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I do not like motorized carriages and the cultures associated with them.
Car = C-is (instantiation of "C") (bastardized word of "carriage")
(carriage describes "car" better than the word "car." The creation of the word "car" to describe a motorzed carriage is an indication that "car" is created by and highly associated with subhuman culture [oil w culture: the blocking of high form "he" from ascension, which is extremely misogynist and blocks the creation of Eve] as the word "car" breaks the etymological framework in a way that perpetuates misogyny rahter than the restoration of Eve and sustainability, thus "car" used in that way indicates high association with disease/cancer).
Here is a poem that I, Peter Gaede Frazier, wrote partially describing the "car" problem:
A poem by Peter Gaede Frazier
(il + poem = oil w negative eugenics, similar to poison)
NSI, SIN and INS as INN as IM ("Je sIIs" es bon, bon n'est pas fois; comprende-tu? ...dangerous to understand. J'adore adorer, mademoiselle... Je t'am, Seielle à une I... Je t'adore, Merelle, avec zi eye, es belle [diseise es une maladie, comprende? ...it is hard to understand Seielle]. Je ne vous-adorez pas "mares" ou "nais" parceque ils somm ou sonnn fois, nais tu conais. Je voudrais a etre dans l'ete perpetuel et je'adore la souleIle. Je'adore la piscine et la mer avec ma seielle. .............OU EST MA PETITE-FILLE AVEC ME?i) Car ou Mer et Sea et sEe, ou "C..". another strange Hiverc + Americi confluency... Il n'es pas "huil," 'il' es "oil w" à ils, c'est la raison leurs yeux ne font pas 5Ee. Je pense, "nous," quand Je sIIs dans Les Etats-Unis...
"This is what the preacher said to watch out for..." -Une Fille avec me. ...Je n'aim pas disease.
C (car) Peoples are not good.
Sea possibly equates to "C". SE killing. Similar to SE-SE-n.
Sea peoples, or C peoples:
An ancient Mediterranean group, gypsy-like, Phoenician-like (Jew, LIKELY Carthaginian), possibly Athenian-like, naval raiders that raided various Mediterranean civilizations, including ancient Egypt. Little is known about the sea ("C") peoples other than that they caused extreme destruction to a given civilization when they raided it. I wonder if the North African Muslims (Moors) raiding Spain (approx. 1200-1400 AD) were epidemiological extension of the C peoples (if the C peoples were actually of Carthaginian lineage); the Moors used rape to harm the Spanish population and their initial advance against Spain required a navy (both aspects similar to the behavioral aspects of a C Peoples raid). The Moors contaminated aspects of the Spanish population via rape, and thus the Spanish were more likely to engage in similar action. The underlying behavioral infection that supports rapist imposition was likely involved in the expanded conveyance of that disease by the Spanish conquistadors (1492 onward) into America and into native women of America (via rape and a huge death plague resulted). Many of the Spanish conquistadors were criminals and lower class Spanish who probably existed in an under-actualized state because of the Moors' rape of their mother’s and grandmothers, yielding a corruption of their family lines and thus radical internal conflict.
Behavioral modification of a host by disease is the primary methodology implemented by a disease to increase the likelihood of disease transfer to a new host (the study of which is known as "Behavioral Infectious Disease Research"). The interplay between behavior and infection defines culture. Cultures that are cleaner (ie free from infection) are more human than those that aid and abed infection (diseased based sex cultures [Athens, Babylon, Rapist "preemptive" Hiverc, communist cultures, etc.]). Given the complexities of the mind, once disease has infiltrated the brain it is very difficult to preserve human continuity (and the culture thereof) (Self-versus-non-self conflict does not actually appear to be conflict at all as your self [your concept of "I"] is subverted by infection/disease somewhat seamlessly).
Aberrant forms of human culture, such as Ancient Athens, Babylon, the Sea ("C") Peoples, are deviations from human, and thus they are threats to the continuity of human; they are Human Fo You Are or HIV: they are cultures that are comprised mostly of people who have been vassalized by infection and, once vassalized, those hosts then create a culture/community that reinforces the continuity of the disease over and above the continuity of the host (ie human). What are the aspects of human culture? ...a culture that focuses on objective function, a culture that upholds a framework of sexual consent (disease heavily relies on sex as a means of transfer, and contradictions of consent [ex: rape, SIN, SAID, AIDS] are usually an important part of the continuity of diseased based, anti-human cultures, such as Athens and the prominence of their faggit cunted temple whores) and a culture that fights for the creation and continuity of "I" and the continuity of "I" thinking (being)... a culture that appreciates the assertion made by Descartes, "I think therefore I am."
In the modern US, C peoples (Car Peoples) are of the same behavioral infection as the Sea Peoples of the Ancient Mediterranean (HIV, probably many other infections): instead of using boats to impose on a civilization they use cars (non-metabolically powered motorized vehicles). They are anarchists in the same sense that Jew-Boy-Adam was an anarchist in the Garden of Eden (smashing and destroying the order of God, a divine order, via Machiavellian pursuits, misogyny [the rape of Eve, etc.]). Their use of motorized vehicles aids and abed a culture that contradicts the development and maintenance of objective function (high-form human function measured in absolute terms): they are betraying themselves, as a heroin addict betrays his or her self (and self-continuity) with the use of that drug, probably to address the symptoms of Being-you-be-quiet or for some short term pleasure that contradicts and harms future pleasure (sustainable pleasure). They are cheaters (their methodology of transport is cheating as it betrays human continuity in favor of the continuity of the vassalized host), as the Sea Peoples were raiding cheaters that pillaged and raped a target culture (smash and grab thefts as they stole from a given area) in a way that contradicted the targets continuity and, interestingly, the continuity of the raiders.
When the two Trade centers were destroyed on 2001-09-11 (three zeros, one nine) this was a symbol of the onset of rape in America (the two "I"s of Eve (sEe) were broken [lower cased] then destroyed, but it also attempted to modify the name of what once was "Being is Here" Am-er-IcI (or if you are not of my culture [ie subhuman], AmerIcg [being-is-I-fucking-killing [bad grammar intended]) via the attempted eradication of the two eyes of AmerIcI, resulting in Amerc, "Being is 'C.'" Being-is-C means "being is fucking" or "being is car" (both etymological interpretations are viable as they both have a reciprocally causal relationship with one another; the connection between the two (fucking and cars): disability is induced by pronouns ("le" and "la") fucking and the support that the car provides to aid the continuity of those animate objects (that infrastructure ALSO creates an environment that aids the development of pronouns fucking [hence the reciprocally causal relationship]). There is a lack selective pressure that maintains the continuity of human, and instead gives lebensraum to disease by creating and supporting a culture that devalues human characteristics. Being-is-C led to the creation and imposition of an even more foreign culture, Hiverc (HIV is fucking; HIV is car, HIV Radio Controlled, Winter Fucking [Cold Fucking]). "C" peoples are the Bush [Being-you-be-quiet] Death Cult, and that death cult is ancient.
Two "c"s together produces "CCin" (Carbon Copy in" "Carbon Copy North America" [domestic surveillance] ] otherwise known as "cancer." Cancer also means CCCPie (mixture of radial etymology [3R], western languange etymology and cyrillic etymology); a reference to the acronym used to describe the Soviet Union, CCCP ("SSSR") next to the antithesis of "die," "ie" (indicating some interesting connection between the Rus (red) and the Irish).
Driver = "I am a V.D (Venereal Disease)"
In this context "sea" means "c"
It is very likely that Carthage ("car" "apple" "killing"), a phonecian jew civilization, the civilization of Dido and Hannible, was the culture/disease that caused the destruction of the populations of the Trade Centers. Interesting the slang "dido" means "I feel the same way" indicating something like carbon copying (cancer).
Deceased (the dead are: erradicate "car is ed [errectile dysfunction]")
Driver (I am VD [venereal disease] [instantiated])
More indication that C peoples moved from ships (ancient mediterrainian culture] to cars [modern us].
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© 2020 Peter Gaede Frazier (ЯETƎR)