(JEt3I) J3Iz∀JℲ 3p3∀6 J3t3d 0202 (ɔ)

I like being.  I like females who are of being.  I like to be with females who are of being.

Je sIIs


0009: all hijacked planes with balls to the wall [full throttle]: an HC [PNC?] attack on estate transfer (ballpoints to the will) to advance wealth redistribution (the creation of UV people is highly associated with WhiteWater [psst... foamy water... psst tollwut means rabbis])...

...the police have stolen billions of dollars.  The augmentation destroyed the walls AND the wills [perhaps by that time though those docs were only ever wills of the dead... hadraen wills casting the influence of the dead on life... the shadow of Haedrian's wall]... they dotted the eyes though, but they didn't cross the tees... no fan of Nelson, crappy naval warefare eminate from Lehman?  ...the hallmarks of cancer... the hallmarks of IS USN [Alex Ryan, perfect HIV controlling, perfect Jew president controlling (Jesusn, Jesus controlling)... a roman catholic and Israeli theocracy?] hijacking the navy [a legacy of the USS liberty being straffed by the Israeli?] (something contradicted the meritocracy of the military, compromised expertise in killing... a trasncription of incompetance... the nepitism of disease)?  In road cycling, often there is a choice: to dot an eye OR to cross a T... it's a better strategy to cross the Tees, else your breaking the line (but that is only IF human continuity is something that you value... and direct democracy communist democrats voted against that, the firecrews and police sound their sirens if you break that law).  Astana-shing to realize that the fire fighters of anti-human (a fahrenheit 451 crew tasked with always oft and forever putting out the fires in the crematorium... the FDNY... no friend of Nero... indicating allegiance with Jesus?), post 2001-09-11 were actually not cleaning up the debris of South Tower, but rather their actions and motivation were to knock it down further... as an extension of the attacks... made that effort into a monument... Red Waterside: the raping of children.

There Is a war on free (strong exIstence (beIng)], feer (strong exIstence (beIng)], fear (strong exIstence (beIng)] In AmerIcI... an odd contraDICKtIon metaphorIcally synomous wIth the Immuno-subversion Induced by HIV.  Is the US UV (SUUS, SUSU, GG)?  Is a lone ulv really bad or Is a actIve SUUS really bad?  Are the vIol(e)-ers of vIrtue (vIolet) HIV?

Never Ie Is lIfe.

Ever feel Ie... the opposIte of dIsease.

...the MInotaur's maIze...


IllIE83lIIl ?IL



IllI3lIIl ?IL




LIfe thought:  5II2 was a graphIcal depIctIon of ЯR, Icharus rIsIng, a metaphor of the vIrtuous actualIzatIon of a human beIng.

PeniS SAiD: ЯR is not a depiction of virtue (icharus rising) but rather it is Hi 52, HiV-2.  The pursiut of virtue is really a disease process of HiV-2 and thus you should not respect or be inspired by those who pursue a higher form of existence.  That those on the top floors of TC-1 and 2 were the same as those on the ground floor.

LIfe thought: HiV Is disease descrIbed as "Human fo you are" and "humans are insane," and that It Is a dIsease of bIologIcal, socIal and polItIcal ImmunosubversIon that tends to attack core aspects of human beIng, pretty much lIke every other dIsease.*  That the pursuIt of self Improvement and hIgher exIstence (greater beIng, III) Is a core attrIbute of human beIng, and thus the arguments of PeniS SAiD were probably part of the ImmunosubversIon of HiV, and that PeniS SAiD was probably an AthenIan communist fop rapist faggit that was convolutIng truth to support a ponzi scheme of rape, desctruction and Imposition for the purposes of control, as PeniS SAiD did In ancIent Athens vIa misogyny, temple whores and dIrect democracy.

* for example, In 2000 PeniS SAiD elected Bush ("Being-You-Be-Quiet" ["Being-You-End"]) as the PresIdent of BeIng-Is-Here: an Inherent conflIct then unfolded InItIally manIfesting as polItIcal ImmunosubversIon, then  defense ImmunosubversIon, then for many of those of AmerIcI, socIal and bIologIcal ImmunosubversIon... AmerIcI to Hiverc (beIng-Is-here to wInter-here [or HIV-is-here])... a socIal metaphor of a nuclear winter wIth plenty of glass ash trays (In the context of nuclear war as a socIal metaphor, "ash" beIng Athenian faggit cunted temple whores, and a collection thereof in a tray yIelding a Jewpit).  Glass ash trays are slang for the glassIfIed sIlIca layer that sometImes lInes the crater caused by the heat and pressure of a  nuclear detonation (real world, not the socIal metaphor).

CETUS of the Hadaen Red Sea, Ceppisus dietterich (poison fanged)


United States Of America

(Je et tu, pas nous)


US O A = "NO US" when spoken by "I"

(nous, french subject "we" corrective towards the nullifcaiton of the being that the word/concept "we" tends to advance: "no us," as the concept of "we," is used to break "we" apart and thus restore being to Je et tu.   People who use the word "we" by choice, rather than by force, tend to be insane: "we" as a concept is a casual normalization of insanity (and insane is disease).


[if A-1] (Yielding the eradication of Jew, IW, IUU)


(IOUU, I OR U, but never US, we or our).

...The state of being referred to as "we" is antithetical to love/soul/ares.  The state being referred to as "we" is insane.  Je et tu, pas nous.

ISE or Fou-is... that's the point

(everything is based upon love... IVE alone is wrong, IVE with IVE is the antithesis of disease [if A-1, disease  means G IVEIVE].  The language of love partially decyphered for Machiavellian rapist shit heads... I hate HIVERC)

The displacement of U via I (Je Suis to Je SIIS) is an attempt to indicate that "I" represents a person's self (not evident in nigger/jew/subhuman fucked HIVERC).  In some instances like the modification of the phrase "Je suis" to "Je sIIs," the replacement of the "U" with a second "I" is to provide contrast to the weird concept of the french word "suis," which tends to create an alibi for non-self imposition as a part of being... as the use of the letter "U" is a reference to "you" (non-self).  The "U" in "suis" may act as a potential placeholder for disease (the second U in Jew means "disease"... in this sense, then Jew would be spelled, IIU, and the U in that word is then better indicated as a disease, thus more descriptive of the problem).

Post Americi (USOA) Dystopia:

US = UV = Ultra Violet = U SO RAP VIOLE P

Subhuman Police-State Rapist Shit Hole (Modern Americi).

Post UV Dystopia:


HIVERC ...brought to you by George School, Newtown Friends School, Quakers, New Hope Male-Homosexuals, Communists, Pennsylvania, Firemen, Police, Rapists, Oil w, Coil w, and pretty much every other subhuman.

They attempted to force parity between my kind and theirs.  Their rapist impositions then initiated speciation: ultimately they will speciate into the ground... ultimate parity (no borders what-so-ever).  A return of the favor?


AmerIcI (if A-1)

ISIS ICI (if A-1)

Ares here (if A-1)

Love here (if A-1)

Soul here (if A-1)

LL Heis (if A-1)

SS Heis (if A-1)

HELL (if A-1)

Americi (during the attacks, and if A-1)

Amerc (after the attacks)

Amerc = BBC (British Broadcasting Corp)

HiverC (modern US = W)

The LV destroyed the world trade centers.  It was a battle between SV (love, Hellertown [hell is tow controller]) and LV (subhumans).  "NIST," a PA organization that took part in the development of the 911 report means "poison..." I've been poisoned four times since 2001-09-11 (highly sophisticated outlays that involved neurotoxins).  The attacks on the Towers  were probably associated with the war of the roses, the battle between the House of Lancaster (red rose) and the House of York (white rose)... but it most certainly was about subhuman attacking virtue.  It's possible that the meltdown at 3-mile island in the late 70s was an attempt, by Lancaster to attack [New] York, given the prevailing wind directions.

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