(JEt3!) J3!z∀JℲ 3p3∀6 J3t3d 0202 (ɔ)
Prominent Social Surface Antigen Topologies of IgG, HIV, Trypanosoma (SIN, BUSH), DGI (generalized clap/gonorrhea) & Encephalitis
Social/Behavioral Antigen Structures in Late Stage Neuro-Infection (SIN, IgG, BUSH):
I do not like HIV. I do not like Trypansoma.
*** Abuse (Rape/Theft/Torture/Stalking/Deprivation_of_pleasure) ***
(Non-inclusive list, Sensitive and Specific Quantitative Medical Testing in a Safe Environment is Required for an Accurate DX)
(Background not included, not part of this artwork)
Islam & Muslims
HIV. Implementation of a face mask as an intermediary to a Burka. Radical misogyny emanate from sexually groomed islamo-whores (primary stage of imposition). Rapist pedophilia to spread the disease to youth for greater penetration into realms of resistance.
Never have sex with a Muslim, someone from a Muslim family, or someone who has had sex with a Muslim.
Christianity is a relgion that is based upon fraud and misrepresentation.
"Give the departed their eternal rest and let light perpetual shine upon them." Christianity is a criminal organization of rapist misogynist subhuman shit-heads. The aforemention quote means "steralize those who leave the Church and rape the women that God has sent to the Earth for them." ...it's a threat that most Christians repeat every Sunday morning in Church. Jesus means HIV, particularly when their subhuman kind has dumped their shit cum in my realm.
Faggit (HIV FIP). insane, stalkers, rapists, vigilantes (violation of the charter), all fop are Athenian misogynists, communists, Machiavellians, vectors & vassals of disease. Possibly hijacked by the religious right. Communists, HIV positive people, male homosexuals are not allowed to work for the government even as a contracted employee. The actual disease is probably Trypanosoma (cruzi, Chagas).
Never have sex with a police officer or any first responder. Never have sex with their family members. Never have sex with firemen. Never have sex with anyone who has worked and is working for government. Never have sex with regional contractors (plumbers, landscapers, delivery people, etc.). Never have sex with military. Never have sex with anyone who has had sex with the aforementioned demographics. All of these entities are used by disease to increase distribution/penetration into the population. I hope they all deanimate. Fire.
Pickup truck drivers (mostly rapists): roughly sensitive (not sure why). Relevant faggits, rapists, con-artists, raiders, stalkers, fake military, stolen valor, sovereign citizens, communists, shit heads.
The pickup trucks are usually black, anodized black rims, wide wheelbase (without wheel well extensions), terrorist tint (heavy window tinting: front windscreen, driver and passenger side windows), diesel (past not as prominent), loud mufflers (not as prominent). Mud on sidewalls (IUU), not as prominent anymore.
Do not have sex with pickup truck drivers.
Rape, abuse, male homosexuality, misogyny, sexual grooming, temple whores, & prostitutes
Ayb Uppercase Character (iwi_am): eve (O or Q, depending) with UU (Jew) in the center, thereby indicating the rape of Eve (two eyes of sEe-ing) by Jew. The Ա symbol: U depicts the subverted area of O (Eve, Eden intact). The compromise of "O" yielding an "O" with the head gone, depicted by a "U," reminiscent of many advances of misogyny throughout history, such as the 3rd estates use of the Guillitine to corrupt/kill the 1st and 2nd estate (elitists, aristocrats, etc.) (French history), The strike traversing the Ա symbol indicates the etyology of the corruption (rape, degenerate sex, anal sex, diseased sex, sexual grooming, physiological imposition that destroys the Is of Eve): broken border, unreconciable infraction, eden destroyed (gates of Troy opened from within).
The "Ա" SYMBOL depicting rape, male homosexuality, misogyny, sexual grooming, temple whores, prostitutes, and dead eden is not part of the IgG topology, but rather the symbol summarizes social activities that ARE part of the IgG topology.
Abuse means "someone taking [raping] your se [vagina, anus or penis]" and it is also the imposition of disease based influence to you in a way that yields harm. Abuse also means someone having sex on your behalf (theft of pleasure from your life, usually via fraud and rape). This aspect of rapist culture sometimes uses the metaphor of an ink based quill (pen) signature as a metaphor of the contractual aspects of sexual endorsement; often they will try to get you to use their pen to sign the contract, which is then used as a precedent (a false precedent) to rape away your world. This aspect of rapist culture is deeply entrenched in the USA, particularly over the last 3 years and highly associated with cunt fucking misogynist Machiavellian government employees and/or contractors. Fire.
Do not have sex with rapists, abusers, male homosexuals, misogynists, the sexually groomed, sexual groomers, temple whores, and/or prostitutes.
The act of defiling your race (early stage indicator of IgG or susceptibility to IgG): dislike of self/ancestry, willingness to expose yourself to un-reconcilable difference (substantial racial difference [Jew to white, black to white], and other aspects of disease). Racial defilement indicates a willingness to self-harm (exposure to HIV being a substantial form of self harm).
Do not have sex with those who defile their race. Do not have racial defiling sex.
Over-emphasis on government (temple of Athena depicted graphically to represent total government, rape as government). Emphasis on the government, enforcement, and other groups to resolve problems and/or to act as a removed conscience (social relativism [meanialism], as the primary point of reference instead of something like objective function or internal morality). This dependency is displayed via:
Use of a cell phones to provide security
Public Surveillance (CCNA)
Use of enforcement
Collective stalking (via infection/CCIN) and herd broadcast notifications (sirens, horns, car alarms, texts, etc.)
Evasion over contact
Extreme passivity when directly confronted
Extremely weak intellectual defense as there is no primary perspective (self), thereby yielding a collective, dissociated cognitive framework (Sin, neuro-infection, non-self imposition in self).
Extremely untrustworthy (sacrifice of self control to the control of the collective: reinforcing dissociative disorder). as there is no self to trust.
All group determinations are inferior to the determinations of an individual, group determinations are always a reconciliation between the determination of an individual and disease.
Socrates, an Athenian and a defender of IgM (truth & virtue), was killed by IgG (rapists, collective Machiavellians, etc.).
Do not have sex with those who overly rely on government or who use government to compensate for the destruction that they advance in the world.
2008 and onward: blocking of bridges via debris, fences, median blocks, fake engineering ordinances, people (fake toll operators). Attempts are often made to define the public bridge as private property. This is likely a behavioral aspect of tollwut (rabies), implemented by IgG (HIV: psychotics d'egalite, relevant faggits, stalkers, faggits, fop, mg, rapists, etc.). Usually with each successful traversal (by foot or cycle), modifications would ensue to increase blockages. All sizes of bridges were blocked or falsely regulated, including small foot bridges. Anyone attempting to regulate the traversal of a bridge should be considered a potential disease and a violator of the interstate commerce clause, a rapist, a Machiavellian and a Jew. IgG/HIV has a stalking compulsion to affect a given target . When relevant faggit rapists (stalkers) are present and place themselves in a position of regulation it may be a good idea to state, "You're relevant faggit," "Your actions have affect faggit," "You are in the race faggit," "You matter faggit" (sarcastically but with a dry and serious demeanor): this tends to reduce confrontation BEFORE they are fired. The noun, "bridge" in some circles is interpreted as "I am is HIV," hence the faggits blocking covered bridges (since faggits are part of HIV), Once the knowledge is present, then you probably shouldn't travel very far: the word "bridge" may be help regulate the transport infrastructure [compromise of that infrastructure probably occurs more frequently [and thus resulting in reduced traversals] when a certain amount of disease/knowledge is present [when the word "bridge" becomes known as "I am is HIV" (because of fucking retards mixed with disease)])... this does not really apply to MVP (metabolic vehicular power) as health is required for locomotion (thus transport radius is limited when sickness is present, bridge or no bridge).
Unattractive culture (ugly Hivericians, desecrated Americans, Winter here INS, HIV is here INS). What is beauty? A question oft gone unassked in Hiverici. Cultural manifestations of KKED? ...the culture of rape: the false pretense that the rape of Eve was constructive and good, that God needed Adam to be a rape controller. The false pretense that rape is good and that it helps to educate and groom women and girls.
Male culture is Erectile Dysfunction, socially, politically, philosophically, spiritually, and ultimately biologically. It's the culture of the subverted women (the faggit cunt): of pervasive male homosexuals who fuck lociis of male (extremely faggit): the faggit cunt of the faggit cunted whore. A culture of numbness ensues: ED.
Never have sex with those whom you are non-attracted to.
Relevant faggits, relevant faggit cunt, relevant abominations (shit-head HIV children [do not have sex when sick]).
Collateral damage of sin (SIN: rapists, HIV, IgG, men, faggit cunt whores, con-artists, thieves, shit-heads, faggits, niggers, Jew, communists, fop, stalkers, dead [GG IE, HIV IE, GG is US (HIV Rus, HIV SUS), High SE, SUS], etc.) is the corrupted fabric of reality. Relevant faggits/HIV-cultures are chaos (ie they are against truth/divine order), they achieved that outcome via rape, theft, lying, vassal-ship to disease (by contradicting the expectations of Eve).
Never have sex with relevant faggits or relevant faggits.
Fraud, Copping of Style, Contractual Misrepresentation, Rape, Vicarious Culture
It (rapist Americans) uses various aspects of collective determination (disease) to reinforce its position of continued rapist/diseased imposition: this is largely done through fraud. The stealing of identity (misrepresentation) is used to impose their culture of cancer usually in contradiction to the discretion of the victim (me and my kind). They attempt to sign contracts on my behalf under the delusion that either they are me or that they have achieved the rapist authority to determine what my world should be (Athenian rapist culture creating apparatus of determination that reinforces the interests of their rapist disease): ultimately what this means is that they have sex with females (sex is a form of contractual endorsement) on my behalf, resulting in the further destruction of my world, the loss of my identity, and thus the contradiction of my being. Communist/disease culture does this so they no longer have to meet the burden of the host (whom they are in contempt of... as they are cancer, and cancer is always in contempt of the definitions of the host). Their entire culture is based upon something like vicarious experience, underpinned by identity theft, Machiavellian endeavor, fraud, rape, contractual misrepresentation, disease and sociopathy. They are subhuman scum. There is no man or women, not even a disease that has the authority to sign a contract on my behalf, nor are they allowed to have sexual intercourse on my behalf or in place of me (they are not allowed to engage in fraud or rape)... they are not allowed to take away my life, my sex life, my human life, away from me. The world that they want is of a lesser, aberrant, anti-human standard and they engage in fraud and rape to impose that standard. Fire. Nobody fucks on my behalf. My cock is my own and it's not the president's pen, all of those rapist shit heads (the PD, the FD and the MG, etc.) are ordered to burn in hell's fiery den.
They use apparatus of vicarious experience (TV, Youtube, video sex, etc.) in an attempt to create an implied contract, hinging on implied or passive consent, to authorize the instantiation of a culture that attempts to separate a viewer from the physical, real, experiences of his or her life. They attempt to indicate that when a person views media created by others, they are then making the claim that that person WANTS to live his or her life vicariously through others: they then create a false (passive) contract that affirms their theft, one that is the alibi for their rapist theft and imposition. Fire.
NCB (weapons that when used contradict human continuity,)
The coughing faggit or whore in a high foot traffic area or upwind... that is actually a point to point biological attack partially underpinned by precepts of rapist culture (forced inclusions and biological communion with others). If I do not consent to fuck you in no uncertain terms it generally means that , at least at that moment, I am not interested in being bound to you biologically (you rapist subhuman shit heads).
Purposeful and aggressive attack on those of virtue (forced inoculations with infection, laced food, other forms of biological warfare, etc.). This is part of using trusted apparatus of life as weapons to kill (medical system, food industry, etc.).
Expectation of Acceptance
(less burden to spread disease)
Misinterpretation of the Constitution regarding concepts of equality; they have attempted to assert that "everyone equal in the eyes of government" actual means "everyone equal in the eyes of citizens" which is meant to advance the communalization of women (and their vaginas).
Hate (delineation and discrimination) as something that is bad. Hate is vital for the continuity of human being, for the continuity of the self, for the continuity of existence and for the continuity of feeling (pleasure). Hate means virtue controlling, it means repent, it means truth (and truth means beauty). The people who reject hate are the ones that love sin (the destruction of virtue separated from sin) because in a world of hate they would be and are rejected (as faggit cunt and faggit cock trash).
Pro-proliferation is (carcinogens are) part of a culture of acceptance: this is part of a behavioral infection that uses the concept of coexistence and acceptance to spread disease more completely into human culture.
Do not have sex with people who have expectations of acceptance, as they are usually disease/rapists.
HIV & Trypanosoma Music
ASD music that is used for communication of information rather than for the purposes of aesthetic beauty (for the purposes of attraction, developing ambiance, etc.). The way in which information is laced into the music is reminiscent of the behavioral/social effects of disease based culture; thus something that was used for human attraction in the courtship process becomes a kind of media that normalizes the behavioral-socio-cultural damage induced by disease (something that should be extremely unattractive in a human courtship paradigm).
Do not have sex with those who reinforce HIV culture with their social practices.
Male-male competition for a girl
Turning a heterosexual experience, such as heterosexual courtship, into something faggit (male homosexual) by having men compete with men to determine their viability (amongst themselves). It is probably better, more heterosexual, to attempt to determine and meet her standards, without interference from other men. Faggit tries to be relevant in heterosexual culture.
Do not have sex with male-homosexuals or male bisexuals.
Social trickery, Hustling, etc.
The subhuman courtship paradigm: If you show up, then you are good enough... it then becomes a matter of who is better at navigating fast-talking bullshit rather than the form of your being.
I hate Athens.
This is part of wasting my time, and part of the reason why I hate this population.
All of them are subhuman (Athenian communists who are of extreme sin); they have lived life the wrong way, and in-so-doing they have introduced subhuman and subhuman social structure into my heaven, my life. Their whole world is based upon word play and hustling because they are not good enough to attract in a human courtship paradigm, where objective function, character, integrity, consideration, and empathy matters more than compliance with arbitrary social relativism (Jew song and dance) (arbitrary because its a byproduct of the controlled existence that they created with their bad decisions [sin]): this means that the successful navigation of their maize of sin means more to them them than living life well, more to them then being a good person... they reward the former with sexual endorsement, and they punish the latter with their culture of faggit sin.
Do not have sex with people who use fraud/contractual-misrepresentation (cop style, etc.) to secure a sexual partner.
Communist groups (Subhumans/sumer) blocking access to food.
Insane Men & Women
The entire US government was subverted by the insane in late 2007.
Never have sex with the insane as both active and sub-acute infection underpins most aspects of misogyny/insanity.
All the insane are fauds, thieves and rapists. All insane are subhuman scum and deserve to be ash.
(see the relevant subsection)
Re-Writing History
(Bush Historians)
Re-writing history and other forms of reference content (encyclopedia content, dictionaries, books, etc.) to aid false inference. This is also associated with stalking, theft, and relevant faggotry. It appears that the goal is to attack nationalism (advance Hadean communist jewpit hell) via the destruction of language and history to aid and abed a rapist narrative (nullifying cultural topographic variability... metaphorically similar to what they (Bush) did on 2001-09-11 by meanializing the topographic characteristics of Lower Manhattan. Aiding and abeding a rapist narrative... who else did that... ahh, yes Jew-Boy Adam, after he raped Eve and then created Jewpitism and Christianity as a means to pat himself on the back for his misogyny: Athenian normalization.
Modern US fire crews are highly associated with the subhuman society known as "free-masonry." It is better to think of modern US fire departments as extreme male-homosexual Machiavellian, relevant-faggit, communist, rapist, misogynist organizations engaged in activities that are somewhat consistent with the firemen depicted in the book, "Fahrenheit 451." They are subhuman stalkers, pedophile rapists and extreme progenitors of HIV. They engage in sexual blocking and other forms of ICE application: they are ass fucking scum shit-heads. They are about as bad as the FOP. They are highly involved in "preemption" which means both advancing extreme rape of the population (yielding intimate imposition without consent) AND somehow putting out fires... preemptively (?... they're insane)... regardless they have tried and gone to the extreme via nullifying all sources of heat (virtue is hot, as is human being, and truth) by stalking and disabling nearly anyone who is of being (being requires virtue)... the theory appears to be that if the population is dead enough then they can't actually create a fire because they don't have the ability to do anything (they are the disease that is the sin war... the cold war). They are progenitors of numbness. They are oil w. They are ICE. Faggits are highly associated with the FDs, as they tend to destroy heterosexual courtship (and other aspects of my culture/kind) which tend to be extremely hot. They are mostly insane, and they are supporters of BUSH. They are banned from social events at stations as they use the events to primarily proliferate disease, like Typhoid Mary. I hope they all deanimate. Fire.
Faggit-American-in-the-Middle Attacks (MM Attacks)
(ICE Attacks)
(Rapist Emma)
Cell tower spoofing. Network sandboxing (sandboxed internet). Fake PKI. Email fraud. Other forms of cell phone fraud. This also includes defamation as defamation is inherently part of fraud. Hu-int MM: seeding false narratives, defamatory gossip, etc. (mostly advanced by the PDs and their rapist faggit cunt shit-head whores).
...a speciality of both Jew and nigger Bush.
This is also a form of rape and national decentralization... they work extremely hard at corrupting the development of anti-rapist social nucleases (feminist social nucleases similar to Spartan social nucleases... that tend to be extremely "racist" (anti-jew, anti-nigger) discriminatory, nationalist, feminist, and truth-oriented. The Wiemar kike is afraid of payback.
Collective stalking
Collective stalking (collective signalling via surveillance, disease, collective notification via: sirens [police, fire departments, EMS, train], ghetto kazoo mufflers, car alarms, cell phones, collective aspects of disease, anything of general notification, etc.) of virtue (individuals, human, non-disease, non-faggit, non-Jew, non-bush)... this IS cancer (carbon copy NI, carbon copy North America, carbon copy in: they, the shit heads, the fop, are cancer). Menialization, normalization by psychotics d'egalite culture via forced parity, yielding a rapist stalking culture of disease and non-existence, largely championed by sub-human scum (SIN; local, state and federal HIV faggit government [mg, fop, fd, etc.]; BUSH).
Similar to the collective signaling used during the army ranger raid on Mogadishu (cell phones, tire fires, etc.) in the 90s, except more disease based, thus yielding something much more like fraternity and sorority based signaling (probably the cultural origin of the actions). The supreme court case pertaining to the use of a car horn as protected communication (rather than as an entity of urgent unambiguous notification of alarm) is a case that was probably created by a PAC of the bush death cult (stalking communists creating a legal basis for generalized stalking as a form of or a tool of government).
Collective being negatively correlates with human being; there is a causal relationship between the destruction of human being and the construction of diseased (collective) being... HIV destroys life, disease has a competitive relationship with life. Disease does not have a commensal or symbiotic relationship with life; the mitochodria (an example of endosymbiosis) is a rare example of symbiosis between disease and being.
Do not use disease as a resource.
Never have sex with people who use disease as a resource. Do not have sex with stalkers. Never have sex with anyone who has an HIV infection.
Niggers: HIV IN, HIV controller of I, blacks and black African Americans, Similar to cancer (CC NI, CC IN, CC NA). These are rapists (intellectual rapists and physical rapists). Niggers engage in collective stalking and tend to advance coverage (negative eugenics against whites) via things like para-national regulation (hate groups, religious organizations, falsely representing as a regional government, etc.). Avoid talking to (wasting your time with) niggers. If you are white never have sex with a nigger (a black person, someone with dark skin).
Do not have sex with niggers, unless you are black skinned.
Peace symbol (particularly Pdie)... Symbol of Athenian rapists: emphasizing forced peace (rather than conflict/discrimination/existence), yielding communalized cunt and other aspects of collective culture.
Broken arrow (traitors) to kike (heading to IUU, Jew).
VIO reference to viol(e): an attempt, en Francaise, to describe the action and results of something like the word rape in English. Currently described as "life blocked from 'l' or 'le' depending on the gender of the word.
Possibly a variant of a symbol used to describe males (circle with an arrow protruding), instead the peace symbol could be a variant of this depicting a broken cock/male symbol (hence its initial use in nuclear disarmament [actual nuclear war is a metaphor of social nuclearization via disease (HIV and others)], but this is only true in rapist cultures]. Rape is a Machiavellian disease, an actual infection, thus most men in rapist culture are the epicenters of social nuclearization (they are vassals of the disease and spreaders of the disease), thus the symbol of Peace, the broken cock (an aspect of ED). works well in their subhuman cultures as a way of depicting non-conflict (as sexual abstinence in a rapist misogynist culture means less Jew, less social nuclearization, less HIV). For those of truth, Machiavellian/rapist/misogynist sex cultures (diseased cultures, Jew cultures) are already ED (extremely unattractive) and thus natural resolution occurs ("I'm not putting my cock in that jew shit," and thus disease dies off). If however, the disease culture becomes the main culture (Temple whore based direct democracy Athens), then imposed ED is required to reduce the damage caused by the disease (death as ED to ED); think of it as delayed application of apoptotic decree, the initial delay (the initial violation of senescence): their failure to be human, and thus their failure to do the right thing. For cultures that are not as misogynistic (possibly Etrusca, Sparta, Sumer) the peace symbol as ED would not really represent peace as the guys in those cultures were probably not as misogynistic and tended not to sexually groom or attempt to control women.
Life is discrimination (virge), coexistence and peace is an argument posed by disease that floods the Styx onto the land of living, contaminating life with disease. Coexistence and peace is an argument posed by disease that blows the fog cloud of sublimated Jew from the ethereal, yet peaceful, realm of Hades onto the land of the living, chaos results as the failed theses of the dead contaminate the truth requisite for the continuity of life: vision is obfuscated via the mistaken belief that the insights induced by disease are knowledge.
Do not have sex with people who use peace to advance the communalization of people.
Fumee (smoking; thematically reinforcing the subconscious Jew desire to be a sublimated fog cloud in Hades; they have a strong tendency to attack delineations required for life, thus it appears that they fight for border-less existence): slow suicide, advertises a degraded defense (willingness to make bad decisions). With a degraded risk profile, smokers are more willing to physiologically self-deprecate than those who value life: and since everything is about sex and love (correct), smokers (the suicidal) are the shills of the courtship paradigm. Their sexual impositions affirm a state of misogyny, confirmation that their under-actualized form and that of their sexual partner was good enough. Under-reward motivates to maximal form. Contradiction of the self emanates from non-self (infection), thus those women, exposed to something like a social jihadi, a smoker, are left maimed and contaminated by that influence: those women are stripped from my life... pleasure/virtue drawn away, torture remaining. Smoking is probably the most common, easily recognizable characteristic of social jihadism, but really any action that compromises existence contributes to destructive pressure in the sex/social scene.
Do not have sex with smokers.
The theatrics of sin; actors and actresses of HIV AIDS, Trypanosoma and other diseases. Untrue action forged by force of disease. Non-self imposition in the core of self, the mind. Sexual grooming as either a natural byproduct of rape or purposefully advanced with the notion that rape is constructive, that Eve was imperfect. Lack of true intensity (everything is theatrics), they are creatures of facade. They probably think that sin is their sole. In a sexual context, theatrics (the antithesis of intimacy, nullifying connection)... boring and dangerous.
Do not have sex with actors or actresses of disease.
Lilliputian lines (disease, sin, etc.), b[L]inding and disabling: non-consensual imposition. Forced participation of rapist culture. Forced vassal-ship to disease. Strong being attacked by control (SIN). No thank you faggit, I like woman. (Grey bird not gray bird)
Do not have sex with those advancing the culture of forced participation in sex.
Cunt (faggit vagina) fucking rapist faggits determining their own viability (homosexually, ie amongst themselves) rather than seeking the consensual acceptance and affirmation by a capable female. In this graphic the Ayb character is shown depicting the female, this means that the female is corrupt (her self is not intact), and thus cannot provide consent. The male symbols used in this graphic should actually be Ayb characters as well, but the male symbol is used to provide gender contrast.
Do not have sex with rapists or those of rapist culture (those who attempt to control virtue via sin, usually advanced via sexual imposition.
(red time)
IgG (HIV) culture (phenotypical behavioral aspects of IgG/HIV) wastes my time. IgG rapists seem to spend a tremendous amount of time and energy raping to modify my world. Using IgG/HIV to try to yield a better outcome is a waste of my time as the viability of those exposed to IgG (ie those imposed upon/ raped) is destroyed. Using rape/disease to modify human behavior is a waste of my time, as an important aspect of human beauty/attractiveness is being human. Rape then becomes an educational forum as I then explain why their rapist modifications are disease/anti-human. Do not use rape/disease as a tool.
Everyday, the disease ruins pleasure in life: short form interaction (out of necessity, with long form interaction their facade breaks-down), inconsistency, oddity, artificial-intelligence... Jew (hell) on earth for those who actually like human, Jew on earth (heaven) for disease (all of U).
Bus [Sick/diseased] Pen[is]
Use of local, state and federal infrastructure to advance rapist pedophile culture (to aid and abed the Athenian (Machiavellian) race (rape) to youth). No child left behind, bus rapist HIV diseased cock to schools, etc.. Perhaps the origin of little shit-head abomination faggit cunted whores. Get all faggit cunt and rapist cock out of schools. FYI, Athenian faggit cunt is not attractive. Bus-Pen is part of the being-you-be-quiet (bush) attack on "Being-is-here" (Americi), as Americi also means "Sumer Here" (School/teachers is/are the enemy of Sumer). Schools are being used by Being-You-Be-Quiet (the bush death cult) to attack Sumer (ie being: "sum" ---> "gm" ---> "dm" ---> "am" ---> 'to be") via No Child Left Behind (a program of predatory fop rapist imposition) and via "bus penis" [bush] (a program that turns schools into Athenian temple whore facilities (disease, VD, STD based information acquisition... the knowledge of disease). Hmm... so why don't I fuck Hiverici pussy... the bush death cult has already been there.
Bush = virtue destroyed by sin
Negative Eugenics, Die Love, Disease, Pope, Temple Whore Culture
Eradicate ise [with] ise
Eradicate life with ise
Eradicate life with il ["i so" or "he"]
Eradicate human being with human being
Virtue (p) separated from (o) virtue (p); the opposite of porn (virtue separated from sin)... porn is good.
HIV Oil w, Disease.
Eradicate covered ie (induce hiv ie (dead, died, die)
Gilse: eradicate so ise, advance disease
...all of these things are associated with negative eugenics: negative eugenics applied to human beings (life, ie, il [he], etc.) by things, not people... "Le & La" pronouns.
Devil may not be bad: Glv (love, Erradicate rape)
Communist Democrats (Athenian Style Democracy; Disease as Government; Rape as Government)
The short-sited proliferation of infection leads to aggregations of influence (wielded by the underlying infection); this is then sculpted into something resembling a democracy (an attempt is made to pass-off collective neuro-infection [sin] as a government). While a democracy sounds like freedom, it is not; it is how a generalized collective infection (and assortment of a desecrated, diseased HIV faggit cunted temple whore fucked population) creates a socio-political structure to maintain the framework of disease transmittal and to instantiate disease as a supposed resource, rather than a burden.
What is the solution? Not a king, and not aggregations of worldly faggit-based regulation (government) at all: the solution is repentance. Every-time you trespass against women (in a basic and divine sense) you break aspects of the order of God, you break the garden of eden that much more, and then those shit-head men attempt to create earthly regulation to compensate for the loss of that divine order; problem is that the regulation of men is faulty and misogynistic... it is often wrong and it often makes the problem worse. If you are a whore, shit-head and/or another form of misogynist, then simply do not have sex, and do not use the damage caused by your misogyny (ie the diseases acquired) as tools. Learn to hate disease.
Never have sex with those who support disease as government. Never have sex with anyone who has worked or works in government.
Etymologically Unfavorable Product Marketing (product codes, names, etc.)
They attempt to impose a lifestyle on a buyer via passive endorsement (via cryptic product part numbers, product names [etc.] that have meaning in various etymological interpretive frameworks); the lifestyle imposed, based on etymological analysis is usually something that supports rapist Athenian culture (misogynist culture). In normal culture there isn't such variance or value applied to product naming because rapist manipulation of culture is not as prevalent. Why does this matter? Rapists use passive endorsement or liberal interpretation of content as an excuse to rape, impose and modulate... they are looking for an excuse to damage and destroy women.
The content is more prevalent in the current cultural paradigm because of the radical misogyny present (sexual grooming, destabilization of women, etc.; last 13-18 years) which tends to increase the ingress of subhuman influence in women, in eve, in the garden of eden, in God. Think of the etymological bullshit as the pillow-talk of subhuman shit heads, as aberrant data marring the human cultural genome like cancer.
This appears to be highly associated with executive branch intel groups, Muslim groups, faggit groups, and the religious right... every group is faggit, so the outcome is generally the same: disease gaining more power.
Life as a Movie
HIV (disease) sometimes attempts to subvert a given community, culture or person by creating the impression that, or attempting to advance the concept that life is a movie; the disease does this to soften people to the aberrant effects of the host's rapist cum, to soften a target to the long-lasting reality shattering effects of subhuman impositions in Eve (ie the rape of Eve), and to encourage them to live life against truth, a requisite aspect of being subject to sin. It also is an attempt to break the sincerity of the individual via the imposed expectation of theatrics and scripted/collective-continuity; they attempt to draw the sincere (the true, the individuals) into an insincere, wreck-less or self-destructive mindset: an imposed social framework (like a bear-hug) that attempts to nurture a mind that accepts sin as a guide or as the appropriate way of continuity in the world.
Life is almost never a movie. Continuity in sin, the theatrical life caused by sin imposition, kills human being.
Do not have sex with anyone who thinks that life is a movie, or that their life is a movie such people are insane and are usually extremely sick.
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