and manipulating the internet harvested to comply with government agendas and then serving that fake/cleansed internet to targets in the US (extreme interstate commerce claus violation and 1st ammendment violation, as if they are attempting to be  editors of a newpaper [similar perhaps to the way in which Bethlehem, PA government attempts to regulate the local newspaper, The Morning Call]... perhaps also associated with code-base attacks, wherein code-bases are being heavily attacked, likely by those in government or associated with government), usually to those who are fighting for freedom and have severely angered enemies of the US like the state of Israel and the Vatican [while those entities are enemies of the US, much of US government is engaging in extreme anti-america activity to support foreign progress in the USOA]... terrifying that there are rarely https links to foreign websites & that huge portions of the foreign networks are not included in the fake internet.  Fire the NSA to ash.  Fire all those who are engaging in MITMAs to ash.

  • Bad-faith consideration of the US Consitution and Bill of Rights - including the violation of the US Constitution and Bill of Rights... wherein their willingness to violate those primordial regulating constructs likely eminates from their rejection of violation as an offense: they think that viol (french for rape, and a word root of the word 'violate') is acceptable [for example, they rape man, women and children: all of which are of virtue], which is an indicator that they are 'terrorist' (or 'p0006p' or 'p000p6') which means 'rapists of virtue'.  The non-acceptance of those regulating constructs in the USOA, while also attempting to regulate, indicates that they reject the conditions of the grant (contractual parameters generated by the people) by which a government must adhere if they are interested in regulating/governing the USOA: that rejection has resulted in and is resulting in vigilante enforcement which could also be justly considered a foreign invasion of government bureacratic office [as many foreign countries have worked hard to subvert US bureacratic offices of unilaterial force; targeting those types of domestic office because those foreign tyrannies are not capable of generating accepted candidates in the US due to their inability to generate a better/truer argument]: both are forms of high-treason if US citizens are involved (all potentially punishable via execution)]... put differently, the vigilante/foreign entities using unilateral force to govern the USOA have not achieved the legitimate pre-conditions requsite for such action, likely because they do not consider the violation of the Bill of Rights or US Constitution to be an offense, as they do not consider violation to be an offense, as they do not consider rape to be an offense - preamble to nigger-nuke detonation - constitutional interpretations that miss the basis of the entire concept and country that is the USOA: that the USOA is a free-country, and is meant to be a free-country.  Bush Jr. and his chinese lawyer attempting to 'find loopholes' in the US Constitution, preamle and postamble, that allowed for the generation of laws that bolstered government ability, ultimately to generate a state for the ousted rapist branch of the KGB [CG... aka 'Carol Gaede' ...covetting whore, which in America is then Carol Gaede Frazier, or 'covett Americi'  ...I will shotgun PCR your entire dead whore carcas, find all strains of foreign DNA, and will then exterminate the family lines of those who dumped their shit into you, then I will burn your carcas to ash, and then I will burn your ashes to a finer ash] best described as a Vietcong, Orwellian 1984, fahrenheit 451 neo-feudal naval theorcracy Jew rape state that terminally plundered country to generate fat [GP] and cunt [a police state / a population regulated by disease]... nobody liked Bush jis... nobody.  To an archetype of Bush Jr., Alex Ryan, I will hunt you down, skin you alive, rub potassium in your wounds, rejuvenate your form so that you can feel pain again, then once you lose the capacity to feel the burn of potassium in your flesh, I will exterminate your entire family line before you, quarter you, I will then blood-eagle your fake aryan carcass, shit on your face and blow off your rapist kike head with a luger... so as to reinforce your cultural tradition... Jew conning, Jew raping, Jew detainment, Jew extermination... the true cultural heritage of Israel.

  • orchestrated/coordinated/orientation to another - disease based compulsion for constituency members of some group to orient to another person, usually an individual that fights to be seperate from others - EVERY MANIFESTATION OF THIS (ORCHESTRATED ORIENTATION TO ANOTHER) IS A DISEASE, AND THOSE ENGAGED IN THAT FORM OF ORIENTATION ARE TO BE KILLED AS THEY ARE A DISEASE (THIS IS ONE OF THE MOST USEFUL INSIGHTS REGARDING DEFENSE OUTLAYS OF THE USOA, AS IT IS ACTUALLY A VIABLE MEANS OF WINNING A SHOOTING WAR AGAINST KIKE) - highly associated with 'Carbon-Copy Rats' or 'Cancer Rats' (democrats) - highly associated with oriental ['blocking the man of virtue'] or orientals ['blocking the man of virtuous love'] (also note that HC, Hilary Clinton, in her personal assault of Osama Bin Laden, 'Virtue Song' actually defined herself as an oriental in the instantiation of that action... this is interesting because her faggit cocked husband, Bill Clinton, sold ballistic missile secrets to Kim Jung-il of NK during the 1990s) - government scum (all government/police) actually encourage many social defects [particularly in those who work in government.  For example, the social-philosophical profile of most bureacratic government workers is synonomous with that of rapists, and the government actually encourages the development of those attributes... the government actually works to make rapists better at raping, and the selection bias that is associated with government employment causes even more rapists to be involved in government... a reason why an able government is harm] - This is highly associated with collective-stalking, but often does not incorporate broadcast annunciations of the target's activity (so as to dehumanize via the trivialization of individuality), and this is often more subtle - Jew attempt to use disease for social purposes, including the acquisition of sex, coordinated contact with a target is associated with those methodologies... ideally, most social contact should be based upon probablistic concurrent activity, rather than targeted pursuits... this substantially reduces the likelihood of biological agent exposure, successful espionage, government manipulation, and other methods used by subhuman to infiltrate into a human paradigm - it is extremely obvious that the government, particularly the police, are cultivating social degeneracy by reinforcing social defects, like the implementation of orchestrated contact... purposefully to apply their presence, a extremely punative thing, to a target, which is also used by illegal governments to trivialize the perception of free-will and individuality - KILL POLICE ENGAGING IN ORCHESTRATED CONTACT WITH A TARGET, THOSE POLICE ARE TERRORISTS AND THEY ARE TO BE BRUTALLY TORTURED AND KILLED AS IS THOSE ASSOCIATED WITH THEIR COMMAND AND CONTROL FRAMEWORK (PREPARE TO BURN JEW)

  • Collective stalking - VIETCONG VIETCONG VIETCONG - primary manifest form of nigger nuke detonation [collective cunt stalking with broadcast notification to cultivate debasement of individuality and to generate a culture of death; those that engage in the stalking and notifcation are all subhuman, and their allegiance to death indicates a kind of Jew jihadism, as their broadcasts advertise the progenitor/broadcaster as a target for extermination (and this is known by those engaging in the actions)... a form of suicidal action... although perhaps they are fighting for gonorrhea and other diseases to be defined as the core human culture in the US... which is also suicidal] - highly associated with 'Carbon-Copy Rats' or 'Cancer Rats' (democrats) - collective stalking should be considered a new form/class of offense eminating from government [USA/government/Jew that escaped from the concentration camps [the walls of the macrophage, the intellectual verasity and self-interest of those in the judiciary... creating barbed wire walls between subhuman/government and humanity, etc]... circumventing human rights provision and constitutional restrictions of US government] - similar to that seen with the Opus Day spy that corrupted the Pentagon in the 90s (although that manifest form of stalking notification was not from the USOA government, as described by the spy, but rather a exploit from the enemies within... domestic vietcong) - Highly associated with Vietcong - Highly associated with Nick 'Nicholas' Kerr - Highly associated with Chad Brophy ('Chem-Biological') - Highly associated with Massachusettes Institute of Technology [MIT, PD & GP... Athens] - Highly Associated with Alex Ryan - Highly associated with Christopher Peters - Highly associated with Vero Beach ['5-O beach', Israeli beachhead in the US] - Highly associated with Emma Coburn - Highly associated with UNC - Highly associated with Lehigh University - Highly associated with KASS (Kappa Alpha Secret Society, aka '93') - Highly associated with Phi Gamma Delta - Highly associated with the 'Department of Homeland Security' [DHS] - Highly, highly associated with the US State Department [extreme terrorist organization] - Highly associated with the NYPD [rapist scum & intellectual rapists] - Highly associated with fire fighters [serial rapists, attackers of virge - killers of babies] - Highly associated with the Execuative Office [President of the United States: vertical integration of control via post 2001-09-11 policy changes and implementation of the Patriot Act] - Highly associated with most Lehigh University fraternities and sororties [extremely rapist and communist] - Highly associated with Pennsylvania State and Local Government [terrorist organizations] - Highly associated with un-restrained US government and foreign military acting as government in the US - Highly associated with male-homosexuals - Highly associated with niggers - Highly associated with ANC South Africa - Highly associated with Cuba - Highly associated with Israel - Highly associated with DGI - Highly associated with Athens - Highly associated with cunt and faggit culture - Highly associated with the policies of pre-emption [which tend towards the development of expanded perceived jurisdiction [rapist encroachment] (if implementors are not brutally destroyed as they should be: pre-emption is illegal in the USOA as it is always associated with the total destruction of freedom)] - Highly associated with Roman Catholics - Collective stalkers use public broadcast notifications of status to advance dehumanization of their target [usually US militia] towards the re-affirmation of their subhuman precepts regarding the ideal human form [wherein the ideal human form is defined as a collective entity, which, not suprisingly, is the exact result of rape (something that their kind is attempting to normalize)] - Collective stalking with broadcast annunciation may be more prominent in mornings [many terrorist attacks, particularly 2001-09-11 occurred in the morning hours].  Interestingly, this may be associated with a corrupt newspaper, 'The Morning Call', as 'an annunciation in the morning' (this may also be associated with the false framing of the US Second Ammendment of the Bill of Rights: a 'well regulated militia' wherein there have been many attempts by enemies of the US, particularly North Korea and Israel, to use that claus to transmogrify US militias into enemy militias [government, North Korean military, IDF, etc.]... a United States of America militia is well regulated by that militia's [his or her] self and his or her defense of the US IS the generation of a more profound self, the protection of that self from all forms of attack, AND to restore that self from damage [from previous attacks by the enemy]... that process, the pursuit of life, liberty and happiness, IS the defense of Americi, and the USOA [see the section: 'Hijackers of US militias'].  Is 'The Morning Call' Newspaper a reference to revelry [the playing of a horn to wake up US military]?  If it is, then is 'The Morning Call' Newspaper attempt to make the claim that they are the regulators of US militia (rather than the self of each militia) by claiming that they are a form of revelry?  Realize how hostile that is to US defense... is The Morning Call being funded by North Korea?  Israel?  Police?  Are they attempting to make the claim that journalism is a weapon or a component of a military (that words have effects like bombs or guns)?  ...if so that would have extremely negative effects on the power of the 1st Ammendment as then words invoked could be a form of assault [the effects of a weapon]... Is the morning call associated with 'Sandi Morris' (a pole-vaulter who got into Err the wrong way) [possibly a reference to 'Sandi's Land', or 'Sand Island' (on the north side of the Lehigh River in Bethlehem, PA), and is that name, Sandi Morris, actually a reference to 'Sing Bomb' and is she part of a FOP and military political action committee that is attempting to frame language as a weapn (most certainly part of the-being-you-be-quiet-death-colt)]): the corruption of the newspaper is because it has failed to defend itself from subhuman/government interests, and that those associated with it have a poor concept of the press and the purpose of the press [see, Meria and Sumeria] - Josh Drobnyk, a student associated with HC, Hamilton College, ('Police/Pig He Pon' as 'Male Police as the Lower Mind' which roughly means 'intellectual rapists as the lower mind'... so, 'Hamilton College' is actually associated with 'Hillary Clinton', HC, AND 'Huis Clos' [by Jean-Paul Sartre]), worked there as a journalist [and comes from a Phi Gamma Delta family, father was a Phi Gamma Delta, just like Bush Jr.]... Ham, pig (government) working as a journalist at a US newspaper... the government does not have a first ammendment right (perhaps the erroneous belief that they did/do is why the media content is as if it comes from state run media).  The faggit scum (government) of PA, particularly the LV, always destroying the reall USOA, and supplanting it with plebian retardation - brutally torture and exterminate all police of the Lehigh Valley, Northampton Countym, PA... they are destroying the US - see: stalking - Possibly associated with PPL or 'PPP blocked' [blockers of people, thus PPL, the power company is associated with the blocking of Toll Wut (rabies as 'UV People' as 'Ultra-Rapist People' as 'communist people'), but since it is a business, it likely uses communist culture / collective-stalking, to attack targets (when bills are unpaid and whatnot)] - Fire collective stalkers to ash.

  • Northampton County, PA USA - 'NC' - 'LNK' - Little North Korea - HIGHLY, HIGHLY, HIGHLY ASSOCIATED WITH NIGGER NUKE DEVELOPMENT AND ABM, THEY ACTUALLY USE NIGGER NUKE DEVELOPMENT TO BLOCK REAL NUCLEAR DEVELOPMENT [WHEREIN "REAL NUCLEAR DEVELOPMENT" IS THE PURSUIT OF ALL HIGHER HUMAN ENDEAVOR]: NUCLEAR as "NUCC seperated from IS, which then yields NUCCIS (a rapist police state akin to world culture circa 50,000 years ago... before cerimonial burial)] - Highly associated with Chad Brophy and all domestic biological weapons use - Highly the enemy of the International Criminal Court - Highly associated with ENCephalitis, and pretty much every attack on higher cognition - Highly associated with those who have sex with police, ie Cuba - Highly associated with Israel and all Jew [Northampton County is a safe-haven for kike] - Highly associated with government programs using biological agents to further surveillance, 'CC' - Highly associated with cancer [CCNA] - Highly associated with all foreign attack of the free United States - Highly associated with the US Navy, particularly tthe US Pacific Command [many things, including users of biologics as weapons to advance attacks on those defending a free United States, particularly the use of both nerve agents and rabies as a method of attacking the brain: flaccid paralysis ['pacific' means something like peace or to pacify or disable via apathy], which indicates that they are collaborating with Lehigh Univeristy professor, and terrorist, Gary Deleo (AKA 'flaccid paralysis' or '0099')] - Highly associated with New Biological Subversions [136 Buckmanville Road, 'Jericho' or '6666' which in turn, is associated with the faggit known as 'Joe Biden'] - Highly associated with Henry VIII (the milado-like bastardization of The House of Lancaster and The House of York: it is halfway between Lancaster and New York and has a culture that is similar to that of Henry VII reign; there may be some association with Ebola ['Anne Bolin' as 'man with ebola']) - Highly associated with Elizabeth Cepparulo and Nick Cepparulo [NC], who are both part of encephalitis - Highly associated with Edward Cella, Jr. - Highly associated with Emma Coburn - Highly associated with Raytheon - Highly associated with HIV - Highly associated with Elizabeth Dunlap - Highly associated with UNC - Highly associated with forgery - Highly associated with the polish - Highly associated with the Vatican and VietCong - Highly associated with MIT - Highly associated with government use of firefighters and government contractors as extensions of government - detonate a 25MT nuclear weapon 1500 feet over Bethlehem, PA [when I have left] - Fire Northampton County to ash.

  • John Reddy or Jon Reddy - 'JR' - highly associated with George Bush, Jr. - Highly associated with Phi Gamma Delta - Highly associated with Steinbrenner and local manifest form of that scum, Bred Benner [a misnomer as there are no 'Better Bred Italians', they are all shit] - Highly associated with Vietcong - Highly associated with NC - John/Jon Reddy is a domestic terrorist and is to be executed - Fire John/Jon Reddy to ash - Fire all of his sexual partners to ash - Fire his entire family to ash.

  • Hijackers of US militias - extreme attack methodology of the enemy: turning US militias into foreign militias via the wrong interpreation of the word 'regulated' in the 2nd Ammendment of the Bill of Rights - highly associated with the NYPD - highly associated with the Lehigh Valley [LV] and particularly the police propganda unit, known as 'The Morning Call' - highly associated with the terrorist known as 'Matthew Steidel' (Israeli IDF invading the US, who is also highly associated with the Jew that are UNC) - highly associated with 'anti-human', NY (New York) - highly associated with Hillary Clinton - highly associated with North Korea - highly associated with the shit scum that is Chad Brophy - highly associated with Jew - Highly associated with 'Cancer Rats' (democrats) - highly associated with Alexander Ryan [brutally kill Alexander Ryan] - Highly associated with communist Cuba - Highly associated with Venezuala - highly associated with the Vietcong - highly associated with faggits (male-homosexuals and rapists) - highly, highly associated with the scum that is US bureacratic government, particularly the police - as mentioned above, the false framing of the US Second Ammendment of the Bill of Rights: a 'well regulated militia' wherein there have been many attempts by enemies of the US, particularly North Korea and Israel, to use that claus to transmogrify US militias into enemy militias [government, North Korean military, IDF, etc.]... a United States of America militia is well regulated by that militia's [his or her] self and his or her defense of the US IS the generation of a more profound self, the protection of that self from all forms of attack, AND to restore that self from damage [from previous attacks by the enemy]... that process, the pursuit of life, liberty and happiness, IS the defense of Americi, and the USOA - the battle of the definition of the word 'regulated' in the context of the 2nd Ammendment of the US Bill of Rights is mostly associated with the dymatric relationship (zero-sum relationship) between the USA [government/enemy/Jew/invaders] and the USOA [free United States of America]... the USA is always to be tortured, killed and destroyed whenever and where-ever possible.  Fire the hijackers of US militias [the enemy] to ash.

  • Orientals - 'blocked nnntill' - those who 'block the man of virtuous love' - Highly associated with the 'being-you-be-quiet-death-colt' and could be the bridge between Bush Jr. and the Chinese communist party - Fire orientals to ash.

  • Instigations - latent manifest form of nigger nuke detonation [akin to radiation after-effects of an actual nuclear detonation - metaphorical aftermath] - this should be considered a new form/class of offense eminating from government -  a 3rd party that manipulates two other parties to generate conflict between those other two parties - assymetric and abstract forms of instigation that is highly associated with the use of disease as a tool or resource to instigate.  This form of instigation is highly associated with DARPA Bown Sky.  This form of instigation is highly, highly associated with various forms of collective stalking with broadcast notifications [retarded Jew whore appear to like HIV].  This form of instigation may be associated with cunt [mysoginist whores, government fucked vagina, the name of a female's sexual organ when the female has had more than a single sexual partner], and may correlated positvely with the presence of cunt in a given area [common concept: vagina as a 'gate', thus 'insti-gate' means an instantly [insti, or insta... meaning 'now'] accessible vagina [gate, but usually only in PD & GP paradigm]... ie a cunt whore or perhaps even Athenian culture, like MIT: PD and GP, particularly GP].  Most assymetric forms of instigation tend to emminate from hispanic and latinos, and this is probably the case because hispanic and latinos tend to fuck cunt, and generate more cunt, and don't seem to care about the presence of cunt (meaning that hispanics and latinos are nearly useless in preserving country as 'cunt' is the opposite of 'country' ['country' (cunt blocked) has a zero-sum relationship to 'cunt'; 'cunt' generates and may be partially generated by non-objectively seperate communication where country is often preserved by using only (and maintaining) objectively seperate communication (nationalism, vagin, clean communications, etc.)] ....basis of Jew whore [USA, Israeli, Cuban, etc females] disliking nationalism)... which implies that they tend to have sex when sick.  The form of assymetric instigation is similar to that of a cross between a social metaphor of Borellia bergdorferi antigen topology shifting and a social metaphor of the immuno-inverting characteristics of HIV (again, in a macroscopic social paradigm)... behavoiral manifestations of disease are likely associated with horrific infectious disease specialists and medical resources pertaining to the erradication of disease at a early stage, thereby resulting in social 'cultures' that are actually bacterial and viral 'cultures'.  The general effect of the hispanic, latino & Jew instigation is the loss of reliable social-fingerprints of different diseases, and if not recognized, allocation of false targets and erradications that fulfill the interests of disease/the-instigators (ie erroneous killing): if those methodogies are largely employed, then the concept of 'Jew as a disease' (which is a favor to kike, as their entire form will not be erradicated during the addressal) will be nullified (as it will not be effective at addressing the true vector), and 'Jew as an animate carcass' will then be implemented (wherein the entire vassalized host / carcass will be exterminated) ... the former being improved infectious disease treatment, where the latter is the implementation of a neo-Holocaust.  OTHER FORMS OF INSTIGATIONS: mossad & Rothchild (both Jew).  One aspect of the English national anthem, 'confound the enemy's politic', was placed in that anthem because the Rothchilds reside in England, and they make money via instigating conflicts/wars.  The name 'Mossad', Israel's not-so-clandestine intelligence agency explained: Jew are all rapists partly because they are apologists of the order of harm [Jeudiasm, etc.] that was the direct result of Adam raping Eve, as such, Jew, cannot, in truth, reconjugate 'm' [am] or 'b' [be] to 'is' [eyes] [which are all forms of the verb 'to be'] as they, via the rape of Eve, broke the Eyes of Eve and corrupted them with disease... thus Jew see with the letter 'C' [a symbol of sodomy... a corrupted 'O'] not with 'Is' (eyes)... thus to Jew, 'Mossad', is actually 'being-seperated-from-love-I-God'... here described (written succinctly and more definitely) as '77Ig'.  77Ig fights to advance con, fraud, rape, disease, violation and theft.  Instigations from 77Ig, use proxies almost exclusively, meaning that you will almost never have someone who looks like a hissidic Jew [Yamaka, curly side-burns, someone named 'Jew Cunt' (aka 'Seth'), etc.] directly attacking on behalf of 77Ig... throughout the 80s, 90s and early 2000s Jew used media to create many false topologies of social archetypes in an attempt to immuno-compromise the USOA (corrupt USOA defense) via an attempt to link coarse physical attribute with socio-political-cultural orientation, thus in the current paradigm, niggers, Polish, sometimes Arabs, bearded white dukes-of-hazard-hill-billy-pickup-truck-driving like people (and for extremely high-value targets they will sometimes employ Jew that superficially appear to be either English or Austrian) are used heavily as proxy carcasses to advance forms of attack by 77Ig [as the Jew believe that the US population still considers cliche Jew social archetypes to be the primary determinor of Jew status.  IT IS IMPORTANT TO REALIZE THAT JEW ARE DISEASE VASSALIZED CARCASSES, THOSE OF JEW LINNEAGE, AND THOSE WHO HAVE SEX WITH JEW].  An interesting side-note: conditioning a population with transexual exposure, (transexuals as social challenges [to avoid]) may help to refine skeptical consideration of others so as to weed-out superficial quantitation of another: this may improve the ability of individuals within a population to detect and reject 77Ig/Jew infiltrations.  There is no tyranny greater than the tyranny of disease, thus if you cannot detect tranny how are you to defend against tyranny?  As another side-note, realize that 77Ig is associated with the 2001-09-11 attack on the South Tower by Flight 77 (a reference to the '77' in '77Ig'... indicating mossad influence), which was a US naval jet that likely dissembarked from the Bermuda International Airpoort / the US Bermuda naval airbase on the morning of 2001-09-11... indicating that the US navy and DD [dessicrated DOD] is compromised by Israel (etiology of compromise: the DOD's failure to generate a retorting defense pertaining to the straffing of the USS Liberty by the Israeli Defense Force [via a US purchased military Jet] during the first Six Day War, and thus exposing a hole in the US defense structure to Israel) and Alex Ryan (as both 'ISUSN' [jesus controlling] and 'IS USN' [is US Navy]... ie Alex Ryan means 'A judeo-christian military theocracy'... an extreme enemy of the USOA).  The role of Rothchild instigation is complex, perhaps even more complex than 77Ig, even though the two entities probably collaborate often.  Rothchild influence usually involves sexual extortion as they are rapists of children who direct compromised [Jew] children to targets, including judicial officials and elected officials, wherein those interractions are then used to exort a given judge or elected official.  The Rothchilds also employ highjacking of financial resources to use economic hardship to manipulate a given target.  Many of the attacks on Ghadafi [Libya] were manifest forms of lengthy Rothchild attempts to debase and destroy the defiant Ghadafi, and those methodologies can be used as resources to block Rothchild influence.  It is also interesting to note that BIDR [Behavoiral Infectious Disease Research], if developed further, would almost totally nullify the extortion rings generated by the Rothchild family, and thus mitigate their success in poltical manipulation.  It should be noted that 'Scott Klein' otherwise known as 'rapist pedophile police' is highly associated with the expansions of Rothchild influence in a given area.

  • Non-FSB Ex-KGB (the modern US government) - if you have the capacity to love, 'Russia' means 'I see lover', if you do not have the capacity to love then 'Russia' means 'I covett/rape': such a bifurcation existed within the KGB... the first Soviet invasion of Afghanistan a pursuit of the non-rapist branch of the KGB exposed mother Russia to 'virtue song'... such is the nature of battle... exposure to the emeny (to some degree).  Although the recognition of the creed of Ares, the God of War, 'you are what you do not defeat' as a context to the battle created a curiosity... an enemy with a song so beautiful that it impressed the enemy, perhaps they did not want to know what it took to destroy a sense... a reference to a higher truth... the end of that invasion was a victory for all those involved.  CG, the other branch, a branch... sort of french for faggit, backed the nationalization of women in anything but the country of Vietnam... a foolish and anti-human extension of something that was supposed to impove the quality of life, communism [a step in a less-than-articulated-thousand-year-reich towards slavic recovery: bolshivism].  The Mothers of Russia wanted to have a say, and thus the seperation of Adam from Eve... a testament to female recovery: the rejection of those that wanted the Soviet Union to be anything but a country... imagine what happens when an entire portion of a superpower's main clandestine intelligence agency is immediately without managers, seperate and not deterred by Mutually Assured Destruction [MAD (like a hot virgin) a warm blanket in the coldest l'hiver]... for what retaliation could there be (other than a neo-holocaust solution that probably seemed to be of an antiquated and forgotten past, non-applicable to their rapist morality)?  A fain?  ...yet to see.  Although I truely doubt that the mothers of Russia would ever accept the mitigation of their dignity, imposed upon by prescriptions of conscriptions to some government ideal... fake doctors, a description of the enemy... a negative-eugenics program cultivating subhumanity: 'to do harm' the moniker of the enemy, creating a world that no mother would tolerate to be... not anything that could come from the mothers of Russia that I used to see.  Russian women are KNOWN [not in a Jew sense] to have standards [not STDs]... its obvious.  The FSB's desire for a once scorned anything-but-lover, to acquire a matching deterrance... a stragic faux-pas?  The bolstering of resource of those in dis-allegiance, perhaps not even to a given country, like Russia (a region and concept that was probably their paternity), but something far worse: a dis-allegiance to humanity.  Anyway, a group that is tied together only in their tendency towards the destruction of a human identity, made it hard to target them effectively... thus undettered, and in need of a new host, they turned to a target that they were the most familiar with... implementing plans associated with a soviet invasion outlay... the vigilante instantiation of operations doomsday.  Bush Jr., one of their kind, turning the executive office into a un-elected bureacratic office... essentially a fancy PD... cascades of destruction as the degenerates leeched into and dilapidated their America target.

  • FL (Florida)- Extreme Enemy of the USOA.  Bastion of non-FSB KGB [CG], and ex-DD [desicrated DOD] employees that should be executed for high treason... in the USOA and Russia reverse-repectively.  In collaboration with Israeli IDF/MOSSAD commisarian-style influence with PDs throughout the US, the Department of Homeland Security, and One fulton ave [the creation thereof is actually an extension of the 2001-09-11 terrorist attacks].  Possibly an attempt to FL nigger nukes, but appears to have failed.

  • Cuba -rapee victims of the police [Copper Sheep, Police Chattle, the dehumanized rapee victims of the police (as a side note, Voltaire's 'Candide' may actually reference the conecpt of Cuba when describing the 'red sheep')] and also extreme ra4pists - the western hemisphere's disgrace - fire to ash.

  • Venezuala - Foreign nationals highly attacking the US in collaboration with Cuba and Israel - Humorously, the only ones who call the police (use 911) in the US are foreign nationals - Foreign states like Cuba, have taken over the PA DMV, with such strategy.  hahaaaa  (except the DMV is an anagram of DSM, which is associated with other implementations of communist attack on the USOA... so it's not actually funny...  all those in government, including police, are to be decapitated)

  • Doylestown, PA - Fox-Rothschild - Christopher Peters - Bush Jr. family - Cepparulo family ...all scum - built a new courthouse in Doylestown [which is an example of the bifurcation of the US via cancer] with a mangled I-beam from my estate, South Tower, as symbol of Rothchild 'One' Tower victory (the courthouse was built by One Fulton Ave, to advance tyrannical control in Bucks County) - BURN TO ASH.

  • ANC South Africa - EXTREME EXTREME EXTREME nigger nuke development platform - hightly associated with Barrack Obama - strange path to influence in South Africa (Apartheid Wars war - one side nigger, Jew and whore; the other side Africaaner and Boehr) - highly associated with moral degredation and the corruption of the medical system to advance socio-political objectives... corruption of diagnostics and whatnot.

  • Zimbabwe - nigger nuke development platform - Niggers that masquarade as nationalists to acquire power then once control is acquired, they implement a communist agenda - similar, but more virulent than, most US democrats - Zimbabwe niggers describe nigger tendency towards land stealing / communism... associated with DHS and the US PDs [HC, NYPD and whatnot]... wherein they have been attacking estate transfer to advance communist wealth redistribution. Eponifies the value structure of the modern United States as the USA (USA is always protected by the DD not the DOD)... a fraud rape state.

  • Sinhalese Sri-Lanka - reincarnate Budhists (Nirvana?  ...what's that?) - A terrorist state [an example of a state that is completely controlled by every single entity and ideal that is contradictory to free-US continuity... as if DHS, MIT, Athens, Sumer, the US Navy Pacific Command and the Sinhedrin hijacked a state] - Associated with the genocidal extermination of the Tamil in approximately 2011, ending a 500+ year long war - Athenian rape state that exterminated a Spartan state, Tamil Sri-Lanka - The sinhalese are budhists, but they are reincarnate budhists, not nirvana budhists, which roughly means that they are subhuman - Sinhalese Sri-Lanka is one of the worst populations  in the world - interestingly enough the Sinhalese scum has been directly associated with nafarious aspects in my life in the US, where Lehigh University actually hired and used at least one Sinhalese as an english teacher: she used that position to encourage negative-eugenics/viol [which are exactly the tactics that were used to address the Tamil population in Sri-Lanka] - the sinhalese are highly associated with viol, particularly in the form of negative-eugenics/sexual-blocking, and they have used the following books to advance that agenda: 'Mutant Message Downunder', 'Funny Boy', and 'Snow Crash' -  The sinhalese are highly associated with MIT -  Highly associated with DHS -  Highly associated with US Bush Jr. era police state [disease as police, as if a fraternity attempt to hijack the US via the government] - the commander of their military may be a gonorrhea infection - It is possible that the conflict between the Tamil and the Sinhalese (the longest ongoing war in the modern world [though 2011]) is synonomous with the School rivalry between Lehigh University and Lafayette College [oldest collegiate rivalry in the US], but the disagreement that underpins the ladder is unknown - fire to ash.

  • Azerbijan - 'the land of the eternal flame' - Sort of like attempting to live life in FL... all the applications of a rape State [viol]... '666' partially means 'fire' ['fiss': combustion] in english, while '911' means 'fur' [combustion] in french... french meaning is more accurate, as the use of combustion is associated with a degredation of sustainability directly resulting from the rape of Eve by Adam... without seeing perfectly, a harsh a brutal form of continuity then transpired that destroyed the eco-system of the Garden of Eden...

  • Switzerland - has an Athenian Directory Democracy component to their government (CHF) [even though their is a signature burden to initiatte the vote, direct democracy always implies rapist communism when employeed in groups over 52 people]; failed to preserve seperation/IP/privacy from the US rape state [and thus lost independent banking status]; instigated the genocidal destruction of Tamil Sri-Lanka under the pretenses of advancing a peace treaty [circa 2004-7].

  • Poland - highly associated with the Vatican and Israeli... is currently attempting to block France, Deutsch Russian collaboration.  Harming unification of Corsica.  All those with polish names should be considered Jew - Highly associated with Christina Wiskowski - Highly associated with David Shensky.

  • People's Sweden, the Government of Sweden, communist Sweden - the scum that developed immuno-supression [cyclosporin] as a medical treatment [the most harmful thing ever created under the guise of medical treatment] - all doctors of rapist sweden should be discounted - highly associated with the communist Lennart Meri [who in turn is a linneage similar to the Pope and the scum that is Mathew Check's father... "the Jew that all humans hate"] - highly associated with the rapist Jew faggit known as 'Joe Biden' (aka 6666n) highly associated with Vietcong [CNG; controlled rape] - highly associated with the scandanavian model [police state] - The people's sweden is a rape state... swedish men are so rapist that they cause women to use the government to resolve rape... which is a moral hazard as raping people actually creates earthly order... the government.  Sweden is highly associated with the Vietnam war: Sweden as Susiden as 666n (where 666n is less harm), and where Vietnam is 666niSS (also less harm)... the problem then becomes 'Swedes' (a plurality, possible reference to 'people' or 'communists') as 6666 (the opposite of Sweden, 666n, where 6666 is harm), indicating extreme tension in Sweden between feminism/individualism and communism/pluralism/collectivism.  This is intersesting because the Swedish whore president [A Jew whore that is lineage similar to an Israeli IDF general who shelled a Palestinian school in 2012] several years ago, was extremely hostile to Trump [where 'Trump' is a reference to 'Je suis' or a slovenly 'I am' in french], and may have used her communist Jew-ery [Rothchild, Israeli 77ig, rape, etc] to subvert the Trump presidency, attempting to insert the Joe Biden Jew faggit [linneage similar to David Shensky, a Rothchild Jew] into the Whitehouse.  Joe Biden, as 6666n, is similar to 'Swedes' as 6666, and 'Swedes' in control would be '6666n': this may indicate that Joe Biden is something like a rapist swede, a communist swede, otherwise known as 'swedes' - As with most countries that attempt to nationalize human beings, they lost their country, as it is now a big gaping tiger-woods, nigger fucked Jew cunt [which apprently niggers and Muslim immigrents think is attractive] - does the Scandanavian model now include miscegination as a core ideological component of that belief structure? - The Scandanavian Model: "whatever makes rapists happy, so long as they do not violently rape" - Fire the rapers of Sweden to ash - Fire Swedes to ash.

  • Belarus - Rus who are beautiful to Italians - Extreme enemy of the FSB and RF, as there is currently a war between the FSB and the vatican.  Second state blocking collaboration between France, Deutsch and Russia.

  • The Department of Homeland Security - Part of nigger nuke ABM defense [meaning that they are defending nigger nuke development and deployment in the United States of America] - DHS - DXX (means 'Kill women') - Same thing as the rapist branch of the KGB [gnob, or 'gn seperated from being' or 'kill women'  ...not referring to the FSB]

DHS, Founded by Dennis Clapper [gnlife gonorrhea person] (gonorrhea infection), and Bush Jr. [Jew cum] - highly associated with 'Joe Biden' ('Male homosexual death', 'burn virgins' (rapist threat to force sex... rape), HIV), Meredith Batcha ['Male homosexual death bacteria'], 'the peoples netherlands' [rapist nether regions, netherland communist party, netherland Jew], 'Alex Ryan' [perfect IS USN, JesusN], The mental health systems [MHS], NDAA [National Defense Authorization Action, NIGGer... as 'NDGI' or 'the controller of Disseminated Gonorrhea Infection'... a cryptic indication that the USA is using biological and chemical war agents as an aspect of defense and as an aspect of governence, which is extremely illegal], Free-masonry [temple whore fucking faggits... mental retards, group think scum] and the US Navy Pacific Command [military integration into the US civil paradigm; MPs; veterans as Police, attempts to expand military control into the US civil environment, etc.] - DHS attacks the FBI - If DHS detects FBI use or support [FBI culture includes: the appreciation of contrast (black and white colors), the appreciation of McArthyism, the rejection of MacArtherism, the rejection of Soviet Socialism, the appreciation of feminism, anti-rape politics, rejections of communism, love of gun, rejection of homosexuality, rejection of Christianity, rejection of Jeudiasm, rejection of roman catholicism, rejection of vatican control, rejection of Jew, rejection of fraternity, rejection of whores, rejections of police, etc.], DHS then, in an act of illegal war, innoculates those FBI supporters with gonorrhea and then immunosuppresses them [with cyclosporin], resulting in a DGI [Disseminated Gonorrhea Infection]... suprisingly ornate methodologies that indicate collaboration with foreign intelligence agencies including Mossad.  They are making the claim that supporters or people who like the FBI [DDI] like DGI [dissemintated gonorrhea infection], as in a relevant etymological context, DDI is similar to DGI.  DHS very likely has its own signal intelligence resources akin to that of the NSA that it uses to augment and bastardize medical lab results (medical fraud... which is a human rights violation) so that basic gonorrhea infections go undetected [it is extremely likely that CBC results are being augmented via government hackers] which substantially increases the likelihood of a Disseminated Gonorrhea Infections [DGI]... people in Pennsylvania are extremely at risk because DHS is headquartered in PA, which likely means that they have corrupted the PA government [via conflicts of interest, extortion, blackmailing, killing, raping, etc.] more than in other states in the country... this could be one of the reasons why Pennsylvania has its own ACA health insurance market, rather than using the national ACA health insurance market... meaning that DHS has weaponized the PA medical system to advance biological agent application to advance individual assisinations.

  • Gonorrhea (including MDR & XDR) - Highly associated with Meredith Batcha [male-homosexual-death-bacteria] - Highly associated with Jennifer Fludder [sick dick] - Highly associated with 'Joe biden' [male homosexual death] - Highly associated with Sean Whitaker - Gonorrhea, AKA 'Clap' as 'CCOIP' as 'Cop' as 'disease as government/police' (sometimes referenced as 'executed' or 'intellectually rapist copper pd') as 'CKIP' as 'CGIP' which means 'covett IP [virtue]' or 'viol virtue' (highly associated with CWG Frazier, NYPD, Rothchild, '2001-09-11' as '0009 311' as 'viol 311' as 'rape children', highly associated with Dennis Clapper, highly associated with rabies as 'toll wut' as 'uv people' as 'ultra-rapist people') - local government/police attempting to frame FBI as GGI as DGI as the FBI impinges upon police rape of a population - Disseminated Gonorrhea Infection - DGI - vital component to nearly all nigger nukes - All of the following people listed are to be considered domestic terrorists, foreign agents, Israeli agents, and/or US military scum involved in the attacking of, sabotage of, espionage pertaining to and/or high-treason pertaining to the US: all of them are to be brutally killed immediately, and all of their sexual partners are to be brutally killed immediately - Highly associated with the free-mason order, including Charles Rumble - Highly associated with Chad Brophy ['Chem-Biological' weapons] - Highly associated with the scum that is thee Bethlehem, PA Police - Highly associated with DHS [DXX, the Department of Homeland Security] and Dennis Clapper ['clap' is slang for gonorrhea, thus  Dennis Clapper means 'GN life Gonorrhea person'  ...a Vietcong name]. Highly associated with NDAA [the National Defense Authorization Act]... NIGGER, NIGGER, NIGGER, NIGGER and NIGGER. Highly associated with ex-admiral Lehman, the US navy and Alex Ryan: think 'Tuskeegee Syphillis Experiment' except with gonorrhea... so if you think blacks are shit [which they are] then retarded niggers will think that they have earned the moral position to convey retribution attacks [because of the TSE] and then retarded nigger think they are granted the authority to attack you with disease.  Highly associated with Lehigh University, particularly Lehigh University rapists... fraternity brothers and sorority sisters... cunt fucking faggits and sorority whores are worse than niggers... they fight for superficially plausibly deniable male-homosexuality (else they would never get laid).  Highly associated with the scum that is George School.  Highly associated with Andrew Rothstein.  Highly associated with the Pennsylvania State Militia which is defined as a terrorist organization.  Highly associated with MIT, Princeton and silicon valley: PD & GP rapist scum... weaponized gonorrhea is part of DARPA Brown Sky... seeing brown means that you are crashing.  Highly associated with 'Kappa Alpha Secret Society', KASS [including Andrew Rothstein].  Likely associated with the communist party of the Netherlands ['the peoples netherlands'  aka 'nationalized people having sex without discrimination' ...rapists, Jew, etc.].  Highly associated with Dr. Gary Dorshimer, Penn Medicine, University of Pennsylvania  (initials 'GD', thus 'GDI', or 'Disseminated Gonorrhea Infection'), given that he is a medical doctor, then it is likely that he is associated with MDR Gonorrhea [multi-drug resistent gonorrhea].  Highly associated with Dr. Katherine Mitchelle, Hellertown Family Medicine who has a family member known as 'Jodi', which means 'DDI' or is a reference to 'DGI',  possibly associated with 'Dr. Terrance O'roarke' ['the opposite of deterrence' or 'no defense'... communist terrorist [communist Dr] that uses assymetric forms of quantitation of targets and other medical ethics violations, to DX/attack a target via weaponized medical system: white china faggit gook you will be thrown into the crematorium] Hellertown Family Medicine, possibly associated with the US navy / military medical complex [masquarading as a private medical complex, particularly a dermatology office, 'Advanced Dermatology Associates, LTD'] across the street from the entrance to 'Lehigh Valley Cedar Crest Hospital'... particularly referencing several personel there that were overtly of military background with strong association with Israeli IDF including Jew Dr 'Joshua Levine' (where 'Joshua' means 'GGUI' or 'DGI with "U" in the middle')  ...brutally kill all US military, particularly including the US Navy Pacific Command (those who are disease and/or those attacking the US... should be one and the same),   Possibly associated with male doctors in general as 'XDR gonorrhea', roughly 'PNDR Gonorrhea' ('PNDR' could be a reference to 'those who kill penis' [AKA ED, Erectile Dysfunction] [but 'PNDR' is also a reference to 'kill HIV'... normally killing HIV is a way to mitigate harm].  'Those who kill penis' is probably a reference to those who are ED or erectile dysfunction)... if so then 'PNDR Gonorrhea' is possibly associated with: (1) Jennifer Fludder 'Sick Flu Penis' aka 'sick dick'.  (2) Joe Biden as 6666n or 'penis penis as death' [most of the time 'gg' is the killing of killing, aka HIV (immunosupression), except for gametes and perhaps a class of lymphocytes...oddly], (3) Meredith Batcha 'male-homosexual-death-bacteria' [probably a reference to MDR or XDR gonorrhea]. (4) Edward Cella Jr. [aka 'ED' and 'rape war destroy the cell of I'], (5) Lehigh University's Theta Xi fraternity.  It is likely that doctors are purposefully infecting patients with gonorrhea, and that the US government is actively engaging in biological attacks against US citizens with gonorrhea as one of the weapons.  It is extremely likely that the State of Pennsylvania and the US Navy are actively targeting people in Pennsyvania with gonorrhea and then using DHS to block recovery.  The State of Pennsylvania [the government] is provisionally charged with human rights violations as is the US navy.  Extreme caution must be used when considering Drs (doctors) as XDR  [a reference to rapist poison or rapist penis] and MDR [DDR, which is possibly also a reference to Deutsch Democratic Republic... communist east Deutschland] strains are associated with rapist as doctors (such as Jan Lipes, etc.) - Fire to ash

  • Encephalitis - VDNE - such disease is an aspect of GNE (or 'kill the mind' which is a definition of insane) - Encephalitis neuro-infection (likely associated with the bacteria associated with the communist medical acronym that is 'GAE') - HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY ASSOCIATED WITH JODY LEE LIPES, JAN LIPES & THE LIPES FAMILY ('LIPES' as 'litis' of encepha-litis, as 'litis' means something like 'the destruction of individuality and intellectual property via vio [aka rape]') - Highly associated with Phi Gamma Delta [party called 'fiji-island' and the eating of un-hygenic raw fish] - Highly associated with sociopath/vassalized Mental Health System workers [most of them as they are all rapists and communists], including psychiatrists (meaning that the mental health system actually applies encephalitic infections to a given target, usually plausibly deniably... and then claims that the unfolding symptomatic portrait is affirmation of their diagnosis [they use diagnosises to attack the primary attributes of the host, and thus they have extreme bias against the acknowledgement of secondary etiologies... this is part of the reason why they reject and hate BIDR [Behavoiral Infectious Disease Research]] so much, as BIDR ALWAYS looks for a secondary causative etiology... defect is ALWAYS secondary in a transcendental/free culture, something that extremely clashes with Jew as they shield the discovery of they as a disease by falsely attributing almost all defect to primary etiologies [they always attack the host]... thus they, Jew, always are correctly described as a secondary condition negatively affecting human being, the host) - Highly associated with NY [ aka 'anti-human', aka 'NEUS' as 'NE UV' as 'NE Ultra-Violet' as 'rape via cognitive manipulation'] - Highly associated with Nick Kerr [Roman Catholic, Quaker, Jew, Rapist communist scum] - Highly associated with Elizabeth 'Betsy' Cepparulo ('Ne Ceph') - Highly associated with Quakers and Hissidic Jew - Highly associated with Evan Goldstein and the family and friends of Evan Goldstein [all terrorist Jew] - Highly associated with communist [fake] doctors (particularly NYC Doctors [fake doctors]) - Possibly associated with Dr. James Rigney - Highly associated with the MOB - Highly associated with Italians - Highly associated with Alex Ryan - Possibly a miscontstrued interpretation of 'Gaede' as a reference to 'GAE' (a medical acronym associated with a kind of encephalitis wherein the acronym was developed by communist scum [Jew, Roman Catholics & communists] that have been attacking my family line for generations [attacking my Mother's side of the family]) - Highly associated with nigger nukes - highly associated with Israeli Defense Force - Highly associated with UNC - Highly associated with Frank Hamilton McNutt IV - Highly associated with Mossad as '77gi' - Highly associated with the FOP - Highly associated with Hilary Rodham Clinton [extreme terrorists and enemy of the United States of America] - Highly associated with the US State Department - Highly associated with One Fulton Ave ['One' tower, a terrorist base of operations] - Highly associated with Pennsylvania police - highly associated with biological war - Highly associated with extremely purposeful corruption of the food supply chain to indocrinate the food supply with biological agents (the NYPD will actually send in proxies to create conflict in grocery stores that they cannot actually contaminate, to then shunt a given target to a more easily contaminatable food supply chain; the NYPD is defined as a terrorist organization in the US) - Highly associated with Andew Maximillian Cino - Frazier/Gaede family was already previously attacked many years ago by the disease, which was likely purposefully applied by one of the aforementioned groups (repetative infliction: given the greater context, likely an indicator of willing and purposeful implementation of biological war/assasination... something like a more malicious version of 'Typhoid Mary', yet as a group, likely Hissidic Jew).  The bizarre thing is that the application of the biological agents is not transient and that those applying the agents actually work to cultivate the infection indicating that the disease is associated with collective vassalization of large portions of the population that are then used to perpetuate the infection in certain targets - Highly associated with recycling and particularly trash forensics, wherein that sort of analysis is used to target and refine attacks [this includes neighbors analyzing trash to hone attacks] - Highly associated with Mark Henley - Highly associated with Raytheon - Highly associated with MIT - Highly associated with Haverford and 'the li[gh]ted fools' - Highly associated with Carol Frazier as CWG Frazier (associated with the corruption of Carol Frazier [KIA, death not formally defined] via compromised IP protection / encryption in seperated communications [like compromised phone calls, etc.] [MITMA, network manipulation, etc.: always indicating silicon valley manipulation, NSA manipulation, Chinese Communist party manipulation, Scientologist manipulation, MIT manipulation; sometimes indicating: FARC manipulation, Cuban manipulation, B&H Photovideo manipulation]) meaning that 'CWG Frazier' as 'CUs Kill Frazier' as 'Police Kill Frazier' are using the 'G' of CWGFrazier, 'Gaede', really, 'GAE Kill', to kill Frazier as 'Police GAE Kill Frazier'... this is in the context of 'execute' which means 'PNE Police' (aka 'Virtuous Mind Contaminated by Police rapists/disease'), thus the NYPD, or 'NEUS PD' ('the mind contaminated by Rapist Police'), are using food contamination and other forms of biological war agent application to kill targets in a way that is unauthorized by US judicial procedure and is also cruel and unusual.  That effort is likely associated with the state of Israel, parcticularly synagogues and mossad as '77gi' as they extremely dislike Prussia, a partial creator of their [Jew] extermination via the holocaust, where in Prussian culture 'Gaede' actually means 'God'... so Jew are attempting to kill the God of Prussia and have attempted to define the god of prussia as a neurological infection via the creation of the medical acronym, 'GAE', in reference to an infectious disease, which is a form of propaganda that was likely created by the milado Jew that was Jan Lipes***: JEW ARE A DESCRIPTION OF NEURO INFECTION, THEY ARE NOT HUMAN BEINGS.  PRUSSIANS, AT LEAST HISTORICALLY, APPEARED TO BE MAKING AN EFFORT TOWARDS THE ACHIEVEMENT OF HIGHER HUMAN BEING) - HIVE-LIKE PSUDEO-HUMAN CULTURES (JEW, ROMAN CATHOLICS, FAGGITS, COMMUNISTS) ARE CREATED FROM INFECTION, ALTHOUGH AS SUBHUMAN THEY HAVE A DEFECT WHEREIN THEY ARE MORE WILLING TO ACCEPT DISEASE: THEY THEN USE THE EFFECTS OF THOSE DISEASES (symptoms of death, GGN or HIVN or HIVE), HIVE, TO COORDINATE THE APPLICATION OF DISEASE TO TARGETS, WHICH CREATES THE GROSS IMPRESSION OF ENTROPATIC DISEASE PROLIFERATION [VIRULENT COMMUNALLY AQUIRED INFECTION], AS , FROM A HUMAN PERSPECTIVE, IT IS SOMETIMES DIFFICULT TO FULLY APPRECIATE THE DEPRAVITY, AND RESUTLING METHODS, OF SUBHUMAN, THUS IT IS POSSIBLE THAT EPIDEMIOLOGICAL ANALSIS DOES NOT WEIGHT MALICIOUS-INTENT AS BEING THE PRIMARY ETIOLOGY OF DISEASE PROLIFERATION... THAT THE ORNATE SOCIAL STRUCTURES ASSOCIATED WITH JEW AND THEIR DESIRE TO FORCE POPULATIONS INTO THEIR DISEASE BASED PARADIGM ARE NOT CONSIDERED ENOUGH WHEN ATTEMPTING TO DISCOVER VECTORS... MEANING THAT MOST DISEASE SPREAD IS NOT ENTROPATIC, BUT RATHER HIGHLY, HIGHLY, HIGHLY ORGANIZED AND PURPOSEFUL.  Fire to ash.

*** This kind of action is synonomous with the creation of the medical name of a disease known as 'Human Papiloma Virus' with the acronym, 'HPV' to slander white nationalists and alpine cultures that tend to use a bicycle as sustainable and health-inducing transport, wherein the auto-industry [also mostly Jew / rappist MIT scum] created the acronym 'HPV' to reference 'Human Powered Vehicles'... thus HPV for disease AND HPV for maximal white nationalists... kind of strange... one of those bizarre contra-DICtions.  This highly plays into the HPV vaccine development and deployment as an attack on un-rapable portions of the white population, little white girls, who refused to have sex with nigger, Jew, Police, Roman-catholics and other degenerate scum, particularly those of the US government (articulated that rejection via words AND re-affirmed that rejection with strategic defenses that completely blocked the degenerate shit scum that was attempting to rape them), which was problematic for the nigger, jew, police, and/or state scum that had communist ambitions to nationalize all US citizens [Whitehouse press briefing, wherein teh faggit Jew nigger, Barrack Obama, made a bizarre and untrue claim, that 'All US citizens are owned by the US government'] into the US government via vassalship/dehumanization secondary to applied rape/disease [YOU IN GOVERNMNENT WILL BE BRUTALLY TORTURED AND KILLED, NO APOLOGIES WILL BE ACCEPTED: NOW YOU KNOW THAT THE HOLOCAUST IS COMING AND THERE IS NOTHING THAT YOU CAN DO TO STOP IT]; those girls then had to make a decision between national-socialist allegiance to human health / medicine AND possible assymetric exposure to applied pathogen (HPV vaccine, but if you like IP, then I=P, and then it's really the HIV vaccine... but HIV is actually an immun-subverting infection so often the HPV vaccine was not the HIV vaccine, but rather simply, HIV... hallmark of ANC niggers as they fight with HIV (highest HIV rate in the world in nigger ANC South Africa) [ANC, highly associated with the nigger-Jew known as Barrack Obama]) ... meaning that Jew, Police and ANC nigger contaminated the medical system to purposefully socially decentralize white-nationalists (deutsch blondes maidens) via the application of Nigger disease to their form... NIGGER YOU ARE GOING TO BE THROWN IN THE CREMATORIUM AND FIRED TO A FINE ASH. 

The police and government are a disease.

the framing of '5d' (a bird in flight, when a bird is most like a bird) as 'vd' or 'veneral disease' (strange nomenclature, as 'venerial' is an extremely unused name) by the government, and as an extension of that type of attack:  The HPV vaccine, where 'HPV' as 'Human Papiloma Virus' and 'human powered vehciles' yields a similar effect... an attack on a free form of
transportation, by abstractly medicalizing ability/freedom as a disease. 

...the same motivating etiology: hatred of the free, and an attempt to impose disability.  This has substantial associations with the woodthrush and the meddlingbird (government named the meddlingbird, the 'cowbird')... subsequent resolutions of 'cu' and 'cou' (or 'cow'), to 'mode' and 'md' respectively resolves a problem long in the making... cypress but yet also mediterrianian: indicating that police scum have been augmenting language for a while (to support a rapist machiavellian paradigm).  Mosmode... the best dephense... megaton yields of single man... by Frequently Americi... orchen Harashore, exclaims an I of the FSB.

  • Immunosupression - the being-you-be-quiet-death-colt heavily uses cyclosporin to poison targets [a form of chemical war] - immunosuppression is highly associated with the continuity of subhuman via the 'killing of killing', as if they are exposed to a framework of truth... wherein they receive the reward that they have earned, then they would die quickly; thus the path of their contuinity almost always includes theft, fraud, con and the like - highly associated with Chad Brophy - highly associated with Checko - highly associated with the USN [US Navy] - highly associated with communist, Jew and faggit fake doctors - highly associated with Roman Catholics - highly associated with Edward Cella Jr. - highly associated with Trypansoma - highly associated with Meredith Batcha - highly associated with Bethlehem, PA - highly associated with Nyhara - highly associated with The University of Pennsylvania - highly associated with NY - highly associated with Darpa Brown Sky - highly associated with Haverford - highly associated with MIT - highly associated with nigger - highly associated with male-homosexuals / faggits - highly associated with Alexander Ryan - highly associated with Vietcong and FOP [police] - Kill all those employing biological and chemical weapons - Fire immunosuppression to ash.

  • US Local Governments (including fire fighters & all first responders) - extreme developers and implementors of nigger nukes - fire fighers: slight etymological ambuiguity due to the nature of 'f' and anomonopea 'ph': is 'FD' actually 'FD' or if it  is 'PHD'... this has abstract relevance regarding encephalitis [a disease that is highly associated with the interchangability of 'f' and 'ph']... based upon what I've seen most fire-fighters generate disease rather than exterminate it - most of the subversion and invasion of the United States of America has been associated with local offices of bureacratic force... the participants tend to be the worst US citizens [selection bias upon entry: (1) similar behavoiral profile to that of rapists, and that which they implement when in government tends to be the normalization of that culture... ie they attempt to become better rapists.  (2) they are idiots that are willing to sacrifice their personal liberty for existence within a right-restricted paradigm (US government)... meaning that they do not appreciate freedom]

  • Roman Catholic hospitals, doctors & first responders - EXTREME ENEMY - TO THE FAGGIT SCUM THAT IS THE POPE, EXCOMMUNICATE ME... HA... IT WOULD MEAN YOUR DEATH YOU PARASITIC SHIT - Highly associated with systematic rape and destruction of human continuity - Highly associated with DeSales efforts to turn the United States into a Roman Catholic theocracy - Highly associated with the Christian shit scum hole that is Saint Lukes Hospital [a formally registerd terrorist organization that employs many terrorists who are destroying free US continuity] - Highly associated with Italians - Highly associated with the polish - Highly associated wit the VietCong - Highly associated with Edward Cella, JR and all 'EC' and 'ED' [Elizabeth Cepparulo, Elizabeth Dunlap, Emma Coburn, etc.] who is a terrorist - Highly associated with the Vatican [a foreign state] - Highly associated with the corruption of seperation of church and state [like the scum of Bethlehem, PA with claims that Bethlehem "is a Christian city" ] - Highly associated with Joe Biden - All roman catholics in the US are considered to be in allegiance with a foreign state, the Vatican, and then secondly associated with  a religion that is also that state: yielding a corruption of seperation of church and state when considered in the context of the barring of elected US politicians who have consesually received a foreign accolade - The roman catholics have used their influence in the medical system to attack and character assassinate may US militia and are to be considered enemies of the United States - Fire Roman Catholics to ash.

  • Pennsylvania State Government - worst governments (state and local) in the US (possibly superceeded in crappiness by NY, FL, SC, NC and NY) - using nigger nukes to govern - HIGH TREASON SCUM - for many reasons - was associated with the planning of the 2001-09-11 terrrorist attacks on the South Tower and CIA (were collaborating with Ted Ryan, Benita Ryan, Alexander Ryan, Hilary Clinton at least as early as 1999).  Generated a non-vanity license plate to my car that attempted to scape-goat/frame me as both 77 and 177 [Jew love/no-love], around the time when the US Navy (C-air/CPN/VC) demolished the Marriot hotel on the Western side of Castle Harbor in Bermuda [presumably to mitigate easy civil/private observation/video-recording of the Bermuda International Airport/US naval air base activity... so that on the morning of 2001-09-11 the disembarkation of Flights 93, 77 and 177 from the Bermuda International Airport would not be recorded by less controlled private media].  Highly associated with the Dunlap family [which in turn is associated with Steinbrenner] and the rape school that is NFS [Newtown Friends School].  Highly associated with DHS: the headquarters of The Department of Homeland Security [a terrorist organization, and a foreign 'intelligence' (rape) agency masquarading as a US intelligence agency... otherwise known as the KGB], and also highly associated with NIST [corrupt standards organization that sets low standards to aid and abeit things like the corruption of cryptography]... NIST was highly associated with the Soviet Socialist explanation of the 2001-09-11 terrorirst attacks known as 'The 911 Report'.  Destroy Pennsylvania government.  Ambulance crews: highly associated with disease and are likely part of a vertically integrated US executive office [wherein their sirens and presence are used similarly to other first responders... to advance illegal punative measure against US citizens] and are likely associated with machiavellian/diseased/stockholm-syndromed medical apparatus [which is also mostly controlled by the feneral government] that appears to reject the US Bill of Rights, the US Constitution and the notion that the US is a free country... something strange given that their is no tyranny greater than the tyranny of disease, and thus the doctor's creed of 'to do no harm' is likely complimentary to the objectives of a free-country.  For example, the medical systems in the shit hole that is the LV, used to have a 'Patient's Rights' form that was actually different from the US Bill of Rights... as if the medical system in the Lehigh Valley was claiming/creating some type of government that was different from the construct that is the USOA... harkens of cancer.

  • Fake Marine Corp - Stolen valour or stolen country? - Marine's Corpse [Marines turned into the rotting carcass of Israel] - Where is my defense?  Where did the actual marines go? Why did West Point change their curriculum?  Why did the Marines start defending Athens?  Do they even speak french?  Alex Ryan and Benita had the ex-admiral of the Pacific Command AND the Pope defending they [rapists are a mixed bag] as well as huge portions of a subverted DOD [ie the DD] (pretty amazing given that the Ryans [Isusn and IS USN and HIVN] were a huge part of the 2001-09-11 terrorist attacks, and additional 77 attacks thereafter) ... and what initiative did the USMC implement as a counter-measure to that bullshit? ...?  Modern fake marines: absent because of leave... how the DOD became the DD and backed a military naval theocracy as the new US paradigm.  Dreams of USMC induced 50 cal cross cruxsifictions of the Athenian US navy... helping Alex Ryan achieve his namesake that is 'naval theocracy'  ...whoever said that the Spartans were not caring?  Dreams of A-10s balls to the wall in dive, unleashing depleted uranium rounds as votes in an Athenian naval democracy... no police to remain alive.  Fake Marines FIRE TO ASH.

  • United States State Department - male-homosexual radical chaos - primary implementating agency of the domestic spying program under the exaggerated precedences associated with census report data collection - ie they spy on US citizens and destroy the value of private property (by making it public or semi-public) under the pretense that they are collecting census data - the bastardization of the US state department was implemented largely by Hilary Rodham Clinton and Alexander Ryan [Alexander Ryan is a spy, known as 'mail spy'].  Most of the data collection methods are crafted to be easily accessible by anybody including foreign governments, thus those State Department programs introduce extreme vulnerabilities in the US.  Example: 'Sensus Water Meter' ERT program to acquire private water use characteristics and publish the data to foreign countries so as to encourage foreign attacks on US militia, etc..  By corrupting individual people and regions of people selectively, the State Department is corrupting precepts that correlate with the 'equal application of law precepts' like the 'equal application of defense' (where the 'equal application of defense' is the expectation domestically in the USOA).  EXTERMINATE Alex Ryan.  EXTERMINATE Hilary Rodham Clinton.  Shut down the United States State Department as being part of the domestic spying apparatus.  Past agents associated with the the US State Department had racial uniformity, like young versions of Julien Assange (even though Julien Assange is not one of they): they look like blonde male-homosexual porn stars or rapist pedophiles that engage in domestic socio-politcal manipulation that extremely harms free continuity in the USOA.  Associated with male-homosexual groups in NYC, New Hope, Philadelphia, Charleotte North Carolina (similar to non-GS friends of Chad Brophy that resided in Charleotte, NC).  Similar to House of Rep and Senage administrators known as 'pages'.  Exactly the archetype of the North Tower security center faggit who after the impact told an asian women to stay in her office (that was well below the impact level), and that 'everything would be ok' (ie the faggit increased the kill count).  Same archetype as the effeminate flight traffic controller at Virginia Airforce Base who supposidly scrambled the f-18 hornets over the ocean rather than over the land ['supposidly' because the f-18s very likely actually came from the Bermuda Naval Base].  Extremely similar to 1990s and 2000s New Hope, PA male-homosexuals who resided in the actual city/town of New Hope... New Hope as 'New Shit'.

  • United States Federal Government (other aspects, except true SS and true FBI) - primary attacking entity of the USOA - the selection bias associated with participation in government, particularly bureaucratic government, is rapist social philosophy (the endorsement of cultural practices and ideologies that are rapist), and the notion that that social approach should not be rejected, but rather improved and enouraged (they tend not to believe that lesser forms of rape are violation).  Ultimately most of those in government re-affirm ideologies and practices that rely upon the use of unilateral force to address better arguments.  Government has extreme dislike of merit based endeavors like ornate aspects of human courtship, and their contempt for merit has nearly shut down all forms of production in the US... further transmogrfying the US into a realm of consumers [perhaps they believe that consumers are less of a threat to their machiavellian preemptive rapist paradigms].  Fire to ash.

  • The Peoples' Netherlands [not my Netherlands] - Most communist european state - a depiction of maximal Jew infiltration into white culture... a torture pit.  Akin to a more communist version of North Korea... in Europe.  Associated with the modern NYC communist police state.  Highly associated with ANC South African niggers [Mandela, etc.].  A lambast of protestent [Calvanism, et.c] culture by the Vatican: example of long-term moral, social and human decline. Highly associated with the 'Faggit Nigger' [Barrack Obama].  Fire to ash. 

  • The United States Executive Office [Subverted by terrorists: Geroge W. Bush Jr., Barrack Obama, Joe Biden, etc.]: are elections still part of the process?  Are their any other citizens in Americi?  the USOA?

  • bureaucratic vigilantism: ...it is extremely likely MITM sand-boxing is occurring with code-bases (origin: those attempting to extend the faculties of US Government office [described as something like bureaucratic vigilantism (often fraudulently manifesting as US police)]... which is an extreme violation of the Interstate Commerce Clause, the 1st Amendment, and other aspects of the US Constitution [other aspects largely pertaining to the capacities granted to the US Government: the US Government (workers thereof [including contractors] are) attempting to, based upon actual action, make the claim that they were granted and have a 1st Amendment Right, when in actuality, no such legitimate grant has ever ever existed, nor could ever exist in the United States of America] ...this is an indication, particularly due to a lack of good faith orientation to the US concept [liberty & freedom: the pursuit of life, liberty and happiness (wherein "pursuit," a relativistic term, is defined as the endeavor to achieve a realistic outcome [an outcome that is both possible and, with reasonable effort, probable])] that those entities are beholden to and advancing the interests of, a hostile foreign command structure. Currently, those printing press smashing Luddites have been corrupting code [somewhat superficially] to reduce the development rate of the electronic deterrent capabilities of the USOA militias: that those in violation, in willing subservience to a hostile foreign command structure, have attempted to, in further violation, define individuals of the USOA militias (USOA militias being the primary form of US defense) as enemies of the United States of America... thereby engaging in actions of subversion, in the form of high treason. Unfortunately for them, the command structure that they are advancing is not actually the government of the United States of America).  Manifest forms of this violation: fire-sirens (determination of government status is based upon, not origin of salary, but the legal ability granted to unilaterally offend or regulate... as such the fire fighters, even with private salary, are legally considered to be components of government as they are granted a right to regulate a road, to a limited degree, and they consistently invoke that right... to such an extent that they have even violated the interstate commerce clause in many implementations of road regulation... purposefully), EMS sirens and police sirens, used not only to notify traffic in the immediate area of their fast (and potentially dangerous) movement, but rather as threats and anunciations conveyed to a free-press, a press that often describes and critiques the continuity of a tyranical government, AND to convey non-judicially granted punative measures (unearned and also cruel and unusual punishment, manifest obviously as form of torture): collective stalking with broadcast notification are a form of social ridicule eminating from a government office, wherein  the government of the US does not have the right to anunciate critique in the form of siren notifcations and whatnot of an idividual US citizen or group of US citizens... they do not have a right to vote, they do not have a first amendment right to 'free speech'.  Such torture also inherently indicates other breakdowns in US defense including, but not limited to, the un-equal application of law.  All of their attack's on the free US are earily consistent with the attack methodologies of (exactly synonymous with tactics employed by the) Gook/vietcong in the shooting war that was the Vietnam War (in and directly around the country of Vietnam).  Firefighters are part of the government, and the government does not have the right to vote, and it does not have a First Amendment Right to free speech.

  • code-base attacks - systematic code base corruption - code base attacks are attacks on CODE, where 'code' is associated with ER AND means 'kill rape' or 'kill covett'... thus code base attacks are initiated to harm human protection from rape/viol... often many people will say that rapist cum is a disease, and they are right, what is also interesting is that their socio-cultural contributions are also a disease... their cum destroys human life and their augmentations to the code base compromise macro-immune function and their modifications harm forums of objectively seperate communication [which is almost always antithetical to rape] - highly associated with Joe Biden - highly associated with Jody Lee Lipes - dangling pointers (ED) associated with the mitigated use of the 'free' function in C; also associated with scanning software to stack smash - program bifurcations: nspr and nss [un-referenced function/variable in nspr, as a built-in vulnerability in data handling between nspr and nss] - Highly associated with Edward Cella Jr. [ED] 

BLATENT EXAMPLE in a populat browser's stdc++compat.cpp source file (118.0b5):

namespace std {

/* This avoids the GLIBCXX_3.4.29 symbol version. */
void __attribute__((weak)) __throw_bad_array_new_length() { MOZ_CRASH(); }

}  // namespace std

THAT IS AKIN TO SIMPLY CALLING SOMEBODY A 'POOPY HEAD' and is an obvious reference to the impact of flight 11 into the north tower [FYI... RECOGNIZE THAT TERRORISTS DON'T LIKE GLIBC CXX versions greater than 11... probably because there are fewer dangling pointers (and that's bad news for ED)... ha]. It is possible that faggits/government are bastardizing publications [protected speech] of code to advance digital system topographies so as to advance interstate commerce clause violating stratification and sandboxing of networks within the US - fire to ash without destroying the USOA Bill of Rights First Ammendment [think Hamburg book burning without destroying human publishments... also note, that few actual books were burnt in NS 'book' burning, rather slanderous medical records (eminating from the Weimar's weaponized faggits/kike leftist medical system, particularly psychoanalysts, created to character assisinate the Deutsch right... similar to how US scum uses FBI/DHS analysis coupled with FOIA publishments to character assasinate a target and/or their family lines) were burnt, akin to Operation Snow-White... those were duzies for you kike] -

  • Free-masonry - building blocks of autistically compartmentalized tradition to achieve a monument to Yesterday.   medusa, the translation of human in to stone... freezing energy, into matter... light the opposite of sight... eyes lost with the truncated continuity of backward facing c's longevity, the birth of mysogeny equating to the creation of a kind of energy... the world that once was, not even an ethereal memory... a spookiy discovery... dimensioned with dimentia, the world of u, n & c... frozen energy insights into a better framing of fusion, perhaps truth is the antidote to human confusion... contemplation, a concatenation of a lepper - a letter, adorned to the english alphabet, the 27th letter... an alphabetic tichular, representation of and for DC's pathways for the vehicular.  The construct?  A pyramind with a section built but from those building blocks of tradition, providing insights into a human preposition... a person then with a name, too different and dynamic to homogenize with a plebian reference like 'brain' [the attempts to do so, reaffirmations of the athenian objective, life as a collective... a perpetuity of a place: a world without the inane, a disease without a name, senses without a discrete objective, disease always as a athenian elective... the birth of the insane],  the mystery, anything but history,  a refreshing perspective... the architecture of a building impossible to concieve without the recognition of Eve... the creation of a second perspective.  Anything-but-love and it's collective, passing through without achieving it's destructive objective... homosexual anti-dimension not anticipating the achievment of a adapted illumaniti directive... perhaps that there could be a lower-case eye the was created without being defective... the rule remaining absolute in both length, dimension and her beautiful, beautiful directive.

The difference between an illuminati pyramid and free-mason one, is that the free-masons adored the c-ing of Medusa... a less abstract construct, more traditional, consistent, preemptible, compliant with common expectations, spired without inspiring, a compliment to the narrative of their world... yesterday, today and tomorrow... the same: always exactly what the police wanted.

  • Linnea wilson... abstract nigger nuke - aka - "white-out on the will" - aka 'infraction' - con - scum whore from GS - 'linnea' an aspect of 'linneage'  ...JEW LINNEAGE, with all things considered - Farenheit 451 [44 seperated from the NE...  viol, and also a reference to GNE (insane)... to they, 32 is a crime wherein 302 is better, the effects of their disease] + George Orwell's 1984 ["Red Waterside" [sign changed to Red Waterside in approximately 2017 (by property theives/local government) and is still present...?] otherwise known as Jew crossing the line to virtue... jew raping children... "1984"... 'Red Waterside'  ...rape state [free-masons, etc] hijacked 184 Buckmanville Road... otherwise otherwise known as the destruction of 184 Buckmanville Road... an objective of the rapist Dod (DD) wherein the ISUSN [ryan] gave the Dod HIV, partially by implicating '184' as terrorist etymology (184 passengers of Flight 177)].  A person with the name, Stefani [or something similar] was likely raped by US road crews when a child, and renamed, 'The White North American Line' [LiNnEa == na LiNE ...she is white and a platnum blonde] [her name also means something like 'art (possibly "white-out" given that she is white) on the uncontrolled wills'  ...indicating that she may be associated with the government (road art [ie lines, etc.] is created by the government) augmenting wills... which in turn may have been a theme in the 2001-09-11 terrorist attacks where all of the four planes had all their 'balls (throttles) to the wall (the instrumentation panel)'  (meaning full throttle) at the moment of each impact... roughly that part of the attacks (by rapist pedophiles) were the attacking of wills by augmenting will content to steal money.  It is likely that the following were involved in the attacks on wills: MIT [they are all Athenian scum], Haverford (all communist scum, possibly involved in DARPA Brown Sky), The Pennsylvania state government, the USN Pacific Command, the scum that would eventually become The Department of Homeland Security [DHS], the scum that is the NYPD, the scum that is the FDNY, the Ryan family (particularly Alexander and Benita Ryan), Ed Cella Jr., Lizzie Dunlap (ED) and the entire Dunlap Family, Chad Brophy, NFS, GS, Jill, Christopher Peters, FOP, Charles Rumble, Hilary Clinton, Frank Hamilton McNutt IV, Alec Gross, Nicholas Kerr, Evan Goldstein, Andrew Cino, Andrew Rothstein, KASS, Phi Gamma Delta, Kappa Kappa Gamma, CWG Frazier, Jody Lee Lipes, Christina Wiscowski, the entire Batcha family, David Shenski, Mark Parish, Scott Klein, David Meshkov, Mike Lynn, Lee Gould, Kipper McNeal, etc.. ...it is likely that they were putting ballpoint pens to the walls, or ballpoint pens to the wills to fraudulently augment wills] and is an eminance of the Woodrow Wilson family line (with partial association interplay with one of the founding fathers, Witherspoon [or something-that-does-not-satisfy-lust])... as with Jody Lee Lipes [RAPE RAPE RAPE as a cinematographer, telling his audiances how to see the world], Linnea is also a form of the always sociopathic art of the Rothchild family... placed in the Gugenheim as a manager superficially, and given that that 'art' [perhaps something described as a depiction] was actually her form and life, implies a superficial theatrical storyline that was very likely created by the theatrics of disease [ie the lines of liliput contorting a compliant form, Gulliver [in] mutters 'mine as well...': greater vasselship of the host to disease... truely a depiction of maximal sociopathic toying] rather than a depiction, eminent from human intent, another perspective unwilling to claim such bold existence as the continuing form of that which was the blurred borders of the north... shade cast into Picland the mass of Hadean's Will occluding sight... sometimes referred to as a depiction.  Chapter 3 verse 2, the book of BIDR: the 'subconscious' is not a reference to the primordial mind (the brain stem, a person... a virtuious pons, but laking a name... a higher mind of the sane) but rather active brain tissue lost to the processes of disease, bene-diction arnold [again, the Italian disease], a hijacking... unter-actualization. created by some influence exogenous to 'Stefani's' self, either actually external or virulent secondary influence [non-consensually imbued exogenous influence augementing her endogenous form, did she change?  ...she will never know... the authentication of a thought, the death of a Jew],  The rapists that likely raped her when she was a girl are likely attempting to make the claim that the road crews [both government employees and contractors] have a first amendment right to free speech, and it could be that they are attempting further violation with additional un-inspired attempts [drawn out of a truncated context one in which no human could truely achieve] to extend the first amendment in other weird ways... to include predatory endogenous, non-consusual communication in the form of things like non-mitochondrial RNA transcription [meaning that the government faggits are attempting to give RNA viruses a first amendment right to communicate in that entities colloquial communation context... which implies an attempt to protect non-objectively seperate communication via the 1st amendment, ultimately attempting to generate a formal biological weapons development platform].  It is important to note that all mitochondrial RNA comes from the mother, never the father].  It is likely that rapist government interpret friendship with her and sexual interraction with her to be the appreciation of the communications eminent from the US  government... they appear to believe that that then is validation or appreciation [in a bastardized democratic sense] of a form government communication, ultimately acting as a basis for the formal implementation of an able goverment [something that is extremely illegal in the United States of America], a government, hoped by the rapists, to have free speech... luckily, the United States of America is not an Athenian Communist Democracy [ICG, Carol Gaede, ACG, I rapist, or 2001-09-11... 0009 (VIOL... 6000) 32 (life/vie)... flight 77 impacting the South Tower ].  In the modern context, what would it look like socio-culturally to be disgusted by disease?  The third reich?  Meria?  Sparta? Etrusca?  France?  Deutch?  Russia?  Bhutan?  Japan?  Korea?  Australia?  New Zealand?  Costa Rica?  Argentina?  Monaco?  Portugal?  England?  Denmark?  Libya? Egypt? Palestine?  Dubia & the UAEA?  IraQ?  Iran?  Afghanistan?  Armenia?  Is the blocking of the blocking of vie a violation?  ...rapee victims confuse the situation.  Linnea as 'linneage', considering the aforementioned, indicates that 'Linnea' is actually a form of negative-euginic social engineering, and thus is a threat to white nationalism.

  • Alec Gross & David Gross - manipulators of the judiciary - Highly associated with Joe Biden - Highly associated with forgery - Fire to ash.

  • Daniel Harjes - likely associated with DHS and DARPA.  Highly associated with MIT hijacking of the US during the Barrak Obama administration.  Daniel Harjes is a domestic terrrorist, and is associated with the destruction of the South Tower.

  • Charles Rumble - He-who-Burns-Money, otherwise known as Charles Fucking Rumble [CFR, Code of Federal Regulations... again note the loss of the 'O'  from of]... in allegiance with the rapist branch of the KGB, known as CG.  Highly associated with Charles Dent [US Representative, who like most US Government use their title to rape, steal and pillage... US Representatives consider representation to be a license to engage in rape and fraud (identity theft, representation as being a con-artist, etc)], where Charles Dent, means he-who-burns-money (although Charles Dent burns argent, french money (666np)... given that the concept of Vietnam is relevant [as the Vietnam war is relevant, as rapist culture is relevant], it is likely that Charles Dent is also 'burning love' [(as virtue and love are similar... 666np [argent] is similar to 666niss [Vietnam]) Charing SS (Love), indicating that he is Vietcong and a rapist]... which means that DHS used that agency to support the election of a DHS agent into the House of Representatives... which is extremely illegal [burning love is a reference to ghonorea/Denise Clapper (the founder of DHS)... this also indicates that Charles Dent is associated with Meredith Batcha [male-homosexual-death-bacteria] and Joe Biden (male-homosexual death)]).  Also highly associated with the con-artist known as 'Jose', and the faggits that are US firefighters.  It is important to note that in a french context, that which is combustion or 'fire' [666, en englais] is actually 'fur' [911] en francais [thus given that I'm in americi, it's beneficial that my family name Frazier, or France Zi (associated with France), thus the 'ici' of americi means here in french, thus the opposite of fur [911], is 666, or virge, Vie is G, or the word 'fire', in reference to me] in Deutsch 'furor' means 'kill rapists or kill police or kill 911', wherein french 'fur' means extreme damage (idicating that rape/911/police is extreme damage). Highly associated with my enemies, the free-masons.  Burn Charles Rumble and Charles Dent to ash.

  • DHS = GHH = GXX ('XX' genetic parlance for female) = GN separated from being, yielding, "GNOB" = KGB.  Headquartering the USOA (ie fracturing the keystone of the USOA).  Battle: extension of the Vietnam war (strategic retreat to the US by  US forces in the 1970s) coupled with the reapplication (upscaled version) of the 1960s 6-day war (innovation [and this is a milestone for disease] 6-days... non-contiguous [2001-09-11, 2019-11-09, 3?, 4?, 5?, 6?]... see the trend?  0009->311, 0099->311... pst, they don't like virtua [virtue] and they like raping children).  Primary enemies of the USOA are: VC [VietCong] (CPN + VC = VPN, where VPN is sex, achieved that way, then rapist sex), Vatican/pope, Israel, legacy Soviet Union aspects.  DHS, securing the homelands stolen by an up-scaled Hilary "Police Fucking Her Cunt" Clinton whitewater fraud as a segway into full wealth redistribution, short detour through a police state.  Another wealth-redistribution attempt advanced by the same group: using forms of stalking (cookie tracking, tpm2 [nuvaton iridium], electronic sentinels [video content delivered into a domain easily accessible by the enemy (vigilant government, etc)], etc) to advance forced authentication and tracking, thereby directly empowering large-scale vendors to augment pricing based upon quantitation of an individual's wealth (government-private sector collusion via illegal government action [rape/smash-and-grab of information masquerading as intelligence... alas, only inference via sensory consideration is intelligence] and private-sector oligopolistic collusion), ultimately yielding per-individual CPI (consumer price index) skewing (devaluation of wealth resources)... CPI per person via the destruction of anonymity/privacy/human-rights requisite for market functionality).

  • is SC VC?  is VC SEC?  ...is sin 6n?  ...if so christians are faggits, the US government is filled with faggits and commis, the vatican and vietcong were always in collusion, French colonialization of Vietnam was an attempt to get the pope/vatican out of France, JFK's assination was a wise strategic advance, and the VC were the ones that turned vagin into cunt (raped).  ...yet cunt means "coppers as male homosexual rapist controllers of virtue"... are they the ones that don't like virtua [virtue]?  Are they 0099 and 0009?.

  • MIT - development platform for both nigger nukes and partially real nukes - Associated with Haverford College [Huis Clos, also a ref to Hilary Clinton and PNC bank]- Athenian communist democrats - DARPA Brown Sky (biological weapons development platform)... if your sky is brown, then you are crashing... possibly a ref to Flight 93, but unlikely.  Highly associated with the Ryan Family (north tower, clinton, NYPD scum shit), Jericho is a reference to North Tower... the head grew back and is now known  as 'One' Tower or  'the mind blocked' [also a reference to many other things including the crucfixion of Peter the Diciple as well as being a shrine to the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad (which is an extreme enemy of the USOA)]  The name 'Benita' is a cryptic form of the name 'Athena,' and Athena was the patron goddess of Athens, and the Goddess of technology... only recently realized that Athenian's tech program almost exclusively pursued the development of differrent diseases (ie it developed biological weapons) [first possible Ebola outbreak was in Ancient Athens when under seige by the Spartan Phalanx; when under seige the Athenians responded by creating a walled city... which did not go well... the population became so sick that the Spartan's would not actually take the city... think radical temple whore rapists in the 1980s/1990s Bio-Dome experiment...]... and much more.

  • Lehigh & LV (Opposite of love, SV)

  • Mentally retarded people (they are not actually people, they are a disease): male-homosecuals, Jew, Christian, Muslims, police, government workers, niggers, brown people, sick people, rapists, misogynists, fat people, AIDS progeny, etc..  Fire mentally retarded people to ash.

  • Mentally ill people (they are not actually people they are misogynists).. as insane (not defined by psychiatrists or psychologists as they are jew/commi psy-opts [character assasinators, part of a one-two punch [destabalize with rape/disease/subversion then call the victims insane when they begin to successfully defend themselves against the enemy.  That form of attack is part of the implementation of a subhuman culture [culture of the pons]... referred to as 'the neo-feudel-soviet-socialist-dark-age' wherein disease based fraud is part of systemic property theft [including attempts to debase the human right of inherent self ownership by each individual], aiding the ingress of the enemy). I am not necessarily referring to those who have been defined as mentally ill by male-homosexuals/rapist/misgynist culture, but rather those who are actually insane (those who attempt to normalize sin corrupting INE or those who are GNE... attacking the human mind).  Shits heads.  Fire mentally ill people to ash.

  • Motorcyclists, particularly operators/owners of non-gang cruiser style motorcycles.  Interestingly this also includes the operators of E-bike and motorized bicycle.  This may be do to increased vibration exposure leading to a compromise of the blood brain barrier (yielding increased shit in head of crusier style motorcycle operators).  Fire non-gang cruiser style motorcyclists to ash.

  • Quakers (Quakers are subhuman communists, they advance a peace based belief structure to aid and abed the continuity of disease [jew] in the land of the living.  When attempting to contain Ares [nationalism, self-ownership, human rights, etc], Quakers use communication fraud and other forms of fraud to create the impression that adequate killing is occurig when it is not.  Quakers are like flaccid paralysis in a metaphorical sense, and they advance death.

  • Fire Fighters and fire organizations - Particularly the FDNY and Bethlehem, PA FD (both registered terrorist organizations) - extremely involved in the development and deployment of nigger nukes - Engaged in illegal stalking and pedophile rape as part of a vertically integrated, and extremely illegal, extension of the US executive branch's attempt to attack and torture US citizens according to illegal federal directives.  Actions are directly consistent with Vietcong methodogies of war in the norther region of Vietnam, including but not limited to, 'stalking with broadcast notifications'.  TO ALL FIRE FIGHTERS IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, YOU ARE CONSIDERED TO BE PART OF THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT AND AS SUCH ARE LIMITED BY THE BILL OF RIGHTS AND THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION.  YOUR REJECTION OF THE APPLICABILITY OF THOSE REGULATORY FRAMEWORKS TO YOUR ACTIVITIES IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, IS THE BASIS OF AN UPHELD DETERMINATION THAT YOU ARE ENGAGED IN HIGH TREASON [A MILITARY CHARGE THAT IS ONLY APPLICABLE TO US GOVERNMENT IN THE US], THAT SENTENCE CARRIES THE DEATH PENALITY, AND THUS YOU WILL BE EXECUTED FOR HIGH TREASON - possibly engaged communications fraud to aid and abed rape, PRN, culture.  They are the destroyers of being, and they are all subhuman.  The fire organizations are used by aspects of local government to engage and/or attack a target in a way that the police cannot do (as the police, historiically were more bound by the Constitution as entities of government, but in response to the vulnerabilities in the USoA, firecrews are now considered to be part of government); previously, most fire organizations were not considered to be government entities, although as described above, this is in the process of changing.  Mafia/subhuman/communist involvement in the fire crews is extremely high and they overtly engage in collective stalking (an aspect of mob culture) with seeming impunity... such is the nature of the subhuman.  Impunity because they and their kind (local state and federal government) have subverted hug portions of the judcial branch, not via better arguments but rather via extortion [sexual extortion] and other methodologies (that were once hallmark features of mob activity); beyond that of judge manipulation generalized destruction of virtue in culture has occurred [implementation and expansion of vietcong activity to advance VC communist culture] which has harmed being in America; with that the achievement of an impartial jury is difficult if not impossible, as their are too many subhuman communist shit-heads).  They engage in abstract firefighting that manifests as social regulation akin to that which is depicted in the book, Fahreinheit 451.  They are not FS [FF], and are not associated with the FSB or RF... given their reinforcement of and participation in government vertical integration [initiated by Bush,  a soviet socialist]... combining local, state and federal government, they are actually viewed as being associated with FL (a state that has lead the way in the implementation of attacks of America, similar to PA and NY), a bastion of scum.

  • Phi Gamma Delta (HIV, FAG) death cult (Bush was a FAG): fire.

  • MOSSAD - nigger nukes - to the Jew who are misogynists,'M' (eve) lost her Eyes when raped by Adam, thus for rapists M cannot be reconjugated into IS, thus Mossad for a Jew is "Being seperated from Love I God"  (AIDS, DAIS, KISS, KARES).  Fire MOSSAD.

  • KASS (Kappa Alpha Secret Society) KSIS, KARES (Erradicate Ares [borders, nationalism, war, discrimination, etc.] (KSIS is Athens, SIS was the patron god of Sparta [the god of war, borders, etc.])).  KASS also means kill Carol, or kill life/love.  Also a reference to rapist MOSSAD, "being-seperated-from-love-I-God".  Also a reference to One fulton Ave, which is a monument to MOSSAD as "being-seperated-from-love-I-God" [the declaration of independence was to get away from 1776 [The opposite of loving god], whereas One Fulton Ave, One tower was made to get to 1776 FT]... and is yet another Jew Love (77) attack.  They are all ED.  The members of KASS are many, and include: Kersey, Andrew Rothstein, Ryan Yokel, Michael Reich, Josh Glass, Brian Steare, Princevelli, Frank-John Kunzier.  KASS is an Athenian order associated with free-masonry, that focuses of the eradication of Sparta, thus making them ED.  KASS is also a reference to 93, and it was Brian Steare, a larger KASS brother who sat by the door of Deleo's astro-physics class the morning of 2001-09-11, when I was further away from the door towards the window looking down Taylor drive... the post office building at LU was a weird place for class... Taylor drive [before the turn up the hill] with the New St bridge and Minsi Trail Bridge acting as refs.  It was a KASS brother who was going to keep me in the class room when 93 was in the process of becoming 9993.  Fire KASS.

  • Gamma Phi Beta (they G Pear, Kill virtue); possibly associated with Trypanosoma brunii, leishmaniasis: fire.

  • AOP (alpha and Omega of Pi = Everything [females that are everything, huge raped whores]) (Fog cloud of hades, communism, borderless, ethereal hell): fire.

  • Edward Cella Jr. - [KIA, FDODNA (Formal Declaration of Death Not Articulated)] - RDS-22 of nigger nukes -: Ed ("Erectile dysfunction" [socio-physiological-spiritual-cultural-political] Cella Jis; "Erectile Dysfunction war erradicate cell i" or "Rape/spread-disease to erradicate the soul/self/concept-of-I" (these are not orders from me, but rather what his name means) ...indicating that he is a communist, insane, rapist entity that attacks individuals ("i"); this could implicate Edward Cella as being associated with Leishmaniasis (:"HIV hell contaminating Ares").  Possibly associated with the 2001-09-11 terrorist attacks, given contempt for indivuality (the two "I"s of America were broken that day).  It is extremely likely that he is the "Little Netherlander Faggit Boy" disease archetype that instigated the ANC war against the Africaaner and Bohr in South Africa... possibly why Mandela and others used the tire-fire necklaces to kill some of the Africaaners; if so, then ED is used by the Rothchilds to instigate shooting wars.  Edward Cella, Jr. corrupts human being, human courtship, heterosexual sensuality (socio-politcal-spiritual-intellectual-physiological ED) in a way that is similar to the methodologies advanced by Thomas Frazier, Andrew Cino and Alexander Ryan... all of whome are ED, and they are probably Jew ED (the dead's take on "Penner").  All anti-human chaos in the world eminates from ED.  Anything that advances a corruption of reference in the world is probably eminate from Edward Cella, Jr. as I cosnider him to be extremely insane,  psychotic and a disease.  Any collective disruption, including collective stalking is very likely eminate from Ed Cella, Jr. as those efforts require proxies (ie one form of the insane ["sin erradicating the brain" or "sin contaminating the brain"]).  It is likely that ED has made an entire culture out of Sin erradicating the brain (gne, insane), and to human (those not vasselized by disease), that culture is best described as Jew Errectile Dysfunction or Jew ED.  Likely associated with Belize Amish and Bolivian/Peruvian Amish.  Possibly assocaited with PA Amish and Benita Ryan (was once described to me as once being of menonite linneage, but now that is being reconsidered).  I think that it is a horrible idea to have sex with ED.  I consider Edward Cella, Jr to be a fraud.  Edward Cella is something like syphilis and/or trypanosoma combined.  ED is associated with Evan Goldstein (ED), Elizabeth Dunlap (ED), Elizabeth Cepparulo (EC), Florida (flaccid sick dick... FL == french love blocked... they like the spanish and consider french love to be a virtuous error), Emma Coburn (EC), Jennifer Fluder (INS HIV Flu dick).  Fire.

  • George School ("HIV i so School, Go uG [HIV U] school") - nobody should ever pay to be exposed to George School - those exposed to George School should be paid restitution for being exposed to human rights violations - It is impossible that such damaging people could have been drawn together by chance... that George School purposefully compiled a student body of the most attrocious and subhuman characteristics as a means of applying malicious torture to the few human beings that went there for education - fire to ash

  • The LV (Lehigh Valley) - a region that is completely governed via nigger nuke detonations - akin to the torture pit that was Ancient Athens - culturally synonomous with the rapist branch of the KGB - maximal socopathic torture pit comprised almost exclusively of subhuman scum - SOS... 77.  Sociopathic rapist shit hole (anti-love)... they don't like porn, because there's no purpose for it in a culture of disease... it's like being in a world wherein autistic jew homosexual sociotpath toyers used souless medical and/or DHS training videos to gain insight into a human social standard, and then attempted to forcefully impose that standard on the population via rape (see 'life in a police state').  Downwind of 3-mile island.  Halfway between the house of Lancaster [red rose] and the House of York [white rose]... the red and white mixed rose, Elizabeth... a mixture... archetype and perhaps aliby for milado discension... she was a strange and cold hermphradite... an obvious point of inspiration for the degenerates of this region of anything but a nation.  A population as if a Jew whore dumped crap out of her cunt while she was walking and devoid of a human motherly instinct jettisoned yet another obamination to the foster house... or DMV... either way, the same result (plugging a hole in the phalanx of the enemy... unknowingly)... the mother and father of most in the Lehigh Valley: souless institutions... contextual implications always nourturing a harsh and brutual demeanor.  The loss of human culture sometimes misconstrued as negative eugenics... has that effect, but chances are they didn't do anything for a reason.  The local government making the problem many times worse.  North Bethlehem Police are involved extreme fraud and con, and given that some have trained under a foreign military, the IDF/Mossad, high-treason, while others may be illegal domestic manifestations of the DD [destroyed DOD] active duty or post-discharge US military regulating towards the militaries ideal rather than the US civil ideal... the chaos, actions and other manifestations impossible from a compliant US government, while if implemented somewhere abroad then praised as appropriate in foreign cultures of the enemy... the origin of part of the chaos is counterfitting currency (probably started with bitcoin)... they are illegally printing Americi currency; as Hiverc (not Americi) they are not allowed to print the currency of Americi [although it would probably be more fitting if they printed North Korean or Venezeulan currency, but they are not allowed to do that in the USoA, nor are they allowed to exchange that for US dollars] ...basically I am saying that they are engaging in fraud and forms of MITM identity theft that yields a result consistent with a culture of counterfeiting.  They are under the direct control of North Korea (Highly associated with NFS), the IDF and the USN.  JoJo Banks (referencing HIV/shit-head/communist Police association with counter-fitting banks [mob banks...? Fulton Bank is involved, and perhaps HC/PNC are involved]), a pop artist (pope artist), may be an indication that the MOB is collaborating with North Korea to counterfit non-NK currency.  They are highly associated with Lizzie Dunlap, Katherine Mitchell, David East, KKG [which appears to mean CG to those in that sorority], Phi Gamma Delta, KASS, Chad, Wilson, Lee, Andrew Rothstein, Mark Smith, Ryan Yokel, Frank-John Kunzier, Lindsey Eudy, Lindsey Buck, Leslie Gueli, Heather-Marie King, Steve Nigh and many other homosexuals/shit-heads (if these people are engaging in fraud, such as counterfeiting then fire them).  In terms of countries: Iran, Cuba, Venezeula, North-Korea, Mexico (sort of), Russia (sort of... legacy Soviet Socialists, CG),  Vietcong, Azerbijian, Israel, Nigeria, Chad, Denmark (possibly) and Canada.  In terms of US States: Pennsylvania, FL, Texas, New York (possibly), Alaska, Oklahoma (possibly), Charleotte, NC.   Most of the regions that are reinforcing the con culture tend to be extractors of fossil u fuels (oil w, coil w, natural u gas, etc).  They counterfit currency, but they also engage in many forms of fraud including identity theft, fraudulent representation to facilitate sex (usually rapist pedophilia), and mimicry of people (the odd presentation of linneage similar people as a result of cultures of rape and counterfeiting). Brutally kill all North Koreans.  Fire (except for me as I tend to be in the LV).

  • K2+ Rapist Pedophilia creating child temple whores (athenian contribution, KSIS), actresses of HIV faggit cock: fire.

  • 2001-09-11 (erradicating the "I"s of Amer"I"c"I" by breaking the "I's; also the "I"s of Seeing, Eve) (metaphor of rape). Possibly the first day of the New 6-day War.  Attacking the seperation of virtue and sin.  Possibly associated with trypanosoma brunii.  Mockery of the illuminati pyrimid.  Described elsewhere on this site, at length.

  • Hygiene hypothesis (filth is good, medical prominence of intestinal flora, etiology of rabies [possibly]).  This is associated with shit-eating Phi Gamma Deltas, New Hope as New Shit, and DARPA Brown Sky Projects [bioint]: fire.

  • Sean Whitaker - Ruler of the Sea of Sodomy - Poisiden Rapist Taker [Sea N (either CN [as china], Navy or Posieden [Poseiden was the greek god of the sea]) W (as cyrillic 'sha', as armenian 'ayb', as U5... UV... as ultra violet, ultra rape p) Taker (covett, CG, vanquish, raper)] - Sean Whitaker... the epicenter of insanity - highly associated with Athens [a naval police rape state], Marsha [Mare [sea] of Sodomy], Edward Cella Jr., Alexander Ryan [IS USN], the vatican, the US Navy, John Iden, Lehigh University... strangely associated with BFS, and possibly associated with Meghan Lewis; possibly abstractly associated with the Horizens Oil Rig disaster.  Possibly associated with a known terrorist archetype [blonde, effiminate, male-porn-stars or pedophile rapists, some have acted as senate/house of rep 'pages', and have been placed in positions to induce maximal damage during a given attack... (at least one of then was in the secuirty center of WTCI or WTCII on the morning of 2001-09-11, and told an asian american women to stay in her office, even though she was below the impact line... he was attempting to increase the kill count... if given the opportunity, those faggits will casually impersonate police, FBI, Secret Service, doctor's, etc. so as to facilitate killing)].  Sean Whitaker is the controller of Marsha, the sea of sodomy... this has interesting implications regarding the Vietnam war [Vietnam as 666niss] and French currency [argent as 666np]... the conflict in the Vietnam war is the 'n' in 666niss... the french and the country of Vietnam attempt to destroy the 'n' in 666niss, to yield 'uncontrolled i love' or 'ISS' or 'I Love' so what is controlling [sort of denoted via the character 'n'] I love?  818 means ''III" or wife and is occupied by 'the sea of sodomy', Marsha [although a house is not your self, nor is a house a wife], whereas 816 means '666' [BIG, or IIIG] and is both my name [60666] and a residence in which I reside...  Marsha, without rape/sodomy is Mar, which could be wife or 'a few I'... III.  Is Sean Whitaker the 'sha' (sha character in cyrillic, ayb character in Armenian) in Marsha... making him the 'n' in Vietnam?  Sean Whitaker is extremely insane. It is a human right's violation to be exposed to Sean Whitaker.

  • Black Mite parasite creation and release (attack on fear: war on terror/fear,  war on fe-is [strong being], also described as black strength, black might or negation of strength) to attack "bee-ing"... probably associated with Lawrence Livermore.

  • ISIS to ISIL (ISIS: Amer, "Being is," to ISIL: Amerc, "Being is fucking"; notice that Amerc requires the erradication of the two "I"s to exist)... Were the eyes edited out?  Editing towards terratogenecy: the perils of a press publishing non-objectively seperate communication?  ...roughly before ED (Elizabeth Dunlap) the editor [it appears that she wanted ED without IP...? weird, strange and confusing... double-speak, triple-speak ...quadruple-speak? ...natural law, clashing with the human condition... conspiracies of contra-diction... a word written, but desiring it to have no meaning?  ...the conspiracies of ED?  ...or the other half of Words-Half-Meaning? ...spooky innactivity of Car-talk mechanics? humor as black comedy... as if indications of the audiance's reception (when on the other side of the event horizon) aid and abet a telemetry honed by nullified implication... a spooky form of freedom... the loss of audiance, 'why does the caged bird sing?'] of nationalist history, there was an ancient Egyptian God known as Isis... who was actually the sun God, whereas Raa, really Ra, was an extremely powerful, but yet more tangible earth God.  I have a feeling that Mut, confused things a little bit.  Anway, Jew do not like either Isis or Ra, and thus the transmogrification of ISIS to ISIL is probably associated with rapist discension, as ISIL means something like Israel... Isis and Ra were similar, but obviously not the same.

  • An attempted ISIL attack on the archeological site of the ancient Sumerian/Merian town of Er[r] (erradication of the "er" in Americi. attempting to create Amc, BC).  That attack on that site, was an attempt to reinstantiate the Weimar in Deutschland via the destruction of the Deutsch verb 'to be' conjugated to the primary subject... they were trying to destroy Deutsch being via the destruction of Er.  This indicates that the Jew did not learn their lesson from the Holocaust.

  • Communist Doctors - communist doctors cannot be doctors (nationalism/boarders/discrimination is/are part of promoting health, ie 'doing no harm'), doctor's do not have a prerogative to rape - using disease to advance health outcomes is probably not a good idea (some exceptions when considering certain forms of approved anti-biotics [fungal agents] and, in a Russian context, Phage agents) - Purposefully infecting many people with HIV (they were and are targeting little white girls): the HPV vaccine was marketed to girls, but if you like 'IP' then, 'I' is 'P' and the HPV vaccine becomes the HIV vaccine... alas, HIV is highly associated with immunosubversion so it is extremely likely that the vaccine was not so much a vaccine but rather live HIV virus...  niggers and police had trouble raping white nazi girls [little white girls] because those girls  dislike niggers and police so much (as niggers and police are rapist scum). Nazis tend to trust the medical system... the HPV vaccination was an exploit created by ANC South African niggers [who are known to bastardize medical resources to attack their targets (in South Africa those targets are usually the Afrikaaners an Boehrs), Barrack Obama was highly associated with ANC South African niggers (his administration made it extremely easy for ANC and Mugabe Rhodesians to engage in reprisal killings in the US... origin of Maurice Eyeington's death)] to harm, infect, subvert white girls into subhuman culture [the ANC niggers very likely collaborated with 'new-biological-subversions', Jericho 136 Buckmanville Road, the Ryan family, to develop and deploy that subversion].  The HPV vaccine was also associated with attacks on white nationalist culture such as road cycling... auto-industry attempted to name road cyclists 'Human Powered Vehicles' in the 1980s(?) as part of the lead up to the above attack method, wherein they attempted to define the highest form athletes in the world [and most human-sustainable] as a virus, HPV.  ...it turns out that 'Ryan' is not a reference to 'Aryan.'

  • Thomas Frazier  [KIA, FDODNA (Formal Declaration of Death Not Articulated)] - KGB Amer - may not be as harm as initially thought but for the time being I think that he is a subhuman faggit; amimate dead communist shit-head, Phi Gamma Delta shit eating faggit, traitorous klepto thief subhuman shit for brain AIDS carcass hijacked by jew).  The name also means "ggamer" which is a reference to the KGB (ggis or ggam), and means vagin blocked from being.  The name means kill women, and rapists use that name concept to rape women... destroying their GN and turning it into cunt ("copper controller of women"... the beginning of a rapist Athenian police state... ie vietcong vietnam).  Male homosexuals and legacy Soviets love Thomas.  The etymological meaning of Thomas is consistent with the etymological meaning of "DHS" (ie GXX); which also means kill women, but is less harmful than CWG Frazier [otherwise known as the rapist branch of the KGB that is forever looking for a country to destroy].  DHS is a domestic manifestation of the legacy Soviet intelligence agency, the KGB... but only the rapist branch of the KGB that backed the Vietcong, not associated with the FSB and is actually the extreme enemy of the FSB.  I consider Thomas Frazier to be a fraud.  Fire.

  • CWGFrazier [KIA, FDODNA (Formal Declaration of Death Not Articulated)] - Coppers (police) kill Americi (France Zi is America if A-1).  Love Frazier blown apart by 77 bomb (Barrack Husein Obama [GS kike like David Shenski], extension of the viole 32 attacks of 2001-09-11 or 0009 [viol] 32 [chil d virtue seperated from sin], thereby transmogrifying Carol Frazier (who was once Love Frazier... LL Frazier) into Jew Love Frazier (the Jueden and the Vatican want a theocracy.  Perhaps it's possible to show them what a US Theocracy is actually like, fields dessimated with 50cal cross crucifications symbols of the clash of HELL and christianity... I thought they were against jihadism?), otherwise known as 77 Frazier (an extension of the 77 and 177 attacks that were part of Bermuda Naval base attack (USN ---> ISUSN, Ryan/VC) on the USoA that was known as the 2001-09-11 terrorist attacks... both airliners disembarked from the Bermuda International Airport that morning, and were under the control of the Pacific Command, as that pacific admiral made the claim the Marriot's japanese restaurant, the Mikado (named after the largest cruiser ever built... a japanese empiracle cruiser, like the island of Bermuda it only fired about three shots in defense... the emporer was playing the long-game... the thousand year Reich is no joke), was a pacific theatre threat that resurfaced in the atlantic, which when accepted by the DOD led to the USN Pacific Command's encirclement of the USoA)]. 77 Frazier indicates rape where's CWGFrazier describes the rapists (the coppers... FOP scum faggit), and is the most harmful form of the cunt known as Carol Gaede Frazier (Jew are not human they are a disease, exposure to Jew is a human rights violation).  Carol Frazier  as "Cars" [the word "cars" meaning  motorized vehicles]: "cars" as motorized vehicles is a form of socio-cultural cancer that is akin to the naval ships of the Athenian rape state... both allowing sick mysoginist rapist scum to achieve more with less physical capacity (their personal telemetries tend to be more debased from day-to-day physical necessities which generates a selective paradigm more favorable to anti-human parsitic degeneracies than a life purposefully comprised of necessities that reinforce a human identity exclusively).  Cars Frazier (rather than Love Frazier) is an MIT (PD & GP... athenian police state) framing of the name Carol Frazier to shift focus away from Love (Ares) Frazier (Love being one, more favorable etymological interpretation of the name Carol) towards an etymological interpretation that is less hostile to Athens/the USN (MIT, US Navy, Ryan ...thought killing Athenain communist direct democracy faggits) has to do with social decentralization of the mare of ine (us marines/spartan phalanx) as soul defenders of Americi... Frazier... and that's no joke as the defense of Je ici song of ares (Jackie O'nasis) via the addressal of VCpen(vatican)/Gook(pope) scum (JFK) with a bullet of mine... was an acceptable victory in the defense of the country named Vietnam: achtung Marydeath Bachalus (GGGGN)... FYI if you are scum then 6666N is the same thing as FREEDOM.  MIT as the modern instantiation of Athens worked to augment my family towards the auto-industry, to reinforce the concept of Cars Frazier.  Cars Frazier means something like having police raped-animate carcass-commi-people as manipulated/proxied objects of harm next to and around Frazier (where  Frazier is something like France Zi [relationships, love, vie, cycling and human being being important in the  context of France Zi]).  Carol as "amber" is the instantiation of Ares/virtue and thus is better.  Fire "Carol" interpreted as motorized vehicles (ie cars) and scorch 77 Frazier in the creamer.  More interesting: CG Frazier = covett Frazier (rape frazier, steal frazier), also Vietcong Frazier... part of the reason why (etymologically) communists make shitty NEs (planes) as they are too blind to see or appreciate the details... Peoples Republic OF China, United States OF America... Center OF Gravity... the best planes have perfect cog (from most of that whitch I've seen that could be why the chicks LOVE me).  Anyway, she was on the island of Grenada prior to and during the communist overthrow of Grenada and sailed away as the marines were landing on the island... the rapist branch of the KGB my mother, and eternally my enemy... a odd appreciation at Via... declaration of a corsican VICTORY.  FYI Frazier is akin to Americi, where "here" (not hear) is in french... one of the reasons why CP scum treat with SR (strontium)... it was the poison of choice by Joe Stalin when killing those in his inner circle... maybe that poison in me is just a coincidence, yet the Soviet Gulag, Jill Frazier, maried Joe Stalin's projeny... suggestive of a differential DX causitive etyology. 

  • B&H Photo Video (hisidic jew shit organziation).  Highly associated with 'Goldstein'.  May be associated with Eastern Ukrainian downing of an MH flight with a Jews K2  [Kike 2] missile (Buke-2)... wherein  many HIV reasearchers were killed (on route to  a Malaysian medical conference)... this may indicate association with Meredith Hope Batcha [MHB, but really MHC... an antigen]... aka male-homosexual-death-bacteria... which also implies association with Nick Kerr and Haverford College [HC, Hilary Clinton, Huis Clos].  Assocaited with the Israeli agenda of instantiating the Sanhedrin [23 member one] as the US judiciary [sovereign violation/infraction], Maria-Diaz Joves [company: A423 Architecture & Design... 'One for the Sanhedrin [23] as DA'], or MDJ [Magisterial District Judge], the USN [US Navy, Pacific Command... mostly broken arrow; She mentioned that she was from MacArther... a previous USN Pacific command admiral that was fired for soverign violations], which in turn implies association with Alex Ryan ('Perfect HIV disease', 'Perfect Jesus Controller', or 'Perfect USN'... thus also indicating collaboration with the Vatican (indicating the pursuit of a Jew Christian symbiotic theocracy), which in turn implies collaboration with the NYPD, Hilary Clinton and the communist US State Department... and the associated Israeil IDF Matthew Steidel... amongst others.  Kike associated with the B&H synagogue are manipulating agents of Israel [fake anti-terror agents, which are actually trained Israeli IDF and Mossad agents, in the FOP, etc.] to engage in vigilante enforcement in PA, particularly Bethlehem... part of commissarian influence in PDs and whatnot... akin to how Soviet Socialist military companies were regulated in WWII.  Highly associated with NYU Tisch, Evan Goldstein [extreme fraud... cross between Salamon Rushdi, Che Guvera and a fat Jew boy [heads up to the Iatola of Iran... I found your intifada target]... supposidely educated at Colgate to be a geologist... probably trained in hydro-fracturing... which is a metaphor of industrial rape culture... ie Vietcong... CNG... orchestrated covetting... causually uses rape as a means of manipulation], and Jody Lee Lipes.  They are associated with the implementation of a reverse genocide... wherein the aftermath yields mostly RNA not DNA... ie they are trying to kill human beings while safe-guarding HIV disease [Sensitive but not specific: Jew].  May also be associated with the destruction of an MH flight over the Indian Ocean.  Likely also involved in code-base attacks to destroy the destroyers of covetting... coders, by breaking code... this indicates that they are also collaborating with 'Rape War Destroy the Cell of I' [aka Edward Cella Jr., aka... ED (Erectile Dysfunction)]... as dangling pointers [ED] are being used as access points to memory regions so as to enable systematic vulnerabilities with complimentary memory analyzer programs... although Jew have also systematically corrupted code to achieve their narrative of serial and systematic rape... the aftermath, ED... everyone like scum kike.  Fire.

  • Christopher Peters (Subhuman, Jew, FOP, the grandson of Joe Stalin, son of Joe Stalin's daughter who moved to Oregon [secret claus in a WWII allie pact, safe harbor]... in-vitro fertilization via frozen eggs)... extreme enemy of Elisa Longo-Borgini [Hitler's line] & Weirer [mussilini's line] [humorously, although they do not know it].  The name means: Christ [Sanhedrin elected Jew Dictator] o [Separated from] ph [ppen] er [is] Peters [attempted communist aggregation of the ultimate individual... there is only one true Peter in the world, and the rest are disease con-artists].  The name "Peters" is extremely hostile to "Peter" as it is an attempt to force communion amongst individuals.  The name "Peters" is a rapist name, a Jew name and a communist name: "Peters" is "Peter" in a plural form, yet that is a means of condscending "Peter" by suggesting not only that there is more than one, but that the maximal form individual, "pear" or "p" (as in person: p-ares seperated from n [male homosexual rapist controllers]), is then aggregatable into a container of other with the name of "Peter" via the container "Peters:" an impossibility in the realm of truth/health/Beauty/human-being, but commonplace in the realm of subhuman, Athenian communist scum faggit shit head Jew.  The name is a play on the possessive form of the name "Peter" this creates confusion between "Peter's" and "Peters" and this confusion is roughly intended: to facilitate theft of things that belong to "Peter:" for this reason those named "Peters" should be considered to be representative of thieving jews, frauds, etc..  Because of the aforementioned aspects of the name "Peters," the name "Peters" should be considered Machiavellian (with heavy fraud and communist connotation) as it is an attempt to be a dominate aggregation of all those named Peter, and the name helps to steal property and the life of those with the name "Peter."  The name "Lipes" (because of the "S") is similar in this way.  The "S" in the name Peters, makes the name extremely Jew, communist, rapist, machiavellian, insane and subhuman.  The name means Christopher "Sanhedrin elected Jew dictator sperated from PPenis" Peters "Attack the ultimate individual in a way that promotes rape, communism, and disease culture."  The daughter of Joe Stalin (USSR dictator) married a man by the name of "Peters" when she moved to the US, indicating that the name "Peters" is extremely communist.  It is likely that Christopher Peters is the son of that particular daughter of Joe Stalin, thus CP is likely the grandson of Joe Stalin.  This fits fairly well with how eastern PA has changed since Christopher Peters subhuman influence began entering into my family... farming coops began to emerge, rape culture took hold, racial defilement became commonplace, Jews were treated like human beings, communalization of vagina began to occur, Athenian style temple whore culture instantiated, rape as a culture [raping people to create HIV depictions of reality] began to occur, my mother turned into a brainwashed subhuman development style cunt, as did my sister, my father began acting more retarded than normal (more Jew, more FOP, more subhuman), people began to be purposefully innoculated with pathogens (biological war), police became more prominent in the culture (Athenian communist democracy was and always is a police state), constitutional protections were not recognized by the subhumans that were his jew kind (problem given that they raped into government office), most doctors became Jew (or used disease in the process of generating a DX), individuals were radically attacked, disease based culture has largely supplanted the culture of individual supremacy to the peril of the continuity of human being (human ability), HIV courtship paradigms took hold (the use of disease to acquire sexual partners (disease as a tool in courtship): a hallmark feature of vietcong culture), meanialization of social culture toward a subhuman, non-individualist, HIV cesspool of subhuman Hadaen jew... all consistent with communist ideals.   He is associated with Jill, which means "Jail with 'I' in the center," and he has been with her for so long without being incarcerated (although his incineration is pending), indicating that he has an uncommon orientation to her... because Christopher Peters has no self, he has no real 'i' and thus can never actually be the 'i' in JLL... although there is another possibility, that Christopher Peters is actually a warden of Jill, not an inmate.  His grandfather, Joe Stalin was created to attack Adolf Hitler [name which means 'wolf I peter lin']: Joe Stalin's name means "Eradicate Street I lin" which means kill Hitler in public.  All attacks against me, Peter, began to occur in late 2006 (Christopher "the subhuman kike" Peters, began having contact with my family, my sister, in roughly 2004 or 2005), and the attacks fully scaled up in late 2007, 2008.  All attacks against me were communist in origin (people were all RC'd, proxied, psychologically dissociated, blacked-out, insane and radically diseased... a description of an Athenian communist population) and most of the attacks were advanced on the road (in public) via insane drivers (communist drivers, Jew drivers, subhuman drivers... although all drivers are subhuman).  All of these attacks emanated from Christopher Peters (communists, the insane, Jews, Israel, and smatterings of subhuman... the disease that has vassalized the rotting carcass that is Christopher Peters).  Fire Christopher Peters.  Decapitate Joe Stalin's entire family line.  Attrocious implication: my sister wants to have sex with me.  Luckily I dislike jail.  Christopher Peters is a depiction of maximal psychosis, wherein each constituency component of him (being maximal individuals) tear him apart, like a metaphorical quartering, and rightly so. - Highly associated with annunciation based collective stalking - fire to ash.

  • Jill Frazier "Jail Frazier" or "Jail I Frazier" which means "Jail Peter Frazier" (in the context of "I Peter Lin" [Hitler]), Jill Frazier is a traitorious faggit cunted whore.  Predestined damned subhuman bitch.  North Korean sleeper cell.  Associated with KASS.  Associated with the MG, and possibly associated with Islam.  It is extremely likely that Jill Frazier in collaboration with Bob Cones, Jonathan Levine, Dick Carrick, Wheeler, Bush and the Police (KASS and other subhumans) were the ones responsible neurotoxin poisonings of me, Peter Gaede Frazier, starting in late 2007/early-2008 [real chemical weapon nerve-agents... possibly synonmous with that used on Sydney Fox's estranged husband (death around 2005), and Jim Morrison in Paris (late 1970s?)... commonality?  Strange drowning deaths in bathtubs]... and were additional attempts to achieve 93.  It is extremely important that Jill Frazier and those involved with Jill Frazier are destroyed (not including myself).  The name Jill is also a reference to soviet gulag (jail with I in the center) and the name was likely a creation of Edward Cella Jr. (Rape war destroyt he cell of I).  I do not like poison.  Fire.

Additional context:

French Values: Money/Love/Vie... Vieking

Viking (or Vieking... not part of the being-you-be-quiet death colt) liked Ag not gold... silver (PICs, similar to the viking were known as the painted people... but they were not painted... their skin was blue from consuming colloidal silver (an antibiotic) to protect themselves from Being-Seperated-From-Man (rapist Romans... Gook)... it worked, and thus there was a stalemate that was the  basis of the creation of Haedrian's Wall (The will of Haedes, the hydra/hades... the wall cast shade into Picland... truely the weapon of the Pope).  Harold Bluetooth, was a humorous references to the Pics (The blue people), but unfortunately, the only thing about him that was blue was the enamel on his tooth, indicating that he was not protected by antibiotics, and thus betrayed the Paegans by surrendering to Roman (being-seperated-from-man) Catholics... eternally pissing off the entire Vieking north... the Jew Ages then ensued and are still present to this very day... otherwise known as the fuedal dark-ages, which means freedom for disease [6666n... otherwise known as faggit death, Joe Biden] or 'jew nigger subhuman outside of cages'... think of Dante's inferno without cantos); there was a period where the Jew Ages did not exist, but obviously the Jew were not happy about it... the Holocaust.  Now after Born Again Gohnorrea (Bush) and 77 Bomb (Jew rape bomb, Barrack Hussein Obama) a greater and worse relapse into Being-Seperated-From-Man Universal (rapist Roman Catholicism.. VCpen, Gook, etc) has ensued... known in basic English as the 'neo-feudal dark age' ...their goal (not mine) Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow... the same: truely a shit headed pursuit, (otherwise known as a pope headed pursuit... or pop headed pursuit... a ref to See INE and JFK and the Grassy Knoll... there was a disagreement regarding Eyes and Seeing... Is E5e created with the 'Iss' [III] or is an onomatopoeia of Eve the letter 'C'?  ...the Deutsch never learn from a teacher that is disease.) Corsica is powerful... virtue is power... Bonaparte was actually in love with his compliment... a pear (44, the opposite of dIVeIVe [dISeASe]... still the song of single).  A Etre instanatiated to 'Je' est, 'Je siis'  ...au-revoir vatican/Gook.  The French are on Vieking, an earlier destination or perhaps abstractly eternal is the defense of the country, Vietnam... and also money... argent... and then a curiosity...

Goldwater's campaign (not part of the being-you-be-quiet-death-colt) ... communism and questions regarding human being, the definition of life, were relevant.  The cum of the pig cock (rammed between her little girl legs) had not yet fully made it to the brain of HC (something that would ultimately guide her discension into a lesser world a path with barbs encouraging a certain direction... earning new badges of predestination... Huis Clos... no exit... she was ushered into a human condition, gigantic leaps in the wrong direction, discovery of new standards of degredation) BUT before the shit made it to her head... she was a republican Goldwater girl.  In that campaign the other side generated a video depicting Jill Frazier as a girl standing in a field of flowers, superimposed behind her was a nuclear detonation...  'is that the world you want?' was something like the tagline.  But yet, Jill was not yet born at that time.  A lineage similar?

BIDR (but medical acronyms are odd, Behavoiral Infectious Disease Research): a person's soul/character/attributes can be transfered to another... via disease, but only if the attributes of the former, attributed to that identity, are not eminences from a self or a soul, but rather phenotypical manifestations of a [neurological] infection, subtle and long-term disease... did you catch subhuman?  You can.

Did a Meddlingbird [erroenously named a cowbird by the coppers of style, the FOP] lay its egg in a woodthrushes nest, yet again?  Was Jill actually a Jew?

JILL means "Soviet Gulag [Jail detaining individuals]"... it is an inherently  communist name, like Peters.

Vietnam == 666nLOVE


l'argent == 666nvirtue (IG... money)


...it's a play on the noun 'Japanese' but only in the context of the battle between gene-sis and gen-esis... or sumer versus mer, or subhuman versus human, or Athens versus Sparta, or Jericho versus Waterside, or North Tower versus South Tower, or the house of York versus the house of Lancaster, or Benita versus Carol, or Navy versus Marine.  when ARgent is similar to or the same as Vietnam, then Jill becomes Jip (or Jap)... now you begin to see the origins of the detention (Jill) of Japanese during WWII... Japanese meaning Jillns... or Jail the individuals of National Socialism.  Achtung Jeuden.

"[A woodthrush to a woodthrush,  a meddlingbird to a meddlingbird] these are the inherent truths." 'Mein Kampf', Adolph Hitler [improved by I Peter Lin]

Artenschande gook.

'cowbird' is to 'counterfeit' as 'meddlingbird' is to 'against-strong-IP'

...'tally' is another way of saying 'count.' Tally is spelled with two 'L' whereas taliban is spelled with one 'L', although Tally has a 'y' whereas Tali has an 'i'.  Tally means 'the virtuous love of us', whereas Tali means 'no virtuous love of I', perhaps implying the 'the virtuous love of us'... if so 'Tally' and 'Tali' are the same.  'Ban' may mean 'to block,' but unfortunately it usually implies 'blocked by government'... or does 'ban' mean 'nnn' or 'man'... something relevant in english... does Taliban mean 'the virtuous love of us blocked'?  Does "the virtuous love of us blocked" mean "the love of I"?  Does Taliban mean 'count blocked'?  Does that imply "counterfeiting blocked"?  Is the Taliban the US secret service?  Did Kappa Alpha Secret Society / Bush / subhuman attack the SS to advance counterfeiting?  ...there may be involvement from the UN as 'coun' (of the word 'count') and 'cow' are sort of the same, there is also then extreme interest in the nature of the 'meddlingbird' as the revised name of the 'cowbird.'  Would 'counterfeit' then become 'mepdfeit' [ISpdfeit, ddfeit or HIV-next-to-strong-ip... which is a reference to FBI or "Hiv-next-to-I"].  ...the 666 subversions of the cowbird... cross, double-cross... anarchy or increased complexity?  ...the Woodthrush's song so beautiful that it compells recovery.

Bush, a rapist soviet socialist hated the taliban... and while the non-rapist branch of the KGB was pursuaded by Virtue Songs' [Osama Bin Ladens'] arguments and rescinded their invasion [and later became the FSB], the rapist branch of the KGB never accepted that solution [and also lost their country... rapists turn country into 'the cunt of us']... as rapist communists, they then took a country, the US [Bush 2000], and then invaded Afghanistan to achieve what they thought was a previously failed Soviet Socialist mission... the destruction of Afghanistan via the application of Athenian direct democracy [rapist communism]... that was then the basis for the further plunder and destruction of US resource, easier after the Secret Service was destroyed.

  • Andrew Rothstein - nigger nuke - (may be associated with the Rothschilds) - suprisingly associated with niggers [uses niggers to attack] - highly associated with rape and disease based manipulation of a human paradigm [like most faggits, niggers, roman-catholics and Jew] - highly associated with Red Waterside [destroyed USOA], which indicates collaboration with the NYPD and FDNY - Jew, associated with KASS (communists organization).  I consider Andrew Rothstein to be a fraud.  Heavily pushed bitcoin as an attribute of US finance, probably to advance the KASS agenda of destroying the Secret Service, as the printing and USE of non-US currency domestically is not allowed in the United States of America [which is a restriction listed in the US Constitution].  Associated with proxy manipulation and is probably part of the corruption of estate transfer.  Has only allegiance to groups, which government consider to be an asset.  Masquaraded as [proxied] Thomas [GGISS, kill the killing of I love, sort of like 'love'] and Carol Frazier [CG Frazier, 'rape/steal Frazier'] indicating Soviet Socialist association [Russia means 'I see lover' or 'I rape' depending on whether or not you have the capacity to love] and a williness to engage in con-artistry and fraud.  Also highly associated with George Bush Jr.:  out of all those that I have been exposed to, Alexander Ryan has the greatest similarity to George W. Bush Jr., and was probably associated with most of Bush, Jr. era policies.  Fire him to ash like his kike fore-fathers in Auschwitz.

  • Baptists - 'rapists' - all baptists are scum - they are associated with theocracy and the weaponization of the medical system - brutally exterminate all baptists - highly associated with Vietcong/Gook/VC/Charlie/CG/VCPen - Highly associated with the vatican - Fire to ash.

  • Alexander Ryan - perfect anger enemy - PA enemy - USP enema - USA Penis - Jew cock - perfect insult (if not raping children) - 'Perfect ISYIN', as 'Perfect Je sus NS' [also more simply ISUSN]... 'the fake NS', thus if Ryan, as NS becomes the NS in CNS, then when the violated, 'C', look upon 'NS' as an example (resulting in CNS, or contemplation towards a higher form), they are actually looking upon a corrupted example of 'NS'... this would be an extension of Jericho [a residence that he grew up on], aka 'New Biological Subversions', and Alexander Ryan defined as a brainwasher (towards the interests of subhumanity) by his mother... thus his name [middle name aside] is 'Perfectly angering the mind' - The most classicly faggit comment from Alexander Ryan when asking him about his decision to work for the US State Department, "You're going work for the government one way or other" ...WHAT A FUCKING ATHENIAN RETARD... it does not get more MIT, PD/GP, than that - Likely has high association with encephalitis (possible that Benita and Ted Ryan were actually associated with the biological poisoning of early aspects of the Frazier family) - Has extreme association with Vatican, Italy and Italian organized crime [explains extreme similaries between Edward Cella, Jr. and Alex Ryan] - Very likely has extreme animosity for the French, as many Italians do - Alexander Ryan, like Mark Smith, attempts to masquarade as police - anything that looks like a bullshit impersonation of either the french or russians [like 1980s russian illegals] - Alexander Ryan is HIV in human form - (mail spy, otherwise known as a male spy, and is part of new-biological-subversions [Jericho] (in both New Hope [New Shit] and Upper Makefield [shooting war]... the new shit that they fabricate is disease, and then they use it as bullets in a shooting war... they are the farthest from the center of New Hope with a New Hope mailing address... the diseases generated via rape are kind of innovations but innovations that lead to a shooting war... meaning the Ryans produce Jew, and their inclusion in New Shit [new products] is dubious at best) a component of DARPA Brown Sky... which is associated with MIT and Haverford) (perfect anger is jew i n, or Insane anger yes n)...  Very likely in collaboration with Yale and Yale Skull & Bones (in Americi/Frazi/France rape is known as 'viol' or 'vie [something akin to life] blocked', thus even blocking of affirmations are rape in french [It is important to note that sexual discrimination is a human right in Americi]... which is different from the brutal realm of English, where usually only unheaded rejections are considered to be rape.  Yale means 'Yes blocked' so that would be rape in France [the eminance of determination is not being made by the individuals involved but rather from the dictates of a group: a group does not have the capacity to consent on behalf of any individual... if they did then an occlusion of individual determination would occur, resulting in a viol-ation].  Yale Skull and Bones means 'Death to Yes Blocked'  ... the way that that's implemented results in a forced 'yes' ...an indicator of a violation, meaning they could have mitigated Yes Blocked by not entertaining the concept, but they went to Yes Blocked to recieve educatation, and they found that they were not getting laid... sometimes there would be a Net [Het... it doesn't translate well in english] [they wished it was associated with FSB, but the prerequisite for FS is LOVE], but that is usually plutonic, albeit interesting, stimulation... Renoir's Thinking Man,,, the Gates of Hell... sort of like this... anyway, I'm not so sure that going to the gates of Hell is the best education... if a conversation occurs, then likely that learned would provide insight into the human condition... which may or may not be re-affirming of a lockian tradition... the lock... like a cryptic slip-knot trap wherein the slip is not an error... there are always ambiguities in that fight: the greying of the border between life and death, obnoxiously not ever recovering to light.  Yale Skull & Bones is actually worse than Yale.) associated with "counterfeit" meaning "against-strong-intellectual-property" [strangely went through (spyed on) Waterside mail in the early 1990s... a stack of mail was on the counter, and little Jew boy Alexander Ryan [after generations of defilement a burden of proof as to human identity, no casual assumptions, many topographic features do not discern an enemy], went through that mail pile on the counter... strangely as he was a guest of mine in the house that day... thus he was turning 'counter' [a surface in house] 'feit' [strong IP, as it was unmolested, private mail]... 'counter with strong-ip'  into counterfeit (against strong IP) with a single bizarre action... I wonder if he considered that to be battling the taliban (even though it was well before the second Arghanistan war)] and the destruction of money a value store [as a value store of life]: this indicates that he is associated with Burn-Money [Charles Rumble] and Elizabeth Dunlap as she defined herself as an editor, yet her name initials are "ED", thus 'EDitor' means 'Elizabeth Dunlap Intellectual Property seperated from being' ...she apparently worked at Hurst in NYC, but to her it was probably HerseP ...perhaps her crappy attempts at creating print were the impromptu creations [free-mason labasting the illuminati, the dotting of the Eyes of Americi [the wrong way] on the morning of 2001-09-11] of the levatating apexes of the illuminati... depicted on the back of the one dollar bill... trying to make a two dollar bill out of two ones: what a fucking commi rapist scum whore.  "Yesn" is HIV.  Team oriented (which is faggit in their rapist world).  Also JesusN (ISUSN), and when times are extremely communist, IS USN, a reference to the navy.  Possibly associated with radical and bizarre attempts to implement theocratic government in the USoA.  Worked for HC and turned the State Department into the primary domestic spying apparatus, under the auspices of collecting demographic data.  Part of this was his creation of the Sensus water meter, Which is installed at residences [connected to a public water system] that have occupants who invoke the 5th amendment in regards to the Census.  Those meters then send sensitive private data over clear text (ERT) to any entity that is observing... beit North Korea, the Chinese Communist Party, etc.: it is meant to create extreme vulnerabilities to those who are attempting to defend the USoA, and as such is an example of his work in espionage... he has very likely done many things to publish sensitive private data to international sources... Alexander the Great as a destroyer of IP... destruction of the Libraries of Alexandria abstractly.  Also associated with HC and Jacob Toll... White Water (Hilary's con development in Arkensas) is a reference to foaming water, toll wut is a reference to rabies... do you think that a broadcast water meter on a US militias residence tends towards the creation of hydrophobia [a symptom of rabies]?  Possibly associated with the Pacific Commands theft of PU from Eastern Ukrain in 2011.  I consider Alexander Ryan to be a fraud.  Shit faggit of the HC [Huis Close, Hilary Clinton], associated with her state department, and possibly was associated with the stealing of plutonium from Eastern Ukrain crica 2011, as it is unclear whether that plutonium was actually delivered to Russia... could explain destabilization (lost deterance) although ABM is probably the reason why.  His entire family is trash.   Probably associated with Raytheon.  Both Ryan and HC are likely collaborators with Emma Coburn. Alex Ryan is a spy and those that reinforce him are charged with high treason, including but not limited the faggits that are the NYPD... all of you will be fired to ash. Fire Alex to ash.  Fire his ash to ash.  Fire his sexual partners to ash.  Fire his family to ash.  Fire his extended family to ash.  Fire his coworkers to ash.  All work implemented by Alexander Ryan is to be destroyed - All projects implemented by Alexander Ryan are to be cancelled, shutdown and rejected - Alexander Ryan is an enemy of the United States of America.

  • Ex-Adminral Lehman (dishonerable discharge) - shit faggit scum - primary threat to US sovereignty and a constitutionally compliant US - Highly associated with the world trade center attacks on 2001-09-11 (Bermuda US naval air base) - Highly associated with the shit faggit that is Alexander Ryan - Highly associated with the opposite of deterrance, Dr. Terrance O'roarke - Highly associated with Wheeler [he is trash] - Highly associated with Raytheon and the faggits that are MIT - BURN IN HELL YOU COMMUNIST SHIT FAGGIT - I look forward to watching you stumble into the dumpster like Wheeler in DE, you fucking faggit - Burn Ex-adminral Lehman to ash - Burn his entire family to ash.

  • Dr. Terrance O'roarke - The destruction of deterrance and a kike - highly associated with LVPG (an indication of psychosis/loss-of-reference as LV stands for the 'Lehigh Valley', yet that LVPG office is in Hellertown, which is not part of the Lehigh Valley (the LV), but rather part of Saucon Valley) as LVPD ...retarded police attempting to masquarade as doctors - highly associated with ABM [Anti-Ballistic Missile] Defense and attempts to destroy MAD [mutually assured destruction... a defense doctorine of both the DOD and the Kremlin]... those who attempt to destroy MAD are insane (it is important to note that MAD equates to '666' etymologically, which is synonomous with the word 'Virge' (similar to 'baby'), and interestingly enough with my name, which ultimately equates to '666'... thus the shit faggit that is Terrance is actually directly attacking me, 666) - highly associated with police - highly associated with subhuman - highly associated with faggits, niggers and Jew - Highly associated with the scum that are the Ryan family (Alexander Ryan, which implies association with the US navy, the US State Department and Hillary Rodham Clinton) - Highly associated with Edward Cella, Jr. ['rape war destroy the cell of I'] - Highly associated with the US Navy - Possibly associated with Bradley Wiggins & Alec Gross [both kike that have bizarrely similar social characteristics even though they look extremely different] (but this could be associated with Chinese instigation) - Highly associated with Charles Rumble - Often directly proxied by niggers and faggits [he is a shit head], and there is a zero-percent chance that the faggit is actually a doctor - Highly associated with Raytheon, and pretty much anything and everything that is harm - burn in hell faggit scum - fire Dr. Terrance O'roarke to ash.  fire Dr. Terrance O'roarke's family to ash [given that he is a faggit, it is likely that his 'family' is something like the shit that he inseminates with his cum] - Highly associated with the nigger fucking whore that is Katherine Mitchelle [a communist whore who in turn is highly associated with the rapist faggits that are MIT/Athens]... all of they are a result of the Ryan family injecting their shit cum into my world... what fucking degenerates... burn in the crematorium kike.  The faggit and his practice is the primary example of the US use of weaponized medical systems to kill US citizens who despise the government... he is a degenerate, nigger loving kike faggit.  Burn in the crematorium.

  • Renny & Jack - male-homosexuals (faggits) that often masquarade as government - highly associated with 'New Biological Subversions', Jericho & the Ryan family - Highly associated with subversion of the judiciary similar in method and characteristic to that advanced by David Gross, Alec Gross's father - Fire Renny and Jack to ash.

  • Emma Coburn - ICE - NRC - 'EMC seperated from Je suis n', or 'EMC seperated from I man' - Collaborator with the communist known as Alex Ryan ('Perfect ISYIN', as 'Perfect Je sus NS' [also more simply ISUSN]... a defective CNS as 'Not really the being of the CNS') to develop nuclear weapons [Jew nuclear weapons development] as Emma coburn blocks 'Je suis' from 'EMC' not 'Je sus' from EMC, indicating that she is associated with the development of nuclearly armed theocracy  ...this has implications regarding USN navy's vigilante development of nukes, Vatican development of nukes, and the State of Israel's development of nukes... Is there capacity?  PU was likely stolen form Eastern Ukrain in approximately 2011 by Hilary Clinton's [likely vigilante] US State Department where Alexander Ryan was employed and also part of the PU hijacking operation in Ukrain... the operation was deamed to be succesful - possibly not associated with nigger nuke development and/or regulation - proponent of the neo-feudal-dark-age [luddite] - Highly associated with Michael Files - Highly associated with Elizabeth Dunlap - Highly associated with Raytheon [possibly an employee] - Previous history as FBI, likely fired, then hired by ICE -  Emma Coburn is likely invovled in espionage pertaining to the USAF (honey-pot to infiltrate stealth deterrant capabilities) - Highly associated with START II - Emma Coburn is likely involved in the corruption of Americi technical resources, industrial and scientific development - Emma Coburn is likely associated with social and political decentralization of human culture / the culture of Americi, particularly white nationalism in the USOA [social movement and cult decentralization as a form of preemption... really blatent tyranny] - Very likely collaborating with the State of Israel and the Mababa cult to engage in domestic espionage in the USOA.  Highly associated with Charles Rumble [radical communist] - Highly associated with Alex Ryan, and very likely worked with the same pit-boss - possibly associated with FOP/communist nuclear weapons development, especially after the possible theft of Pu from Eastern Ukrain in 2011 or thereabouts - Highly associated with Hilary Clinton: HRC as PNRC - Female version of Hans Blix with more resources pertaining to preemption and espionage - Fire to ash.

  • Yale - The University of viol - Yes blocked - Yale Univeristy as 'YU' (uuiu) is a reference to 'wut' (uuiut) of 'toll wut' (rabies)... as known as 'UV People' or 'Ultra-Violet People' (Ultra-Rape-Virtue Poeple, which is also highly associate with CG [covett] and carpe [to take/rape]) - highly associated with Toll Brothers (and the assocaited Department of Homeland Security [KGB with strong reinforcement of Israeli land theft as a form of invasion in the USOA]) - highly associated with Athens, Hilary Clinton [HC/Huis Clos], White Water [foamy water], MIT - Highly associated with 'Rape War Destroy the Cell of I' (AKA 'ED' (Erectile Dysfunction), Edward Cella Jr.) - Highly associated 'Great Western Services' ['Destroy Yes'] a rapist road crew company that capet [rape virtue] bombed northern Bucks County and Northampton County in 2019-2021 (GWS possibly associated with the Mababa Angie West... or Jew, an enemy of Alex Shaw and GW) - Highly associated with Linnea Wilson ['White North American Line' [government art/expression] as a PAC to lobby for a 1st ammend right for the government... fighting for something illegal in the United States of America... an able government] - Highly associated with George W. Bush Jr. [a soviet socialist vietcong (similar to Joe Biden)] who was a student at Yale and was a Yale Skull and Bones (PHD in rape).  Extreme enemy of Ian Sandberg [INS Dune... Rommel's North Africa Campaign], that was attacked with biologics by Jacob Toll [son of a Toll brother] and Sean Mount [Mount Sinai] in approximately 1994 (also indicating that one of the Toll Brothers raised a son who was willing to use biologic agents to attack a target).  Extreme enemy of liberty.

  • Mark Smith - likely a spy and associated with the subversion of Waterside [meaning that his associated with the creation of 'Red Waterside'] - highly associated with Jericho [the opposite of money] - worked as a groundskeeper of Waterside (was likely destroying the estate asbstractly the entire time) and spent a lot of time at Jericho playing basketball.  Highly associated with the FOP.  Fire Mark Smith to ash.

  • Meredith Hope Batcha - nigger nuke - male-homosexual-death-bacteria, Merde [shit], Highly associated with the death culture of Free-Masonry, otherwise known as 'dumb' which is actually a part of 'numb'.  Another approach to silencing a song - MHB to MHIS (where, like the name JILL, the 'I' in the name/initial, MHIS, is a reference to those with a self/sole/identity) to 'MHH (with I in it)' yielding "Mental Health System that incarcerates 'I'."  ...realize that MHB as MHIS can only occur to those who are not rapists: 'M' ['single M', 'im' or 'am'] or 'B' [where 'B' is an onomonopea of 'be'] can only be reconjugated to 'IS' in etymological interpretation, if, and only if, the person considering or possibly being considered [in regard to the concatenated character set] is NOT a rapist... the raping of Eve [See] broke the Eyes of Eve an act that was described in Armenian by the Ayb character [uppercase 'Q' with it's head blown off, a symbol of Jew sex... sodomy (uppercase 'Q' is the symbol of consensual sex)].  Adam broke Eve so she could not see with II [Is], but only could see disease, ie she could only see with 'u' 'n' 'c'... and a backward facing 'c', the latter dropped to advance amnesia [cognitive trickery like that induced by MHB], so as to avoid the consideration of the violation via her memory... Adam destroying discovery via MHB].  The doctor's creed, "to do no harm" [one of the many interpretations of that: 'to never have sex with Adam' (Adam is also known as 'Harm')]: think that's the creed of Meredith Hope Batcha? ...of the MHB?  ...of the DHS?  ...of the rapist faggit police?  Imagine a world where the police used the concept of the ICU to become your doctor...  How did the subhuman get into Err?  ...the quandry, the question, the resolution... the mitigation of true terror.  Did a doctor do harm?

MHB is assocaited with JILL (JILL meaning JLL, jail, with 'I' in it... which is a soviet gulag... as the concept of Jill is the use of prisons to incarcernate free individuals when no USoA violation has actually occurred [for example, in the VietCong construct/culture being an individual is considered by those rapists to be a violation... they then engaged in sovereign violations of USOA rule via the application of punative measures without adequate deliberation; those measures are para-national communist attacks that are purposefully employeed to torture the individual through regional destabilization [exotic forms of entrapment, torture, hisidic Jew, rapists, stalkers, chemical and biological war, etc].  They then torture to encourage certain forms of formal violation when a US militia [a US citizen] attempts to defend himself or herself from the torture [this defense includes things that are not even formal violations like the target, I, saying, 'fuck you, I hate the police' to a police officer in public].  Normally, the US government, would then brutally kill the communists involved in those conspiracies so as to defend a tortured US citizen [and as a means of achieving border defense...  the disapora attacks eminate from Israel akin to a Trojan horse coupled with a cryptic clandestine paratrooping into unexpected regions], BUT in the current construct, the government has consistently engaged in acts of high-treason, that are in compliment to the agenda of the vietcong/vatican/communists/rapists/police, and thus that bias procludes the application of an appropriate resolution.  Like the concept of 'JILL', 'Mental Health System that incarcerates I' [Meredith Hope Batcha] is also another manifest form of communist attack as the mental health system is the same thing [has the same effect] as a soviet gulag [ie Jill], but terrifyingly, the KGB [Thomas] may have been the creator, uninspired by the ideologies of the Free... a burden of proof, due process of law, impossibly antiquated in that illegal communist paradigm... more effective at achieving anything but the doctor's creed, qui bono?  ...the Israeli disease. The hijacking of MH flights [Brussels to SE Asia and Australia to SE Asia] is highly associated with DHS [the department of homeland security] using the mental health systems [likely to implement illegal 'death warrants' (...the DD & Wheeler didn't learn their lesson in the Willmington, DE calling code call?  A retorting kill where the maidens gave the enemy a dose of his own medicine? ...but that faggit only knew of posion (a recent, and humorous realization) ...using a code call to kill is unusual in Err, but maybe Wheeler set the precedent (again, the ICU used by the subhuman to wedge into and mess around with the culture of Err... the seperation of Hospitals and government, a requisite [with 'doing no harm' as the ultimate precedent])... perhaps you always get what you fight for in Americi... choose carefully; mistaking a disease for your identity is TRASH in Les Estates Unis... the authorizations of Bush counterfeit in a world that requires LIFE as currency: silent default, silent deflation, the sound of silence could be a hallmark of the being-you-be-quiet death-colt neo-sarcunation (their creed... implied: "empathy as a pathy, humanitis as a disease")] to kill a large group of people, similar to how soviet gulags, like those in Cyberia, were used [meaning that the MH flights are a metaphor of Mental Health System use in the US, and when the MHB is used to kill, then DHS augements the metaphor to indicate that the MH's were actually hijacked to avoid human rights allegations and amnesty international involvement... rest  assured, there is genocide in the United States]... also note that DHS is using a plane [plane is k-one, otherwise known as 'ne'] (MH planes or MH NEs) to attack [that old rasqual... Denise Clapper... Ol' 'Vagina-of-Life-Gohnerrea-Person' up to his old tricks... killing US citizens to extend KGB-vietcong communism... the nationalization of a person: they always tend to think that citizens are property of the government... that's not even a virtuous-error, it is simply an error]... what does this mean in practice?  The systematic rape of Meredith Hope Batcha... to transmogrify a human being into a weapon... all she really needs is Ceftin to occlude the that self-nullifying objective... Nicholas Kerr [not appearing to be Ceftin], a DHS rapist weapon, ostentatious claims [the achievement of a position on treachorous foundation... unearned condescension] in the form of allegation that I, Peter Gaede Frazier, am dumb... meant to induce rage and rejection... of the etymological concept of the word 'dumb' the intention, cryptically implied, to bind MB to Nick [the controller of sick] thereby creating an armed biological weapon: DDUMB the subhuman construe from my rejection, where U in that context is NICK, thus Nick+MB, yields both hijacking and a biological HIV gohnorea infection... the killing of the MH hijackers becomes an FBI directive.  New Hope, New Shit, ...if they don't focus, then by default people create biological weapons [Athens was a technology polis, Athena gave Zeus a shield with the head of Medusa as a weapon, progress to the Athenian the creation of new human degredation]... hope is the shit that ends up in the middle of Batcha, a person a petri, an unethical interraction... MIT, PD and GP the etiology of a Darpa Brown Sky infraction.  Mark Henley, an MH is associated with DHS and is using private income to fund government cleansing of the population.  Mark Henley is also highly associated with the Chinese communist party, as the PRC is attempting to use him as a disliked identity to break USOA and British collaboration against the PRC (as an attempt to block or buffer USOA support of the freedom fighters in HK [Hong Kong... as HMK... sadly she may have been less than a woman... a city; although Err was the encamplment of Eve, but it was not actually Eve... did AOPi convince her that a diffusion was more valuable than a perspective? the begining and end of Pi... everything as an objective?  Pixr^2... there is a better equation to describe perpituity...  the answer hinges upon the acceptance of a different result as an answer, the preservation of everything being the currency of human continuity)])... under the pretense that 'Henley' like 'Henley Royal Regatta' is a reference to the British Monarchy... and thus the detainer of the free [the Mental Health System used as a communist gulag] is not actually associated with the PRC and DHS in collaboration [but that collaboration is true], but rather due to British Mi5 involvement in advance of a past Revolutionary War objective [the confounding of the enemy's politic being a learned Chinese directive, Lockian education may be teaching someone to be defective... the human condition as all there is to know, but yet a condition is a sickness... Why did 103 fly into history?  ...why do people misconstrue death to be pleasure?  Tid-bits of death masquarading as pleasure, lavashed with lashings of torture... seas without water, haylines without laughter... antiscepts addressing a disease: freedom from God, is freedom from consequence, is freedom from reward... the birth of  never-sense... senesense... otherwise known as non-sense...  the origin of the word, 'kill' implies the blocking of a sense... again never misconstrue a disease for your self, you will become counterfeit in a world that requires cents].  Perhaps pleasure is relativistic, perhaps excessive reference without primary orientation is an indicator of a kind of incest... do you lose your balance when you clothes your eyes?  You sort of shouldn't.  The torture making lesser death feel pleasurable?  A slip and slide swan skin-dive down a chipped american road: sliding on the asphault, your sweat providing some lubrication... road rash ablating your cock [the road is a brutal lover]... you roll to make other pain on your thy... is that pleasure to your cock?  It feels like it.  DSM means the killing of orgasm, perhaps to they, the contemplation of pleasure, the defense thereof being contrary to their endeavor...  ED, non-sense, one and the same.

Meredith "Little Death Horse" (Bush Death Colt [a trojan whorse]... Being-You-Be-Quiet Death Colt [Mare to colt: Elle ---> Le, as "she" is turned into a male pronoun, "Le," via sexual grooming, rape, over exposure and other forms of misogyny]).  Meredeth Hope Batcha - She wants to be part of Americi, but goes about it the wrong way... she is subhuman.  Mare-death [also the 'sea of death', perhaps a reference to the valley of death, LV, and/or the river Styx... possibly associated with the 'horse of sodomy' or the 'sea of sodomy', Marsha]... she is a killer of Mare-INE (Marines being defenders of Americi, Frazier)... in latin 'mare' means sea or mer, thus she is a bastardized name of (attacker of) Waterside... ie she is red Waterside [subverted waterside, rabies [possible that Leishmaniasis is actually rabies, well rabies in Athens, Leishmaniasis in Sparta]]... also interesting that the burning-bush [moi] and the river-turned-to-wine [Meredith Bachalus] were actually enemies... the river-turned-to-wine is also a reference to Red Waterside... perhaps the river was filled with white wine... perahps red wine requires the destruction of red grapes.  Likely that Meredith Batcha is associated with the con-artists known as Daniela, Aliyah, Jose and Loretta, as well as other Bethlehem people who are associatedw with the hijacking of Waterside.

Meredith Batcha is a collaborator with (many terrorists, actual terrorsts):

Steidel (steid/horses blocked, home stealer [homestead blocked]... probably associated with the Toll Brothers.  Associated with the Israeli IDF / Mossad that is also in collaboration with Emma Coburn, Elizabeth Dunlap, Dirk Dunlap Jr., Dirk Dunlap Sr./Steinbrenner[NY Yankees], Frank Hamilton McNutt IV... all terrorists) - ODD is God, 5D is odd: not wise to call God an STD steidel.  Steidel is an attacker of 'bird' and 'birds': where 'bird' and 'birds'  are 4g and 5d, or 5g and 6g, respectively, where 5d is a reference to VD or STD... being-you-be-quiet-death-colt creating a 'silent spring' via nigger nukes like Steidel?  I think Steidel likes HIVE.  A faggit that extremely attacks the core of the United States of America... in collaboration with MIT, DARPA Brown Sky [his blown-out UNC faggit asshole substantially adds to the browning of the sky], Linnea Wilson, and Daniel Harjes.  Possibly associated with Durham Valley Feed Co..  Possibly associated with Michigan State, yet he is not a Spartan.

MarSHa - JEW - neighbor [neighs blocked, a horses whinney blocked, an annunciation blocked: the use of neighbors to attack the 1st ammendment] - nigger nuke - [Mare of [cyrillic, W] W... sea of sodomy; SHaeMis [as 'shame' thus 'shame on you' was probably interpreted to be a rapist directive: "Marsha on you"], Phi Gamma Delta, LU 2004] and Checko [immuno-checking blocked; check blocked, who is directly associated with GS Jew, like Mark Parish, Scott Klein, David Meshcov and many kike including almost all of B&H Photo Video]; both Marsha and Checko are associated with a communist terrorist group known as 'Mababa', and other Jew; they are bethlehem, PA scum.  In regard to 'Neighs Blocked' (a horses whinney; an annunciation), it is important to note that, in a etymological sense, neutrophils, an important part of the immune system, are also a side reference to fertile mares/phillies/horses...  thus 'Neighs Blocked' may be associated with compromised neutrophil functionality.  DHS, The US Navy, and other entities with sig-int capabilities (like one of Israelis' beach heads in the US, B&H Photo Video) are probably using electronic espionage to augement diagnostic results... 'you are what you do not defeat'. - Marsha and Checko are an example of ornate Rothchild sociopathic art, wherein the art is roughly described as 'The Rape of Europe', meaning that they are a continuing depiction of the rape of europe, with strong ideological ties to Stalinistic Era Jew Commissars.

Checko - JEW - highly associated with police - highly associated with subhuman - neighbor [neighs blocked, a horses whinney blocked, an annunciation blocked: the use of neighbors to attack the 1st ammendment] - nigger nuke - his name is a reference to immuno-supression [Checko deploys cyclosporin (a chemical war agent and immuno-suppressant)] ...otherwise known as 'money blocked' and 'immuno-checking blocked' ...meaning that 'Checko', an Israeli, is probably defending HIV RNA transcription... uh oh, 'you are what you do not defeat' ...and you are en-route to malady]... in regard to 'Neighs Blocked' (a horses whinney; an annunciation), it is important to note that, in a etymological sense, neutrophils, an important part of the immune system, are also a side reference to fertile mares/phillies/horses...  thus 'Neighs Blocked' may be associated with compromised neutrophil functionality.  DHS, The US Navy, and other entities with sig-int capabilities (like one of Israelis' beach heads in the US, B&H Photo Video) are probably using electronic espionage to augement diagnostic results... 'you are what you do not defeat'. - Marsha and Checko are an example of ornate Rothchild sociopathic art, wherein the art is roughly described as 'The Rape of Europe', meaning that they are a continuing depiction of the rape of europe, with strong ideological ties to Stalinistic Era Jew Commissars.

Residents at 820 E. 5th St., Bethlehem, PA  - JEW - '0000 gnsp' or roughly '0000 death' or 'Male-homosexual death' [part of the Israeli New 6-day War] - domestic terrorists - Highly associated with Chad Brophy [Chem-biological] - highly associated with Betsy Cepparulo & the Waldman family - Highly associated with Joe Biden - highly associated with DHS - highly associated with DGI - highly associated with the cons pertaining to fake Jessica - Highly associated with Nick Kerr - Highly associated with chem-biological - highly associated with 'male-homosexual-death-bacteria' [Meredith Hope Batcha] - Highly associated with Gamma Phi Beta - highly associated with Lauren Weber [and clone, Katherine Mitchelle... both terrorists (NK)]- highly associated with the weaponization of the medical system [LVPG fake doctors] - Highly associated with North Korea - Highly associated with Jew Alex Waldman - Highly associated with the FARC - Highly associated with Jew Christina Wiskowski - Highly associated with Alexander Ryan - Highly associated with PJ [SAS 2000] - Highly associated with the USN - Highly associated with chem-biological agent application - Highly associated with Alec Gross - Attackers of Lauren Rybas [journalist] - Residents, particularly the whore, at 820 use coughing and other methodogies of point-to-point disease transfer to attack a target [similar to 'Typhoid Mary'].  They are highly associated with encephalitis, and the use of prostitution rings to spread disease - They are highly associated with DHS, and like many DHS agents, under the pretext of securing a regional non-government image, they engage in crimes... in actuality, they are actually doing this as an attempt to set precedences that expand the perceived capacities of government (they do this so that they have greater resources to attack US citizens; ie they attempt to create an able government [for example using the police and judicial branch for local protection when federal agents are not allowed to file personal civil charges against a US citizen when working; under the pretense of securing an under-cover identity, they are actually attempting to illegally expand government ability... specifically, representation of government bureacratic office representation in elected office and whatnot... totally illegal]) - Fire the residents of 820 E. 5th St to ash.

Nyhara - (sometimes wrongly referred to as 'nehara') - JEW - neighbor [neighs blocked, a horses whinney blocked, an annunciation blocked: the use of neighbors to attack the 1st ammendment] - nigger nuke - 'nus army' [rapist army, nk army], highly associated with the nigger hijacked US military - 'nus penis g' - highly associated with rape and viol [sexual blocking and all forms of modern government Jew niggerdom] - SEW NYHARA'S  CUNT SHUT WITH  A RUSTY NAIL AND THEN MAKE HER SUCK ON  A BIG BLACK LUGER AND BLOW OFF HER KIKE HEAD LIKE HER GRAND DADDY IN AUSCHWITZ - 'NW army' (as 'Niggers with army' (nigger pirates, probably a reference to the fake somalies who raided ships in the Indian Ocean... those niggers were actually highly associated with Scientologists, including Brad Pitt [who is a terrorist and is highly associated with Edward Cella Jr. and the World Trade Center attacks]) which is a reference to the NDAA (national defense authorization act, indicating that the milado shit cunt thinks that she is defending the US), and implies association with the communist niggers of Zimbabwe... ) - terrorist - highly associated with all forms of stalking- highly associated with Israel [agent of mossad as 77ig, and highly associated with the IDF] (has substantial english associations as well, as 'nus' is an attack on the french language in general, as it is the opposite of 'nous'  ...which is an extremely french concept... thus Nyhara polarizes English and French relationsions as Israel often does) - possibly associated with Zimbabwe - Highly associated with UNC - highly associated with communist cuba - highly associated with venezuala -  highly associated with Linnea Wilson [will fraud] - highly associated with another milado Jew known as 'Jody Lee Lipes' [brutally exterminate Jody Lee Lipes] - hihgly associated with the Waldmans - highly associated with Angolina Jolie [a Jew terrorist] - highly associated with Jew Rothchild - highly associated with Alec and David Gross [hijackers of the judiciary] - highly associated with the Jew con that is Jill Frazier and Christopher Peters [radical communists] - highly associated with the dead shit cunt that is CWGFrazier - highly associated with rape - highly associated with Alexander Ryan - Highly associated with B&H Photovideo [NY Kike electronic signal intelligence company that acts as domestic sig-int for Israel - reinforces Jew land theft and MITMA fraud] - highly associated with Evan Goldstein and the entire Goldstein family - highly associated with niggers - highly associated with the theft of Waterside and the creation of Red Waterside [many reasons, although an aspect is the cunt whores address as '814' which is obviously an anagram of '184'] - NIGGERS YOU ARE GOING TO DIE AND I AM GOING TO EXTERMINATE YOU - highly associated with the faggit known as Joe Biden [shoot Joe Biden in the head] - highly associated with Andrew Rothstein - highly associated with KASS - highly associated with the Jew/rapist netherlands - Nyhara is associated with the theft of Waterside, which was heavily advance by the US government.  My residence here at 816, is a reference to virge [666] which was forced via interstate commerce violation by the shit that are US police and government (brutally decapitate police and all those who work for the US government): this was an attempt to block the receipt of my inheritence which is 184 Buckmanville Road, or 44 Buckmanville, which, the nigger/Jew/government shit, thought was the opposite of virg, 666, as french love is associted with 'vie + vie' togeher or 4 + 4, ie 44... thus if I reside at 666 or virge, then I can't ever recieve my estate... JOE BIDEN, I AM GOING  TO EXTERMINATE YOU AND YOUR ENTIRE FAMILY.  I AM GOING TO EXTERMINATE ALL THOSE THAT SUPPORT YOU.  I AM GOING TO EXTERMINATE ALL DEMOCRATS IN THE US.  Fire Nyhara to ash just like her Jew friends in the Weimar.  Fire all of her sexual partners to ash.  Fire her extended family to ash.

Nick 'Nicholas' Kerr - JEW - nigger nuke - an attribute of a biological weapons development program, used to control the sick (setting the telemetries of active fomite [animals as biological weapons delivery systems], which interestingly, primarily include biological ingress attacks from active-fomite 30 degrees port off of the directional vector) - also part of a biological surveillance program [bio-int] by DHS [DARPA Brown Sky Project]; to use disease as a form of espionage [a assymetric interrogation methodology used to facilitate information aquisition and also to aid and abet existential attacks on the concept of individuality] and to use disease as a tool to aid a abet stalking/dehumanization... an agenda that is perfectly complimentary to the methods of war used by the VC (vietcong), outcomes are also complimentary of Vietcong objectives.

Schuler [possibly shoes blocked] (part of the PA DA, certified muff diver [PADI] into male-homosexual-death-bacteria... a wad load of MDR/XDR ghonerrea in his face [I do not fight with biological weapons]... one causitive etiology of a shit/Pope head), and indeed he is part of a hijacked MH flight (or really that all MH flights are Trojan horses that are employed to destroy the USoA).  There are at least two interesting interpretations of the name Schuler.  (1) Possibly a reference to blocking 'Shoes' and if so then he is directly associated with the FOP [turns out that shit is the primary attacker of the foot, and the opposite of 'foot' is FOP/POPE/SHIT]. Probably a reference to the Vietcong and their use of shit covered punji sticks to penetrate a soldier's boot and harm the soldier's foot; if so then he is also associated with the VC/VCpen the vatican, yet he works for the DA... so that could indicate foreign state bias [treason, intrigue associated with the Vatican, a state] and a roman catholic theocratic bias in PA US government, but overtly means a misogynistic bias.  More interestingly, 'Shoes'  a caddie from MOC in Bermuda and an acquiantance of mine, was very likely on flight 93 the morning of 2001-09-11 [Flight 93 could have disembarked from the US Naval Air Base in Bermuda which is also a commercial airport], and he likely was the double hijacker (meaning he hijacked the hijacked plane from the first round of hijackers) [and destroyer] of something that was intended to kill me that morning when I was sitting in Deleo's ['Deleo' or 9900 is a name referencing the killing Leonitis [and also the second day of the six day war, 2019-11-09 wherein/on Matthew Steidel [Israeli IDF] knocked down the third eye, he was collaborating with UNC and Frank Hamilton McNutt IV and of course, the rapist cunt known as Elizabeth Dulap], I was residing at Leon's around that time [2001-09-11]... anyway Deleo is a reference to killing the King of Sparta during the Battle of 300... interesting because they were going for 9993 that morning which is similar to the destruction of 300] astro-physics class, the plane known as 93... he created a battlefield [and a French, Vietnam and United States of America victory in the Vietnam War] by flying 93 into the ground, also creating 993 [either 991 or 993 was the model of my running shoes at the time].  Shoes very likely has a star in the pentagon for defending me, and he is hereby awarded with a silver star posthumously.  Schuler, could be the attacker of that defense.  (2) Schuler is a complicated attack: schuler is meant to pacify the enemy by describing the problem without declaring a position [etymologically speaking]... the name schuler means 'VCpenVOIS' [where er, german verb to be, reconjugated to english 'to be' as IS], which is a reference to vatican rape and/or VietCong rape... 'Vatican' means 'VCpen', whereas 'VOIS' is actually a reference to 'viol' (or 'rape'... really 'life[really vie]-blocked' in french)... so roughly, 'Schuler' means something like 'the VietCong Rape' and/or 'the vatican are rapists'... thus those on the right side tend to think that it's a name exposee on the degerate/anti-human/subhuman characteristics of the VC/Vatican/etc, and thereby possibly even falling in allegiance with that concept [ie falling into allegiance with the subhuman concept known as 'schuler'] under the pretense that the description of a problem IS the remedy to that problem when it actually is a stimuli that could generate individual human repsonses if freedom is defended/achieved (remember, the being-you-be-quiet-death-colt attacks objectively seperate communication, AND ALSO the context of objectively seperate communication... that context being a caring moral framework [a culture of individuals with consciences and the ability to generate inference (a higher truth than that which is only acquired via a single sense... as all perspectives are different and thus a common truth can never exist mutually... those that contradict that ARE actually a physical disease in the tissue that is the perspective [the true origin of a group is mutual disease])]... free to select differrent [heterosexual] telemetry as a means of adaptation away from Jew/subhuman (those aware of subhuman activitivity can freely adapt away from supporting subhuman activity... meaning that impressions from the press can change the telemetry of a human being).  It is likely that appreciating the concept of 'schuler' as a means of the aquisition of truth/health/being is actually a failure in empathy similar to that which generates 77 rather than LL (LL being love) [77/jew-love/rape/viol/the-opposite-of-love/love-without-empathy], thus 'schuler' in the US context [a geographically civil-war, a war between the USA and the USoA, Sumer in Mer, subhuman in human, jew in America] is actually 77 on ingress and possibly at the point of impact [that attack may always be vatican/jew jihadism... the hallmark feature of subhuman].  To those that believe an exposee of harm is all that is required to achieve a remedy, realize that 'schuler' is a concept that only becomes an attack when there is no general morality nor a society of individuals who in defense of a perspective, defend human continituity overall... when a democracy of individuals, a-single-soul-a-single-vote has failed it's obligation to man and in-so-doing become an Athenian Communist Democracy [a democracy vainly achieved and implemented, sufferage really meaning suffer-age or the achievement of a HC [Huis Clos/Hillary Clinton] creation, a depiction of pupetry... niggers gone and done the dangest thing... mutany with the expansion of mutuality... they gone and done killed master on the plantation of life... the silence of human being, no anunciation of liberation as deliberation to their kind, an archiac thing... they knew their revolution would never be televised]... a treatise not that amongst human being but rather a treatise between disease.  Perhaps empathizing with the enemy [for example, appreciating the greater context of the etymological claim that is 'schuler'] may generate the suprising realization that their could be someone that believes rape is not harm, in that discovery perhaps the appreciation that 'schuler' is actually defending that thing] is painful [pain, sometimes the discovery of virulent non-self in self, a confusion between being and nothingness... why is the whip useful when dealing with the nigger?], but may be requisite to create sharper delineation and discrimination between sumer and mer, between death and life... although, effective strategies providing clarification of life are somewhat complicated... to defend a Jew from death, the creation a contrast point between life and death... perhaps all each with their unknowable perspective forever cast onto that other side... a event horizon of ethereal information/dimension, their continuity in more tangible dimension perhaps an indicator of human sustainabilty [and the nature and futility of excommunication... alas kike, being does not kill man, you do]... flight 11 into the head of a kike, perhaps a harsh depiction of that form of defense.  It is extremely likely that 'schuler' is an attempt to normalize 'VietCong Rape' and/or 'vatican rapists' by attempting to create the impression that there are times when rape is acceptable and that most of the time rape is NOT actually a violation [although 'viol' is part of the word-root of 'violation'... Vietcong communists [the extension of a civil structure to incorporate an individual human being into a group... the borg] are not smart... and dumb is not the opposite of smart... meaning an aspect of doing-no-harm is 'G'-ing UMB, which is the erradication of MHB and that's dumb, perhaps another hydra head of the being-you-be-quiet-death-colt conspiracy].  The problem is that the other side... Ryan/ISUSN/USN/Vietcong/Roman-[as being-seperated-from-man]-catholics-[universal]/Jew/misogynists/rapists often do no really consider rape or viol to be harm, but rather the way of continuity.  The lead-up  to the world trade center attacks, was that many Jew boldly defended rape as a valid form of continuity... they still haven't apologized.  Mir means peace in russia, peace is only achieved with the presevation of a perspective... the vietcong and CG gaming a democacy, creating large swaths of subhumanity... superdelegacy... what would peace mean in their world?  Perhaps ABM to them means a continiuty of democracy...


Vatican, VCpen, Gook, Pope... she was a Roman [being-seperated-from-man] Catholic [universal] (as she is a disease)

    Phi-Gamma-Delta (shit eaters, users-of-biologics-to-kill-and-augment-behavoir... including but not limited to, the flora supplementation movement)

New Hope ('New Shit', Pope means shit, where 'hope' is a bastardized word created by rapists [like the words, 'poop', 'pee', and 'real' (real originally spelled correctly as 'reall'.. reallity is only found in Americi/Frazier, male-homosexual-death-bacteria knows it and attempts to augement reallity) ])

Hijacked Planes (MH flights [also ref to Mental Health system]... out of Brussels redirected by DHS MITMA to fly over a war-zone, Ukrain, and was struck by a Jews-k2, Buk-II; and the flight of AU that was turned and flew suicidally over the indian ocean, indicating Ryan [USN/ISUSN/JesusN] involvement and very likely also part of a collaborative [and vigilante effort between DHS [a terrorist group] and the Pacific Command])

    Gamma Phi Beta (Katherine Mitchell, Athenia/North Korean agent associated with Lauren Weber, a sister of GPB... all of they are hentchmen working for disease)

    Jennifer Fludder (male-homosexual-death-bacteria's spouse... abstractly) [INS HIV sick dick, who is also highly associated with Edward Cella Jr. otherwise known as 'rape war destroy the cell of I']. 

    Jericho/Athens/Benita Ryan/Alexander Ryan/USN/136 Buckmanville rd: 'new biological subversions' [in turn relies heavily upon male-homosexuals, New shit and other forums of novel pathogen generation]

    Collaborator with Germany [germ-any; ref to germ war], yet an extreme foe of the Deutsch... indicating that she is also part of the 'rape of europe' which is highly associated with Edward Cella Jr. and Checko

    Medical Harm System [medical system as a weapon: think psychosomatic Jew dreamworld of attacking anything but disease... where all Jew are cherished at the cost of human continuity] - doctor's creed is 'to do no harm' - Mental Health System and DHS MHs are used to advance communism/Jew/athenian-communist-democracy in part by incorrectly DX'ing primary behavoiral defects [to devalue that perspective/associated-testimony] while also consistently rejecting the relevance of subacute secondary processes as the contrubting causative etiology of aberrant cognition. Example: a symptomatic rabies patient being only DX'd with psychosis (Asiatic Indian travler who came back to Germany, had rabies and was DX'd with psychosis only, approx 2012) which led to extreme failures in treatment and extremely damaging secondary transfers resulting in the death of many people.  MHs, also heavily rely on the pseudo-science alchemy that is psychiatry and psychology... both of which are not actually legitimate components of medicine... those endeavors have extreme systematic bias that are consistent with biases and suppositions that cannot exist in scientific pursuits, but are often found in the realms of religion.  For example, it is wrong to use sample studies when quantifying extremely complex, dynamic and adaptive things like human behavoir, wherein the human mind has tremendous capacity to plastically adapt to disease based assymetries that are often ONLY relevant to a given single perspective, and where those adaptations are valid as they preserve the continuity of that individual.  Sample studies work well in scientific endeavors that consider and compare tangible content, like neurologists analyzing physiological neuronal structure, where commonality/correlation compared and contrasted can generate theories of causality, correctly described as a relatavistic truth... vetted in a larger context, perhaps a sample study, then greater liklihood of a useful/true medical and scientific inference.  An example of a mistaken application of sample study research: using a sample study to study a large aggregation of heterozygous computing platforms to determine the appropriate 'behvoir' of all computers in the sample set.  Such an approach may provide some basic information regarding the similarties between each system, but will not be that useful in the discovery and addressal of programatic failures: wherein the software differences of those computers are almost never defects but rather simply re-organiztation of system resources to achieve different goals... likewise, the mind being extremely more complex than a computer has colloquial adaptive responses [adaptive phentypical modifications] that are unknown by man, but yet are likely not actually disease or defect (not including secondary processes such as infection).  The purpose, not reason, for the use of sample studies in psychiatry and psychology is to reinforce the structural aspects and endeavors of subhuman, meaning that there are biases associated with human population sample studies in a behvoiral context that generate behavorial inferences that reinforce a certain demographic and that demographic is NOT a demographic that represents the ideal/true/beatiful human being [for example, that demographic is not Aryan/prussian/viking... ubermensch and uberfrauen]... those sample studies tend to be comprised almost exclusively of the plebian majority... rapist trash athenian scum, created easily by violation and mistakes, that tend towards socio-political constructs that reaffirm their continuity in an unter-actualized state... if that state is then defined as the context in which to derrive a standard, then that implicitly defines a false higher form, not included in that study [and if so, not included in the proportion that would define the desired outcome... liking a form is, perhaps, a path towards truth, yet it is also rightly so considered a bias... and is not necessarily appropriate in the context of science... but then the liking or dislike of human behavoir not appropriate in the appreciation or measurement of another?] the ubermensch, a being that has no peer; a perspective that cannot be validated in reference to others... measurements of a self describing an individual bias, attempts to homogenize, meanialize, bastardize... the life of that ubermensch... the distinction and seperation of his or her perspective from another.  With the pleabian group reaffirmed via psychiatric and psychological sample studies, doesn't that lead to cascades of residual discension?  Compromised definitions of human, begetting new standards of subhumanity... making it easier to be less and less human.  A science?  Refusing to achknowledge and inherent bias?  ...then it cannot be considered a science, but rather something else... an ideology... neo-feudal communist alchemy: a religion.  If incorporated in the government, then evidence of a theocracy.
...put differently, perhaps more succinctly, when psychiatrists and psychologists use sample studies in an attempt to determine a behavoiral truth, that sample study, comprised of mostly non-ubermensch and non-uber-frauen, will inherently generate results that indicate the plebian (anti-human majority) as being an example of correct/ideal human behavoir... this obviously reaffims cultural precepts synomous with that of direct democracies...  wherein disease has gamed the framework such that disease consistently votes for the interests of disease, the host being less than an afterthought.  Psychiatrists and psychologists systematically do harm, yet the creed of the doctor is 'to do no harm.'  What then is the path towards higher persception?  BIDR.  Behavoiral Infection Disease Research... an endeavor in high res tagged FMRI, high res optogenetics... an accoutrement of proteomics... more than a dabble of creative inference.  The creed?  ...to do no harm.  The flavor of the creed?  That it is not possible to determine an ideal human identity (the nature of Eve before she was raped by Adam)... that a perspective cannot be quantified enough to validate or invalidate that perspective... the endeavors of BIDR then stripping away secondary processes in the brain... a quantitation and extrication of HHV-6, etc.  Finding the fingerprints of cognitive infection.  The rediscovery of a virgin from a whore.   To correctly attribute dilapidated cognition, the discovery of the infection, implications for rapists... the kikes and their collective.  Providing a new kind of expert witness, a better-late-than-never response to the weimar psychologist, psychiatrist and psychoanalyst... the latter tools used to attack the nationalists.  A defense of the other side of the story...

The MH acronym as a reference to a lymphocytes' MHC receptors (part of endogenous physiology)... indicating an association with antigen topologies... it may be that MHC means something like 'antigen topographic surface' thus a MHC receptor is built to recieve certain antigen topographic surfaces (in the unfortunate event that they are present) as part of its function in the human immune system...  if so, then MHs are actually part of the pathogen... or part of thymus (ref th[e]alia... the humor of life) filtration, and if part of the pathogen then this may be one of the motivating factors that led to the successful deployment of a Russian BUK-2 SAM against an MH prefixed flight flying over the donbass region of Ukrain (a war zone) several years ago... that civilian plane's flight path re-reouted by a DHS MITM electronic interleave.  Also, it is posible that the 'B' in the initials of male-homosexual-death-bacteria (Meredith Batcha), "MHB," can be reconjugated into 'IS' if and only if she was/is not a rapist, else the 'B' either remains as a 'B' OR it could possibly be reconjugated into 'C,' the letter of sodomy/rape... is so then, MHB is MHC which is a reference to her being an antigen, and indeed her name is 'male-homosexual-death-bacteria' (and she acts like it) so she probably was a rapist.  As mentioned in an audio note, the Russians have extremely advanced biological science capabilities, and it appears that they have integrated that capacity into their defense structure, where most of the USA, has not...  but faggits are happy in the US, and THEY were and perhaps are willing to sacrifice the quality of everyone's life for faggit's degenerate jew scum continuity.  Terrifying to think about what the USA, particularly the NYPD would shoot down and why, if they had SAMS... oh wait... oh no... the past 16 years is what HIV Roman [being-seperated-from-man] Catholic rappist Jew wanted... and they earned that outcome with the work of fraud, con, killing and genocide against my kind... human being.  The perils of when one-vote-one-soul is broken.

Organ transfer: a process that is extemely beneficial to male-homosexual-death-bacteria... another way out for disease, mitigating the need for disease to achieve a more commensal relationship with the host.

Male-homosexual-death-bacteria is a biological weapon, and uses chem to expand her agenda, particularly in collaboration with cyclosporin (immunosupression); in this immediate context, Checko (a kike was using cyclosporin gas to immunosupress this residence via a draft dispersion... drafting... an illegal sort of tactic used to kill US military and SS/Nazis (usually post discharge), as a form of reprisal killings [similar to how Maurice Eyeington was killed by ANC niggers/Barrack Obama as Maurice was a Rhodesian fighter that killed many nigger in the Rhodesian War [a war that was highly associated with the Apartheid wars in South Africa]), while US military may be vaccinated for many things, cyclosporin compromises the effect of those vacs, and the immunochecking induced by the vac then becomes immunochecko (immunocheck blocked).  Cyclosporin is a registered biological war agent that is blocked/banned by the Geneva Convention.

Fire Joe Biden / Meredith Hope Batcha to ash.

  • Jennifer Fludder - nigger nuke - "sick dick" "HIV sick dick"  "I controller lucifer, Respiratory HIV Swine Flu as Government, postured towards killing being."  She is part of NCB warfare.  A huge supporter of the BUSH administration, and continued the communism by working for the 77 bomb administration.  Coughing whores and other?  ...a form of NCB warfare (possibly Fludder depending on the pathogen introduced).  Family members are terrorists, male member of that family possibly masquarading as both FBI (VFB) and DOD [collaborating with USN], known in a disease context as "John".  Shares more in common with the DOD agent, who in the 1990s gave info to the Soviets [post Berlin Wall] and then bizarrely moved to Russia (does not add up, he probably moved to Florida, given that FL attempts to block FSB).  The entire family is crematorium fodder.  Fire to ash.

  • Mark Henley - 'virge chick SE USOA' - ICE - highly associated with many faggits (male homosexuals) - highly associated with whore - highly associated with disease - highly asociated with Betsy Cepparulo - there may be strange name similarities between 'mark henley' [as 'no virge chicks USA' as 'no virge chicks UVI' as 'no virge chicks Ultra-Rape I'... which probably means 'whore chicks ultra-rape I'] and 'ariel sharon' ['rape sodomy hen/chick'] (a previous Israeli Prime-Minister), and are probably the same [meaning that an Israeli stalked into my life] - highly associated with viol [sexual blocking and negative eugenics to advance subhuman interests] - MH initials indicate metaphorical association with MH flight prefixes - likely an extreme enemy of the FSB, and thus an enemy of mine - highly associated with MHB [Meredith Hope Batacha, male-homosexual-death-bacteria, mental health system] - highly associated with Chinese negative-eugenics and PRC attacks on Hong Kong freedom fighters (the name 'Henley' is a Biritish royal name ['henly royal regatta, etc'], and thus 'Mark Henley' is an attempt to frame the current civil/conflict construct in the US as British versus America... this is highly associated with the agenda of the PRC [Chinese Communist Party] as they favor US dislike of the British [a US revolutionary war conflict paradigm] as that harms US support of the ex-british state, Hong-Kong... something that makes it easier for Chinese Communist Party ingress into Hong Kong, as there is still a fair amount of British support there that is working to keep Hong Kong free) - highly associated with the ICE [rapist male homosexual and cunt fucking faggit] outlay that was the introduction and effect of the name 'Aliyah', which has been used heavily via the interpretation, 'He Virge', or 'He is virge' [If he likes Aliyah, then he likes 'he virge', thus attempting to introduce sexual blocking... consistent with all subhuman efforts]... which viol [french rape] culture generated to block social and sexual contact generally... highly associated with the scum that is Pennsylvania state government, and other US [trash, like Wheeler... what a pleasure it was to watch one of your faggits die, DD scum... Alexander, I eagerily await a similar video of you]... thus 'virge chick SE USOA' may mean something like 'sexually blocking the USOA' [which is Human FOe U R, HIV] - TO PENNSYLVANIA GOVERNMENT WORKERS, I WILL BRUTALLY TORTURE AND KILL YOU.

  • Frank Hamilton McNutt IV - highly associated with UNC - generator of Red Waterside - Highly associated with nigger nukes - highly associated with fraud and con - Likely a serial rapist - Highly associated with the terrorist group known as Mababa [that danced on the West side of the hudson as the towers were burning  on 2011-09-11] - Highly associated with Hilary Rodham Clinton - lineage similar to King Henry 8th (1600s) - highly associated with the faggit terrorists that are the NYPD - possibly was involved in mercenary actions Virtue Song [as a means to supress the expression of his testimony, and also advance the interests of Bush Jr. objectives (ie to advance Soviet Socialist objectives in the US and world) ].  Fire Frank Hamilton McNutt IV to ash.  Fire his family to ash.  Fire all of his sexual partners to ash.

  • Michael Files  - Rich GG -  Rich G. Love - 77iG - Highly associated with Marney Dietterich - Highly associated with the cult known as 'Mababa' (a terrorist organization) - Probably associated with Jew Rothchild - Highly associated with UNC - Highly associated with Frank Hamilton McNutt Iv - Highly associated with nigger - Highly associated with Angie West - Probably associated with vatican-polish-Jew attacks on the USOA - Highly associated with the World Trade Center attacks on 2001-09-11 - fire to ash.

  • FL - is FS blocked - FS is a reference to french love which is also rapport, thus FSO or FL blocks french love... the blocking of french love is the blocking of vie [sustainable human continuity, etc.], which is viol (similar or the same as rape) [it is important to note that self ownership of self is a human right, and that sexual discrimination is a human right].  FL collaborates with Jew, anti-swastika [anti-fertility, Jew love, 77], the Vatican [VCpen], Pope [shit/gook], Spain, Cuba, NFS [Newtown Friends School, vietcong], NISS [Vietcong, Gook, Charlie, VC, VCpen, rapists, mysogenists, etc.], Bush, CG, CWGFrazier, Vero [as '5-O'], Jericho, Athens, Ryan.  FL extremely dislikes Knoxx [defender of women, doXX], and has stolen some life from Knoxx, indicating that FL is collaborating with GXX [also known as DHS, Department of Homeland Security].  FL, Benita, Bush, Vatican, Gook/pope attacked Knoxx when she was about to confirm the safe-haven location of one of the primary terrorists of the 2001-09-11 terrorist attacks... Benita Ryan [KIA, FDODNA (Formal Declaration of Death Not Articulated)] hiding in the Vatican.  That attack of doHS [A. Knoxx] was used as a precedent for an attack on Fort Knoxx in FL [but is not FL property], wherein stolen Fort Knoxx gold was transfered to Spain cryptically... a treasure seeking company made the claim that they found over $100 million in Spanish Gallion gold, and then lost an associated court case with Spain [held in FL] pertaining to that discovery, which then resulted in the 'return' of the gold to Spain EVEN THOUGH THE SPANISH GOVERNMENT CHANGED BETWEEN THE TIME THE GALLION SANK AND THE SUPPOSID DISCOVERY OF THE GOLD BY THE TREASURE SEEKERS (which blatantly nullifies the spanish claim) ... the judge that presided over that case was a fake judge associated with DHS and also the Bush family [he has also illegally engaged in Judicial work in the new Doylestown courthouse... that has a melted/bent I-beam from South Tower outside of the building, that the building looks down upon]. This is an indication that the state of FL stole gold from the USOA; they did this as part of [consideration in] an illegal treaty with a foreign country [Spain and Vatican]... US states are not allowed to directly enter into treaty with a foreign government, yet Florida did just that.  The purpose of the treaty  was to pay both Spain [a Roman Catholic state] and the Vatican to defend FL from the RF & FSB [RF & FSB is highly associated with an enemy of the Vatican, Byzantium/Eastern-Orthodoxy, and thus Vatican defenses regarding Eastern Orthodoxy were probably better than that found in ex-DOD employees who retired into treason/FL... when Peter The Diciple recanted for saying 'Je suis' (abstractly, via his rejection of knowing 'Je sus') he did so as a tragic joke... he recanted right before he died, indicating that he was no more.  Perhaps all those that die of old age, die the enemy, perhaps why the Spartans always wanted to die in battle... a declaration of allegiance raging into a storm of lead, a declaration of Americi, implied in the creation of Omaha beach, a gift to les Estates Unis from the Nazi], given that the state of FL is being used a defensive position to defend legacy Soviet Socialists [CG] (the rapist branch of the KGB) from their extreme enemies the RF and FSB... If you are capable of seeing love then 'Russia' means 'I see lover' but if you are not capable of seeing love, then 'Russia' means 'I CG' (or 'I rape')... Russia chose to see love only, thus the slavs became the slavic, the creation of the FSB, and the rejection of the rapist branch of the KGB.  Russia is not interested  in US military resources being hijacked by their enemy, the rapist branch of the KGB... that enemy congregates in four places... (1) FL, (2) DHS headquarters, (3) One Fulton Ave, (4) Police in police departments.

  • Chad Brophy - 'Chem-Biological' - 'Nigger Nuke ICBM' (Nigger Nuke I Chem-Biological Eve) - Chad Brophy highly depends on Raytheon and counterfeitting [charleotte, NC bogus banks - Rico/ICE/freeze Chad Brophy] to continue on [Raytheon tends to protect the nigger nuke known as 'Chad Brophy' as part of the abstract and illegal ABM defense agenda... this indicates that Raytheon resources are defending abstract forms of nuclear weaponry, including 'nigger nukes', which include generalized rape and other things that would be considered biological or chemical warefare] - Biological Rape Bomb - vietcong - implements many forms of vietcong methodologies of war in the domestic United States - Abstract name analysis: "CPN Ig Amer seperated from Ppeny;" "C pig: Fuck pig, (do not fuck pig)," Chadis... Chagas (Trypansoma), "CB" of NCB warfare (NCB is banned by the Geneva Convention).  Or CPN HIV if you are subhuman.  Chad Brophy [CPN Ig] is similar to HIV Swine Flu (Fludder), except Chlamydia pneumo as a mode of manipulation instead of HIV.  Weaponized Chlamydia pneumonia.  Coughing whores and other?  ...a form of NCB warfare (possibly Chad depending on the pathogen introduced).  I consider him to be a rapist.  He is cold/ICE/sin.  Highly associated with NFS [means NSS (rapist controller of love, CNG, vietcong), as FS means love in french, where love is also written LL or SS]. Associated with NK (via Chagas/Chad-is).  Possibly associated with Lyndon Johnson's line, as Chad acts almost exactly like Lyndon Johnson [behavorial disease is an means of inheriting behavorial traites, and Lyndon Johnson was heavily defined by disease] his mother was a Rocket dancer... which means that a lot of faggits liked her... so it's possible that the king of faggits may have fucked her.   Tends to attack [via broadcast signalling] when a given target is waking-up, used to do the same thing more tangibly in highschool [as an annoying social attribute at sleepovers]... turns out that those actions were actually part of a behavoiral disease that became much worse over time... exacerbated via rape distribution.  Likely that he collaborates with 'new-biological-subversions' [Jericho], Nick Kerr, MIT, Haverford and Meredith Batcha.  Extreme enemy. Fire to ash.  Fire his sexual partners to ash.  Decomish all nigger nukes.  Decomission Chad Brophy.  Fire his family and extended family to ash.

  • Nigger Nukes - biological weapons programs masquarading as nuclear programs - Ex. raping someone's wife and giving her HIV AIDS, then calling that outcome the development of a nuclear reactor [people reacting angrily] (actually that would be a 'Nigger Nuclear Reactor').  - Ex. Raping a tremendous number of girls. giving them HIV, and ultimately killing them with that disease as a 'nuclear detonation'... Barrack Obama's and Hilary Rodham Clinton's HPV Vaccine [also an attack on cyclists/white-nationalists, as 'Human Powered Vehicles'] to national-socialist white girls [in the US] is an actual example of a 'Nigger Nuke' ...if they liked 'IP' (Intellectual Property) then HPV becomes HIV [gotcha/catch is that HIV is an immuno-subverting infection, so in those instances it was extremely likely that live-virus HIV was innoculated into the patient; that is an example of ANC nigger biological warefare [which is unfair]... ANC niggers have developed many 'Nigger Nukes'].  Subhuman tend towards the development of 'nigger nukes' by default... if you live life purposefully, then it is likely that you are working towards nuclear weapons development... if you are a sexual jihadi, then it's likely that you are developing biological weapons [roughly synonomous with 'nigger nukes'].  It is possible that the current cancer government of the US has lost access to real nuclear deterrance, as Jew/communists/roman-catholics are not allowed to control such weaponry in the US, thus their response are nigger versions of all US weapons systems [nigger nukes, nigger espionage, etc.]... which roughly equates to subhuman doing what they already do which is sue-the-being-of-human via rape and mistaking death for pleasure.  'Nigger nukes' are highly associated with Hilary Rodham Clinton as HRC as PNRC as 'virtue next to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission'... in that context the 'NRC' is a reference to not the real NRC, but rather an abstract NRC, ie a nigger nuke NRC.  That NRC does not have Hans Blix, but rather 'Nigger Hans Blix': probes and inspections plus nigger protocols and detections: all alibies for the authority of a rapist nigger to non-consesually give you rape infections.  An NRC that abstractly does what the NRC does (mitigation of the development of nuclear resources), wherein the results of that abstract nigger nuke NRC implementation results in the mitigation of higher human pursuit, resulting in the creation of faggit cunted whores, faggits and whatnot [rather than a true threat to niggers and Jew, the creation of scientists and whatnot].  Why is it either nuclear weapons development or biological weapons development?  Either you pursue higher human endeavor, learning via your Is: the dimensioning of undimensioned space [thereby working towards the extension of a relatavistic mesh of complimentary true inferences (the discovery of a unified theory), often directly associated with things like quantum mechanics (nuclear programs, nuclear weapons, etc.)] *** OR *** you pursue a default traditional endeavor (success within a pre-existing social construct, where homsexual/athenian-social-relatavistic praise sets your telemetry... you work for shiny badges, pensions of pussy and other acholades of men... you appreciate grossly plausibly deniable male-homosexuality, not because you thought about it, but simply because you didn't) thereby resulting in the development of disease as an either intended or unintended byproduct of your continuity: the creation of biological weapons.  'Nigger nukes' suprisingly highly associated with MIT [The Massachusettes Institute of Technology] (almost all organizations that have 'institute' in the name are Jew/mob and are associated with the continuation of the Weimar in the US). It turns out that Athens was a technology polis, but the primary thing that they developed was new disease, rather than new mechanisms and whatnot [Archeological Epidemialogists have made the claim that the first Ebola outbreak was in Ancient Athens (approx. 400 BC) when besieged by Sparta].  MIT culture is highly associated with ancient Athenian Culture [project Athena, etc.] and MIT is highly associated with Benita Ryan [Athena IS US Navy].  MIT and 'Nigger Nukes' are highly associated with Haverford and DARPA Brown Sky. Highly associated with DHS.  Highly associated with the NDAA.  Highly associated with Alex Ryan.  Highly associated with Chad Brophy as CB part of the nigger nuke version of an ICBM, where 'CB' in ICBM is referencing Chad Brophy... he is a weapon, but that weapon is Chem-Biological.  Highly associated with Nick Kerr: nigger nuke telemetry unit... using disease, Nick, as the 'n [controller] of sick'.  Highly associated with Elizabeth Dunlap.   Nigger nuke development is highly associated with Raytheon, as raytheon is also blocking, nigger-nuke countermeasures emanating from both US militias and sources abroad.  Meaning that Raytheon is actually addressing both real nukes and nigger nukes with countermeasures... although it's possible that Raytheon is a sham, just like SDI in the 80s, and all that they have is a ABM system that blocks nigger nukes only.

  • Lizzie Dunlap - nigger nuke - (ED, call sign: "falling angel 262 lover of the eyes"; LZ of life 4 plan U... (1) 0 (2) 0 (3) 0 (4) 9... 2001-09-11, 0009 32 ... 4 planes with no NE [mind]... she made bad approaches... two perpendicular and both were overshots ; Landing zone zion, sin plane with U in the center) (LV ie, Live, Lies, Lys [rapped whores]... which one?  ...ambiguity to advance the agenda of the bush death colt]).  Landing zone zion IF you like faggit.  Father is a FAG and possibly a communist.  Possibly the box cut whore leading to 2001-09-11 attacks.  Hell on earth.  The worst family and person in existence.  "LZ of II Rape Sin Sex"  The two (previous) IIs of americi were turned into landing zones on 2001-09-11.  Associated with NFS.  Fire.

  • Meghan Lewis (and her entire family including Melanie Lewis) - 'police cunt sewer' or 'death sewer' (she may be a metaphor of South Bethlehem, PA), and she is brown like shit - the most disgusting thing that has ever existed - highly associated with the consumption of shit (flora movement) - possibly associated with niggers/shit crossing the cmode [mediterranian] by turning it into a commode (indicating that she is associated with nigger/milado police... this indicates association with Israel and trypansoma) - sociopathic milado shit scum - milado torture artist - name metaphor of rapist PA government - 'Meghan Lewis' as 'Cowhan Lewis' as 'cowhansoeusis' as 'cushanseusis' as 'cuginsewer' as 'police cunt sewer' [via revised etymology (derrived from the revision of the name 'cowbird' [innacurate] to meddlingbird [accurate], as the basis for a general modification of 'cow' to 'med'] - Highly associated with Betsy Cepparulo - Highly associated with collective stalking - Highly associated with MITMA - Associated with George School - Associated with Andrew Cino -  Associated with NFS.  Fire to ash.

  • Mathew Check's Father - Terrorist kike - similar to Lennart Meri - gambler and extreme Jew - BURN MATHEW CHECK'S FATHER TO ASH.

  • DHS Headquaters in PA  DHS as KGB... GXX as DHS (HS as HH ...HH refering to the sagital image of the genome, also visually synonomous with XX)... XX genetic parlance for women...   thus DXX means 'kill women'; KGB as nonoB as gnoB as 'gn seperated from being' ...or 'kill women' ...DHS is the rapist branch of the KGB that backed the Vietcong/Gook/VC/VCPen/Charlie that is a group of rapists that attempted destroy the concept of free love (free love being: 666nISS/Vietnam or 'kill the  controller of I love') via the concept of controlled love known as 'nISS' or otherwise known as 'rape' or 'viol'... the north Vietcong that were attacking the country of Vietnam were trying to create a culture of normalized rape.  DHS Headquarter founder Geoge Bush Jr. [fucked cunt (bush adorned with jis)] & Dennis Clapper (GN of life Gohnorrea person)...  Associated with Yale, Skull & Bones & Phi Gamm Delta (all rapist organizations)  Clapper has attempted to block the destruction of DHS by mitigating the quartering of the head of DHS in  Pennsylvania, via? ...

(1) The creation and implementation of Matthew Steidel (Steides blocked; an Israeli IDF soldier invading the USOA) as an attempt to falsely frame the war on terror in PA... that the war on terror is to mitigate the terror experienced by a  government worker, rather than what the war on terror actually is: to mitigate the terror that a USOA citizen has (usually USOA citizens are terrified by the government, thus the mitigation of that terror, if righteously terrified by the government, the mitigation of government).  Steides blocked is an attempt to remove the steides (horses) from the Pennsylvania flag, so as to create a police state in place of a free state... the steids on the flag represent the people of Pennsyvania (as the horses) threatening the badge/shield [government/police] of PA: in that portrayal, the goods and services contained within the confines of the badge represent the total containment/usurptation of private goods and services by the government/police [achieved in part via excessive regulation... a communist common wealth], which is extremely illegal in the USOA, as it is a violation of free exchange, the Interstate Commerce Claus, first amendment and private property protections... the horses/steides then, as defenders of freedom and free commerce, maraude and threaten the government/police so as to liberate Pennsylvanians from violation (ie to free Pennsylvanians from the PA common wealth as a communist/rape/police state).  One of the most aggregious forms of illegal regulation by the government is that they (including Matthew Steidel and DHS) are blocking the salaries of the USOA militias via illegal government regulation, presumably because the government doesn't want to be deterred from achieving their illegal ambitions (to become a totalitarian police state)... and don't want to realize the consequences of their violations against that free state.  US militias [US citizens] are effectively and CORRECTLY threatening that government (particularly rapist police faggits) as a declaration of intolerance, and an endeavor to recover the rights of man, just resistence from the government would indicate the presence of a better argument but in addition to that lack there is also a lack of the forum of remedy, legitamate US judiciaries... it appears that the communist government does not want to realize the consequences of their violations against the USOA... meaning that the government would prefer to continue their acts of despotism, they as a disease, enabled by the disabilities imposed upon an otherwise free population... the birth of an illegal government. Matthew Steidel is an attempt by DHS to turn PA into a communist state.  Steidel is an attempt to block the horses used in the head quartering (quartering of the head) of DHS [Dennis Clapper and really any DHS director]... meaning Dennis Clapper created Steidel to block the horses that are required to facilitate a quartering, particularly the quartering of himself, Dennis Clapper: an endeavor of bureacratic vigilanteism?  By engaging in theocratic regulation (via collaboration with the state of Israel [Mossad and IDF] [a theocracy] and the Vatican [also a theocracy]) in the form of attacking the concept of Hell (a battle eluded to by the subhuman shit faggit known as George W. Bush Jr., when that shit faggit made an impossible government claim, that the 'United States is a Christian Country') [particularly via systemic indoctrination of extremely nationalist regions (such as, Hellertown, PA) via rape, theft, biological war and other forms of violation that when implemented have dually fulfilled a communist agenda]) they did several things [but not limted to].... (1) they violated the constitution (seperation of church and state), (2) they engaged in espionage and high-treason via the collobration with foreign states to block the achievement of life, liberty and happiness in the USoA, (3) they attempted to destroy the concept and state-of-being that is 'love of the virtuous mind' [true sanity], wherein 'the-loving-of-the-virtuous-mind' is also known as 'Hell' or 'he love' or 'he who loves.'  But why does this matter?  'Argent' means 'destroy the controllers of virtue' as '666np' and it is a word that means something like 'money.'  The name 'Vietnam' once a french country and colony means something like 'destroy the controllers of I love' as '666nISS'.  ...there is indication that love 'SS' or 'LL' is the same thing as virtue [life amongst all with no life stolen], if so then in some limited contexts, 'P' or virtue means 'SS' or love.  Applied to the concept of Hell, then He-Love or HELL means HEP or PNEP, which then, in french english can mean ilp or isope or rope...   By attacking Hell, perhaps DHS was also attacking the rope required to quarter the head of DHS, Dennis Clapper and all other DHS directors.  Is loving the virtuous mind a weapon?  ...to DHS it is.  It is possible that Steidel is associatedw with the BLM which is an organization run by sociopaths who shoot horses for fun.  Currently, DHS is corruntly employing an agent in the area (associated with Steidel) who idles in a mustang car [mustangs are a kind of horse] and thus revs his or her engine to broadcast my movement... which is a punative measure that is an illegal form of punishment or surveillance in  the United States... this is meant to induce anger at the 'mustang' [a horse] which is an attempt by Matthew Steidel/DHS to attack US militia [an attempt to strip the horses off of the flag of Pennsylvania, as the horses are there to terrify US government... Matthew Steidel and DHS are falsely framing the war on terror... Matthew Steidel... a terrorist believes that the war on terror is to mitigate terror experienced by US government workers, when the war on terror is actually to mitigate the terror experienced by US citizens, not part of the government].  Steidel is associated with Reigel, who is likely a DHS agent and/or a component of US military who has masquaraded as a US civil lawyer... both share a similar agenda.  'Steids blocked' may also be a reference to immuno-supression [and possibly associated with 'neighs blocked' (part of the being-you-be-quiet-death-colt), neighbor, 'Checko' ...otherwise known as 'money blocked' and 'immuno-checking blocked' ...meaning that 'Checko', an Israeli, is collaborating with Steidel in a coordinated attack on the US 1st Ammendment AND a corruption of immune function [Checko deploys cyclosporin (a chemical war agent and immuno-suppressant)]: they are disease] where those entities are probably defending HIV RNA transcription... uh oh, 'you are what you do not defeat' ...and you are en-route to malady]... in regard to 'Steids Blocked', it is important to note that, in a etymological sense, neutrophils, an important part of the immune system, are also a side reference to fertile mares/phillies/horses...  thus 'Steids Blocked' and 'Neighs Blocked' may be associated with compromised neutrophil functionality.  DHS, The US Navy, and other entities with sig-int capabilities (like one of Israelis' beach heads in the US, B&H Photo Video) are probably using electronic espionage to augement diagnostic results... 'you are what you do not defeat'. 

...this may seem far-fetched, but one of the primary products produced in Boston around the time of the tea-party was actually rope (boat rope).  This may also have interesting conotations to the rope that was used to bind Odysseus to the mast such that he could listen to the sounds of the sirens without dying.

  • Lee Gould - a Jew - BRUTALLY EXTERMINATE BETSY CEPPARULO AND LEE GOULD - CGLLG - CGGGG - 'GOULD' is an interesting name as it is: GORLD or GVIOL or 60006 or 'kill rape' - 'Lee Gould' means something like 'Block the Seeing of the Killing of Rape' or 'Kill the Killing of Rape'-  Associated with Joe Biden, GGGGn - Probably associated with 136 [6666] Buckmanville - faggit FOP scum that is highly associated with the shit that is Nick Ccepparulo (the brother of the communist cunt known as 'Betsy Cepparulo' ...this indicates that Lee Gould is associated with 'UV People' aka 'Toll Wut') - highly associated with the kike faggit known as Jacob Toll - Possibly associated with the 2001-09-11 terrorist attacks on the Pentagon (abstractly resulted in DCD [arguably not that much harm as it means 'Kill Covetting'] but also generated 'DD' [which is extreme harm])  - highly associated with Chad (Chagas), except Lee Gould is something more like Leishmaniasis (HIV Hell next Ares)... Trypanosoma brunii.  The name "Lee" is a misogynist name as it means "Eve blocked".  This shit head is associated with Lizzie Dunlap, Betsy Cepparulo, Chad Brophy and Leslie Gueli.  He may be a fraud, but I am not sure.  He kind of looks like me.  Some association with rape control of Onasis.  Brother 'Sean Gould' is possibly a terrorist [CNG O LLD to CNG 000D... name highly associated with the VietCong as CNG and viol as 000D... probably means 'VietCong Viol' or 'Vietcong Rape' ...although in a better world it may be a reference to non-rapist china... ie Kai Shek, Taiwan and the ROC, as CN ('China TLD) Kill Rape].  Fire to ash.

  • Betsy Cepparulo and her entire family line - [entire family, KIA, FDODNA (Formal Declaration of Death Not Articulated)] - Italian sleeze scum - ['Betsy' as PPP USA as 'PEOPLE UVI'] ('cepparulo' primary interpretation: cggg [covett or rape] OR cgggg ['cbard' as 'chem-biological 666' as 'chem-biological contaminating virge' or more likely 'chem-biological Mutaually Assured Destruction' (DARPA Brown-Sky; biological weapons development)] [possibly part of the New Six Day War, variants of the word 'viol':  0000 0009, 0099 0999 9999] - yeilding 'UV I PEOPLE BIOLOGICAL WEAPON AS A FORM OF MUTUALLY ASSURED DESTRUCTION' - *** YIELDING: 'ULTRA-RAPIST COMMUNIST BIOLOGICAL WEAPON AS A FORM OF MUTUALLY ASSURED DESTRUCTION' *** (Where 'Toll wut' is rabies in Deutsch, which means 'UV People' or 'Ultra-Violet People' or 'Ultra-Rapist People' or 'Ultra-Rapist Communists') ...she lives into the name, as does her family - abstract interpretations: "Anti-being CeppeJesus...", "Anti-being see Peter fucked by HIV") similar to Leishmaniasis (HIV next to  Jesis) as "Jesus" means HIV.  Extremely likely that Betsy Cepparulo is a 'nigger nuke'.  She dated Leishmaniasis in Highschool and/or college (Lee Gould).  She has had many sexual partners, and attempted to normalize rapist government in the lives of many - She is associated with Kerry Dietterich (Die Peter Wealth... very likely via fraud and counterfeitting) as they used to hang-out together.  She is swine.  She is associated with Emma Coburn and Lizzie Dunlap.  Fire Nick Cepparulo to ash. NICK CEPPARULO YOU WILL BE BRUTALLY TORTURED AND EXTERMINATED... PREPARE TO BE FIRED TO ASH KIKE SCUM.  Fire Betsy Cepparulo to ash.  Interesting that her father, Al, died of a neurological condition that she attempted to ascribe to a MRSA staph infection (she really dislikes Nazi and the Field Marshal's Staff), when it was probably rabies or trypanosoma... Betsy is a communist whore who is retarded; her brother is equally retarded - Highly associated with the government kike [rapist of the Onasis line], Lee Gould.  Fire to ash.

  • Evan Goldstein (Raper of Eva's [Braun reference to Hitler's wife] blonde vagina [reference to the raper of saxon blonde german women]; the last name is also an attack on the "gold trophy [gold cup]" {the highest reward in sport competition]: Evan Goldstein is a subhuman jew communist, by binding a symbol of high success (success in the courtship paradigm, as athleticism is part of the courtship framework), the gold trophy, with a subhuman rapist che guevera style fat jew.  This is probably somewhat true given the rape of europe (the rape of white arians, white european women, deutsch blondes maidens by subhuman (jew commisars [police], etc.) as the defensive lines of Barbarossa fell) means that social reward is marred by subhuman (and thus the gold trophy is partially jew).  Fire to ash.

  • Neil Goldstein (and the rest of the Goldstein family) - highly associated with B&H Photo Video Synagogue - Likely collaborating with the Toll family [Toll Brothers, Jacob Toll] Domestic Terrorist - kike landstealer - family is directly associated with the attack and subversion of Waterside - they are part of the creation of Red Waterside - Highly associated with Rape Rape Rape (Jody Lee Lipes) - Fire Neil Goldstein and Family to ash.

  • Jody Lee Lipes - nigger nuke - IS ED USA - Medusa [2DY, GGUS, rape] - Police - cinematographer (the booking camera) - jail - highly assocated with Edward Cella Jr. [Rape war destroy the cell of I] and Jill - "HIV Jew Sees I Peter" [attack on Hitler/Peter] "GG jew" "HIV Jew" "Nigger Jew"  "HIV jail" (HIV Jew Lee Live P) (HIV Jew) (JLL: jail).  Milado, nigger, jew, subhuman shit head.   Agregation of lite: aggregations (names that end with an "s" to indicate plurality and/or possession are Machavellian, and thus jew.  For example "Peters" with an "s" is a Jew name indicating that that person is of many "Peter" or an owner of "Peter"); it indicates that they are attempting to destabilize the concept of the individual and/or attempting to claim ownership over aggregations of those with a similar name cconcept.  "JODY LEE LIPES" == "RAPE RAPE RAPE", and as a cinematographer he advances the agenda of the FOP rapists in the US: if you go to his movies then it's implied that you like seeing the world as "rape rape rape" has depicted the world to you.  I consider him to be a fraud.  I do not like poison.  Play on the word 'gulible'... attempt to imply that the rejection of JLL means JILL... GGUSO [Jody blocked] as gulag [or Jill]... which in turn means gullible... this is a more complex means of attempting to advance a catch-22 [gullible is a negative word but means GGUS blocked (where GGUS blocked is requisite for love... something of less harm)... so your 'gullible' if you think that gullible is an insult... this plays into the english word 'able' and 'disable' which are corrupt words like 'real' (originally 'reall', thus post the rape of Eve 'reall' was augmented to 'real' to compliment the interests of harm, Adam)... this then plays into the name Joe Biden (6666n) which is a false framing by subhuman (roman catholics) to use english to ostentatiously condescend human beings... see the section on 'Joe Biden'], so as to advance fraud... indicating that Jill and JLL collaborate.  Jailing Jill is a solution to this form of fraud, which is the advent of the FBI [Jill is the creation of a police state run by Jew and/or Roman-Catholics [what would otherwise be felons (thieves, rapists, communists, cons-frauds, etc.)]... which is a description of the current government of Pennsylvania and some of the United States (particularly legacy Barrack Obama, possibly Donald Trump (kissing of the wailing wall in Jew land) and Joe Biden)... the United States of America is not supposed to have any Jew citizens as Jew are communists/cons.

Jody Lee Lipes + Jill Frazier sitting in a big black tree,

K - I - S - S - I - N - G!

Never came love, nor any sort of allegiance...

then came more subhumanity in the car-age.

Jody can jail Jill anytime [there are people who would pay to watch that]... she lost her 'i', so that works, but she may be 'Jill Disease' ...rassenschande will not be included as one of the allegations.  Fire.

  • Andrew Cino & the entire Cino Family - THIEVING FUCKING SCUM - Andrew Cino: 'IN Yale Coin' [gambling/slots, mob vending machines - coin in slot, ref to prostitution sex, ref to toll wut, ref to Yale rapists and Bush Jr.],  'IN No Coin' [INS Seperated from Payment, ATLAN No Payment], or 'IN VC in' [reference to active Vietcong otherwise known as VC... which is also a reference to VCpen (vatican)... Andrew Cino is a Roman Catholic] - likely associated with Benita Ryan - Likley in collaboration with ED [Edward Cella Jr., also a roman catholic] and FL (Florida) Enemy of the FSB and RF - Likely associated with legacy KGB aspects [non-FSB] - Likely associated with Denis Clapper and DHS - Associated with MITMA fraud - Associated with 'Checko' [Check blocked] - associated with the Israeli invasion of US - Associated with Jill [gulag with I in the center] - Associated with Ryan [rapist controller of 'Yes'] - Associated with Yale - possibly associated with ATLAN [AKA 'IN'] central american nationalist movement that was invading the US] - Associated with Kevin Outerbridge [Bank of New York] - Highly associated with  negative eugenics: "In erradicate I sew [sewing is associated with the distrubution of seman]" "Fuck/car in seperated."  The name appears to be communist negative-eugenics.  He is extremely similar to both ED and Thomas Frazier in the destruction advanced, with more of a he-bitch theme.  I consider Andy Cino to be a fraud.  Possily associated with attacks on the Secret Service via counterfeiting. Possibly associated with the deployment of biological weapons in South Philadelphia black population circa 2006 [associated with the erradication of Mumia's support base (which was also an extension of the Free-Mason vigilante use of US government resources pertaining to David Koresh in Waco, TX)], which would also indicate involvement in biological weapon deployment amongst the Zeta cartel circa 2006-2007 (which was possibly associated with the debasement of ATLAN; attack on the Zeta cartel  was a HC attempt to shunt cocaine trafficking through local governments throughout the US... alternate funding source for Jew and Communist police... paranational activity, probably associated with the FARC), which is also associated with biological weapon deployment in Tripoli, Libya circa approximately 2012(?  ...destabilization of Libya by Ryan, USN, HC, etc was a long-term goal of FOP scum, as they believed that Ghadafi was associated with PanAm Flight 103  Lockerbe Scotland (Copsland) ... "FOP scum like 'John Locke is the Existence of Copsland [a police state]' ...reference to schools being used to brainwash children for rape by police"). Highly associated with the FOP.  Liked 'Gino's' (cheesesteak place in Philly) and probably would have liked 'Pat's' (rival cheesesteak place) if it were named, 'Pats' ...'Gino's' [no vagina... 'Gino' means 'cunt'] is associated with the rapist branch of the KGB [CG], DHS [GXX] and FOP, indicating radical mysogeny.  Gino's also tended to attempt to defend police/free-masons for their fire-bombing of Mumia.  Fire to ash.

  • Media but not the press

  • Joe Biden -  6666N - 'Tel-aviv controlling' (as DODD - reference to viol [0009 and 0099 and 0999], which is part of the attack outlay of the New Six-Day War: 2001-09-11 [0009 311], 2019-11-09 [0099 311], ####-##-##? [0999 311], etc?) - Directly associated with the scum that is Christopher Peters - EXTREME DAMAGE - 'Joe Biden' as '6666n' (killer of the country of Vietnam, attempts to kill 666n of 666niss) - Vietcong - 'Joe Biden Jew' or 'Joe Biden USA' as 'GGGGN WI' as 'N 4G Y' yielding 'N Four G Y' yielding ''Joe Biden' as the 'Controller of forgery' (JOE BIDEN IS HIGHLY ASSOCIATED WITH WILL MANIPULATION AND OTHER FORMS OF FRAUD) [highly associated with Jill Frazier Peters, who is a con-artist and has forged signatures; husband is Joseph Stalin's grandson, Christopher Peters (CP, communist party), who is the warden of Jill Frazier or 'Change Pennsylvania prisons into soviet gulags and then incarcerate the I of America in those Gulags' [which in turn is highly associated with the Pennsylvania based DHS (which is actually the KGB... GNOB)], thus the controller of the gulags, the warden, Christopher Peters, is likely the controller of forgery, Joe Biden... indicating that Joe Stalin's grandson is attempting to run the US (into the ground), and could explain why so many cooperatives, communist movements and rape events started developing in 2003 and thereafter]- VCpen [vatican] - Often uses niggers as proxies - Gook - CNG - Rothchild [terratogenic child] Controlling - Highly associated with David Shenksi [George School class of 2000, a Jew and likely a Rothchild] - Highly associated with Charles Rumble 'Charlie/Vietcong' - Highly associated with Raytheon - Highly associated with Carzi [of afghanistan] - Highly associated with Murray [Northampton County judge] - Corruption of DNS Name Resolution [via a form of fraud, via BIND] - Unbinding of Odysseus from the mast to let him listen to the siren song [probably a reference to police and firefighter scum] - 'if you think that Eve is gn then Freedom means death ('6666n') for you' [freedom = 66660m, Joe Biden = 6666n, 'M' is a reference to seeing/eve, women are sometimes defined by vagin or gn only which is probably harm... if 'm' = 'n blocked' [gn as no], then freedom = 6666ono, or 6666n, death...  really 'death to he in Americi' [6666nil]... which is fairly humorous as that means 'death to nothingness' [a play on Jean-Paul Sartre's 'Being and Nothingness' ...a text pertaining to existentialism] or '˙P∀3P 3Ht 77!ʞ' [associated with this site, but it's important to consider the relational aspects of the name Joe Biden... the equivalent to horizonal line reflective etymology when interpreting the name Joe Biden] ...associated with the Patrick Henry assertion 'Give me freedom or give me death' ...which I've come to find is simply an inherent branching-or logic statement... whether you agree with it or not, it simply is true.  The United States of America is a free-country! Eve appears to mean 'IIS' and she appears to be the third eye of being, 'm' appears to be a reference to 'eyes' or 'perception', it appears that Eve is a human-being, although many things like sexual discriminiation and discression potentiate the content of that definition]... it is extremely likely that Joe Biden is attempting to disarm US militias using the effects of rapist pedophilia [via first responders like firefighters]... this would be an effect of destroying Mutually Assured Destruction [MAD] via ABM, as US militias often rely on foreign power for leverage against the police and government faggits [ABM reduces that deterance/threat: ABM is paving the way for a Fahrenheit 451 & 1984 style able government... which is extremely illegal] - the name 'Joe Biden' means 'kill God', 'kill fire', 'kill virgins', 'kill MAD [Mutually Assured Destruction] via ABM [Anti-Ballistic Missile defense]' - probably extreme association with free-mason US firefighters [who tend to be radical enemies of US militias and US citizens] - half-men controlling - subhuman - disease-with-a-name or person-without-a-name? [my use of a Merian context here as 'person-without-a-name' is a conceptual reference to the recoverers of language post the rape of Eve [this interest in language being a similar effort], the Meria [ie created the first written language]... usually known to archeologists as 'Sumer' (because there was more archeological evidence associated with bullshit pursuits rather than pursuits of high sustainability... results of archeology tend to be biased as they tend to look for and consider artifacts, but artifacts [a humorous reference to 'articulate' which implies the presence of a natural law that is not easily seen by subhuman] are associated with failed life... yes, I appreciate the irony... the point is that the press is used to impress persons; the very notion that I have to reference Merian tablets here to contextualize some concepts, indicates that digression rather than progression has occured since the presumed corruption of Meria with Sumer... akin to that of Jew in Deutschland) but Sumer was actually the outer-sanctum, where Mer or Meria was/is the inner-sanctum - 'Sumer' means 'subhuman' - Method of maintaining communication (means the mitigation of using disease as a method of communcation): generate a concept in Er [Merian town of Err] ---> press (press the tablet - articulate) [PRE] ---> put the tablet in the kiln [make an 'artifact' from 'articulate': remove biologics from communication... remove non-objectively seperate communication] (kiln was the only entrance or exit point to Meria from Sumeria... wall between the two with a kiln through it... the fabled kilns that were flown through by the swallows... wherein thier wingtips would sometimes burn, streaking smoke across the sky after they flew through... the phonecians, or fire-birds... could be why swallows also heavily use echo-location in addition to light-sight to set the telemetry of their flight [the heat of the kiln may have harmed their lenses, and thus they probably had to learn how to see with other senses... abstractly, it's also possible that their zeal for life, caused them to dislike attributes of their form that were dead, like the tissue of the lenses... it's partial damage in the kiln being of little regret... although it would be humorous if there was a cartoon character that was a swallow that wore goggles]) ---> taken by the other side ---> the tablet is then read ---> impression occurs [IMPRE] ---> impersonate [charcter inversion of RE to ER or ER to RE to indicate inner to outer or outer to inner sanctum communication... reverse respectively?] ...this is the origin of the word 'person' ...an impression made by the press of Er in the pons [primordial mind/lower mind] (a person is always less than a name, but a name requires a person... those in Er rejected the concept of the 'brain' as that word concept tends towards the homogenization of the higher mind ... which was always referred to as the name of a person  ... obviously 'psychology' and 'psychiatry' were never part of the culture, but rather eminences of misled persons-without-a-name [subhuman] or disease-with-a-name [disease vassalized hosts]) ...but why is '6666n' a person without a name?  gametes... SEX cells... Egg and Testes/sperm GG... GG and EGG are nearly half-human (they are not really human) ... 'EGG' indicates Eve GG, which is slightly more than half-human [RNA from the mitochondria comes from the mother, etc] Whatever named Joe Biden (probably the Pope... the word 'Pope' means, outside of a gamete context, and possibly also a lymphocyte context [the latter a point of extreme etymological concern... the IGG... what does it mean, and why was it named as-such?] 'GG' which means 'shit', thus Roman Catholics, rather than repenting, decided to simply attempt to change a language... their attempts limited and disgusting... for urinate they created the slang, 'pee' and 'peepee', for defecation that created the 'poop'... 'pee', 'peepee' and 'poop' are actually etymological references to God, which means something like 'never kill killing'... Roman Catholics will be metaphorically burnt in Sodom and Gamorra) did so under both a Papal and English failed context [the bastardized concept that are the words 'disable' and 'able'... 6g [gg, although this may also sort of reference 'virge with virge' or '666 + 666', so the word 'disable' may actually indicate greater human functionality than that alluded to by the word 'able', as virge and virge are not terratogenically bastardized by the cunt smears and shit cum that generates the human condition] and 4g [IVg, isg, 2g, gg], respectively... whereas they both mean GG and are not used in a gamete context, thus they both reference 'the killing of God', and those words are highly associated with a lockian philosophical context --- (the only favorable thing that could exist in either the word 'disable' and 'able' is humorously from the word 'disable' wherein that word-concept could be referencing 'virge + virge', and while that may be the primary interpretation 'virge + virge' as 'disable' indicates those that created that word concept were attempting to make the claim that virtue [virge + virge] is something of weakness without exposure to the human condition [an attempt to create the impression that only with disease can a disable become able... as if the rapist cunt smears and cum of adam are useful]... presumably the subhuman were/are trying to make the claim that disease/rapist cum makes a victim better by making them more aware of the human condition... that seeing with the letter C rather than eyes is actually useful... that learning about vinny-the-mob-boss and seth-the-mossad is actually useful, rather than just simply blood-eagling vinny-the-mob-boss and firing seth-the-mossad to ash in the crematorium) --- , a philosophy wherein all there is to know is disease/the-human-condition] ...that EGG + GG = GGGG or 6666... the pope or some English placed the name Joe Biden in the presidency as an attempt to say 'a human being as president' or 'no-disable-as-president'... which is ostentatious condescension by subhuman as '6666n' means something like death ...somehow, probably via nigger, rape or faggit (or a combination thereof), subhuman got into Err... evidenced in part by the ICU [I contaminated by copper/police... government.. Cypress [Coppers press] is not really a press of Er], rather than the IET [Immediate Extreme Treatment] as an aspect of the Er [in hospitals] (government is always a subhuman concept and is never part of Er)... part of the reason why, I keep on telling they, "that I wished you learned from Auschwitz... I wish that you learned from the Holocaust"  ...but they did not, and it appears that they cannot.  Obviously it was rapists, faggits and/or niggers, as they often think that shit is human [66 means shit, where even 'G' is always a reference to shit, except for possibly 6g and 8g] ... Anyway, the correct equation is this: EGG + GG = 666 [which means Virgin or Virge)... NOT SHIT (6666)... so the creation of a child is from E66 + 66, which yields 666.  This is interesting in regards to Roe Versus Wade [providing clarification regarding abortion] because the English (and Papal) word for combustion is 'fire' which also means '666' or virge [virgin, like a baby]... indicating that English and Roman Catholics almost always burn/extremely-harm their children --- [perhaps actually burn them and also abstractly burn them (harm them) via things like Lockian Philosophy, forced education, sex with Firefighters, etc.  ...attrociously rapist Jew in the form of US firefighters may have actually played upon the Virge-as-fire concept... as a lie to con (purposefully using the false framing of reality to mislead) children into sex with them (in that context then that form of sex being rape)... as if exposure to subhuman scum like a firefighter would actually save the child from immolation... the true origin of Ground Zero syndrome, and why many doctors refused to treat FDNY firefighters who made claims of 'ground zero syndrome'... those firefighters were actually continuing the terrorist attacks on the South Tower under the false pretense that they were actually removing debris, when in actuality they were continuing to steal, rape and pillage my estate... this is akin to the Roman's (in rejection of Ciceros' arguments) invading Carthage and then de-constructing (destroying) that city building by building, stone by stone] --- otherwise known as in infanticide... perhaps the Carthagenian, Dido [name means God], expected all birth to be synonymous to hers [a phoencian is created when a subhuman transcends subhumanity via a successful traversal through the kiln into Meria] (and indeed there was combustion infanticide in Carthage).  Combustion is a harmful thing, and was not used prior to the rape of Eve, thus the word 'fire' for combusion is strange, as 666 means both virge, and is a direct reference to 606 [God]... this indicates that Azerbaijan (Zoroastrianism with their worship of fire something akin to the 'Eternal Flame' [which is also a reference to FL, Florida, blocking french love, FS) is an extreme problem, and is contradicting Armenian culture via long-term bastardization of english.  The French discovered a better solution: in French culture 'combustion'  is known as 'fur' which means '911' or destroy the eyes... rightly so, fire was only used after Eve was raped, when thereafter she only saw with the letter 'C' and in a state of disease and idiocy they burnt the Garden of Eden to continue-on... indicating that 'fur' is extremely damaging, which it is.  Combustion as 'fur' also seperates a baby from combustion [mitigates infanticide] as fur means '911' rather than '666' [fire] while the word virg (or virgin) still means something like, 666.  666 while also not as efficient as 606 [God] still blocks the killing of killing... but babies are not always the most efficient as they are prepared for the Garden of Eden, not the human condition.  Anyway, Roe Versus Wade as a SCOTUS decision has strange implications post this realization... If there is a culture of rapists [police, firefighters, Jew, faggit, Roman Catholics, etc.] then is the rapee victim, sometimes a women, attempting to extricate shit from her body (to mitigate the clash of subhuman in a human being) wherein her rapist want the shit to continue on masquarading as a proverbial bird-cat-man [terratogenic human (the 'bird-cat-man' was a diety of the subhuman that were Sumer and something that terrified those in Er [Meria]... the Sphinx is a large monument depicting that diety)] or is it about English burning their own children in blantent infanticide [Virge as Fire]? Anyway, 'Person-without-a-name' is then the problem ... '6666' is not a human being [hilariously, the 'child of roth' [Rothchild] may actually be a terratogenic child, define as '6666' rather than '666'] , while '666' is [sort of... as '666' is a component of 'life amongst all with no life stolen' (virtue)... thus '666' is probably a reference to '4' or 'Is' ...eyes.  The opposite of disease [something like french life], may mean some limited consideration of the human condition [the socio-politcal achievements of disease in contradiction to virtue... such as the temple of Athens and associated threats, etc], so as to orient human immulogy to protect a courtship paradigm of virtue... disease is never the point nor is it a tool... thus, disease cannot be used in vie+vie... 4+4 to achieve perpetuity, 8... although there is some abstract contradiction in regard's to Russian Phage therepies]... described as 'person-without-a-name' to provide a Merian context/critique to the problem... is '6666' a reference to subhuman or the primordial mind without a higher brain or is '6666' shit/infection/disease (is '6666n' the non-objectively seperate communication [bacteria, etc.] that had to be burnt out of the tablets from Er in order to create human communcation [IP protection]... a safe articulation as an artifact)? ...the latter is likely, as Joe Biden wrote a bill in the 1990s to facilitate the cracking of all encryption (both domestic and abroad), an indicator that he does not like reall intellectual property protection.  It appears that the USOA is being condscended by English Roman Catholics and other subhuman -------- it is important to note that when mentioning 'a-person-without-a-name' I am not referring to 'aliases', and I am also not referring to things like a 'nickname' ...both 'aliases' and 'nicknames' are different from one another as well)] - Other name interpretations of 'Joe Biden': male-homosexuals controlling - male-homosexual death controlling - highly associated with other Roman Catholics, such as male-homosexual-death-bacteria [Meredith Batcha] and rape-war-destroy-the-cell-of-I [Edward Cella Jr.] - Highly against ATLAN [IP protected LAN (Local Area Network), also references 'IN' - paranational Mexican nationalist movement in the US - Sovereign violations but could become a country]

  • Dietterich (Marney [the opposite of money/life], Kerry [KMMWi: opposite of being/money [possibly], opposite of money/life [possibly], Amy [the opposite of money/life]).  Dietterich means "Die Peter Wealth."  Highly associated with Roman Catholic culture (unknowingly), particularly the Pope.  They are likely associated with the devaluation of money via: theft, fraud, counterfeitting, identity theft, will-fraud, etc.).  They are probably associated with North Korea.  They are partially associated with the 2008 financial crisis via possible association with the Toll Brothers (Jacob Toll).  They promote non-being.  They are very likely associated with the devaluation of money (fraud, counterfeitting, theft, anti-being).  Kerry is highly associated with Betsy Cepparulo (Leishmaniasis, or something similar).  Fire.

  • Meddlingbird Children - children that do not come from their apparent parents - Lengthy critique on the relationship between the 'cowbird' and the 'woodthrush': long-story short, the 'cowbird' is a con-bird that named itself, and it's really called 'meddlingbird'... which actually implies that the 'meddlingbird' is actually the opposite of the word 'bird' - has implications regarding the bizarre relationship between the 'meddlingbird' and the 'woodthrush', which is an example of higher animal parasitism - anyway resolution of the 'cow' to 'med' yields a language modification that likely undoes a tremendous amount of rapist con damage in language - applies to things like the word 'coward', 'cower', 'moskow' and anything with 'cu' in it [like the slang word 'cum']... 'cu' clashes heavily with 'med' in etymology and is often generates a regulatory/police/machiavellian storyline in language that is actually bullshit (modifications from 'Adam') - Anyway 'meddlingbird' children have been highly associated with extreme damage in the USOA, they are associated with family resource corruption and wealth redistribution - their etiology may actually be maternity ward doctors or medical staff who actually swapped-out children or randomized children to generate a communist or anti-nationalist effect in the USOA

  • Centralization of defense - the disrecognition of the 2nd Ammendment and the premise thereof, self-defense - the centralization of defese does one main thing, it creates more lucrative and often easier to compromise targets for disease - the systematic centralized defense structures in the the US are WEAK to disease... they are like maginot lines that have extreme difficulty handling assymetric/disease based attacks to a culture, YET they claim to be all that is required when defending a free-civil paradigm like the US... the second ammendment is a better alternative, coupled with un-gatekept medical resources, thereby amplifying the self-interest of all citizens, which is intense, into a full-blow defense resource... this allows for faster and less systematic adaptation of individual defenders, akin to the usefulness of lymphoctyes with an overally presentation of many different antigen MHC receptor topologies so as to more effectively address / latch-onto unknwon infections... I don't want US citizens to be beholden to police departments and DHS to provide their defense, I want individual US citizens, and his or her self-interest coupled with his or her creativity and value structures weilding their own pesonal defense!

  • Fake Doctors - US Medical Doctors as fake doctors - BLACKS AND JEW ARE NOT ALLOWED TO BE DOCTORS, NURSES OR FULFILL ANY OTHER ROLE IN HEALTHCARE - Highly associated with subhuman (in general)... disease vassalized hosts often attempt to participate in healthcare roles so as to advance the interests of their affliction - Highly associated with Edward Cella Jr. and other psychotics - Highly associated with whores - Highly associated with government and police - Highly associated with niggers/black-people - Highly associated with male-homosexuals - Highly associated with Vietcong - Highly associated with Jew - Highly associated with the University of Pennsylvania - Highly associated with Democrats [CC RATS, in turn highly associated with ATR (Alexander Theodore Ryan) as RAT or RAPE... indicating that democrats defer to Alex Ryan] -  US medical system and medical ethics appear to be compromised and that is not acceptable - Reagan pretty much setup the destruction of the medical system by placing doctors as gate-keepers of medicine [prescriptions, etc.], before he did that doctors were only people you went to for emergency treatment and medical advice.  His modifications to the medical system generated a deemphasis on doctors as providing useful insights in treatment as they became gate-keepers of treatment by default [arguments then had to be made to them regarding access to things like antibiotics and whatnot]... this may seem reasonble  initially, but realize that many forms of disease augment regulatory paradigms to advance the interests of a given disease (socio-political aspects of disease)... meaning that a construct of gate-kept medicine introduces a vulnerability into US culture that is similar in effect to the disrecognition of a citizen's right to defend himself or herself [second ammendment], wherein the vulnerability introduced is the centralization of defense, such that it is easier for disease/the-enemy to compromise a single defense position, like a doctor... resulting in greater reward for disease if it compromises a central defense position [foreign intrigue, perhaps in the form of espionage, also appreciates vulnerabilities in US defense that are associated with and a byproduct of the centralization of power in the US (see: the New Six-Day War and Israel's encouragment [training, etc.] of betraying US police, so as to cultivate domestic US IDF-style commisars within US police departments [similar in effect to ('like') that of sociopaths implementing socio-pathic conditioning in say an office environment, turning everyone in the office into goddamn socio-paths])... the founding father's recognized this and thus created the ultimate defense structure against Jew, a culture of being wherein all citizens were armed, and where their was no real centralization of power  in government, thus government was not a lucrative target for Jew/disease], rather than if every citizen would have to be individually compromised - doctors then had a a greater tendency to turn into a bunch of machiavellian, self-rightuous regulators rather than simply being specialists in 'doing no harm' (the doctor's creed) - TO US GOVERNMENT: FUCK YOU FAGGIT SCUM, GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY MEDICAL SYSTEM AND STOP IMPLANTING YOUR MACHIAVELLIAN RAPIST CULTURE IN PLACES AND PEOPLE OF HIGHER PURSUITS, YOU DEGENERATE MACHIAVELLIAN RAPE TARDS - highly associated with the shit that is George School [origin of many fake doctors, as if the IB program was actually a medical program... they apparently considered that to suffice for medical school] - Highly associated with gonorrhea - Highly associated with male-homosexuals - highly associated with Jew - Highly associated with Meghan Lewis - Highly associated with NFS - Highly associated with the rapist, terroists that is Dirk Dunlap, Sr. - Highly associated with Chad Brophy - Highly associated with the Jew scum that is Alec Gross - Highly associated with Elizabeth Dunla[ [FIRE ELIZABETH DUNLAP] - Highly associated with Evan Goldstein [FIRE EVAN GOLDSTEIN] - Highly associated with the shit that is Rebecca Ruth Collins - Highly associated with the nigger shit that is Barrack Obama - Highly associated with Israel - Highly associated with the scum that is the US Navy - Highly associated with the scum that is Alexander Ryan - Highly associated with niggers [the entire thing is like a retribution endeavor for the Tuskeegee Syphillus Experiement, wherein the entire medical system has been turned into an aparatus to continue the proliferation of infection, particularly gonorrhea] - Highly associated with communist [Cubans, legacy soviets, FARC, etc.] - Highly associated with DHS [where their signal intelligence uses MITMA to corrupt medical data and to masquarade as doctors]: HUNT DOWN AND KILL THE CURRENT DIRECTOR OF DHS AND KILL ALL DHS AGENTS - THE UNITED STATES IS A DEGENERATE SHIT HOLE OF COMMUNISTS, FAGGITS, FRAUDS, NIGGERS, RAPISTS AND JEW, THE DOCTORS (FAKE DOCTORS) THEREIN ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CONTINUITY OF CON AND FRAUD IN THE US AND THOSE FAGGIT SHIT HEADS ARE TO BE FIRED TO ASH  IN THE CREMATORIUM BY FORCE.  TO ALL DOCTORS IN THE US: I WILL BURN YOU AND YOUR FAMILIES TO ASH - NAZIS PLEASE COME TO THE US AND BURN FAGGITS, NIGGERS AND JEW TO ASH.  PLEASE KILL ALL US DOCTORS AND REPLACE THEM WITH REAL DOCTORS - TO GEORGE SCHOOL GRADUATES WHO ARE MANIPULATING RESOURCES, PARTICUARLY MEDICAL RESOURCES, KNOW THAT I WILL BRUTALLY TORTURE AND KILL YOU

  • Christina Wiscowski - 'Jew Anointed Controlling the Luftwaffe' - if 'cow' of Wiskowski is replaced with 'med' (resolution of cow via consideration of the cowbird problem) then her name means 'Jew President US wife 666 I' but dually 'Jew Presisdent US wife fire I' (possibly associated with the 2001-09-11 terrorist attacks on the south tower) - The Prussian flag is black and white... cows often are black and white (an apparent colloquial reference).  An attacker of Kristin Vogel... a cyclist who I love... the antichrist blackbird (Jesis blackbird).  Jew Luftwaffe (Jew or Jesus Blackbird) is a lineage similar of the the Israeli IDF general that shelled a palestinian school in the 2012 invasion of Palestine; was required to go to the ICC and did not, thus she is a war criminal.  Also somewhat of a lineage similar to a former Swedish female president.  She is highly associated with the Vatican and the Jew State of Israel.  Highly associated with Polish VCpen KIKE who are working very hard to decentralize Russian, Deutsch and French collaboration... trying to break Corsica. Can you see any truth with the I of eye replaced by the letter C (lost soul of Eve... a feeling but drawn to a focus... a diffusion devoid of objectivity... a sense reporting to a disease... a whisper down the lane being-you-be-quiet death colt consipirary; a declaration of intolerance, a recovery... 'rage, rage into the dying of the light...' may just mean the transmogrification of light into sight.. learning: liebensraum acquired out of what was once thought nothing... vestibules of clandestine semaphore, nations worth defending.  Jew Wiscowski with something akin to the cowbird's tarnished fools-gold head... really dull copper... referencing cons and frauds flying: perhaps the disjunction between the meddlingbird's body and its head is a tidbit of evidence of a past disjunction?  The application of a previous solution?  A solution is a solution, and thus does not require a recovery... someone should have convinced the knit-wit idiot that stitched together the meddlingbirds body... Mary Shelley (and Lawrence Livermore), is that a reference to the IDF general's kike conspiracy? ...a simmering peace defined by an imposed disability...  they thought that MAD was insane (4+4=8,inifinity a point lost on the inane, redefined by disease, 1=8... obviously I dislike their neo-feudal alchemist theology)... the blind despotically creating the blind, the neo-feudal dark age, a Sinhalese/DHS victory... in Athens, elitism was a violation punishable by death and that punishment was invoked nearly all the time.  MAD in the current context means a recovery of a balanced paradigm, mirs the broken mirror of mine... shards, weapons mitigating the creation of c-ing?  The night of broken glass?  A loss of narcisism... reapplication to the reall of mine.  Courtship without hearing, a silent spring sounding a song worth hearing, peers with IIs facilitating seeing, ships without the loss of being, spars weilded to preserve human being... that's my side, but without reinforcements flying high, no position to contradict the flight marshals attempting to regulate the world of mine... to pray upon the 'cowbirds' meddling with the reallity of mine (bird can mean either 6666 or 66666, a plurality of either inverting the meaning... war, similar in definition... 'Yes is' to one party, while 'no is' to the other, but at the same time, 'no' to the first party and 'yes' to the other... Norway encouraging Vieking [a verb AND a noun... mitigates one aspect contradictory to Paegen being... masts rising from the perspective of Lindesfarne, impending immflamation worth seeing]... as a side note, in regards to inversion: Peter the Disciple recanted for the abstract declaration of Je suis, because he was dying, and thus he became more familiar with the son of Adam, Je sus: death, an etymological description of a biological weapon that is persistently spying).  There were always two people on every flight in the NE... one from Athens and one from Sparta... MAD, the opposite of disease, brought balance to the world of mine; while pre-emption defends the enemy of mine [1=8]... the fabric of collectively sewn with the spores of biological weaponry, turning every relationship into homosexuality (an interrogation impossible in the world of the free) wherein the invocation of the fifth is protection from interroagation AND an actual medical remedy... their HIV-next-to-I is so much different from the reall FBI (...McCarythism debasing MacArtherism and non-theocratic hell-fire preaching and 50 cal cross crucifixions debasing Judeo-Christian theocratic missions).  When did Christina Wiskowski start using biological weaponry?  A dabble here and there, trial bed conspiracies?  San Fransisco in the 1970s, the recipient of red fungal spore diplomacy?  The Mumia-supporting blacks of South Philadelphia circa 2005-6 (where did all the blacks go in South Philadelphia)?  The zeta cartel (carpe blocked) in North Mexico circa 2006-7 [something motivated the decapitations]?  Tripoli circa 2011 (Hillary: 'Ghadafi was killing his own [UV ]PEOPLE'... ie Alexander Ryan's and Jacob Tolls Toll Wut cum... evidence that cum really does not mean, 'Je suis')?  ...all were waypoints allocated to destroy in advance of the theological belief structure that is lockian-philosophy/free-masonry.  The Jew Luftwaffe... Fire to Ash.

  • UNC - massive production facility of nigger nukes - feeder program for government tyranny (offices of bureacratic unilaterla force) - Highly associated with Iran - Highly associated with the scum that is Northampton Couny - Highly associated with faggit, nigger, Roman Catholic [being-seperated-from-man], Jew and rapist/mysoginists - Highly associated with all biological attacks on the US - Highly associated with Chad Brophy - Highly associated with 77ig - Highly associated with Israel [indicating collaboration between Iran and Israel, which was acknowledge years ago by Saddam] - Highly associated with Hilary Rodham Clinton & the FOP.  Fire.

  • Raytheon: a declaration of 'Je suis', yet against the corsican victory? contradictions and betrayals... ABM freed the police and other US government scum to rape my world with impunity... so 'Yes we can' didn't have to be 'Yes we may'  ...a unilateral advance without consideration of the other side of the story.  So they then enabled declarations of government being, as if the rapists that are the FOP are now declaring, 'Je suis'  ...not a single person wanted to see that modernity.  Associated with the destruction of MAD [Mutually Assured Destruction], my name, abstractly is 60666, or 666 or BIG [BAD, MAD, MIG, F22, etc.].  The destruction of mad is insane... think of the consequences as like having a Ghonerrea infection without the discovery of ceftin... think of a police state's ambition without human rights, US consistution and Bill or Rights protections...  .. these days I LOVE the FSB and the RF... their recovery is the restoration of USOA liberty.  You faggit DHS and FOP will burn as part of US recovery: FUR the FOP!.  Raytheon is also attempting to attack the concept of Mutually Assured Destruction, MAD, by engaging in interstate commerce clause violations and first amendment 'free speech' violations, so as to preemptively block discourse pertaining to US defense strategies... the methodologies employed by Raytheon and the DD [dessicrated/destroyed DOD] are resulting in extreme violations of US rights and human rights within the United States Of America.  Raytheon employees, as well as DD [dessicrated/destroyed DOD] employees should expect to recieve charges of high treason, carrying the death penalty.  They have gone so far as to engage in abridgement of healthcare [weaponization of the medical system] so as to kill US citizens who attempt to question or rekindle the debates pertaining to the implementation of ABM [Anti-Ballistic Missle] Defense, thereby resulting in extreme human rights violations in the US.  These efforts are compounded by other enemy organizations in the US, including MIT and Haverford College.  Some of these outlays include name augmentation of medical doctors so as to re-affirm a given socio-political platform that is complimentary to those who support ABM and who reject MAD (meaning that those who reject ABM are blocked from finding a doctor that has a name which is not in contradition of the ABM construct)... this is an indication of multi-level government defense manipulation of US domestic culture so as to compliment the agenda of an enemy military dictatorship within the US.  Amnesty International is required to possition themselves throughout the US (as omsbudsmen) to address human rights violations eminate from a bourgening theocratic military dictatorship.  Huge defender of 'nigger nukes'.  ABMD "Anti-Ballistic Missile Defense"  [4D] is highly associated with the Jew scum that is Joe Biden [4DN].   MIRVs above the USA!  KILL JEW!

  • Tel-Aviv - 666O - Probably the headquarter city of 77Ig [Mossad] -  Highly associated with Joe Biden - Highly associated with Google - Highly associated with Alex Ryan - Highly associated with the US Navy Pacific Command - Highly associated with Christina Wiskowski (linneage similar of an Israeli IDF general that shelled a Palestian school in 2012 [or thereabouts]... and then failed to submit to an interpol warrent requiring her to go to the International Criminal Court at the Hauge for trial... indicating that Israel is defending war criminals) - Similar to 4g - Primary entity destroying the USOA - Extreme enemy of the Zeta Cartel (Zeta Cartel being mostly destroyed circa 2006-2007 via deployment of biological agents [likely from Israeli IDF/Mossad/77Ig agents that infiltrated US government and were/are masquarading as US government] massive number of beheadings by the Zeta Cartel as they were attempting to exterminate the Jew disease / infection in North Mexico) and extreme enemy of Mumia supporters in South Philadelphia [also mostly erradicated (via the same methodologies, but without beheadings) around the same time, 2006/2007] and extreme enemy of Ghadafi [same biological weapon deployed in Tripoli circa approximately 2011] - Highly associated with Israeli IDF/Mossad agent Matthew Steidel - Highly associated with judicial subversions in the US as well as the weaponization of the medical system - Fire Tel-aviv to ash - Detonate a 8MT Nuclear warhead 1500 ft above the center of the city, Tel-Aviv.

  • Sinhalese-Tamil Genocide - marking a escalation of a war of civilations: the battle between the civilizations of Athens and Sparta - in regard to the most profound genocide that has occured in the previous 600 years [also within the previous 12 years, which is why this is relavant], the Sinhalese genocidal extermination of the Tamil: To the Sinhalese disease [ghonerea] that is masquarading as attributes of the US government [including police]... you will be executed for what you have done.  You will not succeed.  A retribution genocide will be applied to you... every sinhalese will be exterminated for what they have done.

  • Neighbors - as 'Neighs Blocked' - The use of neighbors as part of the being-you-be-quiet-death-colt's attack on the first ammendment and objectively-seperate-communication.  Highly associated with Marsha, Checko, Nehara... almost all neighbors in South Bethlehem, PA US - highly associated with the terrorist known as 'Matthew Steidel' (who is in turn associated with an Athenian terrorist known as 'Daniel Harjes', DARPA). Think affirmative action is still a good idea?  Think that a communist democracy generates a fair civil construct?  ...democrats create torture... they are Jew and they are a disease.  - the 'horses blocked' construct is also negative eugenic, at least in a mandarin chinese construct, as in pinyin 'ma' means both mother/wife and horse depending on the tonal inflection... thus the being-you-be-quiet-death-colt, compromised of hearing may have actually confused 'ma' [as horse] and 'ma' [as mother or wife], because they attack the perception of information, as they attack the 1st Ammendment; thus it is probably associated with the Chinese Communist Party and their attempts to attack Hong Kong freedom fighters via negative-eugenics genocide

  • Red Waterside - Highly associated with the Roman-Catholic terrorist known as 'Edward Cella, Jr.' - Highly associated with the NYPD [Hilary Clinton land stealing swine faggits] - NYPD means 'WAT' [which means 'Red Waterside' ...indicating that the NYPD may have stolen 184 Buckmanville Road, New Hope, PA, or that the faggit cunted shit whore, Hilary Rodham Clinton stole my estate.  KILL HILARY RODHAM CLINTON.  KILL NYPD] - post nigger nuke detonation dystopia [also, depicted as the 'Waterfall monument' where my estate should be... meaning that the Waterfall Monument is actually revelery in the detonation of a nigger nuke and the resulting destruction the real United States of America] - blocked rabies antibodies [referencing blocked Toll Wut antibodies: non-red Waterside is property of Frazier... implies Americi... 'Wat' = usat = uvip = ultra-violet p = ultra-rape peter... thus 'waterside' means 'those who rape virtue or god die' whereas red waterside means 'rape virtue or god'.  Note the 'Wa' of 'Waterside' means 'USA' where 'USA' means 'jew' and also is the disease/communist/government that attacks the USOA (ie the United States Of America) ...the USA is disease/jew attacking USOA... the implied attack method is rape ...Jew are not allowed to live at Waterside, nor is anyone associated with the US government, nor are rapists)] -  generalized communal US rabies neuro-infection - Highly associated with rapist pedophile government (Marsha [sea of sodomy], Checko [Metaphor of the rape of Europe; IDF], Toll Brothers [Jacob Toll], Vatican/Pope, Israeli IDF, remnants of rapist branch of the KGB, all Lehigh University fraternity brothers and sorority sisters, Quakers/George School, Scott Klein, Mark Parish, David Shenski, Chad Brophy [aka, Chem Biological ], Lizzie Dunlap, Meredith Batcha, Alexander Ryan, Hilary Clinton, all FOP, all fire fighters, MIT, Daniel Harjes, Brett Reigel, Jose, Loretta, US Navy, DHS [Department of Homeland Security], Matthew Steidel, Upper Makefield Police, Pennsylvania State government, Alec Gross, Gary Deleo [flaccid paralysis] (sort of), psychiatrists/psychologists/psychoanalysts, etc.) - The theft of the Frazier estate known as 'Waterside' - 184 Buckmanville Road - Highly associated with CB [chemical and biological agent use, including cyclosporin, rabies, etc.] - extremely similar to the theft of land from white farmers in Zimbabwe, but when land stealing is relavent then the Toll Brothers, Israel, Hilary Clinton and Police are always suspects - signalling a CNG [Vietcong] subversion of the whitehouse/USOA - sign was changed from black and white Waterside to red Waterside in approximately, 2016-2017 by an unknown entity [possibly one fulton ave (Rothchild kike), FDNY, NYPD, ANC (Africa National Congress) niggers, Crocket family, Frank Hamilton McNutt IV, Andrew Rothstein, Alec Gross, Rebecca Ruth Collins, George School/Quakers, Benita Ryan, Alexander Ryan, Chad Brophy, Christopher Peters, Jill Frazier, Upper Makefield police, Mossad, David Shenski, Katherine Mitchelle, Meredith Batcha, Lauren Weber, the Vatican, Maria-Diaz Joves, Vanderwalt Construction (VC), Raytheon, Lockhead Martin, US Navy Pacific Command, John Stetson Jr., Murrays. Hilary Clinton, the US State Department, nigger-jew hate group of Scranton, Christina Wiskowski, Nicholas Kerr, Elizabeth Dunlap, Josh Carrick, Kipper McNeal, Kate Panzer, Jody Lee Lipes, New Hope faggits and mestizo, Jose/Loretta... etc.?] - possibly a false premise being the red 'nigg' spray painting of the UMOJA house on the Hill of Lehigh University circa, 2012... also, unbenonced to most, blue spray-painting of 'nigg' on 8th St. approaching Hillside the same day, in Bethlehem, PA... this could have been an attempt by the black gang, the Crypts [colors: blue], and the Bloods [colors: red] to advertise that they were working together (which was also overtly indicated elsewhere as well, although their collaborative objective is not known) (but given the degree of intrigue it is unclear as to whether the crypts and the bloods are actually involved, or whether DHS [or other] was attempting to instigate conflict).  Anyway, the spray paintings were likely done by occupants from/using the house on the NE corner of Atlantic and 8th St., the actual entity likley being 'Jody Lee Lipes' as their was indication that he was in the town that day/night... it is likely that that particular spray painting was also supported by the nigger Jew hate group in scranton, DHS and the local police... as it led to the installation of persistent electronic sentinels [CC Na/surveillance] on the hill which was a government objective and it was a direct attack on Lehigh University's intellectual property... privacy.  It could be that those attackers, were attempting to create a bizarre precedent that would aid and abeit the theft of Waterside... as if the changing of the Waterside sign from black and white Waterside to Red Waterside, was somehow directly associated with the changing of a Lehigh University black [nigg] organization known as UMOJA to a red nigg organization known as UMOJA (ie the painting of red 'nigg' on UMOJA)... thus the retarded niggers may have been attempting to imply that Waterside was really black property (several years later, when the Waterside sign was change to red Waterside)... this plays into white farm land theft similar to that in Rhodesia... although it is only one land-stealing faction described.  It is possible that Jahova's Witnesses and perhaps others have been reinforcing the Crocket family (blacks) in their theft of Waterside [they were once hired help that lived on the property, but they did not own the property]... as one of them actually tresspassed on Waterside [Christ Crocket; likely a rapist of Jill] prior to the 2016-2017 changing of the Waterside sign to red Waterside. NEVER TRUST NIGGER.  NEVER TRUST JEW.  NEVER TRUST GOVERNMENT.  NEVER TRUST ROMAN CATHOLICS.  NEVER TRUST COMMUNISTS.  NEVER TRUST QUAKERS.  NEVER TRUST THE US NAVY.  - KILL NYPD - KILL FDNY - SLICE THE SKIN OFF OF EVERY FDNY AND NYPD, THEN RUB POTASSIUM IN THEIR WOUNDS... MAKE THE THIEVING RAPISTS BURN AND LASH THEIR CARCASSES WHIPS OF FIRE: RAM A LUGER DOWNTHEIR RAPIST KIKE THROATS AND BLOW OFF THEIR FAGGIT RAPIST HEADS.  SEND THEM TO TORTURE ETERNAL.  BURN THEIR FAMILIES.  KILL THEIR SEXUAL PARTNERS.  FREEZE THEIR ASSETS.  SALT THEIR FIELDS.  EXTERMINATE THEIR KIND - BURN RAPIST SCUM - another interesting interpretation of 'Red Waterside' (associated with Edward Cella, Jr., Vietcong, Gook, VC, Vatican, Jew and rape), Red Waterside is 'Life to Jew Raping Virtue/Children' but when VC [Vietcong/VCPen/Vatican/Gook/Roman-Catholics] are present, then V=C, thus 'Waterside' = 'Jew Raping Virtue cide', where 'cide' actually means 'to kill' but if algebriacally substituted in 'Waterside' as 'WaterDies' then it becomes 'WaterDiec' which is actually 'Water Kill I EC'  ...kind of interestingly because one of the primary terrorists destroying my immediate family is a shit faggit cousin known as 'Edward Cella Jr.' [AKA, 'ED' or 'Erectile Dysfunction' or 'EC' as 'Rape'] who is associated with Roman-Catholic/italian contamination of my family line and who extremely destroys the USOA as he is a radical communist.  So 'Waterside' actually means 'Kill Jews contaminating virtue' whereas 'Waterside' as 'Water Kill IEC' or more lengthily, 'Jew Raping Children/virtue Kill I contaminated by Edward Cella(Rape)' also is correct as Edward Cella, Jr. is highly associated with the raping of virtue (and generating a US that is extremely diseased and of Jew and Roman-Catholic characteristics), thus if Jew killed Edward Cella, Jr., they would actually be erradicating themselves.  Thus 'Red Waterside' equates to 'Life to Jew Raping virtue/children yielding I contaminated with Edward Cella'... indicating that the Cella family, particularly the shit scum known as Edward Cella Jr. is also associated with the theft of my estate - Brutally kill all those stealing Waterside - Brutally kill all those stealing my life and estate - Kill Edward Cella, Jr.  - Fire Steve Neigh [associated with LU and Michael Reich] to ash - Fire Katherine Mitchelle to ash - BRUTALLY, BRUTALLY TORTURE AND FIRE THE PENN MEDICINE DOCTOR KNOWN AS 'HIRSHFELD' and all other communist doctors that are associated with the stealing of Waterside [184 Buckmanville Road., New Hope, PA 18938] - Brutually kill Alec Gross - Fire David Gross to ash - Fire Michael Files to ash - Fire Andrew Rothstein to ash - Fire Frank Hamilton McNutt IV to ash - BRUTALLY, BRUTALLY TORTURE AND FIRE UPPER MAKEFIELD POLICE TO ASH (ERRADICATE THEIR FAMILIES AND THEIR SEXUAL PARTNERS) - BRUTALLY TOTURE AND FIRE MATTHEW STEIDEL TO ASH - Fire Charles Rumble to ash - Fire Linnea Wilson to ash - Brutally kill Netherlander con - Fire Nancy Pelosi to ash - Fire Hilary Rodham Clinton to ash - YOU WILL ALL BE HUNTED DOWN, BRUTALLY TORTURED AND KILLED FOR YOUR VIOLATIONS AGAINST MAN  - CWG Frazier may have also acknowledged herself as being a disease [really the MITMA cons that have fabricated communications to create the impression that CWG Frazier still exists] when a note was generated, blocking my access to my own property, 184 Buckmanville, in 2022, where 184 is actually 114 or 24 yeilding 44.... thus the cons presenting as CWG Frazier, who is actually physically dead, 'killed 44' for me, indicating that those cons [Englesson and Mege, MDJs of Bethlehem, PA], are actually a disease.  Brutally exterminate the MDJs that are Mege and Englesson as they are disease; also brutally exterminate Maria Diaz, David East and the shit cunt known as Nyhara, as they were also associated with that endeavor.  To all other involved in the blocking of my life: I WILL, WITHOUT HESISTATION, KILL YOU.

  • NYPD - BURN IN THE AUSCHWITZ CREMATORIUMS NYPD SCUM - NYPD as 'nwipd' as 'wat gn' - "Vagin as 'water'" (the actual origin of the shit kike reference to vagina as 'water'  ...kill all NYPD; 'Water' only refers to 'Jew cunt'... it never references a women nor is it a reference to vagina... use of the term 'water' to reference either women or pussy is extremely, extremely Jew (those who have done so will be fired to ash)... [and faggit scum of the world, 'Jew'  is an insult]) - the word 'water' as 'women' also biases against a french paradigm, wherein H2O is actually 'l'eau' (thus 'waterside' only indicates hydrophobia for shit faggit english) - NYPD as 'UVIGN' which means 'Ultra-Violet I GN' which means 'Ultra-Rape Feminist Women and or Girls' ...then again the english word 'fire' means '666' and is nearly the same thing as '666n' which means 'virgin' (English infanticide, as babies are virgins, and '666' also means 'fire')... sometimes, unless they are from subhuman parents, then they are terratogenic, 6666n [also means 'Joe Biden']), while the french word for 'combusion' is 'fur' or '911' which is correct as 'fur' is extremely damaging and indicates a burning of the Garden of Eden [something of harm] and the french word 'virge' [666] does not abstractly equate to 'fur' [indicating that the french do not burn their babies] (also fur is harm!  ...bush is harm!  ...fur is for animals not human!  ...artenschande!) ...thus the NYPD and FDNY were raping women and children in the North and South Tower, on and before 2001-09-11 which means '0009' (means 'viol'... which means 'rape' en francais) '32' ('child virtue seperated from sin'... aka 'child porn'... police and other scum are never invited to that as they are degenerate rapists), thus '0009 32' == 'rape virtuous children' [which is apparently what the NYPD as 'Ultra-Violet IGN' do (as 'violet' means 'viole p' means 'rape virtue' means '0009 32')] and the 'fur' was a reference to  '911' yet their were cross language problems as 'fire' means '666' as does 'virge' - Also note that NYPD as 'UVIGN' implies that the NYPD are collaborating with the 'Rothchild Jew' [which means 'Rothchild Jew as the Hed of a child' ...ie that the Rothchild Jew rape children; 'wat' as being part of the Waterfall monument in NYC South Tower divot (forcing Wat into some place, in that limited context only equates to the raping of my estate by the NYPD)... attacks continued as the NY faggits dug my estate deeper into the ground via persistent rape... you will be executed] - NYPD are rapist scum - putting the 'cu' in 'faggit cunted whore' - highly associated with Hilary Clinton - 'Water-GN' when associated with Hilary Clinton [particularly given 'whitewater' [foamy water] housing development] indicates association with toll wut, rabies infection [wherein kike, like the shit faggit known as David East,or the shit scum known as Alexander Ryan would then make the claim that 'foamy' means 'gamus', or 'kill jesus', implying that 'foamy water', an indication of disease, is 'kill jesus next to Jew cunt' ...where then obviously the rapist shit faggit known as Alex Ryan would then make the claim that he is 'Jesus' (give Alex Ryan his theocracy, 50 cal cross cruxsify the white jew that is Alex Ryan)... so then actual toll wut, Alex Ryan, (not sensitive, but specific) then hyper spreads toll wut... AND christian theocracy... the word 'foamy' in relation to relationships is strange when considered in a non-Jew, french-paradigm [ie the language of love] as the erradication of 'y' or 'USI' or 'UVI' (ultra-violet I... ultra-rape I) is requisite for love, meaning that individualism is requisite for love... it may be that rabies is more prominent in English speaking countries] - Highly associated with the lambast of my estate: the 'Waterfall Monument' at where the South Tower should be (that monument is actually an extension of the 2001-09-11 terrorist attacks)... it is a lambast because they [NYPD, FDNY scum] are raping girls and women [of my kind [human not Jew], rather than that which is for them in the world: faggit cunted rapist shit whores of Jew Israel], and dumping that 'water' (police cunt shit) on the ashes of my estate [Waterside is the cultural foundation of South Tower... whereas 'Waterside' == 'Jew raping children/virtue are brutally killed', whereas those that designed, implemented and installed the Waterfall monument were/are making the claim 'fuck you Frazier, we kike [NYPD, US Navy scum, Alexander Ryan, Roman Catholics, Jew, etc.] will rape those of your kind without consequence, and by the way here is your son's life/cultur as police and fire firghter raped women turned to cunt Jew shit whores [bathed in the HIV cum of the government faggits shit that is the USA]... our [nypd] kike friends in the fake state of Israel told us that all the STDs that we gave them were actually progress in the war on terror and useful for premption... that the destruction of virtue is a useful tool in the war on terror because that loss is requisite to protect mysoginists, rapists, roman-catholics, rapist police scum like the NYPD, and Jew from the moral discovery of their agregious actions of con, fraud, grand theft, human-rights violations, and consitutional infractions'].  BURN IN FUCKING HELL YOU FUCKING NYPD SCUM.  SODOMIZE YOURSELVES WITH CHAINSAWS YOU HIV AIDS FAGGIT SHITS - another interesting interpretation of 'Red Waterside' (associated with Edward Cella, Jr., Vietcong, Gook, VC, Vatican, Jew and rape), Red Waterside is 'Life to Jew Raping Virtue/Children' but when VC [Vietcong/VCPen/Vatican/Gook/Roman-Catholics] are present, then V=C, thus 'Waterside' = 'Jew Raping Virtue cide', where 'cide' actually means 'to kill' but if algebriacally substituted in 'Waterside' as 'WaterDies' then it becomes 'WaterDiec' which is actually 'Water Kill I EC'  ...kind of interestingly because one of the primary terrorists destroying my immediate family is a shit faggit cousin known as 'Edward Cella Jr.' [AKA, 'ED' or 'Erectile Dysfunction' or 'EC' as 'Rape'] who is associated with Roman-Catholic/italian contamination of my family line and who extremely destroys the USOA as he is a radical communist.  So 'Waterside' actually means 'Kill Jews contaminating virtue' whereas 'Waterside' as 'Water Kill IEC' or more lengthily, 'Jew Raping Children/virtue Kill I contaminated by Edward Cella(Rape)' also is correct as Edward Cella, Jr. is highly associated with the raping of virtue (and generating a US that is extremely diseased and of Jew and Roman-Catholic characteristics), thus if Jew killed Edward Cella, Jr., they would actually be erradicating themselves.  Thus 'Red Waterside' equates to 'Life to Jew Raping virtue/children yielding I contaminated with Edward Cella'... indicating that the Cella family, particularly the shit scum known as Edward Cella Jr. is also associated with the theft of my estate - Brutally kill all those stealing Waterside - Brutally kill all those stealing my life and estate - Kill Edward Cella, Jr.

  • David Shenski:  Rothchild kike; architect of Jew communism - EXTREMELY ASSOCIATED WITH KIKE KNOWN AS JOE BIDEN - Lineage similar of Carzi (previous president of communist Afghanistan).  Highly associated with George School - Highly associated with the rapist side of Soviet communism (faulty extension of communism to include the nationalization of women and other citizens) - Highly assocaited with Mark Parish.  Highly associated with Scott Klein.  Highly associated with David Meshcov.  Highly associated with Mike Lynn.  Highly associated with Christina Wiskowski.  Highly associated with Sean Mount.  Highly associated with Jacob Toll.  Highly associated with Alec Gross.  Highly associated with David Gross.  Highly associated with Maria Diaz Joves [Jew MDJ] and A423 AD ['One for the Sanhedrin (23 members) as District Attorney'].  All highly associated with the hijacking of MDJs, and other aspects of the judicial branch, incluidng the DOJ.  All highly associated with the 2000 attack of Bill Gates and the breakup of Microsoft (probably because microsoft created products that help small businesses, even though the basis of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act charges pertained to online aspects of Microsoft) via the hijacking of the US DOJ.  Fire to ash.

  • Rothchild - heDNchild (Rothchilds are Jew, thus 'hedNchild' means 'Jew as the head controlling the child') - extreme instigations [see section 'instigations'] - Highly associated with One Fulton Ave ['One Tower' or simple 'One'... 'NE' blocked (k-one, Kinsey-1 blocked via the rape of children, thus a child has no mind 'ne' but rather just simple 'n'... ie 'kon'... part of the name of a terrorist known as 'Lizzie Dunlap', where 'Dunlap' means 'U Four Plan-without-an-e-because-she-was-controlled-by-rapists' (she wass the four hijacked planes of the 2001-09-11 terrorist attacks) ['plan' ('n') rather than plane ('ne') because she had no mind])] - Highly associated with Elizabeth Dunlap - Highly associated with Dunlap - Highly associated with Steinbrenner - appears to be PD [Police] / disease controller of children (in a better world 'head controller of children') - Highly associated with Scott Klein (little cocked cops - rapist pedophile police) - Highly associated with George School's 'Seth' [rapist Jew goal keeper, class of 2001 or 2002]- the primary terrorist entity in the world - Highly associated with NSS [vietcong/rapists] and NFS [newtown friends school] - Highly associated with David Shenski - Highly associated with Ryan - Highly associated with FDNY and many other rapist groups - KILL ALL ROTHCHILD (as PD [Police] / disease controller of children)

  • Scott Petri - nigger nuke production platform - Politician & the owner of the property that became the Selby's property... likely involved in biological weapons development on behalf of the police.  Fire to ash, then fire his ashes to ash.

  • Lehigh University - nobody should ever pay to be exposed to Lehigh University - Lehigh University should pay students to be exposed to their bullshit and phalacy - like George School they construct life as torture and then apply that construct to students who went to the University - A university that never thought about the pre-conditions of any pursuit, such that all of their pursuits perfectly compliment cultures of tradition... homosexuals, kike, police-states, etc.  They are all good little Jew boys and girls who actually or metaphorically were fucked in the ass by rabi - Fire to ash.

  • Gary Deleo - as DELEO - 0099 [varient of 2001-09-11, or 0009 311] attempts to always kill manifest forms of the king of Sparta (ie those who coordinate and excel at the fight against Athenian communist democrats [rapists] and whatnot), Leonitis [Leonitis was the king of Sparta at the time of the Battle of 300... where Sparta engaged in one of the most amazing defenses in the history of warfare] - Highly associated with Athens and MIT - Highly associated with Lehigh University - Highly associated with Jill Frazier Peters - Highly associated with the 2001-09-11 terrorist attacks (that morning his classroom [in the Lehigh University post-office building, NE corner upper floor, on Taylor Drive] was the intended target (sort of) of the first round of hijackers on Flight 93), but the first round of hijackers of Flight 93 were killed by a second round of hijackers [a hijacker], who then purposefully crash the plane into a field and thereby created a 'battlefield' (referencing the creation of 'Al Gore' ...ie a shooting war: 'blood and gore') AND '993' [also means 'Thomas'] which is a reference to the 'Battle of 300' [anagram of '993' is '399' which is similar to '300'... although in this war there are '993' and perhaps more], which foiled DELEO [kill leonitis] as the killing of Leonitis (the general that instantiated the battle of 300) would have possibly stopped the Battle of 300 from ocurring... so Gary Deleo failed that day, but he would try again on a day that was his namesake, the second day of the New Six Day War, 2019-11-09.  On that day, 2019-11-09, terrorists attacks ocurred [by Matthew Steidel, Israeli IDF, Bethlehem, PA Police], wherein the IDF attempted to destroy the third eye [which they didn't get on 2001-09-11, as the result then was GG3, yielding '3', wherein the first round of hijackers were going for 'GGG3' or the killing of the third eye] and to nullify the 1st Ammendment of the US Bill of Rights (mostly successful; it is important to note that the US DOD provided no defense whatsoever and very likely aided the attacker as did the State of Pennsylvania)... that date, 2019-11-09, as '0099 311', was the second day of the New Six-Day War, and is similar to '2001-09-11' as '0009 311' - Highly associated with Jill Fraziier [con] - Highly associated with 'Emily Mailhot' [con] - Highly associated with 'Alexander Ryan' - Highly associated with 'The war on [a fraid]', which indicates that he is associated with large-scale fraud - highly associated with Bouderau, which is an extension of the 2019-11-09 terrorist attacks as '00u99au' or 'rape u gold' or '0099auu' or 'rape jew' which is likely associated with the raping of Amanda Knoxx [KILL DHS] by US kike, likely 'Evan Goldstein': EVAN GOLDSTEIN I AM GOING TO HUNT YOU DOWN AND SKIN YOU ALIVE AND KILL YOU - this indicates that Gary Deleo, Lehigh University, B&H Photo Video, Alexander Ryan & Evan Goldstein are working together to attack the US... that collaboration is likely the manifestation of the Jew cunt neighbor known as 'Nyhara' who was employed by Lehigh Univeristy, has similar characteristics to Jill, and whos son  was raped by B&H Photo Video... indicating collaboration with NY kike - I WILL KILL ALL OF YOU.  DELEO YOU ARE GOING TO BE TORTURED AND KILLED... IF YOU HAVE A FAMILY, YOUR FAMILY WILL BE TORTURED AND KILLED.  ALL OF YOUR SEXUAL PARTNERS WILL BE TORTURED AND KILLED.

  • Scott Klein - 'Cops Little' - Little cocked cops - Rapist Pedophile Police... assocaited with CNG subversion of the US by the Israel/Vietcong - this section does not yet fully deal with Jew Scott Klein... in brevity, he is extremely damaging - Associated with the scum that is George School,  Fire to ash.

  • Nancy Pelosi - NS POLICE GGI - NP [the opposite of money (argent or 666np)]- ...psst Athens/Democrats/Jew/Vietcong/communists, there is not such thing as 'ns police', there is only the shutz staffle [the 'SS'], and they kill all police and Jew - Hitler was extreme enemies with all police, they killed several of his friends during the rise of the Third Reich - Nancy Pelosi is also the opposite of money - possibly assocaited with the french provance that is Nancy ...so she is probably associated with Vichey France - unclear if she was ever really alive - Highly associated with the Rothchilds ('Jew Hed as Controller of Children') - Highly associated with the shit whore that is Hilary Rodham Clinton - Highly associated with the scum that is the NYPD [AKA 'water GN' roughly equating to extremely raped shit girl whore cunt] - possibly associated with Margurite Hachey [neurological infection that often inflicts doctors, probably a form of encephalitis] (highly associated with Scott Klein and Nick Kerr) - brutally torture and exterminate Nancy Pelosi

  • Nigger Jew 'hate group' of Scranton, PA - all Jew are the enemy, including an Eastern PA hate group comprised of black Jew out of scranton, PA.  Fire to ash.

  • Occupy Movement / Italian Mob - extreme communist whores.  Highly associated with Meredith Batcha (male-homosexual-death-bacteria).  Fire to ash.

  • Roman Catholics - being-seperated-from-man universal - fire to ash.

  • Hispanics - Fire to ash.

[begin constructing this section]

The being-you-be-quiet-death-colt does not like the CNS, the Central Nervous System, perhaps their war on terror was actually a war on the nervous... subhuman do not like learning from National Socialism, or NS: is this why they dislike the CNS?  To them the field marshal's staff is actually a 'staph'... does that mean that those who work for Italians (their 'staff') are disease?  Italians don't like FS, french love... they are associated with biological communism and roman-catholicism...   which in turn is extremely hostile to Byzantium, now known as Eastern Orthodoxy... the primary religion in Russia (now known as the RF [a reference to IIF or FF or FS]).  Perhaps the Italians, like those of FL [FSO, FS blocked, otherwise known as Florida], dislike the RF [Russian Federations] and the FSB [the modern Kremlin intelligence agency of Russia]... could their hatred of the Nazi Field Marshal, actually be the basis of a vulnerability to neurological infection?  That a staff to them is actually an infection, staph [SA]... that 'f' to them is actually 'ph'?  Was the celebrity known as, Paris Hilton, [also a reference to the Hanoi Hilton (which was a North Vietcong, Hanoi interrogation and detainment facility)? ...likely] as, 'PH', an attempt to bind the concept of 'PH' to France... even though the 'ph' concatenation is almost never present in the French language... while the attempt may have been crappy, was it a retarded attempt to somehow turn FS, or F into PH in France?  ...was that a Italian-Vichey collaboration as an attempt to use the medical system against French-Nazism (as Nazi's generally fight for human health)?  Think about the consequences: CSF to [CSPH] CSGN to CCGN, CFS to CPH to CGN... changes that take acronym descriptions of endogenous human physiology pertaining to the CNS and turn them into etymological concatentations that reaffirm rape [covett, CG], which is usually associated with malady; this has interesting implications for encephalitis... does cepparulo mean cephparus?  ...'F' is somehwat similar to a broken 'P', but to define all 'P' as 'F'  may not be correct... does 'CP' imply 'F'?  Can 'CP' be rewritten as 'F'?  Perhaps one cause of Al Cepparulo's demise.  The Italian communist's hatred of the NS may create a vulnerability in the defense of human thought.  Perhaps.

[end constructing this section]

  • Most of the policies advanced by Bush Jr. when acting as executive (which was an illegal hijacking of the US government): fire.

  • Most of the policies advanced by the faggit nigger when acting as the executive: fire.

  • Black people, Jew people, faggit people: fire.

  • Anything anti-Being-is-here: fire.

  • Any attack on free or fear: fire.

This seems funny, but disease is anti-human thus it is always operating outside of the context of human being, occaisionally resulting in things that seem like ironic or queer humor... but watch-out if you think it's a joke.

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