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Virtue or Sin

VIP or psychotics d'egalite

Never virtue and sin combined. Virtue with sin: Hydra, Hades, two-headed eagle, two-faced.

Virge ("life is killing" and "life requires killing to exist") preserves virtue: why?  Collateral damage of sin harms virtue, thus virtue requires elitism to exist (viking kyx sin [control]).  If there are faggits, misogynists, rapists, Machiavellians and/or disease then there will be killing if human being is required (faggits, misogynists, rapists, Machiavellians and/or disease's thesis of life is wrong and they harm life, thus their is a moral obligation to defend, as "You become what you do not defeat.").

Faggits, misogynists, rapists, Machiavellians and/or disease are not god.  Scum has contempt for virtue; they are a disease and disease likes to spread.  They would reference "Eye 525" as being "HIV HIV" but it actually means "I am" or " Je sIIs" (an improved, less Jew, less faggit, less diseased form of "Je suis").

In Hiverici (HIV rapist America), faggits, faggit cunted whores (both shit heads) and rapists define targets as sin (even when vitue exists) usually through sin based channels, for different reasons: faggits and faggit cunted whores, to create a precondition for inclusion with their sin-based culture (and to mitigate competition [blocking cultural stratification... aggregations of the elite virtuous are a threat to faggits, thus faggits employ tactics of decentralization]) while more overt rapists define targets as sin so as to mitigate the validity of their target's testimony and to reduce the cultural defenses of their target (ie to break their target).  This is why when the virtuous defend themselves more effectively against the asymmetric attacks of sin based culture (sin culture is like cultural/biological LSD), the sin faggits attack via Athenian regulatory mechanisms  (eradication of 32, a reference to the eradication of Spartan [feminist] marriage as 32 was the Spartan age of marriage) created by the very sin that the virtuous are fighting.  That kind of retort is viol[e] (blocking of life from "l" and "le"), again to force division by reducing the cultural centralization of virtue (the kikes are afraid of the consequences of virtue combining with virtue, a concern emanating from the Third Reich's consideration of Deutsch blondes maiden perspective [ie their use of repentance to transcend the diseases of the Wiemar... probably why the word "wife" exists, as a "Strong [Fe] jew" yet it also means a "few eyes" referencing enlightenment... point is that a wife, in most misogynist cultures is a intermediary or a mediator between "I" and the underworld of disease [and it's not supposed to be this way, it's Jew-boy Adam wedging in, as the rapist fop or whoever, to preemptively know what's going on in an otherwise private intimate realm, marriage (and their entire culture is misogynist faggit for doing so)]].  These mechanism are created by democratic process as the Athenian shit heads always have the numbers (all you have to do to be an Athenian is make mistakes).  How does a sin faggit government, Athens, measure virtue?  They do not know what it is, thus their attempt at measuring it is probably nothing more than a flagrant attempt at unsupported misogynistic/Jew/diseased/faggit condescension so as to fuel unsupported Machiavellian despotism/imposition ("Nick: yeah, Johnny you're good enough to rape her.").

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