(JEt3!) J3!z∀JℲ 3p3∀6 J3t3d 0202 (ɔ)

I do not like life thieves.

I do not like those who steal my life from me.


Thieves of Life

The communist order would have worked, except... .

Relevant faggitry (rapist connection such that the person appears to be overly connected and relevant) revived via horns, sirens, musics, etc.,* is a male-homosexual act that is used by faggits (cunt fucking faggits, vagina fucking faggits and male homosexuals) as a way to continually apply rape and sin (torture); further in this application, it is an attempt to draw attention to the progenitor of the disturbance... they probably do this because this yields resolution of their insanity/instability in a way that is extremely tortuous to those being stolen from; it is non-consensual and without formal contractual compensation... in so doing they steal life via rape (they are the police, the firemen, the EMS subhuman faggits, they are American scum shit... they make an industry out of it, they call it "oil" w).  This is a form of doping (as rapist pedophilia is the likely etiology of the predisposing connection), and doping is a form of cheating/stealing.  US shit heads (the police) do it because it is a plausibly deniable way to steal your most sacred possession, your life (it's hard to prove in court).  The relevant faggit connection goes deep and is not some superficial connection.  I assure you you subhuman Athenian shit-heads, there will be no court that will determine your fate if you continue to advance along those lines.  If you continue raping, I assure you that you will be fired.

* sound is used primarily because the progenitors of the trespass (as it is a form of broadcast collective signaling, which, in this instance, is associated with stalking, and because train horns are extremely high volume) are Athenian communists (misogynists, rapist, male-homosexuals, shit-heads), the police usually, who try to  nullify aspect of sense (really seise) so as to convey an existential attack on being (feeling is a form of seeing [sensing], seeing [thinking] is a crucial part of being): ear (part of HEAR, "he-is) means "ЯR" or roughly, "I am" (I ER, when not A-1, EAR)... thus to attack Americi (Being-is-here, I-am-is-here, ear-is-here, Eve-is-hear) the forum of the attack is usually audio.  They as numb, subhuman communist shit-heads, are trying to get the target to reject the desire to have greater seise (sense, seeing), hearing, and thus reduce the prominence of being (to engage in an action that creates the desire to want to down-regulate the sense, "hear" to further destroy Americi. 

Collective stalking (either via traditional surveillance or via disease/sin) is form of torture; it is a form of cruel and unusual punishment, as it is disproportionately dehumanizing... that's why the communist shit heads, the police, local, state and federal subhumans employ it as a weapon in the war against being (to advance the death of "I am," via over communalization (faggit involvement) to advance the agenda of the "being-you-be-quiet death cult") other weapons include the box-cutting of girls to use them as biological weapons, the use of planes as weapons (both seen on 2001-09-11).

Communists are in the Lehigh Valley** (as police, ems and firemen), they got there simply because subhuman Hiverc Machiavellian rapists raped instead of respecting sexual discrimination/choice, and thus created subhuman Athens in-situ (like a cancer).

Fire NK to ash.  Simulate a daytime ICBM attack on NK with non-loaded ICBM warheads, so they are aware of the stakes (drop a nose-cone directly in the middle of Pyongyang).  Create a volley that would cover most of NK in 1st order destruction, if warheads were employed.

** Lehigh Valley "LV" is the antithesis of "love," this means that it is communist (KASS, K Ares is prominent here, and KASS is a Secret Society that is Athenian temple whore communist... they advance via little girl temple whore cunt).  "SV" (Saucon Valley) actually means "Love" and the town used to be like Sparta.  The Cold-War (sin war, rape war) tends to aggregate in this area: The LV, a subhuman shit-hole of rapist misogynists Machiavellians (police subhumans, etc.), and the SV, a bastion of love (although somewhat subverted via temple whore faggit cunt and the SV PD... the PDs are always anti-love).   It is possible that one of the planes that attacked a bastion of Ares (Upper floors of TC-1 and TC-2) on 2001-09-11 came from the Lehigh Valley airport (there was radar crossover of a plane from Newark that supposedly impacted one of the towers and a plane that took-off from Lehigh Valley international airport, introducing the possibility that the planes swapped).  This could implicate police rapists of the LV as being highly involved in the 2001-09-11 terrorist attacks, culturally and behaviorally it is obvious that they were on the side of the communists/rapists/PRN/faggits/etc..  There were also very strong communist undertones associated with the attacks, which also further implicates LV rapists as being involved in the attacks.  If true, then the SV was the culture that was attacked that day, and it was attacked by the LV communists (police, rapists, subhuman collective scum shit which are highly prominent Bethlehem and throughout the Lehigh Valley).  It is very likely that one of the rapist police in the Bethlehem PD was the actual guy who assassinated Osama Bin Laden in Pakistan so as to break the discovery of the crime.

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