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I do not like insane.

"Dang-it ma... the rape tards got into the code again.  They gune and broke the build..."


The insane are supporters of Being-You-Be-Quiet (BUSH)

Insane is sin (those of a controlled being) preying upon and/or contaminating virtue.  Those that are pro-insane may appear socially "normal" or menial, depending on the degree to which Athenian culture has subverted human culture (for example, in Rapist America [Hiverc] they give the insane badges and put them in the police department and suggest that they regulate the population). 

Etymologically, insane means many things, one interpretation is:

"ins" (sin, ice, nsa, etc.) with "ane" {"ine" when A-1 (a-1: actually human and in shape), "Ine," the head of an individual) yielding or indicating the presence of a contaminated mind, culture, etc..  In this region, rapist America (Athenian communist rapist misogynist culture, aka 'Hiverc') is the primary etiology of corrupted virtue, but is also advanced via other forms of imposition such as: Trypanosoma, Toxoplasmosis, HHVs, HIV, Herpesviridae, etc. but their cum, rapist American cum, is virtue destroying like a traditional infection.  The vassalization of human culture by  misogyny [Jew, Christian, Muslim, school curriculum, etc.) is large part of rapist culture.

Notice that insane is nearly the same as the eradication of "porn" in an etymological sense and in terms of social, psychological and cultural implications.  Etymologically porn means, p(virtue) o(separation, discrimination), rn(isn, sin) "virtue separated from sin", wherein the antonym of porn is actually "prn":  "p" (virtue) and "rn" (sin) together (the contamination of virtue by sin).  Note that porn is attractive to human culture and induces desire and/or lust, while prn is disgusting and unattractive to human culture: one is human, porn, while the other, prn is used to advance Machiavellian interests/disease-transmittal (thus human attractiveness has little to do with prn; their vain attempts at replicating the video aspects of porn culture are indications of this).  Notice that "I ne" ["Ine": "I head", "head with a self": "an individual being"] is very similar to "p" {virtue] as for virtue to exist, "ine" is required ["I think therefore I am" (Descartes)]... being an individual is a precondition for being virtuous: therefore, the eradication of porn is insane.  Part of the reason why their sex videos are numb and disgusting, they are prn, the shit that the trade center cultures and the pentagon worked to keep on the other side of the fence, away from truth, away from beauty, away from virtue, away from human.  "They will all hear from us soon" (Bush, 2001-09-11, when standing on the rubble of the trade centers): BUSH, I do not like what I am seeing and hearing (physiologically/culturally/socially/sexually) you subhuman sin disease faggits... ur culture is unattractive and is a disease.  I consider u to be cancer.  The faggit cunt that ur disease has created is unattractive.

The modern US government is offended by virtue; they have intelligence agencies that are anagrams of the word "sin." Such as INS (immigration and Naturalization Services, now called 'ICE') and the NSA (NSI if you are A-1).

ICE (INS) is a terrorist organization that uses classifications of insanity to sexually block (impose negative eugenics on) the virtuous (to contradict the development of cultures of virtue), by creating and maintaining contaminated culture of forced homosexual participation (a culture of rape, an Athenian 'order' of misogynistic destabilization of human culture).  Why block the development of virutuous cultures?  Virtue kills sin (virge, "life is killing... BUSH":  virge en Francaise) thus the faggits, Jews, rapists, shit-heads, etc., are the ones that get killed when virge exists.  The insane (prn) are extremely offended by cultures of virtue.  The 2001-09-11 attacks were associated with the battle between virtue and sin; wherein those of sin wanted to contaminate those of my culture (virtue) so they attacked the infrastructure (privacy, IP, etc.) that helped to separate virtue (my kind) from sin (their culture: infection, disease, jew, shit head, HIV, dead): they attacked Being-Is-Here, real America, so as to plunder the human resources therein: people that were never meant for them... my future wives, friends, etc. were raped and largely destroyed by subhuman BUSH Jew).

Real porn is the antithesis of insane.  It is a culture of virtue with virtue (the opposite of "pope," and thus that form of being is attractive.  See the section "porn," for more information.  Interestingly, the word 'disable' is a reference to 'virtue with virtue', really 'virge with virge' or '666 666'... indicating that Lockian ideology partially corrupted English at some point in time [wherein rapists, scum/prn want 'virge with shit' so that the police state will continue on, without any real reference to vagin as all vagin is forced into the form of cunt] (this is similar to etymological changes like the word 'reall' to 'real' as a means of confounding Eve's recovery post her rape by Adam.)

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