(JEt3!) J3!z∀JℲ 3p3∀6 J3t3d 0202 (ɔ)

I like free being.


Money is life.  Jew, male-homosexuals, nigger, disease are death.

The etymological interpreation of the word "me" is wrong ("me" as: "n ne"): "n" means, "controlled by a male homosexual rapist," ("n" is disease as it breaks "I" as "I" is the self and "n" is always virulent non-self) so to think of your soul (your concept of "I," your self) as being "n" is rediculous and doing so creates a precendent for the subverting ingress of sin/disease/rapists/men.  There is only "I" as the soul/self of a person; a person should not be a battlefield wherein control of the NE (northeast), the mind, is the prize/keep... if it is then you are part of an insane culture, speaking an insane language (insane being "sin contaminating I NE" [if you are A-1]), and all of those establishing that precedent are part of the sin/disease/non-self-ingress into your mind.

This is relevant in regard to the difference between "IseNse" and "IseIse"... "Nse" is considered to mean "Ise" by rapist disease english which is a dangerous framing of the concept of "I." "Nse" only indicates that something is controlling the "SE," and it does not indicate that "I" is controlling the "SE;"  what if you are insane, what if you are sexually groomed, what if you are in a police state, what if your government engages in "crime prevention" and/or "preemption," what if you are a communist, what if you have a neuro-infection, what if you are subhuman, what if you are part of HIverc?   ...in those instances the "SE" is not being controlled exclusively by "I," and thus you have the birth of a rapist, misogynist culture of RC (HIVERC).  "I" always refers to a persons core self/soul, never virulent non-self, disease, sin, rapists.

Rapist culture (a result of Adam's rape of Eve) modified language to aid and abed their unwillingness to comply to divine authority, Eve/God, a part of this was modification of words pertaining to aspects of feel in a way that indicates forms of feel are subject to and reporting to "n" and that "n" is the mind (but not really "your mind"... but as described above, "n" is not always YOUR mind, particularly when sin/disease/rapists/misogyny is present... when Machiavellians, Jew, etc. are present then the fight for control ultimately results in animated carcasses subject to direct rape control by the rapists (sin, rapist Police Hiverc).

The problem is the word, "sense:" as it includes "NSE" yet sEe is a sense and eAr (I am) is an important aspect of senses.  Why not seise (SEE-IS) as rather than sense?

CETUS: Ceppisus dietterich (poison fanged) (Habitat: Hadean Red Sea [The Sea of Sodomy])


Sumeria & Meria Nuclear Weapons Development
("nigger nukes are no nukes at all")

"Peace is achieved with the creation of a perspective... MIERVS: shattered mierrors redirecting light, nubula pleasant to sight, creating cumulonibus clouds of life, raindrops of light, a once parched retina delluged with the rain of life, mitigating a kind of blight, abstractly like the aticama always rejoicing in the fertility of sight... the paradise of Err, the etiology and etymology of the name Luciferr, the pre-condition a focus of light, master of site, the faculties of inference, a planar surface the truth of the cortex, but the coronal concept creates I as the veri opposite of offense --------- (the vector of the progressive endeavor,  congruent to a truely beautiful human vector, an adjunct measure (a central objective forever)... afflicted with I can only be superficially defined as a disease if I Is without a compliment two I (in that instance a sum pressed an impression, and a name is impressed, but without another person with a higher mind [dangit... to fail at the opposite of fission... 4 always the result of that division]) as that sad condition is a complement to the self, where we became I... to diffuse diffusion: objectivity mitigating confusion... a romance forelorn... both lovers left in scorn... not interested in the intensities requisite to cause disease to morn? ...the prescience of French indicated that the French knew, the druidian forgers of love... resources to re-arm, the invocation of 'nous'... every morning in Valhala was a battle anew... inifinitly achieving a pleasure avec tu... and that sums to 8 as the definition of moi et tu) ...neutral omissions requisite for life, articulate emissions concluding human strife, silent songs of detonations, savant savoirs discovering communication sans contamination... Merians, early progintors of life.  Insights into Err, eyes swallowing artifacts that are objectively seperate communication, swifter than sumer, without a drop in elevation, the 'golden rule' Is earning eye escalation, the heat of the heights achieved, sun lashing the lashings of the feather: fixed to the form with l'hiver (a horrible condition... a climate cooling weather... always helping the gay birds flock together)... printemps... quelle heure est-il?  A symphony of songs sounding, a silent spring confounding l'hiver's endeavor... although this time around ll'ete replaces sumer... a lengthy description of the phoenician's entrance into Ever) --------- ...another reference to the resolution of blinding effects, Err the opposite of non-sense, numbness: a violation in the Sumeria context, the lightness of light, an adjective to noun, the description, a conscription to the ellusivity of a point [was that non-sense?], liberated with deliberation, a noun to a verb... the creation of a different ellusive point kept [like relativity?]... you know things get spooky when an object described is described as a tichular of the "thermo-dynamic" concept... succinctly, border effect seperating the Sumerian context (the will of I, being the wall of Err... (another reference to Luciferr... a bulk-head (means a barrier AND a large mind, considered in context, the affirmation of the aforementioned claim: articulations of the merian kind) perhaps that's why they refer to me as 'fire' ...unfair and insincere... 'furor' kinder to the human ear) the border appreciated when the Sum is near (their policies on terror inducing fear; later their kind would kill Socrates to make the presence of non-sense less clear... are these pros, nuclear?  ...the Athenian's ban yielding a question that Hans Blix will never hear... the ringing sound of the right... a strategic mistep recognized by that which is attached to the Athenian's ear).  Tracing back to the lightness of light... the fastest foot runs in a realm where a map is no matter, distant events beyond the context of relevant reference, running into nothing is obviously faster... the libensraum measured by the blitzkreig master... a tabulation, perhaps a kind of history written by the victories of aster... a way of saying that colloquial relatavistic references (Y branches) create context (an abstract field that is the fabric of space time), that all considered the balance of the universe the origin of absolute space time [a useful reference... concluding ptolomistic hubris]... radically changed with the aquisition of dimension... interesting to realize relativity, like experiencing a pleasant lucidity.

Is ABM defense the destruction of a fense, the yield worse than a nuclear detonation... measured not in megatons but rather units of cultural dilapidation... success to they, the offense of a human perspective... the periphery, diffused and sublimated via the forum of the Athenian collective...

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