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I like virtue.  I like porn.  I like a culture based on attraction rather than obligation.

Mer llight

A poem by Peter Gaede Frazier (c) 2020

Virtue separated from sin.

Shade about, not within.

Hydra rests without a head.

Hades, heads forever dead.

Disease blocked from imposition.

Human being contradicts his vision.

Porn: a form of being that is so attractive to others of being that longing (lust, romaniticism) is created.

Celli Gaede
Edward Edwar
Life is Virtue.
Life is never subhuman.


It is good to be attractive to those of being while at the same time it is good to be unattractive to disease: this helps the person that you are attracted to (it encourages the development of their self [their "I"] and it discourages that which infracts on their self, disease ["u"])

What is attractive?  And how is that lust, desire and longing fostered and maintained?

porn ici er virtue/good/truth/life/feminism ("p") separated from sin via killing (virge [virgin, virtue]: life is achieved through killing).

("sin": rn/isn/ins/nsi/sin/being_controlled/being_controlled_by_a_male_homosexual_rapist/neuro-infection/disease/sub-human/Machiavellians/misogynists/hypocrites).

Truth/good/virtue/feminism exposed to sin is usually rape.  Prn is the contamination of virtue by sub-human (democracy, Athenian collectivism, fop, disease, other forms/manifestations of misogyny).  2001-09-11 was an event that denoted the destruction of the barriers that kept the subhuman out of virtue (from porn to prn to sin); it was the beginning of rapist, Athenian culture wherein those defending virtue/truth/good/feminism were raped and/or killed by the bush death cult (being-you-be-quiet death cult), Americi was subverted as subhuman began spilling onto the land of the living from the Styx and Hades... destroying life, beauty, truth, human.  Maidens and women laced with subhuman are numb, dead in disease, things public, generalized, undefended, not human... from "she" to "it;" she is turned into a male pronoun ("Elle" to "Le") indicating a loss of being. 

"[Truth beauty, beauty truth, that is all ye need an all ye need to know]." (John Keats)

What is attractive?  Human is attractive to moi: sin (disease) contradicts beauty.  Rapist culture is unattractive.

Consensual coitus may be reciprocal pleasure if future pleasure is not sacrificed for immediate pleasure.  Disease (K il elle; negative eugenics of parasitic culture; breaking ISE with ISE) is reciprocal torture.  The eradication of disease, the achievement of sustainable pleasure, turns a frown up-side-down.

Shades about, not within.  (Pepper, 2020)

 Nuclear Detonation Flash Shadow of a Faggit: the faggit no longer remains (Mountain Drive North, 2020)

Unforeseen eventualities (better forethought required): implications [fallout (Hadean Jew cloud)] may be

worse than the faggit: hiver eternal. 

At least I did not partake. 

Required: An improved version of the Kinsey Scale as the Gaede Spread.

Continuum associated solely with degree of heterosexuality,
whereas G0 is the most heterosexual and where G6 is the most
male-homosexual.  This is a means of stratifying social and
sexual culture, as male-homosexual culture intermixed within
low G culture yields extreme harm to virtue (to human being). 
It is proposed that a cast structure pertaining to heterosexuality
be created (via market sentiment) and instantiated along the
classifications of the Gaede Spread, as the subhuman degenerate
male-homosexual social and sexual culture is of that much

As a somewhat trivial example, video sex content would
not be organized/presented haphazardly but rather would be
presented based upon a Gaede Spread selection on the sites
splash page as a means of filtering content in a way that
upheld the sexual orientation of the viewer.  This is interesting
because most modern video sex is being used by activists to
advance cultural Marxist attacks on heterosexuality and other
aspects of feminism, nationalism and discrimination.  The rapist
tendencies of the content providers is so complete that when
certain terms associated with virtue, nationalism, racial
preference, sincerity, and feminism are searched for; the results
often are purposefully marred with subhuman content that is
usually antithetical to the search terms provided... indicating
that the sites are engaging in purposeful brainwashing and at
the very least, displaying their rapist tendencies to contradict
the sexual preferences, the sexual choices, of the viewer.

Such forms of activism are not only limited to the realm of
video sex, they are also present in physical world social culture,
and it is an aspect of rapist Athenian misogynistic culture (it is a
form of brainwashing and sexual grooming in an attempt to
condition towards the acceptance of a subhuman social and
sexual scene). 

I hate the aesthetic discretion of modern video sex.  All those involved

are either numb (pro, sin, acting), or are involved in the activism of disease.

There is little sincere content (nymphos, lovers, etc.).  This is because the

disease of Adam (HIV-M) is present (eminate from compromised sexual descisions

and/or rape)... it debases the female self with disease,  and thereby yields insinserity

and acting (advancing movements, actions and what not that meet the expectations

of Adam [HIV-M] which are usually the opposite of the expectations of her self and

also of my own.  Porn should be feminist, but most of the video sex present is misogyist

(the self is an important part of female objective function and the maximization

of female objective function is a big part of feminism).  I do not like other men.  I really

do not like men.  I really really do not like their work and their discretion.  The scenes

are all the same, created from a unified entity that is something like Athens... like an mixture of ASD

hell (autism) and some obligation to maintain a video sex industry (because it was part of my

culture, and after the theft, they had to superficially maintain what was there before simply to make their fraud

more believable).  Autism is anti-human, thus incorporating the autistic into a realm of intimacy such as porn,

will yield extremely repugnant conent (porn as activism, anti-human framing, etc.). Porn as activism is nearly the same thing as

rape as activism... which is obviously, well rape.  Most of those of Hiverc are male-homosexual (G6) or like putting their cock where other

men have put their cock (which is faggit/male-homosexual).  I do not find necrophilia attractive.  I do not like dead jew whores. 

Also interesting that "video sex" means "viole pen" or "rape pen."  This interpretation is somewhat contrived but it is also kind of telling as to the effect of video sex on the viewer... the true damage of video sex is the displacement of desire and what is interpreted in rapist cultures as passive or implied consent for things like the theft of phsyical sexual pleasure under the pretense that you have some fetish for vicarious experience... and that yields an outcome in the medium/long term that is highly consistent with the effects of rape (the theft of life, the theft of life experience, the theft of human pleasure, the theft of relationship, etc.).  In a rapist world, similar things happen with most media content, not just video sex... displaced experience is a horrible way to lose your life.


Faggit cunted whores dislike ability (Peter Gaede Frazier, 2020)

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